7th Grade Computer Science & Technology Webquests

Great Inventions - Media Bundle: Radio, TV & The Internet | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn interesting facts about the invention of three media sources:  radio, television, and the Internet as they complete several projects including a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about each of the topics.    A complete answer key is provided for the WebQuests for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students.  The student questions are included in both a print version and a digital (editable) version to make it easy for students to complete the lesson digitally or on paper.  Also included with this lesson is an editable acrostic puzzle that can be printed for students or completed on the computer (file provided in MS Word which can be opened in Google Docs if you prefer).  It includes two versions of the puzzle for differentiation and an answer key, which is perfect for early finishers or as a part of the lesson.   As a bonus, with this bundle an additional word search puzzle is included that covers all three topics (includes an answer key).

This lesson is intended to be an introduction to the topics and was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.  This lesson could be used in a history or technology class and is also a great lesson to leave for a substitute teacher!

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included for Each Topic:

  • Teacher & Student Resources
  • WebQuest Activity (3 print and editable digital files included)
  • WebQuest Answer Key (3 answer keys)
  • Acrostic Puzzle –two versions for differentiation and an answer key for each
    topic (3 puzzles)
  • BONUS PUZZLE:  Word Search Puzzle on all 3 Topics (1 puzzle) with answer key

Approximate Lesson Duration for Each Topic:

  • WebQuest - 1 (50 minute) class period
  • Acrostic Puzzle – 30 minutes

These lessons are also available individually:

Great Inventions – Radio

Great Inventions – Television

Great Inventions - The Internet

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Lesson Plans for Your Substitute Teacher | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Easy lessons that students can do with a substitute teacher that are still engaging and on-topic for Career and Technology (CTE) classes or other technology based middle school classes.

These are great to have for those occasions where you need to call in a substitute at the last minute and don't have time to plan. They're also great lessons you may be tempted to use on days you are there too!!

Perfect for middle school (grades 6-8), these lessons are ready to go and need no additional prep time.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Contained in this download:

1. Contents and additional resources for the teacher

2. SIX (6) stand-alone lessons for days when there is a substitute teacher including:

a. Lesson Plan: Creative Writing Using MS Word

b. Lesson Plan: Exploring a Career of Interest (MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher or Web 2.0 tools)

c. Lesson Plan: Famous Engineer Research Project (MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher or Web 2.0 tools)

d. Lesson Plan: Web Scavenger Hunt – Internet Technology (MS Word) – includes answer key

e. Lesson Plan: Issues in Biotechnology (MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher or Web 2.0 tools)

f. Lesson Plan: Robotics Applications (MS PowerPoint)

3. BONUS: Substitute Teacher Report Form

I hope these will help make your life easier when you have to be away from your class!

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Tessellations, MC Escher & Geometry: WebQuest, Art & Technology Activity

By Innovations in Technology

Incorporate STEAM in your classroom by combining technology with math and art! This unit teaches students the geometry of tessellations by combining art and math. First, students learn about what tessellations are and their history, as well as the math behind them as they answer questions by searching for the information on the Internet in a WebQuest. Next, they create tessellations following a step-by-step tutorial in MS PowerPoint. After creating three simple tessellations following the steps, they create a tessellation of their own and write a short paragraph explaining the math in their design.

For classrooms that don’t have access to technology (or teachers who prefer to do this without using technology), starter tessellation handouts (editable) are included so students can do the design portions on paper. This is perfect for a technology class, a math class, or an art class. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Introduction to Tessellations and the work of M.C. Escher Questions/WebQuest worksheet

• Introduction to Tessellations and the work of M.C. Escher Questions/WebQuest worksheet answer key

• Tessellations in MS PowerPoint Lesson with Step-by-Step Tutorial and Rubric

• Tessellation Project Samples (editable MS PowerPoint)

• Tessellation Project to do on paper without a computer (editable MS PowerPoint)

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