7th Grade Critical Thinking Internet Activities

How to Spot Fake News, Rumors, and Other Misleading Content

By Innovations in Technology

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students learn more about safe and reliable use of the Internet in the digital age as they learn how to decipher between fake and real news, spot misleading websites, avoid clickbait, and recognize rumors or misleading information on social media. The lesson starts with a PowerPoint presentation (teacher led or distributed to students to read themselves) that outlines some of the pitfalls of erroneous or misleading information on the Internet. Then, students complete several lessons to develop their skills in recognizing fake news, fake websites, clickbait, and other misinformation. These can also be done with a partner or in a small group if the teacher prefers. Next, students work with a group to answer critical thinking questions about the ethics of fake news and ways to prevent contributing to the problem. Also included with the lesson is a word search puzzle, great for early finishers, or as a part of the lesson.

This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary grades or high school as well.

Materials Required:

· Computers with Internet access for each student (or pair of students)

· Access to Microsoft Word or Google Docs and Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides

Files included:

· Teacher & Student Resources

· PowerPoint Presentation – Misinformation in the Digital Age

· 3 Lessons with Instructions, Grading Rubrics, and Answer Keys

· Reference Sheet: How to Recognize Fake Websites and News

· Group Discussion Critical Thinking Questions with Teacher Guide for Use

· Word Search Puzzle with Answer Key

Approximate Lesson Duration:

· Introduction to the Unit and PowerPoint Presentation: 1 (50 minute) class period

· 3 lessons: 3-4 (50 minute) class periods (for all three lessons)

· Group Discussion Questions: 1-3 (50 minute) class periods depending on class/group size

· Word Search Puzzle: about 20-30 minutes

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FAKE NEW! Teaching Digital Literacy to Kids

By Gail Hennessey

The term FAKE News seems to be used a lot these days! April Fool's Day is a great opportunity to begin a discussion with students on FAKE and REAL news.

I have a student version....just send me a note and I'd be happy to send it along.

A recent survey found that many young people(and adults for that matter) can't seem to determine which is a real news story from a fake news story. We need to develop digital critical literacy with our students so they can try and determine the difference BEFORE they hit "send" to all their friends.

https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/FAKE-NEWS-Teaching-Digital-Critical-LiteracyFREEBIE-INA-4494790 FREEBIE on FAKE NEWS

Note: Additionally, I have another resource you may find of interest to use for such a discussion on fake/real news:

Want to introduce your students to the history of April Fools' Day? This resource provides a reading for students as well as lots of interesting famous April Fools’ pranks. Additionally, there are extension activities as well as a Test your April Fools' Day IQ(can you spot the True News Stories from the Fake ones?). There are also comprehension questions for the students to answer after reviewing the resource: April Fool's Day Reading/Activities

Again, the above resource, could be used throughout the year to foster digital critical literacy with kids.


Setting Goals with a Vision Board - Canva, PowerPoint or Google Slides Project

By Innovations in Technology

This unit gives students a new way to plan goals and create a visual representation of them as they create a vision board using the free Web 2.0 tool Canva (www.canva.com), Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. Canva does not require download, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning. Options for using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides are also included for use if the teacher prefers.

In these lessons, students are provided with a quick tutorial for Canva, as well as links to other resources to help them with their designs. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations. Links are included to tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Students start this unit by learning about vision boards and looking at some examples before planning their own. Next, they search for non-copyrighted pictures, quotes and words to convey their goals and create a vision board using Canva (PowerPoint or Slides). Teacher and student resources are provided for the lesson, along with full instructions and project expectation, including a grading rubric. Three versions of the assignment are included: One that includes all software choices, one that includes only Canva, and one that includes only the Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides options. A sample vision board is also included, as well as links to other examples. Links for tutorials are provided for all suggested software choices in the student resources and a Quick Start Tutorial Guide is included for Canva. All student resources are fully editable, so that it can be easily modified for any classroom.

If you prefer, this lesson can be done without access to student computers, using poster board and pictures cut from magazines (see full supply list for this option below). A version of those instructions is also included.

Perfect for the beginning of the school year or the New Year to set goals, this lesson can be used in technology, AVID, leadership or similar classes. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Materials Required:

  • Computers with Internet access for each student (or pair of students)

  • Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides (optional if students are using Canva)

  • If you want to do this project without computers, you will need these supplies for each student:

o Poster board
o Scissors
o Glue/tape
o Magazines for pictures
o Markers/pens
o Colored Paper
o Stickers (optional)

Files included:

  • Teacher & Student Resources
  • Planning a Vision Board – Student Instructions & Expectations (editable)
  • Planning a Vision Board – Student Worksheet (editable)
  • Vision Board Creation Project in Canva, MS PowerPoint or Google Slides – Student Expectations and Grading Rubric (3 editable versions)
  • Vision Board Creation Project – Paper version for use without computers – Student Expectations and Grading Rubric (editable)
  • Quick Start Tutorial for Canva
  • Sample Vision Board

Approximate Lesson Duration:

  • Introduction to project and student planning sheet: 1 (50 minute) class period
  • Vision Board Creation Project including research: 2-3 (50 minute) class periods

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FAKE NEW! Teaching Digital Literacy to Kids

By Gail Hennessey

The term FAKE News seems to be used a lot these days! April Fool's Day is a great opportunity to begin a discussion with students on FAKE and REAL news.

I have a student version....just send me a note and I'd be happy to send it along.

A recent survey found that many young people(and adults for that matter) can't seem to determine which is a real news story from a fake news story. We need to develop digital critical literacy with our students so they can try and determine the difference BEFORE they hit "send" to all their friends.

https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/FAKE-NEWS-Teaching-Digital-Critical-LiteracyFREEBIE-INA-4494790 FREEBIE on FAKE NEWS

Note: Additionally, I have another resource you may find of interest to use for such a discussion on fake/real news:

Want to introduce your students to the history of April Fools' Day? This resource provides a reading for students as well as lots of interesting famous April Fools’ pranks. Additionally, there are extension activities as well as a Test your April Fools' Day IQ(can you spot the True News Stories from the Fake ones?). There are also comprehension questions for the students to answer after reviewing the resource: April Fool's Day Reading/Activities

Again, the above resource, could be used throughout the year to foster digital critical literacy with kids.


Preventing Cyberbullying (Cultivating Kindness) - Poster | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn more about what cyberbullying is and how to deal with it. The objective of this lesson is to help students understand kindness and discretion when using social media sites, texting, and interacting with others through other technology. Included with the lesson is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for whole class instruction (editable) to start discussion. Next, students choose a topic about cyberbullying and brainstorm ways to deal with that issue as they create a poster using Poster My Wall (www.postermywall.com), a free Web 2.0 tool that does not require download. A Quick Start Guide for the program is included to help students navigate the program. These posters make a great addition to a school website, or can be printed and displayed in the hallways.

This is a great activity for the beginning of the school year to set the tone for expectations in online activity and communications. This lesson is suitable for technology classes, for counselors, or in any class that will use the Internet.

This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary grades or high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Understanding Cyberbullying – Editable Microsoft PowerPoint presentation

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for Cyberbullying Poster Project

• Quick Start Guide for Poster My Wall

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Setting SMART Goals | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Setting SMART Goals is a lesson that helps students identify and plan goals for school or their personal life by utilizing the SMART method of goal planning (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely). This is a great lesson to start off a new semester or a new year.

In these lessons, students are provided with an introduction to the goals methodology and suggested resources for whole class activities are included to introduce the lessons. Next, students brainstorm with a small group and then work individually to craft their own individual goal. This project was created for middle school students but would easily be adaptable to any age group.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Introduction to SMART Goal Planning (student handout)

• Instructions for Group Brainstorming Activity

• Individual Goal Planning Brainstorming Worksheet

• Individual Goal Planning Final Goal Worksheet

• Follow up Activity (progress check)

• Project Rubric

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Technology Then & Now: A Team History / Research Project

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students use critical thinking and research skills to determine how a specific form of technology evolved. Working with a partner or small group, students start with where their chosen technology was prior to 1900 and then take it through 5 more steps of evolution to the present day. Students use the Internet for research to determine what had to happen between each step to move their technology to the next iteration. Worksheets are provided for six high interest topics, with an editable blank form (PowerPoint) if the teacher chooses to add another topic (or let students choose a different topic). The worksheets are two pages (print front and back). Resources for the teacher and students include a short list of Internet sites as a starting point for each research topic. A sample completed worksheet is also included for one topic. Topics included are:

• How We Listen to Music

• How We Watch a Movie

• How We Take Photographs

• How We Communicate on the Telephone

• How We Research Information

• How We Tell Time

This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary as well.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Technology Then & Now Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric

• Technology Then & Now Student Worksheets (6 topics, plus an editable blank – both color and black and white versions of each)

• Sample Project

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Columbus Day & Indigenous People's Day WebQuest & Word Search Puzzle

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn fun facts about Columbus Day and Indigenous People's Day, as they complete a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about the topic. A complete answer key is provided for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students. Two versions of the WebQuest are included to let teachers print the questions or to provide them digitally as an interactive page in an editable Microsoft PowerPoint file. Additionally, a word search puzzle with answer key is included, perfect for early finishers or to use as a part of the lesson.

This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• WebQuest questions for students - print and digital versions (editable)

• WebQuest Answer Key (non-editable, .pdf)

• Word Search Puzzle with Answer Key

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