8th Grade Grammar Handouts

Deaf Education - Writing Characters, Setting, and Plot Ideas

By Sign with me TOD

As our students are completing written assignments, sometimes coming up with characters, a setting, and a plot is difficult. With this product students are provided with a lengthy list of female names, male names, and gender neutral names to choose from, possible setting ideas that also include words that focus on the time of day, time of year, days of the week, and months. This packet also provided plot ideas for a variety of writing assignments such as story ideas about life, science fiction, adventure, mystery, fantasy, funny stories, friendship, superhero, family, and animal story ideas. Students do not have to use the examples provided or even the characters names, but it does provide them with a boost of confidence to pick their own topic.

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Quotation Marks in Dialogue:


The Verb Be Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns in Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


There, They're and Their Practice, Review, and Examples:


Common and Proper Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Common-and-Proper-Nouns-Review-and-Examples-8721303

Writing Tips for Confusing Words:


Was and Were Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Is and Are Sentences Practice, Review, and Examples:


Characters Settings, and Plot Ideas for Writing:


Singular and Plural Nouns Practice, Review, and Examples:


If you download this product and like it, please leave me a positive review! :)


The Six Troublesome Verbs (Language Analysis with AK)

By Online Educator's Corner

This is a language analysis of the six troublesome verbs (sit, set, lie, lay, rise, and raise) Students can do the language analysis sheet in pairs or groups.


Study Sheet: The Six Troublesome Verbs (Lie, Lay, Rise, Raise, Sit, & Set)

By Online Educator's Corner

This study sheet will help your students identify the correct verb form. It also includes tips and practice sentences with model answers.


Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Writing

By Beth Hammett

Make learning prepositions and prepositional phrases fun and easy with this visual writing presentation. 13 pages/slides of active learning strategies for understanding and using prepositions and prepositional phrases along with commas. Includes: Definitions Poem Preposition List Preposition Chair Activity Preposition Walk around the School Campus Easy to use tips Prepositional Phrases Commas and Prepositions Lots of color coded, visual writing examples Practice activities for individual/small/whole group Peer Workshopping Easy for students to follow and use. Great for fllipped classrooms and homeschools. Activities can be used individually or in small or whole group settings. A stimulating visual learning approach to help students understand prepositions and phrases.


Prepositions Prepositional Walk Writing Activities

By Beth Hammett

Fun prepositional activity to get kids up and moving! Insert a map of your school campus, have kids illustrate their path, and travel the school as kids write sentences with prepositions that match their walk. Before teaching, use chairs and have students actively demonstrate prepositions: Stand beside the chair, go over the chair, in front of, behind...


Sentence Patterns Worksheet Writing Activities

By Beth Hammett

Help students understand and master the four kinds of sentences with this fun, interactive, activity! Students use brochures, magazines, newspapers, etc... to find real life writing examples of the four basic kinds of sentences: Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex Great small group activity that gets students discussing rules, reading, and sentence varieties!


Comma Usage Worksheet

By Beth Hammett

Fun and interactive activity for students to relate real life writing to the use of comma rules. Have plenty of magazines, brochures, or newspapers on hand for students/small groups to cut out comma examples and paste them under the correct comma rule headings. Group or individual activity is enjoyable to students, who will discuss rules as they work! (Reminder: review the 3 Kinds of Writing PowerPoint and Using Commas in Writing to help students understand the different guidelines for academic, creative, and journalism writing, along with comma rules).


Dialogue, Inferencing, and Point of View

By Beth Hammett

14 non-fiction and 1 fiction scenarios with speech and thought bubbles for students to make inferences, practice point of view, and practice writing dialogue. Non-Fiction Scenes Include: Skiers Musicians Basketball Player Hiking Art Babysitting Mechanics Friends Salesman Accident Garden Skateboarding Science Parking Lot and Aliens (fiction) Can be used individually or with whole groups for journal writing, writing text evidence based on visual clues, on-demand writing prompts, writing reader's theater/plays, practice grammar skills, spelling, vocabulary, and more.


BUNDLE Pronunciation of Final S | Plural Nouns | 3rd Person Singular Verbs

By Miss Clever Cookie

Are your EFL/ESL students confused about the rules of pronunciation of final -S in PLURAL NOUNS and in VERBS IN 3RD PERSON SINGULAR? With this activity you can both teach the rules and practice the pronunciation in a fun way. Suitable for pair work, small groups and team activities. A chart and a handout are included.


♥ Suggestions on how to use

♥ Anchor charts / grammar overviews

♥ Handouts

♥ 45 sentence cards with plural nouns

♥ 45 sentence cards with verbs in 3rd person singular

♥ 3 bug cards with plural noun endings (/s/, /z/, or /ɪz/)

♥ A printable fly swatter


Print & Prepare

  • print out and laminate the bugs
  • print out, cut up and laminate the sentence cards
  • print out, cut up and laminate two fly swatters (optional)
  • It’s best to use real fly swatters. Students can also just use their hands.



  • place the bugs on the floor (facing up) and the sentence cards in a pile beside the bugs (facing down)
  • students take turns flipping over a sentence card and swatting the bug with the corresponding ending
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • each student in the pair has their own fly swatter
  • a teacher / helper or a fellow student flips over a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug gets a point
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • the students form 2 lines (team A and team B)
  • the first student at the front of each line gets a fly swatter
  • the teacher flips a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug wins a point for their team
  • then he / she reads the sentence
  • they hand over the fly swatters to those second in line and go to the back of the lin


  • students mix up the sentence cards and then work together to place them under the correct bug


♥ Pair Work

♥ Small Group Activity

♥ Team Games

♥ Review

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

Pronunciation of Final ED | Past Simple Regular Verbs | Phonetics

English Phonetics IPA | Clothes Peg Activity | EFL/ESL

Classroom Display | Phonetic Alphabet Posters IPA | EFL / ESL


Pronunciation of Final ED | Past Simple Regular Verbs | Phonetics | EFL ESL

By Miss Clever Cookie

Are your EFL/ESL students confused about the rules of pronunciation of final -ED in past simple? With this activity you can both teach the rules and practice the pronunciation in a fun way. Suitable for pair work, small groups and team activities. A chart and a handout are included.


♥ Suggestions on how to use

♥ An anchor chart / a grammar overview

♥ Handouts

♥ 45 sentence cards with verbs in past simple

♥ 3 bug cards with verb endings (/t/, /d/, or /ɪd/)

♥ A printable fly swatter


Print & Prepare

  • print out and laminate the bugs
  • print out, cut up and laminate the sentence cards
  • print out, cut up and laminate two fly swatters (optional)
  • It’s best to use real fly swatters. Students can also just use their hands.



  • place the bugs on the floor (facing up) and the sentence cards in a pile beside the bugs (facing down)
  • students take turns flipping over a sentence card and swatting the bug with the corresponding ending
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • each student in the pair has their own fly swatter
  • a teacher / helper or a fellow student flips over a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug gets a point
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • the students form 2 lines (team A and team B)
  • the first student at the front of each line gets a fly swatter
  • the teacher flips a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug wins a point for their team
  • then he / she reads the sentence
  • they hand over the fly swatters to those second in line and go to the back of the line


  • students mix up the sentence cards and then work together to place them under the correct bug


♥ Pair Work

♥ Small Group Activity

♥ Team Games

♥ Review

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

English Phonetics IPA | Clothes Peg Activity | EFL/ESL

Classroom Display | Phonetic Alphabet Posters IPA | EFL / ESL

Past Simple vs. Past Continuous Kaboom Game - When & While
Battleship - Past Tenses


Pronunciation of Final S in 3rd Person Singular | Present Simple Verbs | EFL ESL

By Miss Clever Cookie

Are your EFL/ESL students confused about the rules of pronunciation of final -S in present simple - 3rd person singular? With this activity you can both teach the rules and practice the pronunciation in a fun way. Suitable for pair work, small groups and team activities. A chart and a handout are included.


♥ Suggestions on how to use

♥ An anchor chart / a grammar overview

♥ Handouts

♥ 45 sentence cards with verbs in 3rd person singular

♥ 3 bug cards with verb endings (/s/, /z/, or /ɪz/)

♥ A printable fly swatter


Print & Prepare

  • print out and laminate the bugs
  • print out, cut up and laminate the sentence cards
  • print out, cut up and laminate two fly swatters (optional)
  • It’s best to use real fly swatters. Students can also just use their hands.



  • place the bugs on the floor (facing up) and the sentence cards in a pile beside the bugs (facing down)
  • students take turns flipping over a sentence card and swatting the bug with the corresponding ending
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • each student in the pair has their own fly swatter
  • a teacher / helper or a fellow student flips over a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug gets a point
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • the students form 2 lines (team A and team B)
  • the first student at the front of each line gets a fly swatter
  • the teacher flips a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug wins a point for their team
  • then he / she reads the sentence
  • they hand over the fly swatters to those second in line and go to the back of the line


  • students mix up the sentence cards and then work together to place them under the correct bug


♥ Pair Work

♥ Small Group Activity

♥ Team Games

♥ Review

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

Pronunciation of Final ED | Past Simple Regular Verbs | Phonetics

English Phonetics IPA | Clothes Peg Activity | EFL/ESL

Classroom Display | Phonetic Alphabet Posters IPA | EFL / ESL

Present Simple vs. Continuous Task Cards - Kaboom Game, Scoot, Centres

Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Task Cards - Kaboom Game, Scoot, Centres


Pronunciation of Final S in Plural Nouns | English Phonetics | EFL ESL

By Miss Clever Cookie

Are your EFL/ESL students confused about the rules of pronunciation of final -S in plural nouns? With this activity you can both teach the rules and practice the pronunciation in a fun way. Suitable for pair work, small groups and team activities. A chart and a handout are included.


♥ Suggestions on how to use

♥ An anchor chart / a grammar overview

♥ Handouts

♥ 45 sentence cards with plural nouns

♥ 3 bug cards with plural noun endings (/s/, /z/, or /ɪz/)

♥ A printable fly swatter


Print & Prepare

  • print out and laminate the bugs
  • print out, cut up and laminate the sentence cards
  • print out, cut up and laminate two fly swatters (optional)
  • It’s best to use real fly swatters. Students can also just use their hands.



  • place the bugs on the floor (facing up) and the sentence cards in a pile beside the bugs (facing down)
  • students take turns flipping over a sentence card and swatting the bug with the corresponding ending
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • each student in the pair has their own fly swatter
  • a teacher / helper or a fellow student flips over a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug gets a point
  • then they read the sentence on the card


  • the students form 2 lines (team A and team B)
  • the first student at the front of each line gets a fly swatter
  • the teacher flips a sentence card
  • the first student to swat the correct bug wins a point for their team
  • then he / she reads the sentence
  • they hand over the fly swatters to those second in line and go to the back of the line


  • students mix up the sentence cards and then work together to place them under the correct bug


♥ Pair Work

♥ Small Group Activity

♥ Team Games

♥ Review

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

Pronunciation of Final S in 3rd Person Singular | Present Simple Verbs | EFL ESL

Pronunciation of Final ED | Past Simple Regular Verbs | Phonetics

Snakes and Ladders Singular and Plural Nouns Board Game

English Phonetics IPA | Clothes Peg Activity | EFL/ESL

Classroom Display | Phonetic Alphabet Posters IPA | EFL / ESL


Contronyms Handout for Middle or High School ELA Vocabulary

By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot

Are you looking for a 'cheat sheet' of contranyms to help your students learn more vocabulary? Then look no further! Also called autoantonyms, enantiosemy, and enantionymy, this fully editable handout is a perfect addition to any vocabulary unit.

This resource includes 55+ contronyms with definitions.

✈️ Click here to follow A World to Explore Store and be the first to know about brand-new games and activities!

Other Resources You'll LOVE:

  • Idioms, Similes and Metaphors EDITABLE Figurative Language Lists
  • Editable List of Oxymorons
  • Editable list of Oxymoron Onomatopoeia & Alliteration
  • Figurative Language EDITABLE Lists Similes, Idioms, Oxymoron, Alliteration
  • BUNDLE Similes, Idioms, Oxymoron & Other Figurative Language Editable Lists


By French Made Fun!

Transformez l'écriture de vos élèves avec notre ressource complète sur la structure des phrases !

Ce guide détaillé est conçu pour fournir aux enseignants les outils nécessaires pour améliorer la compréhension et l'utilisation des structures de phrases par les élèves.

Ce qui est inclus dans la version complète :

  • 7 mini-leçons approfondies : Plongez dans divers aspects de la structure des phrases avec des leçons progressives qui couvrent tout, des phrases simples aux phrases complexes.
  • Affiches pédagogiques détaillées : Utilisez des aides visuelles pratiques qui aident les élèves à comprendre et à se souvenir des concepts importants. Les affiches sont parfaites pour être affichées en classe ou comme référence rapide pendant les leçons.
  • Exemples modélisés : Des exemples clairs et compréhensibles sont fournis pour chaque leçon, démontrant l'utilisation correcte des structures de phrases. Ces modèles servent de guides pratiques pour les élèves.
  • Activités interactives : Engagez vos élèves avec des exercices pratiques qui renforcent les concepts appris. Les activités sont conçues pour être interactives et stimulantes, encourageant les élèves à appliquer leurs connaissances.
  • Matériaux supplémentaires : Recevez des ressources supplémentaires pour enrichir vos leçons et soutenir l'apprentissage continu des élèves. Cela inclut des fiches de travail, des exercices de renforcement, et des activités de groupe.

Cette ressource complète est idéale pour les enseignants cherchant à améliorer la compétence en écriture de leurs élèves. Avec des leçons structurées et des outils pédagogiques efficaces, vous serez bien équipé pour guider vos élèves vers la maîtrise de la structure des phrases.

Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :

  • Écriture: Générer les idées
  • Écriture: Endurance et motivation
  • Écriture: La structure et la fluidité
  • Écriture: Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Écriture: Introductions & Conclusions
  • Lecture: Solutionner les mots
  • Lecture: La visualisation
  • Lecture: Faire des liens
  • Lecture: Connaissances antérieures
  • Lecture: Faire des prédictions
  • Lecture: Faire des inférences
  • Lecture: Informations clés
  • Lecture: Stratégies de réparation

Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.

Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Mme Kaitlyn


Word Study Worksheets for Middle School - Vocabulary Building

By Amanda G

Vocabulary building worksheets for 7th and 8th grade.

This resource includes nine individual activities.

Topics covered include:

* parts of speech

* synonyms

* word maps

* syllables

* heteronyms/homonyms

These worksheets are a part of a Vocabulary Builder Word Study unit, working on vocabulary building. You can easily use just these worksheets as part of your English Language Arts programming.

Copyright © Mrs Gray's Place.

All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Not for public display.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Sentence Structure Quiz

By Educate and Create

A short 20 question multiple choice quiz. Comes complete with answer key. Easy to administer after teaching sentence structure.
