7th Grade en Français Worksheets


By French Made Fun!

Ce produit d'enseignement sans papier récemment (très) amélioré contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour impliquer, engager et intéresser vos élèves à l'apprentissage des transformations géométriques. Avec l'aide de visuels attrayants, de jeux, d'activités, d'une approche de type atelier qui permet aux élèves d'apprendre à travers des exemples modélisés, un enseignement partagé et des travaux indépendants, vos élèves pourront prouver leur compréhension et s'amuser, en plus !

Ce méga « Slide Deck » de 90 pages couvre (en profondeur) les transformations ; y compris les translations, les rotations et les réflexions. Hormis les fiches d'évaluation imprimables et les corrigés à la fin de ce document, il est quasiment dé-matérialisé, ne nécessite ni impression, ni plan, ni cahier.

Voici les activités que vous trouverez dans ce document :

  • « Les translations » - Explications et vocabulaire explicite ;
  • « Qu'est-ce que ça signifie ? » - Un jeu pour pratiquer les directions de translation (H, B, G, D) ;
  • « Déplaçons ce rectangle » - Exemple modélisé ;
  • « Déplaçons ce rectangle » - 3 tours de pratique pour les élèves (utilisant des rectangles, des triangles et des carrés) ;
  • « Translations avec une figure ayant de nombreuses coins » - Exemple modélisé ;
  • « Quelle traduction a-t-elle subie ? » - Un jeu pour s'entraîner à lire des translations ;
  • « Les réflexions » - Explications et vocabulaire explicite ;
  • « Faisons une réflexion avec l'axe y » - Exemple modélisé ;
  • « Faisons une réflexion avec l'axe x » - 4 tours de pratique pour les élèves (utilisant des carrés, des triangles et des formes polygonales bizarres);
  • « Est-ce une réflexion ? » - Un jeu pour s'entraîner à reconnaître les réflexions ;
  • « Les rotations » - Explications et vocabulaire explicite ;
  • « Rotation d'une ligne » - Une activité simple pour pratiquer la rotation d'une ligne et connaître l'axe de rotation ;
  • « Horaire et anti-horaire » - Une activité de discussion sur le sens d'une rotation ;
  • « Stratégies » - 2 stratégies pour aider à visualiser et compléter les rotations ;
  • « Parler des rotations » - Vocabulaire utilisé pour référencer les rotations ;
  • « Jeu d'association de rotation » - Un petit jeu en partenaires pour pratiquer le vocabulaire relatif à la rotation ;
  • « Rotations et les triangles » - Une activité indépendante ;
  • « Quelle rotation s'est produite? » - Un jeu pour s'entraîner à lire et à comprendre les rotations et les axes de rotation ;
  • « Une combinaison de transformations » - Un exemple modélisé ;
  • « Une combinaison de transformations » - Pratique pour les élèves ;
  • « Discutons » - Une invite de discussion pour petits et grands groupes.

En plus des 70 pages de contenu didactique, d'exemples, d'activités, de jeux et d'invites de discussion, il y a 10 feuilles de travail qui peuvent être utilisées comme évaluations ou vérifications formelles ou informelles:

  • « As-tu vu où il est allé ? » - Une activité sur l'utilisation des mots pour expliquer les translations ;
  • « Dessiner un mouvement » - Une activité sur le dessin des translations ;
  • « Les translations » - 2 activités sur le dessin des traductions et le suivi de la directionnalité ;
  • « Les réflexions » - 2 activités sur le dessin d'images 'miroir' ;
  • « Les rotations » - Une activité sur les formes pivotantes.

Les corrigés sont inclus pour toutes les activités.

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Merci tellement! Je vous apprécie!

Mme. Kaitlyn

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!


French reading comprehension texts and questions for beginners - SET 1

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

10 French reading comprehension texts with questions for beginners to get your French students reading more. These no prep and easy to print worksheets cover ten different themes and fifteen grammar points.


→ Au café

→ Chez le médecin

→ Faire les courses

→ J'ai faim

→ J'ai soif

→ Je me présente

→ L'été

→ L'hiver

→ Le week-end

→ Ma famille

Grammar points covered across the ten texts:

→ subject pronouns

→ articles: definite, indefinite, partitive

→ possessive adjectives

→ numbers

→ aller

→ avoir + expressions

→ adjectives

→ il faut

→ stressed pronouns

→ plural nouns

→ prepositions of location

→ time, days, months

→ être

→ faire + expressions

→ questions

Answer key and English translations of the texts are included.

Teacher Testimonials:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I like the variety of basic topics included. Great for review or a quick assessment.” 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Great resource. I love how some differentiation is done for me.”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Great mini stories for beginning of class or when there's only a few minutes left in class.”

BUNDLE - Beginner French Reading Comprehension Activities

SET 2 - Beginner French Reading Comprehension Activities

Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.

Follow my store

Newsletter - French Freebies + Flash Sales

Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:

➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 2 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 and 4 curriculum

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


French Valentine bundle writing speaking kindness friends February basic FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

This Valentine’s Day FSL French bundle has lot’s of low prep activities for February. This resource focuses on themes such as kindness, friendship and love. Many handouts could be used any day you need a print and go lesson (example: week of kindness, jar of compliments, nonfiction reading comprehension text, or an explosion box gift card craft).

Resource 1:


-New vocabulary with images (22 flashcards) and suggested activities

-Writing prompts with a focus on friendship and kindness (see below)

-Valentine cards to print and color (with and without words)

Examples of short writing prompts:

Tell us about a friend

What can you do during a “une semaine de gentillesse”?

Write about things you love

How would you help someone with a problem?

Write simple compliments to classmates (compliment jar)

Worksheets with a Valentine’s theme

Crossword and various exercises for Valentine’s vocabulary

Label body parts of the cupid

Valentine’s cards (to color or blank for students to write)

Follow the directions and draw

Resource 2:

Introducing an explosion gift box writing project for your FSL class (French second language)! This simple and engaging craft is versatile, making it ideal for creating heartfelt messages to recognize special people. Perfect for personalized gifts during holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day (La fête des mères, la fête des pères, et la Saint-Valentin). This activity can work with French immersion and core French students.


-Box and cover template to be printed on 8.5 X 11 cardstock (best results)

-Interior template for extra writing

-Decorative images such as hearts and hobby clipart

-French sentence suggestions (with English translations)

Je me souviens ____________

J’aime _____________avec toi.

Tu es ____________________

-Photo step-by-step visual instructions


Scissors, Scotch tape, colored pencils, and printed templates (card stock works best for box- decorations and interior can be on paper)

Resource 3:

There are 2 Nonfiction texts (“The Legend of Saint-Valentine” and  “Love Locks- The Cities do not love them”) with comprehension questions (answer key included). Students may also watch a short film and answer questions. There are questions for class discussion or for students to respond independently in writing. Finally, students may also become music critics as they listen to a selection of songs curated for February. A template is included to help students share their opinion on the songs.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the music videos and suggested short film. The links are editable and can be changed as these are not part of the purchased resource.

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement thelibrarians.playground@gmail.com


French reading comprehension texts and questions for beginners - SET 2

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

10 French reading comprehension texts with questions for beginners to get your French students reading more. These no prep and easy to print worksheets cover ten different themes and fifteen grammar points.


→ Faire du shopping

→ Je le lui dis tout le temps

→ Je n'ai jamais

→ Je ne veux pas

→ Je veux bien, mais je ne peux pas parce que je dois...

→ Les devoirs

→ Parler couramment

→ Quel est ton plat préféré?

→ Quelle nationalité?

→ Toujours et jamais

Grammar points covered across the ten texts:

→ regular ER verbs + ouvrir

→ futur proche + falloir

→ negation

→ regular IR verbs

→ dormir, sortir, partir

→ nationalities, languages

→ common adverbs

→ regular RE verbs

→ prendre, comprendre, apprendre

→ interrogative words + quel

→ demonstrative adjectives

→ vouloir, pouvoir, devoir in present tense

→ passé composé with avoir and negation

→ voir, croire, boire

→ direct object pronouns

→ écrire, lire, dire

→ indirect object pronouns

→ direct and indirect object pronouns together

Answer key and English translations of the texts are included.

Teacher Testimonials:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “These stories are great to have on hand to supplement the themes or grammar concepts you are studying. Good for sub plans too. The students get used to the format and can do them independently as necessary.”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I am always looking for low prep products that I can use to enhance my teaching. This was such a time saver!”

BUNDLE - Beginner French Reading Comprehension Activities

SET 1 - French Reading Comprehension Activities

Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.

Follow my store

Newsletter - French Freebies + Flash Sales

Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:

➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 2 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 and 4 curriculum

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Verbes au présent - 60 verbes français à conjuguer

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

✮ Verbes au présent - 60 verbes français à conjuguer ✮ These conjugation worksheets will help your secondary French students practice verb conjugations in the present tense. In addition to writing conjugations they are asked to write a sentence using the indicated verb in the tense indicated. There is a checklist written in French for students to check their work for common errors before turning it in. A large variety of regular and irregular verbs is included (see below). Just have a look at the preview to check out an example.Great for core French, immersion schools, and regular high school French programs. Pick and choose worksheets with the verbs included as your students learn them: avoir, être, aller, faire, oublier, attendre, choisir, manger, vendre, finir, prendre, dormir, appeler, payer, jeter, voyager, lever, commencer, sortir, partir, offrir, ouvrir, mettre connaître, savoir, vouloir, devoir, pouvoir, venir, voir, croire, boire, lire, dire, écrire, comprendre, entendre, écouter, monter, montrer, descendre, rentrer, revenir, retourner, passer, venir, arriver, devenir, deviner, entrer, tomber, rester, courir, envoyer, obtenir, recevoir, employer, acheter, conduire, lancer Here's what you get: ⭐60 worksheets (one for each verb listed above) for conjugating and writing sentences. ⭐Each page has two worksheets on it for you to cut them apart down the middle and save on printing. ⭐30 pages total A few ways you can use these worksheets: ⭐No prep quick quizzes ⭐No prep homework ⭐Exit slips ⭐Warm up work ⭐Early finishers ⭐Literacy centers ⭐Test review ⭐Tutoring ⭐Laminate to use and reuse

Want this resource for other French verb tenses?
⭐ Verbes français à conjuguer - BUNDLE - 360 feuilles de travail
⭐ Verbes au présent - 60 verbes français à conjuguer
⭐ Verbes au passé composé - 60 verbes français à conjuguer
⭐ Verbes à l'imparfait - 60 verbes français à conjuguer
⭐ Verbes au futur simple - 60 verbes français à conjuguer
⭐ Verbes au conditionnel - 60 verbes français à conjuguer
⭐ Verbes au subjonctif - 60 verbes français à conjuguer

Also available in a format suitable for primary French:
⭐ Verbes au présent - 60 verbes français à conjuguer - PRIMAIRE
⭐ Verbes au passé composé - 60 verbes français à conjuguer - PRIMAIRE
⭐ Verbes à l'imparfait - 60 verbes français à conjuguer - PRIMAIRE
⭐ Verbes au futur simple - 60 verbes français à conjuguer - PRIMAIRE

Just click here to follow my store! Merci! ❤️ Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following bundles: ➀ Click here for my French 1 curriculum supplement growing bundle
➁ Click here for my French 2 curriculum supplement growing bundle
➂ Click here for my French 3 curriculum supplement bundle
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students. Merci beaucoup! ⚜Sign up for my newsletter receive free gifts weekly! ⚜⚜test your students current level in French ⚜⚜French Teachers Café Facebook Page ⚜⚜Follow my YouTube channel with 200+ French video lessons ⚜⚜Follow me on Pinterest ⚜⚜Visit my blog ⚜
Want to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases? Go to "My Purchases" and log in. Next to purchases there is a link to provide feedback. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product. When you give feedback TPT gives you credits that you can use toward future purchases. ✮ Verbes au présent - 60 verbes français à conjuguer ✮


Vouloir Pouvoir Devoir - 30 French Sudoku Puzzles BUNDLE

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

Vouloir Pouvoir Devoir - 30 French Sudoku Puzzles BUNDLE

Use these sudoku puzzles to practice the French verbs vouloir, pouvoir, devoir in the present tense and futur simple . 5 versions are included for each tense and each verb for a total of 30 puzzles. Students place a verb in each empty box so that each row, column and nine box square contains each of the verbs. Save 50% with this bundle.

Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.

➯ Click here to follow my store

Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:

➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 & 2 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! Advanced French curriculum

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

⚜Sign up for my newsletter receive free gifts weekly!⚜

⚜Visit my French teacher blog⚜

⚜Test your students current level in French⚜

⚜French Teachers Café Facebook Page⚜

⚜Follow my YouTube channel with 200+ French video lessons⚜

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Want to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases? Go to "My Purchases" and log in. Next to purchases there is a link to provide feedback. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product. When you give feedback TPT gives you credits that you can use toward future purchases.


French Plural Nouns Bundle

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

French Plural Nouns Bundle

This is a set of my teaching resources and practice materials for regular and irregular French plural nouns. The rules for making some French nouns plural can be tricky, so a lesson guide is included as a bonus with this bundle. Save 20%.

As I make more resources related to this grammar theme, I will add them to the bundle at no additional cost to you. Be sure to follow my store and watch your TeachShare notifications for important updates.

➯ Just click here to follow my store

➯ Newsletter: Get your free set of 100 French speaking cards

Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.

Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:

➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 & 2 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! Advanced French curriculum

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

EARN TeachShare CREDITS FOR FUTURE PURCHASES: Want to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases? Go to "My Purchases" and log in. Next to purchases there is a link to provide feedback. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product. When you give feedback TPT gives you credits that you can use toward future purchases.

Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


French Reading Comprehension for Beginners - BUNDLE - Compréhension de Lecture

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

French Reading Comprehension Activities For Beginners - Compréhension de Lecture - BUNDLE

French activities to use with beginner to lower intermediate students to improve reading comprehension. 20 French texts with comprehension questions to get your beginning French students reading more. These no prep and easy to print worksheets cover twenty different themes and over thirty French grammar topics. Save 20%.


French reading comprehension texts and questions for beginners - SET 1


→ Au café

→ Chez le médecin

→ Faire les courses

→ J'ai faim

→ J'ai soif

→ Je me présente

→ L'été

→ L'hiver

→ Le week-end

→ Ma famille

Grammar points covered across the ten texts:

→ subject pronouns

→ articles: definite, indefinite, partitive

→ possessive adjectives

→ numbers

→ aller

→ avoir + expressions

→ adjectives

→ il faut

→ stressed pronouns

→ plural nouns

→ prepositions of location

→ time, days, months

→ être

→ faire + expressions

→ questions

French reading comprehension texts and questions for beginners - SET 2


→ Faire du shopping

→ Je le lui dis tout le temps

→ Je n'ai jamais

→ Je ne veux pas

→ Je veux bien, mais je ne peux pas parce que je dois...

→ Les devoirs

→ Parler couramment

→ Quel est ton plat préféré?

→ Quelle nationalité?

→ Toujours et jamais

Grammar points covered across the ten texts:

→ regular ER verbs + ouvrir

→ futur proche + falloir

→ negation

→ regular IR verbs

→ dormir, sortir, partir

→ nationalities, languages

→ common adverbs

→ regular RE verbs

→ prendre, comprendre, apprendre

→ interrogative words + quel

→ demonstrative adjectives

→ vouloir, pouvoir, devoir in present tense

→ passé composé with avoir and negation

→ voir, croire, boire

→ direct object pronouns

→ écrire, lire, dire

→ indirect object pronouns

→ direct and indirect object pronouns together

What teachers are saying about these French reading comprehension activities:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "I used this during hybrid learning to have students read aloud and practice pronunciation. The texts challenged my students enough to keep them focused but not so much that they tuned out. Allowed for growth in vocabulary and pronunciation."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "I am using this as a listening activity with my students - I separate the text from the questions and read them the text so that they can listen and respond by answering the questions. Works very well!"

Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.

Follow my store

Newsletter - French Freebies + Flash Sales

Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:

➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 2 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 and 4 curriculum

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


French Descriptive Adjectives Exercises Bundle + Adjective Resource Booklet

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

SAVE HALF OFF BUNDLE PRICE 24 HOURS ONLY: This French descriptive adjectives bundle includes 10 worksheets with a total of 100 sentences in which students fill in the blanks with descriptive adjectives while making agreement when necessary.  An adjective reference booklet is included! No answer key is provided as different students will most certainly choose from a variety of adjectives to fill in the blanks.

This bundle includes an adjective reference booklet with 185 common adjectives written in the masculine and feminine forms with English translations.

➯ This resource is included in my French 1 curriculum: Ça y est, je parle français!

➯ Just click here to follow my store

➯ Newsletter: Get your free set of 100 French speaking cards

Check out my new Build Your Own French Bundle option. Select resources from my store, and if they total $20 or more I'll quickly create a special order bundle for you at 20% off. No sale items or other already discounted bundles can be included.

Want to have all of your secondary French resource needs covered? Check out the following curriculum supplement bundles:

➯ Ça y est, Je parle français! French 1 & 2 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! French 3 curriculum

➯ Ça y est, je parle français! Advanced French curriculum

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

EARN TeachShare CREDITS FOR FUTURE PURCHASES: Want to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases? Go to "My Purchases" and log in. Next to purchases there is a link to provide feedback. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product. When you give feedback TPT gives you credits that you can use toward future purchases.

Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
