7th Grade For All Subjects Resources

Example Remixable Listing

By TeachShare

Example of a remixable resource!


Kagan Grouping Cards Template

By History Guru

Let's face it, forming good cooperative learning teams can be a chore. Not anymore! To create effective teams, we must juggle a lot of variables. Writing everything out by hand on TONS of index cards is a hassle. Simply type in the template, print on cardstock, or just store in a google doc. BOOM, amazingness. Cooperative Learning at it's best.


Leveling/ Grouping Cards {History Guru}

By History Guru

Kagan believes that groups of four students are optimal. Let's face it, forming good cooperative learning teams can be a chore. Not anymore! To create effective teams, we must juggle a lot of variables: We want teams of four, but must form some teams of three or five to handle "extra" students. We want two boys and two girls per team, but when we run out of balanced sex teams we want same sex teams so the solo boy or girl is not given too much or too little attention. We want a high, high-medium, low-medium, and low ability student on each team to optimize tutoring and achievement. Creating teams can be a brain-racking, time-consuming process. This can be a helpful solution without making everything from hand or buying thier useful, but expensive software.

Each group should have two boys and two girls. This isn't always possible so I do as many as I can and then make all boy or all girl teams. If there is an odd number of students in the class then there will be a group of five or sometimes two groups of three with the remaining groups having four students. I did vary this last year with a couple of students that were boys. They were non-stop off task students when with another boy so they were placed in groups of all girls. Those girls kept them in line and they definitely had better behavior to impress the ladies. (This was not a Kagan suggestion. Just something that worked for me.)

To create my groups I needed my class rosters, the list with student Civics EOC scores, a pile of these cards that I printed on cardstock and color pencils that match the colors of the groups.

On the top of the index card I placed the student's name and their Civics EOC and reading scores and if they were a second language learner. With my second language learners, I place another student who speaks the same language if possible.

Next, I placed all of the index cards in order according to math Civics EOC scores from highest to lowest. The I divided the index cards into 4 groups, HIGH, HIGH MEDIUM, LOW MEDIUM and LOW scores.

Each group has one of each level student. Take a card from each of the groups of index cards and you have your teams.

On each index card I use a colored pencil to mark the team the students are placed in. In my classroom I have different colored stars above each of the team's, yellow, green, red, purple, pink, orange, blue and salmon. By placing the colors on the index cards I can make sure that when I change groups the students aren't place with the same peers again.

When placing the students in the groups you have them seated like this:



The high student next to the low medium can help that student when they work as shoulder partners and the high medium can help the low student in their understanding. Also having students with similar levels across from each other helps them to feel comfortable with students who are closer to their levels when working as face partners. I always had these students sitting next to each other but staggered the arrangements in the groups so they couldn't figure out who was the low or high one in each team. Groups should be changed about every six weeks.

There are desks not tables in my room which works out very well. When they take assessments I have them move to rows. We practice this the first week of school. I also noticed when I lecture they didn't pay attention so now when I lecture I have them facing forward and not in groups. (I don't lecture too much but when I do this seems to work for my kids.) It will be interesting having students this year who know the Kagan structures and expectations.

Check out samples on my Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

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Follow me on Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare


Documentary Analysis worksheet

By Educate and Create

Works with any documentary. Students fill out worksheet during and after a film. Great way to practice release of responsibility and ensure students are paying attention to the film. Works well in Language Arts and History classes.


End of the Year Bingo

By Educate and Create

A fun activity which requires students to walk around and talk to each other. There are a total of 30 cards. A great way for students to learn about one another and remember classmates.


Interactive Flipbook Syllabus

By Educate and Create

I use interactive notebooks in my classroom, this is a flipbook that can be glued or into a composition notebook. The flip book syllabus will also fit in a larger spiral notebook, as well. All of the slides are completely editable. All you need to do is add your own class information over the top of mine. I left my information in as a guide for you.

Students must get their parents to read and sign it . This is a powerpoint file, please make sure you either have access to Power Point or are able to edit or convert Power Point files before downloading.


End of the Year Jenga

By Educate and Create

A fun activity which requires students to walk around and talk to each other. There are a total of 48 pieces. A great way for students to learn about one another and remember classmates.


Anger Management Activities for Students I CBT Portfolio

By All Therapy Resources

Navigating emotions can be difficult, especially when you're an adolescent. That's why we designed the Mental Health Workbook for Adolescents! This comprehensive portfolio covers everything related to anger management and can help guide young people to take control over their emotions. It's engaging, reflective, and full of thought-provoking exercises. This social emotional learning resource is perfect for school counselors and psychologists in elementary or middle schools.

Inside, you'll find activities that cover anger warning signs, identifying personal triggers, and red vs. green choices. It also includes emotional regulation strategies to help create a sense of calm which is so important for growing minds. We know that managing our feelings isn't just about counting to ten or deep breathing – it's about gaining insight into why we feel the way we do. With this portfolio, students will have access to more than just basic strategies; they'll be able to develop an understanding of their own unique situations. There are so many angles in this robust SEL resource to support students in developing insight and understanding into anger and this portfolio is sure to have something for everyone!

This portfolio is divided into six individual lessons. You can choose to use the lessons in isolation or scaffold them. The six lessons include:

1. All About Anger

  • What is Anger?
  • What Does Anger Look and Feel Like?
  • Warning Signs and Triggers
  • My Anger Questionnaire
  • Consequences (Keeping vs. Losing Your Cool)
  • Anger Awareness

2. My Engine Speeds

  • Our Speedometer
  • Managing My Car Speeds
  • Sometimes We Need a Mechanic
  • Revving Up and Calming Down Strategies
  • Posters

3. Red and Green Choices

  • What are Red and Green Choices?
  • Red/Green Choices Poster
  • Spotlight on Your Choices
  • Is This a Good or Poor Choice Worksheet
  • What are the Green vs. Red Choices in that Situation?
  • Coloring Page

4. Helping Hands vs. Hurting Hands

  • Physical Aggression
  • What are Helping and Hurting Hands
  • Using Hands to Feel to “Help Others” vs. “Hurt Others”
  • Poster Promise Pledge
  • Sorting Activity

5. How to Keep My Cool - Emotional Regulation Strategies

  • Anger Management Tips for Keeping Your Cool
  • Cooling Down Strategies
  • Write / Draw Your Own Strategies

6. Craft – Cool Down Ice Cream

  • Cool Down Strategies Craft Poster
  • I Can Cool Down Coloring Page
  • Keep it Cool Ice Cream Craft
  • Craft Example and Templates

► Looking for more workbook topics? We've got you covered!

  • Behavior and Feelings Workbook
  • Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
  • Emotions & Self Care Workbook
  • My Anger Management Workbook

⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

© All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.


Classroom Decor - Inquiry Posters - Dot Design

By Amanda G

Print and post resource.

5 posters, one for each step of the process.

* Choose a good question

* Investigate my question

* Analyzing and Interpret (my information)

* Sharing my learning

* Reflect on my learning

These posters are great whether you are just getting into inquiry or have been doing it for a while.


Please don't forget to take a look at the other items I have available in my store!

Please be aware, these inquiry posters are the same as my other listing, just done in a different design.


Classroom Decor - Motivational Posters - Watercolor Set

By Amanda G

Motivation Posters done in blue/green watercolors. These posters are 11x17, so they are really great to hang in your classroom. Quotes include: When you think about quitting, think about why you started. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn. Stop wishing. Start doing. Be the best version of you. Dear self, today, you will shine. I can and I will. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great. If it's important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. The secret to getting ahead...is getting started. Please don't forget to take a look at the other items I have available in my store! Follow me to get the most up to date information and heads up on upcoming sales. All new items are listed at 50% off during the first 24 hours. Another great reason to follow my store. Thank for taking the time to stop by and purchase this resource.


Classroom Decor - Growth Mindset Poster Set

By Amanda G

These posters will help encourage your students to be the best they can be. Quotes include: All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. (Walt Disney) You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. You will never have this day again so make it count. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. The true secret of happiness lies in talking genuine interest in all the details of daily life. (William Morris) Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. (Arthur Ashe) How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. (Anne Frank) Always radiate sunshine Please don't forget to take a look at the other items I have available in my store! Thank for taking the time to stop by and purchase this resource.


Teamwork Check In- Group Project Reflection

By Brittany Henderson

Support students working in teams or on group projects with this reflection form. Meant to be used as a checkpoint mid project! While developed for my project based learning classroom, this form is NOT subject specific and can fit most project needs, even if you are not a PBL teacher!

This activity asks students to consider their role in the group, some traits that make a good team member and has them set a goal to be the best they can moving forward in the project.

Distance learning or need to edit for your own use?

  • No problem! This resource also has a Google Doc version for ease of use!

Two Forms of Use Included

  1. Printable PDF
  2. Google Doc

Notebook Check Grade Sheet

By Brittany Henderson

I use this sheet to easily grade Interactive Notebooks. Instead of flipping through page after page of 100+ student notebooks, I have students fill out a notebook check sheet with the assignments, dates and page numbers. When I grade an assignment (or 2-3 at a time), I write the grade down on the sheet. It is much easier for me to manage stacks of paper while putting in grades into my computer gradebook other than stacks of notebooks.


Bulletin Board Letters | Bright Smiles Collection | Back to School | Color & BW

By A Curious Lemon Studio

The Bulletin Board Letters | Bright Smiles Collection are designed for use in your personal projects. They are intended to bring joy to your classroom, providing a colorful way to engage your students with appealing visuals. Perfect for back to school, this resource is ideal for any teacher looking to add a splash of color and individuality to their space. Enhance your classroom decor with these bulletin board letters and let A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART be your ally!

This resource is part of the Classroom Decor BUNDLE | Bright Smiles Collection.

What’s inside the Bulletin Board Letters | Bright Smiles Collection ZIP FILE?:

-1 PDF file with 26 full color upper case letters (A-Z), 26 full color lower case letters (a-z), 10 numbers (0-9) and special characters (period, comma, exclamation mark, quotation mark, question mark).

-1 PDF file with 26 black and white upper case letters (A-Z), 26 black and white lower case letters (a-z), 10 numbers (0-9) and special characters (period, comma, exclamation mark, quotation mark, question mark).

-Terms of Use.

All files are in letter size (8.5" x 11").

IMPORTANT: This is not clipart. You are allowed to utilize my ready-made resource in your personal projects only. You can see an overview of the Terms of Use in the preview of this product.

READY TO DOWNLOAD? The collection is neatly packaged in a ZIP file for easy access. Ensure you have software to unzip the files and start creating!

I value your feedback! Your honest insights and suggestions will contribute to making A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART even better!

Stay Updated: Follow my store for the latest clipart sets, ready-made resources and freebies, and thank you for choosing the Bulletin Board Letters | Bright Smiles Collection to inspire your classroom!✨

Do you like this resource? Check out my Number Posters and Alphabet Posters from the same collection!

Join me on my Instagram journey!


and explore my latest creations on Pinterest!



Bulletin Board Borders | Bright Smiles Collection | Classroom Decor

By A Curious Lemon Studio

The Bulletin Board Borders | Bright Smiles Collection are designed for use in your personal projects. They are intended to bring joy to your classroom, providing a colorful way to engage your students with appealing visuals. Perfect for back to school, this resource is ideal for any teacher looking to add a splash of color and individuality to their space. Enhance your classroom decor with these borders and let A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART be your ally!

This resource is part of the Classroom Decor BUNDLE | Bright Smiles Collection.

What’s inside the Bulletin Board Borders | Bright Smiles Collection ZIP FILE?:

-1 PDF file with 30 pages with different border designs.

-Terms of Use.

All files are in letter size (8.5" x 11").

IMPORTANT: This is not clipart. You are allowed to utilize my ready-made resource in your personal projects only. You can see an overview of the Terms of Use in the preview of this product.

READY TO DOWNLOAD? The collection is neatly packaged in a ZIP file for easy access. Ensure you have software to unzip the files and start creating!

I value your feedback! Your honest insights and suggestions will contribute to making A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART even better!

Stay Updated: Follow my store for the latest clipart sets, ready-made resources and freebies, and thank you for choosing the Bulletin Board Borders | Bright Smiles Collection to inspire your classroom!✨

Do you like this resource? Check out my Alphabet Posters and Weather Posters from the same collection!

Join me on my Instagram journey!


and explore my latest creations on Pinterest!



FREE Inspirational Posters | Bright Smiles Collection | Quotes | Classroom Decor

By A Curious Lemon Studio

The FREE Inspirational Posters | Bright Smiles Collection are designed for use in your personal projects. They are intended to bring joy to your classroom, providing a colorful way to engage your students with appealing visuals. Perfect for back to school, this resource is ideal for any teacher looking to add a splash of color and individuality to their space. Enhance your classroom decor with these inspirational posters and let A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART be your ally!

This resource is part of the Classroom Decor BUNDLE | Bright Smiles Collection.

What’s inside the FREE Inspirational Posters | Bright Smiles Collection ZIP FILE?:

-1 PDF file with 6 full-color pages.

-Terms of Use.

All files are in letter size (8.5" x 11").

IMPORTANT: This is not clipart. You are allowed to utilize my ready-made resource in your personal projects only. You can see an overview of the Terms of Use in the preview of this product.

READY TO DOWNLOAD? The collection is neatly packaged in a ZIP file for easy access. Ensure you have software to unzip the files and start creating!

I value your feedback! Your honest insights and suggestions will contribute to making A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART even better!

Stay Updated: Follow my store for the latest clipart sets, ready-made resources and freebies, and thank you for choosing the FREE Inspirational Posters | Bright Smiles Collection to inspire your classroom!✨

Do you like this resource? Check out my Number Posters and Pairing Cards from the same collection!

Join me on my Instagram journey!


and explore my latest creations on Pinterest!



Elementary or Middle School Graduation Ceremony Invitation: Neon Gamer Theme

By EduDesign Savvy

Celebrate your elementary or middle school promotion ceremony in style with these neon next-level themed invitations. You'll receive a fully-editable file, compatible with Google Slides™. The invitation design themes are "Graduating to the Next Level" and "Middle School Level Complete!"


  • Compatible with Google Slides™ to easily edit
  • Customize with your school's name, logo, date, and time
  • Half-sheet, US letter size, 5.5"x8.5"
  • Print or sharing electronically
  • Include a hyperlink to an external RSVP form or a web page with more information
  • All resources use Google Fonts™ and can be downloaded for free from fonts.google.com

Printing is made easy by exporting a high-resolution PDF, allowing you to place two designs side-by-side on a Google Slide or Google Docs page (set up as landscape, 11"x8.5"). Simply cut down the center once printed!

★ Visit the EduDesign Savvy store, where every resource is under $5! ★

© EduDesign Savvy. All rights reserved by author.

Licensed for individual use. Non-transferable and may not be used by or reallocated to a different individual or entity.


AVID Christmas Activity - Speed Philosophical Chairs for Team Building

By Teach Savvy Store

Use this Christmas-themed AVID speed philosophical chairs icebreaker team-building activity to promote debate through dialogue and public speaking in your classroom as well as get students in the Christmas spirit! Students will not only learn what speed philosophical chairs is but they will enjoy some exciting dialogue through 20 fun debate topics.

For example, students will choose to agree or disagree with the statement, "It is acceptable to play Christmas music after Halloween."

⭐Save 30% with this AVID BUNDLE!

⭐Save 30% with this Public Speaking Bundle!

⭐Save 30% with this Speed Philosophical Chairs Bundle!


  1. A central statement will be announced to the class and you will define the two sides of the debate (Agree/Disagree).
  2. Students move to the side of the room that they intend to defend.
  3. An embedded timer will be set for 5 minutes, and the debate will start between the two groups.
  4. Students attempt to keep contributions to less than 30 seconds each.
  5. A new prompt is displayed and we start another round of quick debates.

What's Included:

  • A teaching slide for "the why" of speed philosophical chairs
  • A slide that includes the rules of engagement for students
  • A slide for the steps of this speed philosophical chairs activity
  • 20-speed philosophical chairs Christmas-themed debate statements
  • A 5-minute silent timer embedded in each slide

*These resources are available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID Christmas Resources HERE!

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Speed Philosophical Chairs resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!


AVID Fun Debate Topics Speed Philosophical Chairs - Team Building Activity

By Teach Savvy Store

AVID Fun Debate Topics Speed Philosophical Chairs - Team Building Activity: Use this AVID speed philosophical chairs icebreaker activity to promote public speaking and dialogue in your classroom! Students will not only learn what speed philosophical chairs is but they will enjoy some exciting dialogue through 20 fun debate topics!

For example, students will choose to agree or disagree with the statement, "older students should still get recess."

⭐Save 30% with this AVID BUNDLE!

What's Included:

  • A teach slide for "the why" of speed philosophical chairs
  • A slide which includes the rules of engagement for students
  • A slide for the steps of this speed philosophical chairs activity
  • 20 speed philosophical chairs funny debate statements
  • A 5 minute silent timer embedded in each slide

The Steps:

1. A central statement will be announced to the class and we will define the two sides

of the debate (Agree/Disagree).

2. You will move to the side

of the room with the position that you intend to defend.

3. A timer will be set for 5 minutes, and the debate will start between the two groups.

4. Be concise and attempt to keep you contributions to less than 30 seconds each. The goal is to have an up-tempo debate, where the arguments for and against the prompt are batted back and forth with quick, verbal strokes. When the timer goes off, the conversation is immediately over.

5. A new prompt is displayed and we start another round of quick debates.

*These resources are available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.

Check out other AVID resources HERE!

Check out more Speed Philosophical Chairs resources HERE!

Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!

Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!


Back to School | Meet the Teacher Gift Tags | Retro & Preppy Checkered

By Teach Savvy Store

Back to School |Meet the Teacher Gift Tags | Retro & Preppy Checkered: Help welcome students back to school with these preppy smiley faces and checkered gift tags! Perfect to pair with your meet the teacher or open house gifts. This resource includes multiple color options and black & white. :)

✨Get the smiley happy mail, gift tags, and birthday toppers bundle HERE!

Get the student gif tags bundle HERE!

save 30% with the Mega Gift Tag Bundle!

What's Included

"Very happy you are here :)" gift tag in 9 color options (including black & white)


  • print
  • cut out
  • hole punch
  • attach to a gift

✨More Gift Tags✨

Teacher Appreciation Gift Tags

Flair Pens

Smiley & Checkered Teacher Appreciation

Latte Gift Tag

Sub Way Gift Tag

State Testing Gift Tags

Good Luck Checkered & Smiley

End of the Year Resources

State Testing Coloring Pages & Bookmarks

State Testing Gift Certificate

Flower Gift Tag

Font Credits

Oh Hey ELA!
