Discovering the Geography of World Regions Bundle
By TxMAP Teacher
This lesson is a reading over the Geography of the Regions of the World - North America, South America, Europe, Middle East/North Africa, Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, East and Southeast Asia, and Australia and Oceania. Students will read the paragraphs and then answer Fill in the Blanks, Multiple Choice, Matching, and Short Answer questions on topics such as location, size, physical features, climate and environment, specific countries, and culture. Answers are included.
World Regions Facts Crossword Puzzle Bundle
By TxMAP Teacher
This product is a bundle of 10 crossword puzzles. Included are the regions of North America, South America, Europe, Russia, North Africa/Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Australia.
Texas History Crossword Puzzles Bundle
By TxMAP Teacher
This is a bundle of 10 crossword puzzles of Texas History