6th Grade Writing Simulations

Interactive Learning:Compound/Complex Sentences Lesson & Templates ELA Test Prep

By Blooming Through High School

  • If your students struggle writing compound or complex sentences...
  • If you want them to level up on revising & editing sections on state or district tests (commas, ya'll... tested SO OFTEN)...
  • If you want them to fully and completely understand how to use a comma in all situations...
  • AND you don't want to force them to do it...


By taking something they already understand and combining it with a manipulative made for ELA, you've got Sentence Burgers.

I've included many variations on this for:

  • Independent work
  • Group work
  • Paired learning
  • Whole class interaction

Through fun templates, opportunities for increased complex thinking as well as ways for teachers to measure learning through leveled/scaffolded practice and assessments.

Make Sentence Burgers the BEST and LAST way you teach compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences through FUN LEARNING


- PDF (53 pages includes 20+ pages of templates + student reference pages)

-PowerPoint Lesson (11 slides)

-Google Quizzes (4 links)

- Practice Pages (4 areas in PDF)

- Quizzes (4 areas - replicated on Google Quizzes)

- Pics of completed templates (in folder)
