8th Grade Poetry Resources

As You Like It- Complete Teacher's Unit

By Educate and Create

Covering the As You Like It? Don't know where to get started? This bundle includes everything you need for your students to analyze the text for plot development, characterization, language, and more. Makes learning Shakespeare fun and easy for your students.

Complete Unit.

Covers the entire play of As You Like It !

Great for differentiation.


HIGH SCHOOL POETRY UNIT | 3 Weeks of Lesson Plans | 60+ Poems in 12 Packets!

By Rigorous Resources for High School English

UPDATED FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR: Finally, a poetry unit designed for high-school English that teenagers genuinely love!! Your students' skills in close reading and literary analysis of poems will skyrocket....

The 3-week unit features 60+ canonical poems written by a diverse spectrum of English-speaking poets. The poems and accompanying lesson plans are organized into 12 thematic packets which can be used in sequence over two weeks. That's over 200 pages worth of editable poetry resources!

This unit promises to elicit dynamic engagement from all students without compromising on intellectual rigor. The discussion questions, quick writes, literary device quizzes, and analytical writing assignments will challenge your students to dig beneath the surface of the text and generate profound interpretive insights!!

Here are some highlights from this editable 200-page curriculum:

Homework Packets with Poems (5-6 Poems per Packet): The 12 homework packets contain a total of 71 poems by a diverse range of award-winning poets such as William Shakespeare, John Keats, Christina Rossetti, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Robert Hayden, Theodore Roethke, Maya Angelou, Audre Lorde, Mary Oliver, Gary Soto, Li-Young Lee, Ada Limón, Elizabeth Acevedo, and others. The poems are collected into ten reading packets that focus on prominent literary devices and themes: 1) poems using sensory imagery, 2) poems using figurative language, 3) love poems, 4) poems on ethical dilemmas, 5) poems on complex parent-child dynamics, and 6) poems on cultural identity. Because teenagers have a lot to say about these themes, the poems will set the stage for your class to have fascinating and profoundly productive discussions!! (75 pages)

Literary Devices Glossary: A glossary with definitions and examples of the various types of figurative language, imagery, stanzas, and syntactic devices. Many teachers already have a glossary of literary devices, but I'm providing this in case you need one. (2 pages)

Literary Devices Quizzes: A total of ten quizzes, each with 10 questions about a wide range of literary devices: metaphor, personification, symbolism, imagery, alliteration, etc. Open each class with a quiz to assess whether your students can accurately identify the literary devices used in the poems from the homework packets. Answer keys included. (24 pages).

Discussion Questions: This bundle features a list of discussion questions for the first poem in each of the homework packets. The discussion questions will ensure that every class discussion starts on a productive foot. Every discussion question is grounded in concrete textual details and challenges students to arrive at lucid interpretive insights! The questions lend themselves to a range of different pedagogical uses: 1) to focus students’ thinking prior to beginning a discussion, 2) to prompt in-class writing, 3) to assign written reflections for homework, etc. Guaranteed to elicit student engagement and foster deep thinking! Answer keys included. (60 pages)

Quick Writes: The quick writes give students an opportunity to capture and refine the best ideas generated in the discussion. Quick writes can also help reticent students to gather their thoughts so they'll feel ready and eager to contribute. (24 pages)

Analytical Writing Assignment: Challenge students to take their interpretations one step further by writing an analytical paper on a poem of their choice. The assignment sheet contains detailed instructions for how to generate a formalist analysis of a poem (analyzing how the poem's formal features contribute to its meaning). This kind of formalist analysis is exactly what students are asked to generate on the AP Literature exam! Sample paper included. (15 pages)

This entire resource packet will come to you in two separate formats: Word docs *and* PDFs. Because the Word docs are fully editable, you'll be able to customize the materials to suit the skill levels of your students — year after year! If you don't have Microsoft Word, you'll still be able to access all of the materials as PDF documents — which are easy to navigate and quick to print!

My store is called “Rigorous Resources” because all of the resources contain rigorous content that will motivate students to engage in thought-provoking and productive discussions. Thank you for choosing Rigorous Resources.

Happy teaching!

Adam Jernigan, Ph.D.


Should you prefer to purchase the poetry units individually, here are links to the five poetry units:

Poetry Unit #1: Sensory Imagery in Poetry

Poetry Unit #2: Figurative Language in Poetry

Poetry Unit #3: Love Poems

Poetry Unit #4: Poems on Ethical Dilemmas

Poetry Unit #5: Poems on Family Relationships

Poetry Unit #6: Poems on Cultural Identity

Store: https://www.TeachShare.com/Store/Rigorous-Resources


Unlock Your Creativity: Inspiring Creative Writing Bundle for Writers!

By Inspired By MlG

Struggling to turn those creative ideas into captivating stories? The Inspiring Creative Writing Bundle is your key to unlocking your potential and becoming a confident, well-rounded writer!

This powerful toolkit equips you with everything you need to:

  • Craft imaginative stories: Learn the secrets of engaging storytelling techniques that will hook your readers from the very first sentence.
  • Bring characters to life: Develop dynamic characters with depth and personality that will resonate with your audience.
  • Master the art of editing: Polish your work with effective editing strategies that ensure your writing is clear, concise, and error-free.

No matter your experience level, this bundle is designed to empower you on your writing journey.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Proven techniques to ignite your imagination and overcome writer's block.
  • Step-by-step guidance on developing captivating plots and storylines.
  • Invaluable tips for creating characters that leap off the page.
  • Essential editing exercises to refine your writing and elevate your prose.
  • Expert advice to help you discover your unique voice and writing style.

With the Inspiring Creative Writing Bundle, you'll be ready to:

  • Express yourself creatively through the power of storytelling.
  • Build confidence in your writing abilities.
  • Take your writing to the next level and impress your teachers!
  • Embark on a fulfilling adventure of self-discovery and artistic expression.

Don't wait! Unleash your inner author and transform your writing today!

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☺ Follow me to receive notifications when new products are posted. You will also receive occasional messages alerting you to sales, promotions, and other exciting news.

☺ Don’t quite see what you are looking for? Leave me a note in the “Ask a Question” tab. I would be happy to create a product to meet the needs of you and your students.

⭐Questions? Send me an email at




By French Made Fun!

Avez-vous du mal à savoir par où commencer ? Où finir ? Avez-vous de la difficulté à enseigner de plus petits morceaux afin que vos élèves sachent ce qu'on attend d'eux, afin qu'ils puissent écrire efficacement et en toute confiance ? C'est votre première année d'enseignement et vous aimez voir un modèle ou un exemple pour vous guider dans les années à venir ? Cherchez vous des critères de réussite et des modèles - Avez-vous honnêtement du mal à faire la différence, vous-même, entre les différents genres que vos élèves sont censés produire ? Cherchez pas plus loin! J'ai fait le travail pour que vous puissiez enseigner avec confiance et pour que vos élèves performent avec confiance.

Mes études de genre vous donneront suffisamment de contenu enseignable, d'activités imprimables, d'invitations de discussion et d'opportunités d'écriture guidée pour écrire avec facilité et confiance. Chacun de mes ensembles de genres commence par un contenu enseignable et des minis-leçons et réflexions intégrées pour que vos élèves partagent, participent et collaborent avec leurs pairs. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec l'enseignement des genres, c'est le produit qu'il vous faut. JE guide vos cours, VOUS le facilitez en personne.

Mes produits sont FAITS avec vos grands enfants et adolescents à l'esprit. Vous ne trouverez pas de dessins animés enfantins, de polices difficiles à lire et exagérées et vous ne trouverez pas de mots croisés et d'espace perdu. Je prends le temps de m'assurer que mes produits sont attrayants pour un groupe d'élèves plus âgés, mais toujours attrayants, engageants et à leur niveau. Ils sont créés pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année en milieu Immersion ou Français langue première.

Cette étude de genre fait partie d'un ensemble grandissant, que vous pouvez trouver ici.

Ce document étudie en profondeur la poésie et l'expression poétique.

Voici ce que vous pouvez attendre de cette ressource :

  • Diapositives d'enseignement (73 pages)

  • Définissons ensemble ce qu'est la poésie et les poètes

  • Explication sur les schémas de rimes, les strophes, les vers, les syllabes

  • Explication sur les dispositifs littéraires et les figures de style (comparaisons, métaphores, onomatopées)

  • Discussion sur le thème

  • Minis-poèmes modèles

  • Invitations + discussions

  • Activités sur la différenciation des trois schémas de rimes

  • Activités sur la différenciation des métaphores des comparaisons

  • Jeu kinesthésique sur les syllabes

  • Explication des haïkus et acrostiches

  • Poème décortiqué!

  • Activités sur la planification + organisation des idées

  • Un poème guidé - sa création, sa révision, son amélioration étape par étape comme texte modèle

  • Étapes d'amélioration et de révision.

  • Carnet d'élève (37 pages)

  • Rendre un texte poétique

  • Réfléchir pour écrire de la poésie (7 activités réflexives personnelles pour encourager une pensée poétique et générer des idées créatives).

  • Sois dans la zone

  • La musique et les figures de style

  • Haïku (2 activités)

  • Quintain

  • Diamante (3 activités)

  • Poème biographique (2 activités)

  • Tanka

  • Acrostiche (2 activités)

  • Poème allitératif

  • Le poème-pensée

  • Investigation des mots (un mini-dictionnaire du vocabulaire de la poésie)

  • Mon poème tout garni

  • Projet final: Mon anthologie

  • Détails du projet

  • Critères de réussite

  • Activité de pré-écriture

  • Brouillons + listes de vérification (x4)

  • Évaluation par les pairs

** Mes documents évoluent constamment et j'ajoute des activités, des imprimables et du matériel didactique dès que je les réalise pour mon propre usage. En fait, ce document a eu une mise à jour 05.05.23**

Vous pouvez gagner des crédits en laissant des commentaires sur les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en vous rendant sur votre page My Purchases et en cliquant sur Leave a Review. Vous gagnerez 1 crédit pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Si vous êtes intéressés par mes produits, assurez-vous de vous inscrire à ma boutique pour être averti lorsque je crée de nouveaux produits ou lance des ventes. Vous pouvez également me rejoindre sur Facebook, où je partage des cadeaux et préviens à l'avance les ventes à venir.

Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!

- Kaitlyn.


BUNDLE of Winter/ Holiday/ Christmas Resources for the Secondary English Teacher

By The Red-Haired Reader

This bundle packages the 4 activities that I like to do right before Winter Break together at a discount! You'll get Question Trails for 2 O. Henry stories, including "A Chaparral Christmas Gift" and "The Gift of the Magi". You'll also get a station activity for Robert Frost's "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening", and an analysis activity for Billy Collins' "Snow Day". Please check out the details for each product below! Happy Holidays!

Please help my little business grow!

Did you know that you can receive $ credit towards future TeachShare purchases by reviewing this product? Please leave a review at the product page or through "My Purchases" under "My Account" at TpT. Thank you!


LITERATURE CLASSICS: 4 short story digital introduction & vocab in POWERPOINT

By Kiwious About Vocab

This introductory Powerpoint BUNDLE provides digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. These lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessment.


THE LOTTERY by Shirley Jackson, THE RAVEN by Edgar Allan Poe, THANK YOU MA'AM by Langston Hughes, THE RANSOM OF RED CHIEF by O. Henry

GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension and aligned to standards

AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms

PDF FILE: Each comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the Google Slide lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.

Opening slide
-genre, author photo and short bio.
-PDF of short story

Setting slides:
-Location photos with map
-Time period photos with live link to period music clip!

*Vibrant Vocabulary Google Slides: see each item description for word lists
-bold photos appear without definition for inference making
-part of speech
-concise definition

Differentiated Worksheet: used as a pretest, posttest, or practice
Quizlet practice link
Part of speech sort
* Word connotation sort
*Vocabulary Organizer
*Prereading Discussion Questions


· Introduce classic short stories
· Provide backstory to literary text
· Stimulate group discussion
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation
PRINTABLE USES: word walls and interactive notebooks

****Please be sure to view the preview and watch the video for detailed images and descriptions of the lesson.

Total Pages
31 slides 8 printables
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
55 minutes


The Raven Literature Guide

By Language Arts Excellence

This resource features a comprehensive literature guide for use while reading Edgar Allan Poe's arguably most famous work, "The Raven." The packet provides an excellent basis for comprehension and vocabulary acquisition and encourages students to think critically about plot structure, literary elements, and figurative language within the poem. The wide range of activities in this guide will keep your students engaged as they contemplate the meaning of nevermore.

Product Includes:

  • Attractive cover page for student packet
  • Anticipation guide
  • Vocabulary
  • Vocabulary drawing activity
  • Comprehension questions
  • Freytag’s pyramid worksheet
  • Literary elements worksheet
  • Figurative language worksheet
  • "Snap Chatter" activity
  • The Raven Socratic Seminar Lesson & Materials
  • Full answer keys for teacher use

While this literature guide is Common Core aligned for eighth grade, it is appropriate for students in seventh-eleventh.


Check out these great products to supplement your study of The Raven:

⭐ The Raven Figurative Language Challenge


More resources to round out your Edgar Allan Poe unit:

⭐ Introduction to Edgar Allan Poe PowerPoint

⭐ Introduction to Edgar Allan Poe Scavenger Hunt

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe ESCAPE ROOM

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe Bell Ringer Journal Prompts

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe Crossword Puzzle

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe Brochure

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe's Obituary

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe Quote Posters

⭐ Poe's Annabel Lee Poetry/Song Pairing

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe Resource Bundle

But why stop with one poem? We have enough Edgar Allan Poe resources to frighten your students for months!

⭐ The Tell-Tale Heart Literature Guide

⭐ The Black Cat Literature Guide

⭐ The Pit and the Pendulum Literature Guide

⭐ The Cask of Amontillado Literature Guide

⭐ The Fall of the House of Usher Literature Guide

⭐ The Masque of the Red Death Literature Guide

⭐ Edgar Allan Poe Short Story BUNDLE


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The Tempest Bundle: Complete Teacher's Unit

By Educate and Create

Studying The Tempest? Don't know where to get started? We have you covered from start to finish with this bundle.

Everything you need for a fun and successful unit on Shakespeare's play The Tempest.

Great for differentiation! Suits the needs of multiple learners.


The Tempest Interactive Flip book Study Guide

The Tempest Interactive Characterization Flip book

The Tempest Acts 1-5 Quizzes

The Tempest: Epilogue Analysis

The Tempest Escape Room

Shakespeare Comedies Power point


Night by Elie Wiesel BUNDLE of resources!

By The Red-Haired Reader

This bundle includes an imagery unit plan, a question trail, an analysis of "Never Shall I Forget" from chapter 3, an analysis of "Juliek's Violin" by Cyrus Cassells (to use with chapter 6), and a Socratic Seminar for Elie Wiesel's Night. Please check out each product individually. Thank you!

Please help my little business grow!

Did you know that you can receive $ credit towards future TeachShare purchases by reviewing this product? Please leave a review at the product page or through "My Purchases" under "My Account" at TpT. Thank you!


LITERATURE CLASSICS: 4 short story digital introduction & vocab in Google Slides

By Kiwious About Vocab

This introductory Google Slide BUNDLE provides digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. These lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessment.


THE LOTTERY by Shirley Jackson, THE RAVEN by Edgar Allan Poe, THANK YOU MA'AM by Langston Hughes, THE RANSOM OF RED CHIEF by O. Henry

GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension and aligned to standards

AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms

PDF FILE: Each comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the Google Slide lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.

Google Slide:
Opening slide
-genre, author photo and short bio.
-PDF of short story

Setting slides:
-Location photos with map
-Time period photos with live link to period music clip!

*Vibrant Vocabulary Google Slides: see each item description for word lists
-bold photos appear without definition for inference making
-part of speech
-concise definition

Differentiated Worksheet: used as a pretest, posttest, or practice
Quizlet practice link
Part of speech sort
* Word connotation sort
*Vocabulary Organizer
*Prereading Discussion Questions


· Introduce classic short stories
· Provide backstory to literary text
· Stimulate group discussion
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation
PRINTABLE USES: word walls and interactive notebooks

****Please be sure to view the preview and watch the video for detailed images and descriptions of the lesson.

Total Pages
31 slides 8 printables
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
55 minutes


Back to School Poetry Escape Room Bundle - In Class & Digital

By Language Arts Excellence

This bundle includes the in-class and digital versions of our Back to School Poetry Escape Room.

There is no wonder why escape rooms are so popular; they are highly engaging and encourage people to work together and think creatively in order to solve different puzzles... all while trying to beat the clock! Now, you can facilitate our popular Back to School Poetry Escape Room at home for distance learning or in the classroom with this meticulously-crafted resource. Whether they are in school or at home, your students will be having so much fun that they won’t even realize how much they are learning about poetry while trying to escape!

How does it work?

The ghosts of Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Langston Hughes, William Shakespeare, and Maya Angelou have risen from the grave to lock your students inside your classroom. They are upset because they believe that students spend too much time talking about (fill in the blank with whatever is hip with students these days) and not enough time reading and writing poetry. Students cannot escape until they complete 5 poetry-based tasks to show these ghosts of poets past that they do in fact know their poetry.

  • Watch Your Tone: In the first task, students will read 6 poem excerpts and identify their tone. When cards are matched correctly, shaded letters will reveal the code.
  • Rhyme Time: In the second task, students will read 8 poem excerpts and determine the rhyme scheme of each. When cards are matched correctly on a chart, numbers on the cards will reveal the code.
  • Poe's Anatomy: In the third task, students will closely read A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe and complete an anatomy of the poem. When completed correctly, shaded letters within the answers will reveal the code.
  • Ah-Mazing: In the third task, students must solve a challenging word maze. Letters collected along the way form the fourth code.
  • Complete the Quote: The final task brings the first four tasks together. Students must match the code words with their definitions and complete a quote about poetry.

In-Class Escape Room Includes:

- Escape Room Basics

- Detailed Day-Of Instructions

- Escape Room Print Checklist

- Student Teams Chart

- Materials for 5 Tasks: task signs to be folded upright, task instructions (2 per page for easy printing), and necessary information to be kept at stations

- Student Answer Booklets (small and large options)

- Teacher Answer Keys

- Code Word Theme Open Response for homework or in-class writing activity

Digital Escape Room Includes:

- Instructions for how to access and share escape room and answer key through Google Drive

- Materials for 5 Tasks: digital task signs, detailed task instructions, and supplementary materials

- Digital Student Worksheets

- Digital Teacher Answer Key

This escape room is suitable for middle and high school students and is ideal at the beginning of the school year or any time during your poetry unit without modification. Students will need to know definitions of poetic devices and terms in order to complete the activity. Some of the terms covered: stanza, enjambment, simile, oxymoron, alliteration, rhyme scheme, personification, tone, sonnet, haiku, limerick, acrostic...


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Bundle of 8 resources for S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders !

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product bundles all of the products I have in my store for S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders. You'll get everything from characterization activities to a creative narrative writing assignment to an analysis of "Nothing Gold Can Stay" to a final assessment!
Please check out the individual products for the details. Thank you so much! Let me know if you have any questions!


3 Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories/Poem Digital Introduction & Vocab Google Slides

By Kiwious About Vocab

"The Raven," "The Tell-Tale Hear" and "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe: these introductory Google Slide lessons provide digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. The lessons also include vocabulary study, practice, and assessments.

-PDF Link included

GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension aligned to standards

AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms


1. **Author Bio:** To connect vocabulary with real-world context, we provide author biographies related to each short story. This adds depth to the lesson, allowing students to appreciate the words in the context of the author's life experience.

2. **Setting**: highly informative slides include maps, historical images and intriguing video links to prepare students to have a deeper understanding of the location and time period in which the story takes place. This is a crucial element when preparing students to read outside their own worldview.

3. **Vocab with Concise Definitions :** Our PowerPoint lesson provides clear and concise definitions for challenging vocabulary words, ensuring that students understand the meaning of each word in context as it appears in the text.

4.**Bold Photos:** Visual learners will thrive with our visually appealing slides, featuring bold and relevant images that help reinforce vocabulary concepts and make learning more engaging.

5.**Parts of Speech:** Understanding the parts of speech is crucial for effective language comprehension. Our lesson includes sections dedicated to identifying the part of speech for each vocabulary word.

6. **Grammar Review & Sort** Strengthen language skills with integrated grammar review sections, ensuring students can apply the vocabulary words correctly in their own writing and communication.

7. **Connotation Review & Sort** Dive deeper into vocabulary nuances by exploring the connotations of words, helping students grasp the subtle shades of meaning and usage.

8.**Context Clues Sentences:** Our lesson includes carefully curated sentences that employ context clues, enabling students to decipher word meanings from surrounding text. This fosters independent comprehension skills. These worksheets can be used for practice or assessment.

9.**Quizlet Practice:** Reinforce learning and encourage self-assessment with Quizlet practice sets tailored to the vocabulary words covered in the lesson. This interactive tool allows students to review and quiz themselves.

10**PDF file** 9 organizers, activities, and quizzes

11 **Fun Fact** photos and video links are inserted throughout to bring important elements of the story into context and aid comprehension

· Introduce new story
· Provide backstory to text
· Stimulate group discussion/prediction
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation

PRINTABLE USES: word walls and interactive notebooks

This bundle is also available in PowerPoint.

Enjoy -from Kiwious About Vocab!


Divergent Activity Bundle

By Language Arts Excellence

This resource features a bundle of all of our best-selling lesson plans, materials, and activities for Veronica Roth's best-selling dystopian novel, Divergent. Each product is thoughtfully crafted and allows students to think outside the box by delving deeply into the novel's themes, characters, and plot development. Lessons have all been classroom-tested and allow for differentiation while encouraging optimal student engagement. You will not find tedious lists of comprehension questions and vocabulary words in this bundle; instead you will find materials that will bring the novel to life!

Included in this Bundle:

⭐ Introduction to Dystopia Powerpoint & Crossword

This resource features an engaging, interactive, editable PowerPoint Presentation for introducing or reviewing Dystopian Fiction to your students! The PowerPoint Presentation runs through an entire lesson from warm-up to explanation, application, and summarizer. Also included are 2 pages of "guided notes" so that you may differentiate your lecture for all levels of students. Recently, a fun dystopia crossword puzzle has been added to help reinforce knowledge of the lesson. Since utopias and dystopias are intrinsically motivating for students, this lesson is always a fun one and gets students excited about the upcoming unit on Divergent.

⭐ Divergent "Silent Conversation" Quote Pass Activity

This product features a thoughtful and engaging activity for use during your study of Divergent. Centering around 5 different provocative passages from the book, this lesson provides your students with a chance to think, reflect, and respond to their peers without ever saying a word. This creative approach is a great way to differentiate instruction among your students and allows even your most quiet students to shine. I am confident that this no-prep lesson will become a must-do activity within your unit on Divergent!

⭐ Tattoos of Divergent Character Symbolism Lesson Plan

This powerpoint explores the symbolism behind the character's tattoos. It is a fantastic opening mini-lesson to an activity in which students choose their own "symbolic" tattoos. My students LOVE this activity - just be prepared to share what symbolic tattoo you would get - they WILL ask!

⭐ Divergent Faction Acrostic Poem Assignment

This product contains an assignment for students to create their own acrostic poem for their favorite faction from Divergent. This is the perfect assignment to give after conducting a mock ceremony in your classroom.

⭐ Divergent Fear Landscape Assignment

This resource contains two separate assignments for creating a fear landscape so that you may differentiate among your figurative and literal thinkers. The first is more appropriate for students who can think symbolically (typically end of eighth grade and above) while the second is better suited for your literal thinkers (sixth-seventh grade). No matter which assignment you give, this is an engaging project that will urge students to consider their deepest fears and connect with Tris and her Dauntless friends in Divergent.

⭐ Divergent Mock Choosing Ceremony

This product contains everything you need to conduct your very own true-to-the-book Choosing Ceremony for Divergent in your classroom! This is one of my favorite activities I do with my students all year as I truly get insight into who they are and what they believe. The Choosing Ceremony will be an emotional challenge for some but very well-worth it!

⭐ Divergent Worksheet Bundle

This product includes a crossword puzzle, faction knowledge worksheets, a Freytag's Pyramid worksheet for entire novel, character review worksheet, and full answer keys.

⭐ Divergent Socratic Seminar Lesson Plan and Materials

Socratic Seminars are higher order ways of assessing whether your students are able to understand and react to your class text. These seminars rely on the power of inquiry and allow students to take the lead in their learning and discussion. The only problem? They require a great deal of preparation. Fortunately, with this resource, the work has been done for you. This packet includes everything you need to conduct a structured and formal set of Socratic Seminars in your classroom surrounding the novel.

⭐ Divergent Final Project - Long Lost Sixth Faction

This project instructs students to create their own faction. They must create everything from faction name, symbol, jobs, and manifesto to a propaganda poster, initiation process and more! This comprehensive project takes students about 1 week to complete. Because it is such an incredibly engaging activity, it truly runs itself and is the perfect way to conclude your study of Divergent.

⭐ Divergent Unit Test

This comprehensive test includes 46 well-written questions: character matching, plot-level multiple choice, faction knowledge chart, vocabulary, and short answer along with full answer key.


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BUNDLE! Emily Dickinson: Set of 7 Foldable Poetry Analysis Activities

By The Red-Haired Reader

This is a bundle of 7 foldables for the poetry of Emily Dickinson; It includes all of the products linked above. I find foldables to be an excellent way to chunk the text and make poetry more accessible to my students. Please check out the details in each listing, and let me know if you have any questions!


The Raven, The Cask of Amontillado, The Tell-Tale Heart digital Intro & Vocab

By Kiwious About Vocab

"The Raven," "The Cask of Amontillado," and "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe: these introductory lessons provide digital pre-reading information for the author, genre, and setting. The lessons also include vocabulary study, practice and assessments.

GOAL: to prepare each student to read rigorous literature by front-loading story elements critical to comprehension aligned to standards

AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL or virtual classrooms

PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 8 printable worksheets to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.


1. **Author Bio:** To connect vocabulary with real-world context, we provide author biographies related to each short story. This adds depth to the lesson, allowing students to appreciate the words in the context of the author's life experience.

2. **Setting**: highly informative slides include maps, historical images and intriguing video links to prepare students to have a deeper understanding of the location and time period in which the story takes place. This is a crucial element when preparing students to read outside their own worldview.

3. **Vocab with Concise Definitions :** (See individual lessons for vocabulary words) Our PowerPoint lesson provides clear and concise definitions for challenging vocabulary words, ensuring that students understand the meaning of each word in context as it appears in the text.

4.**Bold Photos:** Visual learners will thrive with our visually appealing slides, featuring bold and relevant images that help reinforce vocabulary concepts and make learning more engaging.

5.**Parts of Speech:** Understanding the parts of speech is crucial for effective language comprehension. Our lesson includes sections dedicated to identifying the part of speech for each vocabulary word.

6. **Grammar Review & Sort** Strengthen language skills with integrated grammar review sections, ensuring students can apply the vocabulary words correctly in their own writing and communication.

7. **Connotation Review & Sort** Dive deeper into vocabulary nuances by exploring the connotations of words, helping students grasp the subtle shades of meaning and usage.

8.**Context Clues Sentences:** Our lesson includes carefully curated sentences that employ context clues, enabling students to decipher word meanings from surrounding text. This fosters independent comprehension skills. These worksheets can be used for practice or assessment.

9.**Quizlet Practice:** Reinforce learning and encourage self-assessment with Quizlet practice sets tailored to the vocabulary words covered in the lesson. This interactive tool allows students to review and quiz themselves.

10**PDF file** 9 organizers, activities, and quizzes

11 **Fun Fact** photos and video links are inserted throughout to bring important elements of the story into context and aid comprehension

· Introduce new story
· Provide backstory to text
· Stimulate group discussion/prediction
· Create predictions about text
· Use as distance learning resource
· Post on webpage for review
· Add to electronic notebooks
· Provide test review
· Prompt Writing or Research assignments
· Grammar study / parts of speech
· Discuss Word Connotation

PRINTABLE USES: word walls and interactive notebooks

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• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you'll see a Provide Feedback button. If you click on it, you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Don’t you just love getting stuff for free?! We really value your feedback, as it helps us improve our products!

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Enjoy -from Kiwious About Vocab!


Valentine's Day ELA Escape Room Bundle - In Class & Digital

By Language Arts Excellence

This bundle includes the in-class and digital versions of our highly popular Valentine's Day ELA Escape Rooms!

There is no wonder why escape rooms are so popular; they are engaging and encourage people to work together and think creatively in order to solve different puzzles... all while trying to beat the clock. Now, you can facilitate our Valentine's Day ELA Escape Room in the classroom and at home for distance learning with this meticulously-crafted bundle. All tasks are skills-based so that with these fun lessons, learning is not sacrificed. Whether they are in school or at home, your students will be having so much fun that they won’t even realize the higher order thinking skills they are applying in the playing with these activities!

How does it work?

Your students are stuck in your [digital] classroom on Valentine's Day and cannot leave until they solve 5 challenging Language Arts skills-based tasks about the holiday of love!

  • Hugs & Homophones: In the first task, students will read 8 fun facts about Valentine's Day and must identify the incorrectly used homophone in each passage.
  • Love Talk: In the second task, students will read 8 quotes about love from famous figures and must identify the parts of speech of underlined words within the quotes.
  • Shall I Compare Thee: In the third task, students will perform a close reading of Shakespeare's famous Sonnet 18, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day. Then, they will answer multiple choice questions about the poem.
  • Fondly Figurative: In the fourth task, students must identify the figurative language devices used in popular love songs.
  • VDay Trivia: In the final task, students will be quizzed on what they learned throughout the first four tasks and enter their answers to Valentine's Day trivia questions in a fun crossword puzzle. Circled boxes within the puzzle will reveal their final code.

In-Class Escape Room Includes:

- Escape Room Basics

- Detailed Day-Of Instructions

- Escape Room Print Checklist

- Student Teams Chart

- Welcome Sign for Your Door

- Materials for 5 Tasks: task signs to be folded upright, task instructions (2 per page for easy printing), and necessary information to be kept at stations

- Student Answer Booklets (small and large options)

- Teacher Answer Keys

- Code Word Theme Open Response for homework or in-class writing activity

Digital Escape Room Includes:

- Instructions for how to access and share escape room and answer key through Google Drive

- Materials for 5 Tasks: digital task signs, detailed task instructions, and supplementary materials

- Digital Student Worksheets

- Digital Teacher Answer Key

*Note that this is the digital version of the Valentine's Day Escape Room; tasks are identical, just reformatted for digital experience. Requires use of Google Slides.*

Suitable for middle and high school students and is ideal during the month of February.


Also, check out more great Valentine's Day products by Language Arts Excellence:

⭐ Valentine's Day "Love Talk" Lesson Plan

⭐ Valentine's Day Collaborative Writing Activity

⭐ Valentine's Day Figurative Language Practice

⭐ Valentine's Day Love Song Figurative Language BUNDLE

⭐ Valentine's Day Mad Libs


Can't get enough escape rooms? Check out more by Language Arts Excellence here:


⭐ Thanksgiving ESCAPE ROOM

⭐ Christmas ESCAPE ROOM

⭐ New Year's ESCAPE ROOM

⭐ St. Patrick's Day ESCAPE ROOM



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BUNDLE of 7 Robert Frost poems: foldable poetry analysis activities!

By The Red-Haired Reader

This bundle includes 7 Robert Frost foldables for poetry analysis: Fire and Ice, Nothing Gold Can Stay, Design, Once by the Pacific, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, The Road Not Taken, and Acquainted with the Night. Please check out each product's listing, and let me know if you have any questions!

***Interested in checking out what a foldable poetry analysis from my store looks like? Please download my freebie here! Foldable Poetry Analysis for The Quiet World by Jeffrey McDaniel: FREEBIE ***

Please help my little business grow!

Did you know that you can receive $ credit towards future TeachShare purchases by reviewing this product? Please leave a review at the product page or through "My Purchases" under "My Account" at TpT. Thank you!


The Raven Activity Bundle

By Language Arts Excellence

This resource features a bundle of all of our lesson plans, materials, and activities for Edgar Allan Poe's famous poem of a man spiraling into madness, "The Raven." Each product is thoughtfully crafted and allows students to think outside the box by delving deeply into the poem's themes, vocabulary, poetic devices, and figurative language. Lessons have all been classroom-tested and allow for differentiation while encouraging optimal student engagement. This activity bundle provides a week's worth of material to bring the poem to life!

Included in this Bundle:

  • The Raven Literature Guide: This resource features a comprehensive literature guide for use while reading Edgar Allan Poe's arguably most famous work, "The Raven." The packet provides an excellent basis for comprehension and vocabulary acquisition and encourages students to think critically about plot structure, literary elements, and figurative language within the poem. The wide range of activities in this guide will keep your students engaged as they contemplate the meaning of nevermore.

  • The Raven Socratic Seminar Lesson & Materials (also included within Literature Guide): Socratic Seminars are higher order ways of assessing whether your students are able to understand and react to your class text. These seminars rely on the power of inquiry and allow students to take the lead in their learning and discussion. The only problem? They require a great deal of preparation. Fortunately, I have done the work for you! This packet includes everything you need to conduct a structured and formal set of Socratic Seminars in your classroom surrounding "The Raven."

  • The Raven ESCAPE ROOM: This meticulously-crafted resource features all of the materials you need to conduct a full-length Escape Room for "The Raven." Planning an escape room may seem like quite the daunting task (and it is!), but this product provides everything from the basics and set-up instructions to signs and answer keys so that yours runs smoothly from start to finish. The activity involves movement, energy, creative thinking and most of all, collaboration. It is the perfect activity for Halloween or any day you want to shake it up with your students without sacrificing learning. Your students will be having so much fun that they won’t even realize the higher order thinking skills they are applying in the playing of this game!

  • The Raven Figurative Language Challenge: This resource includes a meticulously-detailed lesson plan using warm-up, explanation, application, and synthesis, and a one-of-a-kind game that will get your students excited about identifying the copious amount of figurative language that pervades the poem. This is the perfect lesson plan for a Friday, on Halloween, or any time you need to amp up the energy in your classroom without sacrificing learning... and of course, it is Common Core aligned!


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Bundle of Sandra Cisneros Products for Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek

By The Red-Haired Reader

This bundle packages my products for The House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek. At my school we read The House on Mango Street as a full class, and later in the year Woman Hollering Creek is one of the literature circle choices. I've also included a poetry analysis activity: a foldable for "Abuelito Who". It's a beautiful coming of age poem with themes of family, love, and loss. Please check out each product's description individually! Thank you for looking!
