8th Grade Career and Technical Education Games

AVID Career Clusters Lesson and Digital Activity

By KJ Inspired Resources

This AVID Career Clusters lesson and digital activity has everything you need to teach the different career clusters and allow students to apply their learning! Students can take focused notes over the career cluster teach slides and then they will play a game as they decide which career cluster they prefer through "This or That!"

⭐Save 30% with the AVID Bundle!


  • After students learn the 16 career clusters provided in the slides, allow them to debate as they process and think about their futures in a specific career cluster with the this or that game!
  • Students will either hold a thumb or 2 fingers to show which career cluster they prefer. OR make it interactive and allow students to choose a side of the room and turn it into a debate!

What do you get?

✏️16 career cluster pictures and question slides

✏️16 career cluster teach slides

✏️15 this or that slides

Career Clusters Covered:

✏️Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

✏️Architecture & Construction

✏️Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

✏️Business Management & Administration

✏️Education & Training


✏️Government & Public Administration

✏️Health Science

✏️Hospitality & Tourism

✏️Human Services

✏️Information Technology

✏️Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security



✏️Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

✏️Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool


AVID Team Building Activing - Charades Printable Game for College and Careers

By KJ Inspired Resources

Build classroom community and relational capacity with this exciting AVID resource! This resource includes 56 charade cards that students can use in small groups.

Save 30% with the AVID Card Game Bundle!

Save 30% with the AVID team-building bundle!

What's Included:

  • 1 Directions page
  • 1 Rules page
  • 12 "person" charade cards
  • 12 "place" charade cards
  • 12 "thing" charade cards
  • 8 "game" charade cards


  • Print multiple sets of the attached cards
  • Divide the class into groups
  • Groups take turns drawing a card and acting out what is printed on the card
  • The person acting out what is printed on the card first reads the category aloud (i.e. place, thing, action, person, etc.)
  • 30 seconds is given to act out what is on the card


  • The actor may not talk or make a sound at any time.

  • The actor may not point to an object in the room.

  • The actor may hold up fingers for the number of words in the phrase being acted out (i.e. flying a kite = 3 fingers, boat = 1 finger)

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle


AVID Public Speaking Digital Activity - 30 Second Speeches

By KJ Inspired Resources

Communication is the backbone of any society. It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change! This public speaking game will allow students to practice important skills needed to be successful in their futures. Great for AVID, counseling, college and career, speech, or just used as a fun brain break in any class!

Get the 30-Second Speech Bundle**HERE** and save 20%!

Public Speaking Bundle

AVID Bundle

AVID Team Building Bundle

What's Included:

  • 1 directions pages
  • 1 optional points slide
  • 25 topics with silent 30 second prep timers
  • 25 thirty second speech timer slides
  • Editable template


  • Put students into groups or breakout rooms of 4-6 students
  • Go over the directions with students:
  • Wait for the impromptu topic to show up on the screen (ex: tell your group 3 different ways to eat an oreo)
  • Decide who in the group will start and that student will have 30 seconds to prepare for their speech after the topic is revealed
  • After 30 seconds the student will present their topic for 30 seconds

Optional Points:

  • Secretly give points/take away points from group members on a small whiteboard or notebook paper
  • Groups can earn by: Focusing on good voice, being creative with their responses, eye contact, posture, using an opening/closing statement, and making good points for your topic
  • Groups can lose points by: being a poor audience member, having poor posture, not using good voice, not using eye contact, using filler words: like, um, so, okay, yeah, kinda…

Get More 30-Second Speeches...

End of the Year Summer-Themed

Click HERE to see our other public speaking resources!

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources!

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool


AVID Would You Rather Activity - College and Career - DIgital Team Building Game

By KJ Inspired Resources

Do you teach a college and career course? Are you an AVID teacher or maybe a counselor? Do your students love to debate? Then your students will love this college and career would you rather game! Perfect for back to school or any time in the school year!

Allow your students to debate as they process and think about their futures in a college and/or a career. I promise it will leave your students both laughing and thinking!

What do you get?

15 College and career would you rather question slides

When to Use:

AVID, Counseling, Framework Friday, Middle or High school brain break

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool


Design & Create a Board Game | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

What middle schooler isn't excited by playing games as a part of their lesson? This activity takes their love of games to a new level as they work with a team to create a new board game, test them for "fun appeal" by playing and critiquing others' games and then making the necessary modifications to complete an awesome final product.

Created for middle schoolers, this project based learning lesson is a great addition to technology classes that teach programming, phone app creation and other game design as a way for students to really focus on what makes a game addictive.

Lesson includes teacher resources, including web links, design ideas and guides, student expectations and rubric, and student worksheets. This lesson can be completed entirely OFF computers, without computer access for students, making it great for those days you have to give up your technology lab for standardized testing.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

My 7th and 8th graders loved this and I hope yours will too!

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Information Technology
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Information Technology Careers
⭐ Teach Technology WITHOUT a Computer

Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases!


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AVID College Debate Activity - Speed Philosophical Chairs for Team Building

By Teach Savvy Store

AVID College Debate Activity - Speed Philosophical Chairs for Team Building: Use this college-themed AVID speed philosophical chairs icebreaker activity to promote debate through dialogue and public speaking in your classroom as well as get students in the college spirit! Students will not only learn what speed philosophical chairs is but they will enjoy some exciting dialogue through 20 fun debate topics.

For example, students will choose to agree or disagree with the statement, "College should be free."


Public Speaking Bundle

Speed Philosophical Chairs Bundle

College & Career Bundle


  1. A central statement will be announced to the class and you will define the two sides of the debate (Agree/Disagree).
  2. Students move to the side of the room that they intend to defend.
  3. An embedded timer will be set for 5 minutes, and the debate will start between the two groups.
  4. Students attempt to keep contributions to less than 30 seconds each.
  5. A new prompt is displayed and we start another round of quick debates.

What's Included:

  • A teaching slide for "the why" of speed philosophical chairs
  • A slide that includes the rules of engagement for students
  • A slide for the steps of this speed philosophical chairs activity
  • 20-speed philosophical chairs college-themed debate statements
  • A 5-minute silent timer embedded in each slide

*These resources are available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Speed Philosophical Chairs resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!


AVID Career Debate Activity - Speed Philosophical Chairs for Team Building

By Teach Savvy Store

AVID Career Debate Activity - Speed Philosophical Chairs for Team Building: Use this career-themed AVID speed philosophical chairs icebreaker activity to promote debate through dialogue and public speaking in your classroom! Students will not only learn what speed philosophical chairs is but they will enjoy some exciting dialogue through 20 fun debate topics.

For example, students will choose to agree or disagree with the statement, "There should be a salary cap for celebrities like athletes and actors."


Public Speaking Bundle

Speed Philosophical Chairs Bundle

College & Career Bundle


  1. A central statement will be announced to the class and you will define the two sides of the debate (Agree/Disagree).
  2. Students move to the side of the room that they intend to defend.
  3. An embedded timer will be set for 5 minutes, and the debate will start between the two groups.
  4. Students attempt to keep contributions to less than 30 seconds each.
  5. A new prompt is displayed and we start another round of quick debates.

What's Included:

  • A teaching slide for "the why" of speed philosophical chairs
  • A slide that includes the rules of engagement for students
  • A slide for the steps of this speed philosophical chairs activity
  • 20-speed philosophical chairs college-themed debate statements
  • Preview (Optional)

*These resources are available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Speed Philosophical Chairs resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!


AVID ACT and SAT Vocabulary Review Activity - Printable Game for Team Building

By KJ Inspired Resources

Vocabulary plays a huge role in preparing for student's college and career success. Use this SAT / ACT word list and log to help your students gain a deeper understanding of the vocabulary from any content area OR if you're an AVID teacher use the 53 vocabulary words that focus on academic language essential to the SAT/ACT tests and for college and career readiness. Then let students practice what they learned with an engaging card game inspired by Taboo! Simply print multiple sets of the cards, cut, laminate, and place into bags for small groups!

Save 30% with the AVID Card Game Bundle!

Save 30% with the AVID team-building bundle!

What's Included:

  • 2 Direction pages
  • 53 Vocabulary cards
  • 1 Excel log including the 53 words used

Directions for the Card Game:

  • This game was inspired by the game TABOO

1. Students are put into small groups with an even number of players.
2. Each group is split into 2 teams.
3. The clue giver will start a 1 minute timer and turn over a card so nobody can see. (colors don' matter)
4. The clue giver now says words (not sounds or gestures) to get their team to guess the word at the top of the card.
5. The clue giver cannot say any of the words (or forms of the words) listed on the card. Formations include: abbreviations, tenses (past, present, future), initials, spelling, letters, sounds like, rhyming, smaller version words, compound words.

6. Teammates can guess as many words as possible before the timer runs out.
7. The clue giver may pass on a word and place it in a discard pile.
8. If the clue giver uses an illegal word, the opposing team who is monitoring, can sound a buzzer or shout the word "AVID." Then the clue giver must place the card in the discard pile and try a new word.
9. When the timer is done the team will count up how many points earned based off of how many words were guessed correctly. The opposing team gets one point for each card placed in the discard pile.
10 Switch teams and repeat. The team with the highest points, wins!

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle

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Tik Tok


AVID End of Year | Summer Public Speaking Digital Activity - 30 Second Speeches

By KJ Inspired Resources

This exciting summer-themed 30-second speech activity is great for AVID, counseling, college and career, speech, or just used as a fun brain break in any class! Use it at the end of the year to test your students public speaking, dialogue, eye contact, planning, and teamwork skills!

Get the AVID End-of-Year Bundle HERE!

Get the 30-Second Speech Bundle HERE!

Public Speaking Bundle

AVID Bundle

AVID Team Building Bundle

What's Included:

  • 1 directions pages
  • 1 optional points slide
  • 15 summer topics with silent 30 second prep timers
  • 15 thirty-second speech timer slides
  • 1 editable template to make your own OR let students make their own!


  • Put students into groups or breakout rooms of 4-6 students
  • Go over the directions with students:
  • Wait for the impromptu topic to show up on the screen (ex: convince your friends that applesauce is the best sunburn remedy)
  • Decide who in the group will start and that student will have 30 seconds to prepare for their speech after the topic is revealed
  • After 30 seconds the student will present their topic for 30 seconds

Optional Points:

  • Secretly give points/take away points from group members on a small whiteboard or notebook paper
  • Groups can earn by: Focusing on good voice, being creative with their responses, eye contact, posture, using an opening/closing statement, and making good points for your topic
  • Groups can lose points by: being a poor audience member, having poor posture, not using good voice, not using eye contact, using filler words: like, um, so, okay, yeah, kinda…

Click HERE to see our other public speaking resources!

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources!

More 30-Second Speeches...

General Version with 25 Topics

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool


AVID Public Speaking Digital Activity - Passive, Assertive, or Aggressive

By KJ Inspired Resources

Teach your students about conflict management through this engaging Passive, Assertive, or Aggressive AVID improv game. This would be perfect to pair with your passive, assertive, or aggressive lesson OR used as a fun team building game. This is also a great way for students to practice their public speaking skills.


  • Each slide will have a number and that number represents how many actors will participate in the improv.
  • Actors will be given a challenge to act out a different scenario and will decide who plays what role as a team.
  • Actors should draw a card to decide if they are playing a passive, assertive, or aggressive role.
  • They must portray a passive, assertive, or aggressive tone as they act out the scenario.
  • The student audience will try to guess what tone each actor is portraying.

*consider having audience teams and points

What's Included:

  • 1 direction slide
  • 1 teach slide with definitions and examples of passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors
  • 15 scenario slides

Some Scenario Examples:

  • At a police station being interrogated
  • Girl Scouts selling cookies to someone
  • News anchor just before the apocalypse

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle


Would You Rather Questions - Extracurricular and Involvement AVID Game

By KJ Inspired Resources

Do you teach a college and career course? Are you an AVID teacher or maybe a counselor? Do your students love to debate? Then your students will love this extracurricular and involvement activities would you rather! Get your students excited about clubs and sports they could join to enhance their academic career. I promise it will leave your students both laughing and thinking!

What do you get?

15 College and career would you rather question slides

Click HERE to see our other would you rather resources!

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Tik Tok

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool.


AVID Team Huddle Collaboration Digital Activity - Extracurricular Involvement

By KJ Inspired Resources

Do you teach a college and career course? Are you an AVID teacher or maybe a counselor? Are your students needing to enhance their academic career with extracurricular activities? Then this product is for you! Your students will move around the room and form different groups while discussing 10 important questions related to extracurricular and involvement activities. Get your students excited about clubs and sports they could join to enhance their academic career.


  • Students walk around the room to music.
  • When the music stops students get into a group with however many people are listed in the corner of the slide.
  • Each member says their name and answers the question shown.
  • Each time students must meet with new people until everyone has been met with.

What do you get?

1 directions slide

10 questions related to extracurricular and involvement activities

10 walk/transition slides

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle

Follow KJ Inspired Resources:

TeachShare Store


Tik Tok

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool


Team Building Public Speaking Card Game Activity - History Snippets

By Teach Savvy Store

Team Building Public Speaking / Listening Card Game Activity - History Snippets: This team-building card game is the perfect icebreaker for AVID students (or students in any content) who want to practice their public speaking skills in a fun and interactive way. Designed for use in a classroom or group setting, this card game challenges players to give a 1-2 minute speech about an invention or event in history using the card they draw. This engaging activity not only helps students build their public speaking confidence but also teaches them valuable skills in communication and creative thinking!

Whether you're a teacher looking to add a fun and interactive activity to your classroom curriculum, or a team leader looking to build team dynamics and improve communication skills, the AVID team-building card game is the perfect choice!

*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Bundle!

*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Card Game Bundle!

*Save over 30% with the AVID bundle!

How to Play History Snippets

  • Put the 100 topic cards/papers into a non-see-through bag.

  • Put players into teams of 4-6 players.

  • When it's their turn a player pulls a topic from the bag. They then must give an account of the history (story) behind the thing or event they've drawn. It can be factual or false! Encourage imagination, outrageous lies, flights of fantasy...

  • The goal of this public speaking game is to sustain credible fluency. Aim for 1 - 2 minutes per story.

What's Included

  • Directions page
  • 100 history/invention cards
  • blank cards to write your own words

*This resource is available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!


AVID Team Building Public Speaking Card Game Activity- Connect the Dots

By Teach Savvy Store

Team Building Public Speaking and Listening Card Game Activity- Connect the DotsThis: This Card Game is the ultimate public speaking team-building resource for your AVID students (or any content area) - This engaging and educational card game is designed to help students develop their public speaking skills and build teamwork in a fun and interactive way. It is perfect for AVID classrooms and beyond! It's suitable for use in AVID classrooms, as well as any classroom that values public speaking and teamwork.

Connect the dots boosts confidence, enhances communication, and fosters collaboration. Through playing this card game, students will gain the confidence and skills necessary to succeed in public speaking and work effectively in teams, setting them up for success both in and out of the classroom.

*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Bundle!

*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Card Game Bundle!

*Save 30% with the AVID bundle!

*Save 30% with the Connect the Dots Bundle!

How to Play Connect the Dots

  • Print, cut, and laminate the 200 cards provided.

  • Put the word cards into box or non-see through bag.

  • A player picks two cards and then must immediately begin telling a story connecting both words together convincingly. The story should only be 1-2 minutes, complicated, or true!

  • Once your class is comfortable with connecting two words, add to your word collection and increase the number of cards selected to three or even four.


  • Moving from one idea to another smoothly, in a way that can be readily understood and followed by your audience, is a must-have public speaking skill.

  • Connect the Dots gives people the opportunity to practice. Finding a way to conenct the words and practicing the ability to make those connections will become stronger and stronger.

  • An added benefit of the game is listening and learning from each other.

What's Included

  • Directions page
  • Skills page
  • Example story
  • 200 word cards
  • blank cards to write your own words

*This resources is available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!


AVID Public Speaking Card Game Activity - Commercial Cards

By Teach Savvy Store

Looking for an engaging and fun way to help your AVID (or any content area) students build team building and public speaking skills? Look no further than our AVID team building and public speaking card game! Whether you're looking to encourage creativity, boost confidence, or foster teamwork, this AVID team-building and public speaking card game is the perfect choice for your classroom.

With this innovative card game, students will draw a card featuring a unique image and then have the opportunity to present a 1-2 minute commercial for their group, with the freedom to be as silly or serious as they want.

*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Bundle!

*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Card Game Bundle!

*Save over 30% with the AVID bundle!

What's Included:

  • Directions page
  • 90 commercial image cards
  • blank cards to write your own words or images


  • Print, cut, and laminate the 90 image cards provided.
  • Put the picture cards into a box or non-see through bag.
  • Put students in groups of 4-6.
  • Player draws a card and has 30 seconds to prepare a commercial for the item drawn.
  • The commercial should only be 1-2 minutes, silly or serious!

*This resources is available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!


Career Card Game: "What Career" Interactive Activity

By Jeni Donath

Give your students the opportunity to explore many different careers in a fun and interactive way! This "What Career" card game is played similar to the card game "Apples to Apples" and my students LOVED it! It lead to a lot of conversation, sharing of likes and dislikes, and questioning of what specific careers were - it was so refreshing to listen to them talk non-stop about careers during these class periods! Included in the download is everything you need to play the game, including instructions and step by step guide!

Looking for more interactive SEL classroom lessons? Check these out below!

Jumping Ships - Interactive SEL Lesson on Leadership

Kindness Activity - The Impact of our Words

Kindness "Snowball Fight"

Think Before You Speak Game - An Interactive SEL Lesson


AVID Public Speaking Activity - Fishbowl Speeches

By Teach Savvy Store

This AVID team-building card game is the perfect icebreaker for students who want to practice their public speaking skills in a fun and interactive way. Designed for use in a classroom or group setting, this card game challenges players to give a 1-minute speech about a topic using the card they draw. This engaging activity not only helps students build their public speaking confidence but also teaches them valuable skills in communication and creative thinking!

Whether you're a teacher looking to add a fun and interactive activity to your classroom curriculum, or a team leader looking to build team dynamics and improve communication skills, Fishbowl Speeches is the perfect choice!

Find this in:

Public Speaking Bundle

Public Speaking Card Game Bundle

AVID bundle

You may also like:

History Snippets

Connect the Dots

Commercial Cards

How to Play Fishbowl Speeches

  • Place the 25 different topics into a container and mix them up to ensure random selection.
  • Ask a student to select a topic from the container and read it out loud.
  • Allow 30 seconds for the student to brainstorm the content and delivery of their speech. Provide one minute for the student to present their answer to the question or topic.

What's Included

  • Directions page
  • 25 Topics
  • blank cards to write your own words

Example topics

Persuade everyone in the class to give you a dollar

Should colleges use only SAT®/ACT® scores for admissions?

*This resource is available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!


Public Speaking Communication Freebie Activity - 30 Second Speech

By KJ Inspired Resources

Communication is the key to developing strong leaders of society! It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and motivate change! This public speaking game will allow students to practice important skills needed to be successful in their futures. Great for AVID, counseling, college and career, speech, or just used as a fun brain break in any class!

Get the 30-Second Speech Bundle HERE!

Get 25 more speech topics HERE!

Public Speaking Bundle

AVID Bundle

AVID Team Building Bundle

What's Included:

  • 1 directions pages
  • 1 optional points slide
  • 5 topics with silent 30 second prep timers
  • 5 thirty second speech timer slides


  • Put students into groups or breakout rooms of 4-6 students
  • Go over the directions with students:
  • Wait for the impromptu topic to show up on the screen (ex: tell your group 3 different ways to eat an oreo)
  • Decide who in the group will start and that student will have 30 seconds to prepare for their speech after the topic is revealed
  • After 30 seconds the student will present their topic for 30 seconds

Optional Points:

  • Secretly give points/take away points from group members on a small whiteboard or notebook paper
  • Groups can earn by: Focusing on good voice, being creative with their responses, eye contact, posture, using an opening/closing statement, and making good points for your topic
  • Groups can lose points by: being a poor audience member, having poor posture, not using good voice, not using eye contact, using filler words: like, um, so, okay, yeah, kinda…

More 30-second speeches...


Click HERE for 25 more 30 second speech topics!

Click HERE to see our other public speaking resources!

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources!

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool
