7th Grade Grammar Classroom Forms

Writing or Grammar Editing Marks

By Fortunate in Fifth Grade

Do you print out your student's writing and have them peer edit? Do you have students' correct sentences when teaching grammar? Then these are perfect for you. These are quick, easy editing marks students can use to correct writing or assist with grammar lessons. I print them out, number the back of them and laminate them.

I hand them out at the beginning of the year to keep in their writing binder. When we do Daily Language they use a red pen to edit the sentences and then rewrite the sentences correctly. When we peer edit I print their writing and they meet with a partner and peer edit each other's work using these correction marks.

This resource includes

  • 6 different colors, 2 to a page editing mark cheat sheets
  • an example of how to use the editing marks (this could also be a handout you can give to the students or post in the classroom).

If you would like to pair them with my Daily Language worksheets you can grab them HERE! These are great morning work activities that continue to build the student's understanding of grammar and editing of their work.

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