7th Grade Visual Arts Internet Activities

Adobe Photoshop "i Am" Silhouette | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Adobe Photoshop “iAm” Project gives students an opportunity to express their personality and interests as they create a silhouette from a picture of themselves showing off something that defines them. The lesson uses simple Adobe Photoshop techniques to learn the Pen Tool, work with backgrounds, layers and text. The lesson provides step-by-step instructions and also includes links to tutorials students can use as they need to complete the lesson.

This is a fun lesson for the beginning of the year to help students get to know each other, or a good lesson during the year to learn more about each other. These look great printed and displayed too! This lesson was created for an 8th grade class, but would be appropriate for any beginning Adobe Photoshop user.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Basic Adobe Photoshop Editing Project Expectations & Rubric

• Sample Project (.psd file)

Related Products
⭐ Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop
⭐ Creating an Animated Gif in Adobe Photoshop
⭐ Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Basics)

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Create a Video using Animoto | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Creative Projects in Animoto utilizes the free Web 2.0 tool www.animoto.com which allows students to create and edit videos online and then share their finished product. No download is required to use the product, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning.

In these lessons, students are provided with a quick tutorial, as well as links to other resources to help them with their projects. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations.

Also included is a list of 12 easy project ideas to allow the teacher and student a choice in how to demonstrate knowledge of Animoto and the lesson content. Use one or let students choose from several! General project instructions and expectations, along with a grading rubric are also included.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Quick Getting Started Tutorial for Students

• Student Expectations, Project Instructions and Rubric

• List of 12 easy project ideas to choose from

Middle schoolers love this activity and many of my students have gone on to create other videos at home!

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Art of Norman Rockwell – WebQuest & Art Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn fun facts about Norman Rockwell and his art as they complete a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about the topic. Then, they use that knowledge to create an art project of their own, using Rockwell’s style, in Microsoft Paint, 3D Paint, or one of these free Web 2.0 tools: SketchPad (https://sketch.io/sketchpad/) or SumoPaint (https://www.sumopaint.com/home/#app) that do not require download. A complete answer key is provided for the WebQuest for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students. The student questions are included in both a print version and a digital (editable) version to make it easy for students to complete the lesson digitally or on paper. Also included are tutorial links to assist students with the software for the art project.

This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included:

* Teacher & Student Resources

* Fun Facts about Norman Rockwell WebQuest Activity (print and editable digital files included)

* Fun Facts about Norman Rockwell WebQuest Answer Key

* Creating Art in Norman Rockwell’s Style using a Choice of Software


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Learning about Typography - Kinetic (Animated) Typography | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Typography: Kinetic Typography is a two-part lesson to give students an introduction to typography. This is perfect for a technology class that focuses on web design or graphic design, or for an art class. The first lesson lets students’ research information and terminology about typography in a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt). Then, in part two, students work to create a kinetic typography project utilizing only fonts (no pictures) and syncing this to music using either Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe After Effects. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Introduction to Typography Questions/WebQuest worksheet

• Introduction to Typography Questions/WebQuest worksheet answer key

• Kinetic Typography Project in MS PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator Lesson with Rubric

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Basic Video Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Basic Video Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro gives students a step-by-step lesson to learn the basic skills needed for video editing: Adding and editing files, working with audio, creating titles, and rendering and saving your project. The lesson provides step-by-step instructions and also includes links to tutorials students can use as they need to complete the lesson. Students create a short project as they follow the mini-lessons and then demonstrate their learning through a short creative project at the end of the tutorials. This lesson was created for an 8th grade class, but is appropriate for any age group that are first time users of Adobe Premiere Pro.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Adobe Premiere Pro Step-by-Step Tutorial

• Basic Adobe Premiere Pro Editing Project Expectations & Rubric

12/29/17: The links to sites with free-to-use video clips has been added to this resource.

Note: This was created for use with Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

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