9th Grade ELA Test Prep Resources

Types of Constructed Responses on the STAAR - ELA/RLA Teacher Guide for testing

By Blooming Through High School

A teacher resource for all the kinds of responses students are expected to answer on the STAAR test.


Literary Analysis Writing Checklist

By Beth Hammett

Free checklist of parts of an introductory literary analysis for AP, Pre-AP, G/T, college level writers. Students are asked to locate: Hook--different kinds list Author's name Title of text Summary Area of literary analysis list Thesis, and write down your thesis Makes writing an introduction for a literary analysis easier to understand. Great for ELA test prep! Meets CCSS.


Standardized Testing

By Beth Hammett

A quick, two page review of Grammar Tips (sentence variety with examples and reader as writer instructions) along with a five-step format for structuring standardized essays. Easy to follow with color-coded examples.
