Digital Fashion Design Notebook (Editable) | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students explore the field of fashion design, using a digital notebook to compile their research and designs. In addition to teacher and student resources, the lesson includes a 22 page, editable digital notebook (Microsoft PowerPoint) which can also be shared via Google Drive and opened in Google Slides. Students can work through the lessons in the notebook at their own pace, or the teacher can assign specific lessons for each class period. Students learn fashion terminology, clothing and fashion industry trends and influences, elements of art and design in fashion, color choices, and the types of fabrics and materials used in fashions. They also create a design portfolio in the notebook, using online resources, of fashions of interest to them, creating their own “fashion line”. Additionally, they explore careers in the field, reflect on their own personal style choices and summarize their learning in the lesson.
This is a great activity for a career exploration class, Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications class, Family & Consumer Sciences, Fashion Design, or any technology class. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Editable (MS Word) Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for the notebook (two versions: full lesson instructions to let students work at their own pace, and individual lessons by page)
• Teacher instructions for each page of the notebook
• Student Digital Notebook for Fashion Design (editable in MS PowerPoint)
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