8th Grade Life Skills Handouts

Relationships (Ex Book) Self-Help

By Beth Hammett

Ex-Book takes you on an interactive writing journey to help shed a broken relationship and your ex. Explore expectations for a new soulmate with these 25 color and writing reflective activities. Includes: About me... Defining love... I like... My future soulmate... My idea of a romantic date... About my ex... My ex liked... What I liked about you/annoyed me about you/what we were working on... Road Map of Love Unlocked Secrets Our Favorite Memories Our Favorites What we shared... A last letter to my ex... A Poem to Free My Heart Making My Own Break-Up Movie Tattoo Design Break Up Party We broke up over... YOU be the judge... The Dating Game My Dream Vacation My Positive Attributes: A Recipe My future without my ex... Reflective, fun activities to ease pain and tension of a break-up. Great way to move on from a relationship and focus on positive character traits!


PERSONAL VALUES Workbook Unit - Health Education and Counseling Activities

By All Therapy Resources

This workbook allows you to reflect and gain insight into who you are – Discovering and clarifying your values, identity and sense of belonging. We say “discover” or “clarify” because our values are already a part of us. We just need to dig a little and find them. Knowing and living your values is essentially a map on how to be more authentic (or more yourself).

Your personal values are like a roadmap to live your life by. The destination is your authentic expression. They will provide you with clarity and vision, as well as confidence to stay the distance. Knowing your values means that you can easily get back on track even if you stray off the path.

Everyone has personal values. By acknowledging and living your values you bring an awareness and rhythm to your life, a sense of inner peace and understanding. Aligning yourself with your values can also help you to live an authentic life.

By exploring and narrowing down your personal values through this workbook you are clarifying what is important to you and show a commitment to making those values a priority.

This mini-lesson explores the following:

-Personal Values are important – why?

-I know who I am (worksheet)

-What are values?

-Living an intentional life (core values list)

-Questions about your core values (reflective questions)

-What are your Core Values (worksheet)

-Your Personal Values in Action (worksheet)

-What shapes our values?

-Experiences shape values

-Generational Impacts interview activity (3-part activity)

-Your values Question Summary

-Living Intentionally – Setting Goals

-Creating your personal values statement (craft)

-Inspirational Quote Poster


SPANISH - Pillars of Success - Self-Esteem Worksheets - TEENAGERS & ADULTS

By All Therapy Resources

Este libro de trabajo ha sido diseñado para que los adolescentes y adultos exploren, definan y se nutran a sí mismos a través del cuidado personal. Este recurso es motivador, inspirador y fundamentador. Este recurso brinda a los adolescentes y adultos una gran base para explorar dónde se encuentran actualmente en la vida, hacia dónde quieren ir (esperanzas / deseos / sueños), así como equiparlos con las habilidades, el conocimiento y la percepción para que estén equipados con las herramientas de autocuidado y los apoyos adecuados para hacer frente a cualquier cosa que les depare la vida.

Este libro explora lo siguiente:

¿Qué es el autocuidado?

Siete pilares del autocuidado (explorando cada uno individualmente y si alguno de nuestros pilares necesita reparación)

Cualidades y rasgos más fuertes

Explorar el sentido central del yo individual (intelectual, espiritual, física y emocionalmente)

Lo que es importante para ellos: sueños, deseos, metas.

Explorando barreras y superando obstáculos

Explorando momentos decisivos

Preguntas de reflexión guiada

Ejemplo de lista de verificación de Morning Headstart (y desarrollo de su propia rutina matutina que nutre su cuerpo, mente y alma)

Plantilla de autorreflexión diaria

Citas inspiradoras, analogías, hojas de trabajo y más.

This workbook has been designed for teenagers and adults to explore, define and nurture themselves through self-care. This resource is motivating, inspirational and grounding. This resource gives teenagers and adults a great foundation in which to explore where they currently are in life, where they want to go hopes/desires/dreams) as well as equip them with the skills, knowledge and insight so that they are equipped with the right self-care tools and supports to deal with anything life throws at them.

This workbook explores the following:

- What is Self-Care?

- Seven Pillars of Self-Care (exploring each one individually and if any of our pillars in need of repair)

- Strongest Qualities and Traits

- Explore individual core sense of self (intellectually, spiritually, physically and emotionally)

- What's important for them – dreams, desires, goals.

- Exploring barriers and overcoming obstacles

- Exploring defining moments

- Guided reflection questions

- Morning Headstart checklist example (and developing your own morning routine which nourishes your body, mind and soul)

- Daily Self-Reflection Template

- Inspirational Quotes, Analogies, Worksheets and more.

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

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Fire Safety Social Story

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Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

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Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

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My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

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Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

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