8th Grade Ancient History Google Apps

Free-What is LEAP YEAR? Question & Answer Digital Google Slide lesson

By Kiwious About Vocab

This digital Google Slide lesson explores the importance of LEAP YEAR and LEAP DAY . Questions about this unusual holiday are answered in a Q/A format. Pertinent video clips are included. Teach students about Leap Year and its historical background!


What Kind of "Great" was Alexander Research Project: 6th Studies Weekly Week 12

By Colleen Burdette

Research Alexander the Great and decide:

Students will research Alexander the Great and then decide if he was great good or great bad. They will use a graphic organizer to organize their data and then present their position.

Students can complete a poster, Google Slide presentation, essay, or debate. Printable information/instruction sheets are provided for each project. A digital version includes information and instructions for the Google Slide activity.

Students will be practice making informed opinions based on research.

Follow up questions increase rigor and help students make connections.

Aligns with Indiana Social Studies Standard 6.H.1.

Students will research Alexander the Great and determine if he was "great good" or "great bad", then they will present their position.

What's included:

  • Teacher instructions.
  • Research site links.
  • Student information and instruction sheet for each project.
  • Graphic Organizers for research.
  • Link to Google Slide activity.
  • Rubrics.
  • Follow up questions.

How is this product useful:

  • Low prep for for teachers.
  • Practice research skills.
  • Students practice making informed opinions based in fact.
  • Good practice of presenting information.
  • Follow up questions increase rigor.

Egyptian Era Timeline - Making Inferences: 6th Grade Studies Weekly Week 7

By Colleen Burdette

Practice making inferences while studying Ancient Egypt:

Students will use clues provided on a timeline to determine which Ancient Egyptian Era is being described. Teachers could choose to allow students to use references to help complete the timeline.

This is a great review activity that would be best completed with a partner or small group. Students need to practice how to make inferences and this is a great way to do that.

Students can complete the timeline as a cut and paste activity or a digital Google Slide activity. Follow up questions increase rigor and help students make connections.

Aligns with Indiana Social Studies Standard 6.H.1.

What's included:

  • Teacher instructions.
  • Student instructions.
  • Era label worksheet.
  • Timeline worksheet.
  • Follow up questions.
  • Links to Google Slide Activity.

How is this product useful:

  • Low prep for teachers.
  • Hands on for students.
  • Great partner work.
  • Practice inference and communication skills.
  • Make connections with modern day.