6th Grade Spanish Printables

Actividades de las partes del cuerpo - Body Parts Worksheets in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Are you looking for no prep Spanish practice for your students? These ready-to-go Spanish worksheets activities are a great resource to reinforce and practice body parts in Spanish and they can be used for different levels.

The skills included are: trace the words, label the pictures, write the words, find the right word, match the words with the pictures, choose the right answer, put the word in order, write the missing letters, and draw.

This set contains 64 worksheets (32 color and 32 black and white).

Vocabulary includes: cabeza, nariz, oreja, pelo, ojos, boca, hombro, brazo, mano, pierna, dedo(s), pie, and rodilla.


Worksheets Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Bingo de las partes del cuerpo (Body parts Bingo)

Sopa de letras del cuerpo (Body Parts Spanish Word Search)

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Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Spanish Posters!! Numbers and Alphabet!

By La Llama Bilingüe

Really cute design for your bulletin board! Ideal for your Spanish Bilingual classroom!

  • 27 letters of the alphabet
  • Numbers 1-20

Etiquetas Biblioteca de Aula | Género y Tema | Spanish Classroom Library Labels

By SPO Resources

Organiza la biblioteca de tu aula por géneros con estas coloridas etiquetas de géneros y temas para estanterías y cajas de libros. Con una categorización clara, clasificar los libros de la biblioteca por géneros y temas es FÁCIL.


Elija el formato listo para imprimir o utilice los archivos de imagen PNG y las plantillas prediseñadas para cada etiqueta de género para ajustar fácilmente el tamaño de las etiquetas y seleccionar etiquetas de género específicas para imprimir. De este modo, ahorrará tinta y papel a la hora de organizar la biblioteca de su aula.

Con seis formatos listos para imprimir, dos de los cuales están diseñados para ajustarse a las etiquetas Avery, podrá imprimir rápidamente etiquetas en varios tamaños y formatos que mejor se adapten a las necesidades de su aula.

Las plantillas incluidas en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva, junto con los archivos de imagen PNG de cada etiqueta, facilitan la personalización y selección de las etiquetas que desea imprimir, ofreciendo flexibilidad en el proceso de impresión.

Aquí tienes un resumen de las opciones disponibles:

  1. Formatos listos para imprimir: Imprime las etiquetas de género directamente desde el PDF en 6 tamaños diferentes.
  2. Opciones de etiquetas Avery: Dos formatos listos para imprimir están diseñados para adaptarse a las etiquetas Avery. Esto significa que puedes imprimir directamente en hojas de etiquetas Avery sin tener que recortarlas después.
  3. Impresión personalizada con plantillas prefabricadas: Aunque las etiquetas NO SON EDITABLES, puede utilizar las plantillas proporcionadas en PowerPoint, Google Slides o Canva para personalizar las etiquetas que desea imprimir en cada página. Inserte imágenes PNG en las plantillas personalizadas para obtener un tamaño preciso y facilitar la impresión.

Con estas funciones, puede simplificar el proceso de impresión de etiquetas y crear etiquetas de género de aspecto profesional para la biblioteca de su clase. Disfrute de una organización perfecta y cree un ambiente de lectura vibrante para sus alumnos.

¿Ya tienes los Pósters de géneros de lectura para tu aula?

En sintonía con los carteles de géneros de lectura, estas etiquetas de géneros para el aula se diseñaron para ayudar a los alumnos a aplicar sus conocimientos sobre los géneros de los libros en la biblioteca. Al combinar las etiquetas con los carteles, ayudará a sus alumnos a descubrir libros que les interesen y a comprender mejor los géneros.

¿Estás cansado de tener una biblioteca de aula desorganizada?

Mejore la biblioteca de su clase con estas etiquetas de género y tema para bibliotecas de aula. Clasifica tus libros por género y tema para crear una biblioteca organizada y accesible que fomente la lectura independiente. Despídete de las estanterías desordenadas y da la bienvenida a un atractivo espacio de lectura que inspira el amor por la literatura.

¿A sus alumnos les cuesta encontrar los libros que les interesan?

Con una amplia variedad de etiquetas entre las que elegir, puede organizar su biblioteca de forma que resulte visualmente atractiva y fácil de navegar, lo que permitirá a los alumnos encontrar rápidamente lo que buscan. Observe cómo sus alumnos descubren fácilmente libros que coinciden con sus intereses y niveles de lectura, despertando su pasión por la lectura.



Carpeta con imágenes PNG de las 60 etiquetas

  • 8" x 2.5" con sangrado de 0.125
  • 300 DPI
  • Una carpeta con 60 etiquetas en color
  • Una carpeta con 60 etiquetas en blanco y negro
  • Utilice las imágenes para personalizar fácilmente las etiquetas y los tamaños que desea imprimir para su biblioteca de aula insertando cada imagen en una plantilla prediseñada en PowerPoint, Google Slides o Canva.

4 archivos PDF con etiquetas listas para imprimir

  • Etiquetas grandes→ 4 por página: 7.9" x 2.6"
  • Etiquetas medianas→ 5 por página: 6" x 2"
  • Etiquetas pequeñas→ 8 por página: 5.25" x 1.75"
  • Mini etiquetas→ 14 por página: 4" x 1.35"
  • Impresión en color o en blanco y negro

2 archivos PDF con etiquetas Avery listas para imprimir

Dos opciones formateadas para imprimir directamente en etiquetas Avery.

  • Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 1-1/3" x 4"→ 14 etiquetas por página

    • Asegúrese de tener el número de producto de etiqueta Avery correcto. Utilicé la Plantilla Presta® 94206, que funciona con 18262, 48462, 48862, 5162, 5262, 5522, 5654, 5962, 6445, 6455, 8162, 8252, 8462, 95522.
  • Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 2" x 6" → 4 etiquetas por página.

    • Asegúrese de que tiene el número de producto de etiqueta Avery correcto. Utilicé la Plantilla Presta® 94242.

6 Plantillas PPTX para personalizar la impresión

  • Para garantizar un tamaño preciso y una impresión sencilla de las etiquetas que desee, puede insertar imágenes PNG en las plantillas personalizadas.
  • Elija entre las siguientes plantillas de etiquetas:
    • Plantilla de etiqueta grande
    • Plantilla de etiqueta mediana
    • Plantilla de etiqueta pequeña
    • Plantilla de mini etiquetas
    • Plantilla de etiqueta Avery 1-1/3" x 4
    • Plantilla de etiqueta Avery de 2" x 6

➡ Puede cambiar el tamaño de las imágenes por su cuenta, pero el uso de plantillas le ahorrará tiempo y le facilitará mantener un tamaño uniforme.

➡ Ahorre tinta y papel imprimiendo sólo las etiquetas que necesite.

➡ Si no tiene PowerPoint, ¡no se preocupe! También puedes personalizar las etiquetas utilizando los enlaces proporcionados en Google Slides o Canva.

Todas las plantillas están disponibles en Google Slides y Canva.

Tenga en cuenta que ninguna característica de la etiqueta en sí es editable. Usted no será capaz de ajustar los colores, fuentes o gráficos de cualquiera de las etiquetas. Sólo podrá personalizar las etiquetas que desee imprimir utilizando las plantillas.

Etiquetas de género y temas incluidos

Etiquetas de ficción

  • Fantasía
  • Fantasía Ficción
  • Ficción realista
  • Ficción Histórica
  • Literatura Tradicional
  • Clásicos
  • Cuentos populares
  • Cuentos folclóricos
  • Fábulas
  • Cuentos de hadas
  • Cuentos exagerados
  • Mitos
  • Leyendas
  • Leyendas & mitos
  • Cuentos de animales
  • Drama
  • Poesía
  • Ciencia ficción
  • Misterios
  • Humor
  • Terror
  • Libros espeluznantes
  • Suspenso
  • Aventura
  • Supervivencia
  • Distopía
  • Romance
  • Crimen
  • Ficción
  • Novelas Gráficas

Etiquetas de no ficción

  • No ficción
  • Textos expositivos
  • Textos informativos
  • No ficción narrativa
  • Biografía
  • Autobiografía
  • Memorias
  • Textos biográficos
  • Autobiografía y biografía
  • Textos persuasivos
  • Procedimiento
  • Libros de instrucciones

Temas y otras etiquetas de la biblioteca

  • Deportes
  • Matemáticas
  • Historia
  • Ciencias Sociales
  • Ciencias
  • Cuerpo Humano
  • Tecnología
  • Transporte
  • Geografía
  • Animales
  • Dinosaurios
  • Espacio
  • Días festivos
  • Ganadores de premios
  • Favoritos de la clase
  • Hospital de libros
  • Devolución de libros

¿Falta alguna etiqueta en esta lista que desearía que estuviera incluida?

No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico en samantha@sporesources.com y hágame saber su sugerencia.

¿Cómo puede beneficiar este recurso a mi clase?

Estas etiquetas coloridas y visualmente atractivas han sido cuidadosamente diseñadas para captar la atención de los jóvenes lectores, facilitándoles la elección de los libros de la biblioteca. Los llamativos gráficos de cada etiqueta ayudarán a los alumnos a comprender mejor el género y lo que pueden esperar leer.

Si ya tiene los pósteres de lectura de género, éstos serán un gran suplemento para su materiales didácticos. Estas etiquetas le ayudarán a coordinar su biblioteca con el contenido que se enseña durante su bloque de alfabetización. De este modo, a los alumnos les resultará más fácil encontrar los libros que les interesan.

Utiliza estas etiquetas para hacer de tu biblioteca un espacio más atractivo y más fácil de usar. Al clasificar la biblioteca de tu aula por género y tema, puedes crear una experiencia de lectura atractiva y envolvente para tus alumnos, ayudándoles a convertirse en lectores y aprendices para toda la vida.

Estas etiquetas son fáciles de usar y se adaptan a las necesidades de su aula. Ahorre tinta y papel utilizando las plantillas para seleccionar las etiquetas que desea imprimir. Además, puede imprimir directamente en dos tamaños de etiquetas Avery que ya están formateadas para usted. Ahorre tiempo recortando las etiquetas imprimiendo directamente en una hoja de adhesivos.

¿Quién puede beneficiarse de este recurso?

Como profesor de primaria, bibliotecario o educador, utiliza estas etiquetas de biblioteca para crear una biblioteca de aula bien organizada y atractiva. Al agrupar los libros por género y tema, sus alumnos podrán encontrar fácilmente los libros que coincidan con sus intereses y niveles de lectura. Estas etiquetas son una herramienta práctica que fomenta el amor por la lectura y mejora su experiencia docente a la vez que anima a los alumnos a explorar la literatura diversa.


  1. Etiquetar estanterías: Deshazte de tus cubos de libros y organiza la biblioteca de tu clase aplicando estas etiquetas horizontales a tus estanterías.
  2. Etiquetar las cajas de libros: Aplica estas etiquetas a los cubos de libros de tu biblioteca** para crear un rincón de lectura ordenado y acogedor.
  3. Personaliza las etiquetas imprimiendo las versiones en blanco y negro en papel de cartulina de colores para que combinen con la decoración de tu aula.
  4. Muro de palabras de alfabetización: Mejora las lecciones de alfabetización colocando las etiquetas en un muro de palabras de alfabetización cuando enseñes géneros o temas específicos.
  5. Utiliza las imágenes PNG y la plantilla de Canva para cambiar el tamaño de las etiquetas y seleccionar las que mejor se adapten a la biblioteca de tu aula. Así evitarás malgastar tinta y papel imprimiendo etiquetas que no necesitas. Ten en cuenta que las etiquetas no se pueden editar.
  6. Expositores de libros por géneros: Rota y destaca géneros específicos cada mes o semestre montando expositores de libros por géneros con las etiquetas. Esto mantiene la biblioteca fresca y emocionante, animando a los estudiantes a explorar diferentes géneros a lo largo del año.
  7. Recomendar libros: Utiliza estas etiquetas para recomendar libros rápidamente y crear una biblioteca de aula que fomente el amor por la lectura.


Tras la compra, recibirá un archivo zip que contiene archivos PDF, archivos PPTX e imágenes PNG.

Archivos PDF incluidos:

  • Etiquetas grandes, medianas, pequeñas y mini listas para imprimir tanto en color como en blanco y negro.
  • Etiquetas Avery de 1-1/3" x 4" y 2" x 6" listas para imprimir tanto en color como en blanco y negro.
  • Acceso digital: Enlaces a plantillas en Google Slides y Canva para todos los tamaños de etiquetas.

Archivos PPTX incluidos:

  • Plantillas de etiquetas grandes, medianas, pequeñas y mini
  • Plantillas de etiquetas Avery de 1-1/3” x 4” y 2” x 6”

Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en color

  • 60 imágenes PNG de etiquetas de bilbioteca en color
  • Tamaño: 8” x 2.5"
  • Resolución: 300 DPI

Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en blanco y negro

  • 60 imágenes PNG de etiquetas de bilbioteca en blanco y negro
  • Tamaño: 8” x 2.5"
  • Resolución: 300 DPI


  1. ¿Puedo modificar los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas?
    Los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas no pueden editarse debido a las restricciones de licencia de las fuentes. Sin embargo, para que se adapten mejor a su plan de estudios, he proporcionado varias versiones de títulos de géneros populares para que pueda elegir. Si las opciones de color no se adaptan a sus necesidades, puede usar la opción en blanco y negro e imprimir en la cartulina de color de su elección.

  2. ¿Necesito algún software específico para utilizar las plantillas?
    La misma plantilla está disponible en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva. Esto significa que si no tienes acceso a Microsoft Office, puedes utilizar la versión gratuita de Canva o Google Slides para acceder a las plantillas.

  3. ¿Puedo utilizar los archivos de imagen PNG para imprimir etiquetas en tamaños diferentes a los mencionados en la descripción del producto?
    Sí, puede ajustar las etiquetas al tamaño que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Cada imagen PNG tiene un tamaño original de 8" x 2.5", pero se puede ajustar al tamaño que prefiera. Se incluyen plantillas del tamaño de la imagen para facilitar el proceso de impresión, incluso para aquellos que no sean expertos en diseño.

  4. ¿Es difícil utilizar las plantillas para alguien sin experiencia en diseño?
    Las plantillas son muy fáciles de usar y se incluyen como herramienta para facilitarte el proceso de impresión. También se incluyen instrucciones sobre cómo utilizarlas. Alternativamente, puede optar por imprimir las etiquetas directamente desde el PDF listo para imprimir.

  5. ¿Puedo utilizar las imágenes en mis propios productos TeachShare o publicarlas en la web?
    No, este producto está destinado a un único uso personal o en el aula. No puede publicar estas imágenes en ningún sitio web no seguro ni incluirlas en recursos gratuitos o de pago. Consulte mis Condiciones de uso (CDU) para obtener más información.

Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources


All rights reserved by the author.

Purchase is for single classroom use only.

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.

Get ready to easily create an organized classroom library with these library labels for book bins and bookshelves in Spanish.


Spanish Clothing/La Ropa Shopping Project & 7 Vocabulary Worksheets Bundle!

By Churros and Croissants

Looking for even more fun ways for students to practice Spanish clothing vocabulary? Get the best of both worlds by bundling 7 independent written worksheets AND an immersive student-led virtual shopping field trip, ¡Vamos de Compras!

Spanish Clothing/La Ropa Vocabulary Activities/Practice/Emergency Sub Lesson! Includes a list of 25 clothing-related vocabulary terms with the following practice sheets:

  1. Repetition-Based Learning: Utilize the power of repetition to solidify vocabulary retention. Students will practice writing clothing words multiple times, enhancing their memory and fluency.
  2. Word Jumble: Challenge your students' word recognition skills with an exciting word jumble activity. They'll create their own jumbles to reveal names of Spanish clothing vocabulary.
  3. Categorizing: Engage your students in critical thinking as they categorize their new vocabulary. This activity encourages them to analyze and sort words in suitcases according to seasons.
  4. Drawing and Labeling: Tap into your students' artistic side as they sketch and label their new words. This activity promotes creativity while reinforcing vocabulary and spelling.
  5. Word Search: Let your students become puzzle masters! They'll create their very own word searches using new vocabulary. This activity enhances spelling, vocabulary recognition, and problem-solving skills.
  6. Matching: Learners make connections between words and their translations. By actively associating and pairing words together, learners establish connections that enhance their understanding and retention of vocabulary.
  7. Short Answer: Provide an opportunity for students to apply the vocabulary in meaningful ways. By constructing responses, students connect the vocabulary to specific contexts, demonstrating their understanding of how the words are used. This application helps with recall and enhances their ability to use vocabulary effectively.

Once your students have a firm grasp on clothing, students will embark on a virtual shopping adventure to purchase clothing items for a family in need. This project not only reinforces essential language skills such as vocabulary acquisition and currency conversion but also promotes empathy, cultural awareness, and community engagement. With clear instructions, interactive online shopping, and engaging presentation components, ¡Vamos de Compras! is sure to be a hit with your students.

Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!


Cinco de mayo Mazes Puzzles With Solution - Fun May Brain Games Activities

By The Students Palace

Puzzles are the best activities for brain teasing labyrinths, these exercises support learning through play by developing concentration and problem solving skills.

Feel free to let us know how we're doing in the Ratings & Comments section.


  • ( PDF + PNG Files )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.

Follow me from Here .


Spanish Classroom Decor | El Calendario | Calendar Talk Kit | PRINTABLE

By En La Clase con Profe G.

Get your students talking the first week of school with this Calendar Talk Activity!

What better way to captivate your Spanish learners from the very first week of school than with this engaging calendar talk activity set? Perfect for elementary AND novice learners, this kit is packed with everything you need to build a captivating calendar corner that fosters learning and excitement.

What's Included:

  • Monthly headers - print on colored cardstock and laminate to match your room colores/theme!
  • Clear day-of-the-week labels
  • Numbered date cards
  • Clock templates
  • Days in School template
  • Fun and informative weather chart - in color and b&w
  • Seasonal indicators for visual learning - in color and b&w
  • Year label (2024 - 2029)
  • Today is / Tomorrow will be / Yesterday was labels


  • Boost student engagement: Interactive calendar activities spark curiosity and participation. And high school students will delight in revisiting a familiar routine from their elementary days!
  • Enhance learning: Visual aids reinforce concepts like days, months, weather, and seasons.
  • Establish routine: A well-organized calendar corner helps students develop daily habits.
  • Support core subjects: Daily calendar routines reinforce math, science, and social studies skills.

For an in-depth explanation of Terms of Use for this resource, please download it here.


Una historia, dos voces: Descubriendo la subjetividad - Grados 5-8

By Mark Holmes

Una historia, dos perspectivas: explorando la subjetividad y la empatía a través de narrativas de doble perspectiva

Descripción :

Sumérgete en el mundo de la subjetividad y la empatía con "Una historia, dos vistas", una colección única de ocho cuentos, cada uno contado desde dos puntos de vista opuestos. Diseñada para los grados 5 y 4, esta herramienta invita a los lectores a examinar situaciones familiares desde diferentes perspectivas, fomentando la comprensión, la compasión y el pensamiento crítico.

Cada historia presenta dos personajes distintos, como el tímido nuevo estudiante y el alborotador payaso de la clase, o el atleta decidido y el artista apasionado. Al presentar ambas perspectivas una al lado de la otra, estas historias invitan a los estudiantes a ponerse en el lugar de cada personaje, explorando sus pensamientos, sentimientos y motivaciones. A través de las historias, desarrollarán una mejor comprensión del papel que juegan la personalidad, las prioridades y las experiencias de vida en la percepción del mundo.

¡Pero el aprendizaje no termina con las historias mismas! Este recurso integral también incluye 20 actividades interesantes y preguntas de debate, lo que brinda a los maestros una gran cantidad de herramientas para profundizar las lecciones sobre empatía y toma de perspectiva. Desde análisis comparativos y ejercicios de escritura hasta juegos de roles y conexiones con el mundo real, estas actividades están diseñadas para ayudar a los estudiantes a internalizar los mensajes de las historias y aplicarlos a sus propias vidas.

Lo más destacado de “Una historia, dos vistas”:

  • 8 historias cortas cautivadoras, cada una contada desde dos puntos de vista opuestos
  • Fomenta la empatía, el pensamiento crítico y la apreciación de diversos puntos de vista.
  • Incluye 20 actividades y preguntas de discusión para una mayor exploración.
  • Adaptable a diferentes contextos de aula y estilos de aprendizaje.

Al explorar estas historias de doble perspectiva y participar en las actividades que las acompañan, los estudiantes:

  • Desarrollar una comprensión más profunda de la empatía y la subjetividad.
  • Reconocer la importancia de considerar múltiples puntos de vista.
  • Fortalecer su pensamiento crítico y sus habilidades analíticas.
  • Mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita.
  • Promover una comunidad escolar más solidaria e inclusiva

“Una historia, dos perspectivas” es una herramienta esencial para cualquier docente que desee promover el aprendizaje socioemocional, la educación del carácter y el desarrollo de habilidades del siglo XXI. ¡Descárgalo ahora y observa cómo tus estudiantes se vuelven personas más comprensivas, empáticas y de mente abierta!


ANGER MANAGEMENT Workbook and Activities for Adolescents - SPANISH VERSION

By All Therapy Resources

Help adolescents effectively manage their anger with our comprehensive resource, "Anger Management Worksheets & Activities Workbook for Adolescents." This research-based workbook employs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles to equip students with the tools they need to identify and cope with anger, regulate emotions, and develop healthier ways of expressing themselves.

Perfect for school counselors and psychologists in middle school or high school, this SEL and mental health resource offers practical strategies and engaging activities for building emotional resilience.


  • Understanding Anger: Guide students through recognizing the signs and triggers of anger, fostering self-awareness and insight into their emotional state.
  • Coping Strategies: Empower adolescents with practical techniques for managing strong emotions, promoting self-regulation, and developing healthier responses.
  • Emotional Regulation: Explore the interplay between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, helping students understand the connection and empowering them to make positive changes.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Introduce mindfulness exercises and relaxation techniques to promote calmness and emotional well-being.
  • Social Skills and Relationships: Foster social relating skills, conflict resolution, effective communication, and building a support system.
  • Self-Reflection and Growth: Encourage adolescents to reflect on their life narrative, core values, self-esteem, and develop a growth mindset.
  • Problem-Solving and Decision Making: Provide practical strategies for resolving conflicts, making healthy choices, and understanding consequences.
  • Emotional Literacy: Enhance emotional intelligence and vocabulary by exploring and labeling various emotions.
  • Comprehensive Topics: Cover a wide range of relevant topics, including anxiety and stress management, forgiveness, honesty, problem-solving, self-esteem, and more.

With our user-friendly Anger Management Workbook, you can effortlessly guide teenagers on a journey of self-discovery and equip them with lifelong social emotional learning skills. Download your copy today and empower adolescents to navigate anger, develop emotional resilience, and cultivate a positive outlook on life.

  ✎✎✎ Topics Covered in our Anger Management  Workbook:

  • Exploring Dynamics between Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors (i.e.: Behaviors can reinforce thoughts, perceptions can create feelings)
  • Anxiety and Stress Management
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation
  • Social Relating
  • Dishonesty
  • Forgiveness
  • Self Life Narrative
  • Reflective Practices
  • Healthy Choices
  • Consequences
  • 4 Part Apologies
  • Coping and Self-Help Skills
  • I Messages
  • Support System
  • Behavior Triggers and Coping Skills
  • Understanding Your Engine
  • Problem Solving
  • Isolating and Labeling Behaviors
  • Core Values & Beliefs
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Self Esteem
  • Things In Your Control vs. Out of Your Control
  • Concurrent Emotions
  • Emotional Literacy

► Looking for more SEL workbook topics? We've got you covered!

  • Behavior and Feelings Workbook
  • Gossiping & Rumors Workbook for Teens 
  • CBT Workbook - Thoughts Feelings Behaviors for Teenagers
  • Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
  • Emotions & Self Care Workbook
  • My Anger Management Workbook

  ⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

 © All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.


Spanish Colors Bundle - Los Colores

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

✮ Spanish colors bundle - Los colores ✮ This Spanish colors bundle will help your primary beginner Spanish students practice their colors, and they'll enjoy the learning! ☞Just click here to follow my store! Merci! ❤️

This colors bundle is available in 3 languages:
⭐ Spanish colors bundle - Los colores
⭐ French colors bundle - Les couleurs
⭐ English colors bundle - ELA - ESL - ELL

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students. ⚜Sign up for my newsletter receive free gifts weekly! ⚜⚜test your students current level in French ⚜⚜French Teachers Café Facebook Page ⚜⚜Follow my YouTube channel with 200+ French video lessons ⚜⚜Follow me on Pinterest ⚜⚜Visit my blog ⚜
Want to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases? Go to "My Purchases" and log in. Next to purchases there is a link to provide feedback. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product. When you give feedback TPT gives you credits that you can use toward future purchases. ✮ Spanish colors bundle - Los colores ✮


Folder de Vocabulario en español - Vocabulary Review Activity Folder in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

  • This is a great Vocabulary Activity to Review Spanish with Pictures.
  • These Vocabulary Posters are a great way to teach students of any age.
  • Put them together in a binder to create a learning folder in Spanish.
  • There are 20 topics that can be practiced with a question.
  • There is a poster option without words if you want to use a different vocabulary or language.
  • Print two posters in a page to fit your students' notebooks.
  • They can be used for your bulletin board or your cart.
  • The poster option without words can be used as an assessment too.

This resource comes in a zip file for easy printing and contains the following documents:

  • Color posters
  • Color posters without words - No editable
  • Black and White posters
  • Black and White posters without words - No editable

Vocabulary included:

  1. Los colores
  2. Los números (1-100)
  3. El tiempo
  4. Los sentimientos
  5. Los útiles de la escuela
  6. Las partes del cuerpo
  7. La ropa
  8. Las frutas
  9. Las verduras
  10. La comida
  11. Las mascotas
  12. Los animales de la granja
  13. Los animales de la selva
  14. Los meses del año
  15. Las acciones
  16. La familia
  17. La casa
  18. Las formas
  19. Las preposiciones
  20. Los transportes

You may also like:

Juegos de mesa - Vocabulary Board Games in Spanish


End of the Year Vocabulary Review Activities in Spanish

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Spanish Alphabet Posters! Las 27 letras del Abecedario

By La Llama Bilingüe

This is a great product for your Spanish Bilingual classroom!!

  • 27 posters for every letter of the Spanish Alphabet.

Spanish Numbers/Números Bundle- Notes, 7 Worksheets & Oral Practice 1-100

By Churros and Croissants

Looking for even more fun ways for students to practice Spanish numbers 1-100? Bundle 7 independent written worksheets, communicative partnered oral practice, wordsearch and maze activities to save 20%!

  • Spanish Number Maze - Illustrated vocabulary chart with numbers 1-15, 2 blank versions, vocabulary maze and blank maze.
  • Spanish Wordsearch- Search for numbers 1-20. Includes optional translation sheet.
  • Spanish Number Vocabulary Practice/Emergency Sub- 7 different practice sheets including math equations, short answer, fill in the blanks and more!
  • Spanish Number Partner Oral Conversational Practice- Immerses students in real-life scenarios, where they rely on each other to complete a list of student phone numbers in an information gap activity.

Check out my other Emergency Spanish Vocabulary/Sub Plans andSpanish Vocabulary Mazesand Spanish Wordsearches for more themed vocabulary sets!

Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!


National Hispanic Heritage Month Día De Los Muertos Puzzles With Solutions

By The Students Palace

Puzzles are the best activities for brain teasing labyrinths, these exercises support learning through play by developing concentration and problem solving skills.

Feel free to let us know how we're doing in the Ratings & Comments section.


  • ( PDF + PNG Files )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.

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ANXIETY & WORRIES Anxiety Curriculum Workbook Counseling Lesson SPANISH VERSION

By All Therapy Resources

Empower your students to understand and manage their anxiety with our comprehensive workbook designed for counselors and psychologists. This engaging resource is packed with worksheets, activities, posters, handouts, and more to support students in overcoming anxiety and staying grounded in the present moment. Say goodbye to prep work - this counseling workbook is ready to print and use!

In this anxiety-focused mini-lesson, students will explore various aspects of anxiety and develop effective coping strategies. The workbook covers the following topics:

  • All about Emotions: Understanding the role of emotions in our lives.

  • All about Anxiety: Discovering facts about anxiety and its impact.

  • The Anxiety & Stress Continuum: Exploring the range of anxiety experiences.

  • Understanding Anxiety:

    • Identifying the signs and sensations of anxiety.
    • Recognizing physical symptoms associated with anxiety.
    • Exploring the body's fight/flight/freeze response.
  • Panic Button Questionnaire: Assessing triggers and responses to anxiety.

  • Anxiety & Panic Attacks:

    • Differentiating between anxiety and panic attacks.
    • Understanding common symptoms of panic attacks.
  • Scale of Worry:

    • Creating a personalized scale to gauge worry levels.
    • Using a rating worksheet to assess worries.
  • Asking for Help: Identifying support needs during anxious moments.

  • Calming & Coping Strategies:

  • Strategy Cards: Exploring a variety of coping techniques.

  • Coping Skills Rating Scales: Evaluating the effectiveness of coping strategies.

  • Deep Breathing - Chasing Rainbows: A guided exercise for relaxation.

  • Sensory Diffusers & Visualization: Engaging the senses for grounding.

  • 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique: A practical tool to stay present.

  • Anxiety Worksheet: Promoting self-reflection and insight.

  • Release your Worries: Letting go of anxious thoughts.

  • Letting Go of my Thoughts: Strategies for managing intrusive thoughts.

  • Panic Button Coping Skills Poster: Visual reminders of coping strategies.

  • Getting Help: Recognizing the importance of seeking support.

  • Personal Growth Challenge: Encouraging personal development.

  • 3 Good Things - Practicing Gratitude: Fostering a positive mindset.

  • Inspirational Quote Poster: Inspiring motivation and resilience.

Equip your students with practical tools and coping strategies to navigate anxiety. Download our comprehensive "Anxiety Workbook: Coping Strategies for Students" today and create a supportive environment for emotional well-being.

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you!

 ► Looking for more SEL workbook topics? We've got you covered!

  • Behavior and Feelings Workbook
  • Gossiping & Rumors Workbook for Teens 
  • CBT Workbook - Thoughts Feelings Behaviors for Teenagers
  • Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
  • Emotions & Self Care Workbook
  • My Anger Management Workbook

  ⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

© All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.


SPANISH verbs PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher BUNDLE

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

Looking for a fun Spanish conjugation activity bundle ? This is a collection of my Spanish Fortune tellers to practice conjugating important verbs in the PRESENT tense while having some fun. Save 50% with this bundle.

As I make more resources related to this grammar theme, I will add them to the bundle at no additional cost to you. Be sure to follow my store and watch your TeachShare notifications for important updates.

Here are other Spanish resources Click here

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Newsletter - French Freebies + Flash Sales

¡Muchas gracias!

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

EARN TeachShare CREDITS FOR FUTURE PURCHASES: Want to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases? Go to "My Purchases" and log in. Next to purchases there is a link to provide feedback. Click this link and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product. When you give feedback TPT gives you credits that you can use toward future purchases.

Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Los útiles de la escuela - School Supplies Vocabulary Worksheets in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Are you looking for no prep Spanish practice for your students? These ready-to-go worksheets are a great resource to reinforce and practice school supplies in Spanish and it can be used for different Spanish levels.

The skills included are: trace or copy the words, label the pictures, write the words, find the right word, match the words with the pictures, choose the right answer, put the word in order, write the missing letters, draw and more.

This resource contains 70 worksheets (34 color and 36 black and white). It contains two documents in a zip file for easy printing.

Vocabulary includes: el libro, el cuaderno, el marcador, el lápiz, la pluma, la goma, el pegamento, el crayón, el sacapuntas, la regla, la mochila, las tijeras.


Worksheets Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Bingo de los útiles de la escuela - School Supplies Bingo in Spanish

Spanish School Bundle

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Spanish Navidad/Christmas Vocabulary Practice/Worksheets/Emergency Sub!

By Churros and Croissants

The holidays are an equally magical and crazy time. Why not capitalize on this excitement by squeezing in a little vocabulary enrichment and give yourself a break at the same time?
This resource includes a list of 25 Navidad-themed vocabulary words in Spanish with 10 different fun practice sheets. You can use all these versatile activities in a single instructional day or parcel them out as bell-ringers or fillers throughout the month.

Files include:

  1. Vocabulary List: Kickstart the lesson with a curated list of 25 Christmas words in Spanish. From elves and snowflakes to reindeer and the big guy, this list hits all the highlights of the season.

  2. Repetition-Based Learning: Utilize the power of repetition to solidify vocabulary retention. Students will practice writing Christmas words multiple times, enhancing their memory and fluency.

  3. Categorizing: Engage your students in critical thinking as they categorize their new vocabulary by grouping it into different mugs of steaming cocoa.

  4. Word Jumble: Challenge your students' word recognition skills with an exciting word jumble activity.

  5. Drawing and Labeling: Tap into your students' artistic side as they sketch and label their new words. This activity promotes creativity while reinforcing vocabulary and spelling.

  6. Word Search: This activity enhances spelling, vocabulary recognition, and problem-solving skills.

  7. Matching: Learners make connections between words and visual representations. By actively associating and pairing words and images, learners establish meaningful connections that enhance their understanding and retention of vocabulary.

  8. Short Answer: Provide an opportunity for students to apply the vocabulary in meaningful ways. By constructing responses, students connect the vocabulary to specific contexts, demonstrating their understanding of how the words are used. This application helps with recall and enhances their ability to use it effectively.

  9. Creative Writing: Students draw from previous language knowledge to create complete sentences relevant to the new vocabulary. This is a slightly more advanced activity that allows students to use higher-level thinking and creativity to form sentences using verb tenses and additional they are familiar with.

  10. Article Practice: Reinforce grammar basics through organizing nouns by gender.

  11. Code Breaker: Decoding the vocabulary is like solving a puzzle. It encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills as learners work to match the symbols to the correct letters to form vocabulary while providing ongoing review and reinforcement.

Give YOURSELF a gift this season - Busy, Happy, and Quiet Students!

*Answer key is included only for Categorizing, Short Answer, Matching, Article Practice, Jumble, and Wordsearch activities. Answers will vary for other activities.

Pair with my Navidad Vocabulary Dominoes, Navidad Vocabulary Cut & Paste Bingo, Navidad Flashcards, or Navidad Vocabulary Dice for even more fun!

If you are looking for something a little more secular, try my Winter Emergency Sub Lesson Plan.

Check out my other Emergency Spanish Sub Plans for lots of other themed vocabulary sets that can be used for a sub or when you just need an in-person mental health day! :)

Earn TeachShare credits for your next purchase by leaving a review! Reviews play a crucial role in helping me improve and create better resources. They also provide valuable insights for other educators who are considering this product. Thank you so much for your support!


Printable Cinco de Mayo & Hispanic Heritage Month Puzzles With Solutions

By The Students Palace

Puzzles are the best activities for brain teasing labyrinths, these exercises support learning through play by developing concentration and problem solving skills.

Feel free to let us know how we're doing in the Ratings & Comments section.


  • 90 Pages

  • ( PDF + PNG Files )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.

Follow me from Here .


Spanish Verb VENIR Worksheets and Activities Bundle

By Love Learning Languages - French Resources

Variety is so important when it comes to finding engaging ways to teach and to have students practice new verbs in Spanish. This is a bundled set of no prep printable worksheets and games to use when teaching the Spanish verb venir. Save 20% with this bundle.


  • Venir present tense - 6 Activities On One Worksheet

  • Venir any tense - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

  • Venir present tense - Fortune Teller / Cootie Catcher

  • Venir present tense - 5 Sudoku Puzzles

Click here to follow my store

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

Copyright © Love Learning Languages, Jennifer Crespin

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


La ropa - Clothing Vocabulary Worksheets in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Are you looking for no prep Spanish practice for your students? These ready-to-go worksheets are a great resource to reinforce and practice clothes in Spanish and it can be used for different Spanish levels.

The skills included are: trace the words, label the pictures, write the words, find the right word, match the words with the pictures, choose the right answer, put the word in order, write the missing letters, and draw.

This set contains 42 color and 46 black and white worksheets

This resource contains two documents in a zip file for easy printing.

Vocabulary includes: la camiseta, la camisa, los pantalones, los pantalones cortos, el suéter, la chaqueta, los mitones, las botas, las sandalias, los calcetines, el vestido, la bufanda, el gorro, los zapatos.


Worksheets Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Bingo de la ropa (Spanish Clothing Bingo)

Spanish Clothing Bundle

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products!

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
