Editable Bible Timeline Cards: A Journey Through Biblical Events - Christian
By Michellecurtis
Transform your classroom with the "Editable Bible Timeline Cards: A Journey Through Biblical Events - Christian Class Decor." These timeline cards beautifully illustrate key biblical events, making them an essential tool for any Christian classroom decor. Perfect for teaching and reinforcing Bible stories, this set creates an engaging, faith-filled learning environment. Ideal for integrating Christian teachings into your classroom decor, these cards provide a visual journey through the Bible’s most significant moments.
Key Features:
Color & Discover: Modern Heroes of Black History Month Freebie
By TooBookedUp
Are your students ready to meet the modern heroes shaping our world today? Dive into the remarkable lives of 12 trailblazing Black figures with our engaging 24-page resource, perfect for Black History Month. This unique coloring and educational booklet is designed to inspire and inform students from 4th to 6th grade.
Each page spotlights one influential figure, from the inspiring leadership of Barack Obama to the groundbreaking achievements of Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett. The booklet presents a brief overview at a 6th-grade level, followed by a more detailed explanation suitable for 4th-graders, ensuring it caters to different reading levels and learning needs.
What makes this resource truly special is its interactive element. Alongside each biographical snippet, there's a beautifully outlined image related to each personality – from Serena Williams' tennis racket to Lewis Hamilton's racing car. These images are not just to color but to spark creativity and discussion in the classroom.
Figures featured include:
This resource isn't just for Black History Month; it's a year-round tool for teaching about perseverance, innovation, and resilience. It's perfect for:
So, are you ready to bring the stories of these inspiring individuals into your classroom? Download our resource now and take the first step in celebrating the achievements and contributions of these modern Black heroes.
Don't forget to follow our store for more engaging and educational resources!
Etiquetas Biblioteca de Aula | Género y Tema | Spanish Classroom Library Labels
By SPO Resources
Organiza la biblioteca de tu aula por géneros con estas coloridas etiquetas de géneros y temas para estanterías y cajas de libros. Con una categorización clara, clasificar los libros de la biblioteca por géneros y temas es FÁCIL.
Elija el formato listo para imprimir o utilice los archivos de imagen PNG y las plantillas prediseñadas para cada etiqueta de género para ajustar fácilmente el tamaño de las etiquetas y seleccionar etiquetas de género específicas para imprimir. De este modo, ahorrará tinta y papel a la hora de organizar la biblioteca de su aula.
Con seis formatos listos para imprimir, dos de los cuales están diseñados para ajustarse a las etiquetas Avery, podrá imprimir rápidamente etiquetas en varios tamaños y formatos que mejor se adapten a las necesidades de su aula.
Las plantillas incluidas en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva, junto con los archivos de imagen PNG de cada etiqueta, facilitan la personalización y selección de las etiquetas que desea imprimir, ofreciendo flexibilidad en el proceso de impresión.
Aquí tienes un resumen de las opciones disponibles:
Con estas funciones, puede simplificar el proceso de impresión de etiquetas y crear etiquetas de género de aspecto profesional para la biblioteca de su clase. Disfrute de una organización perfecta y cree un ambiente de lectura vibrante para sus alumnos.
¿Ya tienes los Pósters de géneros de lectura para tu aula?
En sintonía con los carteles de géneros de lectura, estas etiquetas de géneros para el aula se diseñaron para ayudar a los alumnos a aplicar sus conocimientos sobre los géneros de los libros en la biblioteca. Al combinar las etiquetas con los carteles, ayudará a sus alumnos a descubrir libros que les interesen y a comprender mejor los géneros.
¿Estás cansado de tener una biblioteca de aula desorganizada?
Mejore la biblioteca de su clase con estas etiquetas de género y tema para bibliotecas de aula. Clasifica tus libros por género y tema para crear una biblioteca organizada y accesible que fomente la lectura independiente. Despídete de las estanterías desordenadas y da la bienvenida a un atractivo espacio de lectura que inspira el amor por la literatura.
¿A sus alumnos les cuesta encontrar los libros que les interesan?
Con una amplia variedad de etiquetas entre las que elegir, puede organizar su biblioteca de forma que resulte visualmente atractiva y fácil de navegar, lo que permitirá a los alumnos encontrar rápidamente lo que buscan. Observe cómo sus alumnos descubren fácilmente libros que coinciden con sus intereses y niveles de lectura, despertando su pasión por la lectura.
★ Carpeta con imágenes PNG de las 60 etiquetas
★ 4 archivos PDF con etiquetas listas para imprimir
★ 2 archivos PDF con etiquetas Avery listas para imprimir
Dos opciones formateadas para imprimir directamente en etiquetas Avery.
Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 1-1/3" x 4"→ 14 etiquetas por página
Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 2" x 6" → 4 etiquetas por página.
★ 6 Plantillas PPTX para personalizar la impresión
➡ Puede cambiar el tamaño de las imágenes por su cuenta, pero el uso de plantillas le ahorrará tiempo y le facilitará mantener un tamaño uniforme.
➡ Ahorre tinta y papel imprimiendo sólo las etiquetas que necesite.
➡ Si no tiene PowerPoint, ¡no se preocupe! También puedes personalizar las etiquetas utilizando los enlaces proporcionados en Google Slides o Canva.
★ Todas las plantillas están disponibles en Google Slides y Canva.
Tenga en cuenta que ninguna característica de la etiqueta en sí es editable. Usted no será capaz de ajustar los colores, fuentes o gráficos de cualquiera de las etiquetas. Sólo podrá personalizar las etiquetas que desee imprimir utilizando las plantillas.
Etiquetas de género y temas incluidos
★ Etiquetas de ficción
★ Etiquetas de no ficción
★ Temas y otras etiquetas de la biblioteca
¿Falta alguna etiqueta en esta lista que desearía que estuviera incluida?
No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico en samantha@sporesources.com y hágame saber su sugerencia.
¿Cómo puede beneficiar este recurso a mi clase?
Estas etiquetas coloridas y visualmente atractivas han sido cuidadosamente diseñadas para captar la atención de los jóvenes lectores, facilitándoles la elección de los libros de la biblioteca. Los llamativos gráficos de cada etiqueta ayudarán a los alumnos a comprender mejor el género y lo que pueden esperar leer.
Si ya tiene los pósteres de lectura de género, éstos serán un gran suplemento para su materiales didácticos. Estas etiquetas le ayudarán a coordinar su biblioteca con el contenido que se enseña durante su bloque de alfabetización. De este modo, a los alumnos les resultará más fácil encontrar los libros que les interesan.
Utiliza estas etiquetas para hacer de tu biblioteca un espacio más atractivo y más fácil de usar. Al clasificar la biblioteca de tu aula por género y tema, puedes crear una experiencia de lectura atractiva y envolvente para tus alumnos, ayudándoles a convertirse en lectores y aprendices para toda la vida.
Estas etiquetas son fáciles de usar y se adaptan a las necesidades de su aula. Ahorre tinta y papel utilizando las plantillas para seleccionar las etiquetas que desea imprimir. Además, puede imprimir directamente en dos tamaños de etiquetas Avery que ya están formateadas para usted. Ahorre tiempo recortando las etiquetas imprimiendo directamente en una hoja de adhesivos.
¿Quién puede beneficiarse de este recurso?
Como profesor de primaria, bibliotecario o educador, utiliza estas etiquetas de biblioteca para crear una biblioteca de aula bien organizada y atractiva. Al agrupar los libros por género y tema, sus alumnos podrán encontrar fácilmente los libros que coincidan con sus intereses y niveles de lectura. Estas etiquetas son una herramienta práctica que fomenta el amor por la lectura y mejora su experiencia docente a la vez que anima a los alumnos a explorar la literatura diversa.
Tras la compra, recibirá un archivo zip que contiene archivos PDF, archivos PPTX e imágenes PNG.
★ Archivos PDF incluidos:
★ Archivos PPTX incluidos:
★ Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en color
★ Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en blanco y negro
¿Puedo modificar los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas?
Los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas no pueden editarse debido a las restricciones de licencia de las fuentes. Sin embargo, para que se adapten mejor a su plan de estudios, he proporcionado varias versiones de títulos de géneros populares para que pueda elegir. Si las opciones de color no se adaptan a sus necesidades, puede usar la opción en blanco y negro e imprimir en la cartulina de color de su elección.
¿Necesito algún software específico para utilizar las plantillas?
La misma plantilla está disponible en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva. Esto significa que si no tienes acceso a Microsoft Office, puedes utilizar la versión gratuita de Canva o Google Slides para acceder a las plantillas.
¿Puedo utilizar los archivos de imagen PNG para imprimir etiquetas en tamaños diferentes a los mencionados en la descripción del producto?
Sí, puede ajustar las etiquetas al tamaño que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Cada imagen PNG tiene un tamaño original de 8" x 2.5", pero se puede ajustar al tamaño que prefiera. Se incluyen plantillas del tamaño de la imagen para facilitar el proceso de impresión, incluso para aquellos que no sean expertos en diseño.
¿Es difícil utilizar las plantillas para alguien sin experiencia en diseño?
Las plantillas son muy fáciles de usar y se incluyen como herramienta para facilitarte el proceso de impresión. También se incluyen instrucciones sobre cómo utilizarlas. Alternativamente, puede optar por imprimir las etiquetas directamente desde el PDF listo para imprimir.
¿Puedo utilizar las imágenes en mis propios productos TeachShare o publicarlas en la web?
No, este producto está destinado a un único uso personal o en el aula. No puede publicar estas imágenes en ningún sitio web no seguro ni incluirlas en recursos gratuitos o de pago. Consulte mis Condiciones de uso (CDU) para obtener más información.
Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Purchase is for single classroom use only.
Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.
Get ready to easily create an organized classroom library with these library labels for book bins and bookshelves in Spanish.
Annotation guide: how to annotate a novel poster/handout in color
By Nemos Nook
Annotation guide poster for use with any novel - each step is highlighted in a different color for differentiation and easy reading. Please let me know what you think about this product and my store by providing a review.
To view more of my products, visit my store at Nemo's Nook.
Literary Terms & Devices Reading Posters - Reference Sheets & Note Taking Guide
By Curious Classroom Adventures
Use these attractive posters as a bulletin board or power point presentation while your students take notes. Terms included:
tricolon (magic of 3)
anaphora (repetition)
point of view
For the complete, discounted novel study follow this link:
The Wednesday Wars Complete Novel Study
Follow my blog!
Inference Posters, Making Inferences Posters
By Queen's Educational Resources
Inference Posters, Making Inferences Posters
This resource is also included in the following discounted Bundles:
▶️ Inference Posters
▶️ Formats - PDF File / JPEG File
▶️ 10 Posters / 10 pages
▶️ Excellent for ALL grades!
The 10 posters come in TWO sets:
11 x 8.5 PDF file
11 x 8.5 JPEG file
This resource includes 10 visually appealing Inference Posters that contain amazing clipart, border frames, and most importantly, information to help remind your students the meaning of inferential thinking.
Save $$$ by purchasing the Inference BUNDLE!!
Other INFERENCE resources you might be interested in:
Inference BUNDLE
Making Inferences with Pictures BUNDLE
Drawing Conclusions Question Task Cards
Social Inferences with Pictures Differentiated Packet (225 pages)
Inference Text Message Conversations
Inference Story Task Cards, Worksheets, and Answer Keys
Picture Inference Task Cards
Inference Graphic Organizers, Reflection Sheets, and Bookmarks
Inference vs. Literal Recount Graphic Organizer
Inference Posters
In-depth INFERENCE Lesson Plan and PowerPoint
Picture Inference In-depth Lesson Plan and PowerPoint
Created by © Queen's Educational Resources / All Rights Reserved
Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.
Interested in realistic kids, teens, and adults clipart? Check out my CLIPART GALLERY!
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❤️ Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)
Arabic Alphabet Letters - Horouf Arabia Poster
By Zaazoua Mostapha
Arabic Alphabet Letters - Horouf Arabia Poster
الحروف الأبجدية العربية - ملصق حروف عربية
You will get it in two formats ( PDF file + PNG file )
Thank you
Happy to help
By Clodagh
Some social and emotional skills needed to collaborate with each other on a readers theatre performance are:
To ensure the students are set up for success, before they are sent off into the wild for readers theatre there needs to be guidelines and clear expectations. An example of some Readers Theatre rules could be
Be Kind: Listen to each other and treat everyone with respect.
Join In: Everyone gets a chance to be part of the fun!
Teamwork Rocks: Work together to make our performance shine.
Get Ready: Practice your lines and cues before rehearsals.
Talk It Out: Share ideas and listen to each other's suggestions.
Try New Things: Be open to trying different ways of doing things.
Solve Problems Together: Work as a team to overcome any challenges.
Say Thanks: Celebrate each other's hard work and talent.
Look Back and Learn: Reflect on what we did well and how we can improve.
Have Fun!: Let's make reader's theatre a blast for everyone!
Readers Theatre Scripts
There are many out there to suit a whole range of different year levels and themes!
I’ve created these social and emotional learning readers theatre scripts for years 3-6, with each focusing on a different area.
The Kindness Crew
In this Readers Theatre script, your students will meet the unique characters of the Kindness Crew: Charlie, Grace and Emma, as they embark on a mission to teach Zog, an alien from Planet Meany, about the importance of kindness.
The Inner Voices
In this Readers Theatre script, your students will meet Emma and Liam, whose ‘inner champion’ and ‘inner critic’ accompany them for a day at school. Inner Champion offers positivity, encouragement and kindness… Whilst Inner Critic is negative, unhelpful and unkind.
The Emotion Busters
In this Readers Theatre script, your students will meet the unique characters of “The Emotion Busters”: Happy Harry, Sad Sally, Fearful Fred, Frustrated Fran and Angry Alex, as they drink a potion to suppress emotions they don’t like.
Resilient Riley
In this Readers Theatre script, your students will meet the unique characters of Resilient Riley and Non Resilient Riley. Resilient Riley steps up to date to day challenges, however Non Resilient Riley runs away and ends up feeling even worse.
Check out the 'Readers Theatre In The Classroom' blog on the Captivating Kids blog.
Theme - Anchor Chart and Student Handout
By Blooming Through High School
A theme formula that's easy to use and easy to memorize! Hang it up or pass it out.
And check out these other resources!
Imagery Anchor chart Figurative Language Posters Practice
By Dotty's Printables
This Imagery Anchor Chart resource is designed to help students understand and identify different types of figurative language in literature. Each type of imagery is presented on a separate page for clarity, making it perfect for grades 5–12.
This resource is perfect for classroom displays, group activities, or individual study, making learning about imagery fun and accessible!
By French Made Fun!
Explorez les stratégies de lecture avec 6 leçons captivantes sur comment ressortir les informations clés et résumer un texte!
⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕
Préparez vos élèves de 4e à 8e année à découvrir la stratégie de repérage des informations importantes et de résumé des éléments clés. Ce produit complet couvre 6 leçons de lecture, des activités interactives, des graphiques, des lectures modélisées, des compréhensions écrites, et des organisateurs graphiques. Idéal pour les élèves qui ont besoin de s'engager davantage dans leur lecture.
Caractéristiques du produit :
Stratégies couvertes dans cette ressource de 39 pages :
Cette ressource est conçue pour simplifier votre planification et vous offrir tout le nécessaire pour deux semaines de leçons efficaces. Profitez de l'enseignement et observez vos élèves s'épanouir en classe de français !
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :
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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
Maya Angelou Biography Reading Comprehension Research | Women's History Month
By Veronica Reyes
This is a newsletter about Maya Angelou as an African American Artist and a Black Changemaker. Students can use this as a jumping off point for a research project or for Black History Month and Women's History Month.
INCLUDED- Reading Comprehension Questions! Differentiated and can be used with any reading passage about an influential female leader. Perfect for close reading!
Information on...
- Early Life
- Career
- Interesting Facts
- Artists
Other newsletter for Black History Month:
Misty Copeland
Louis Armstrong
Jacob Lawrence
Maya Angelou
Theme Anchor Chart | Theme Anchor Chart Printable | Editable PPT Included
By Sean Alexander Dennison
Help your students master the concept of theme with our comprehensive "Theme Anchor Chart" resource! This set includes a ready-to-print anchor chart and an editable PowerPoint version, designed to make understanding and identifying themes in literature easy and engaging. Perfect for classroom walls or bulletin boards, this resource serves as a visual and interactive tool for teaching students about themes.
Product Highlights:
Why This Resource Is Essential:
Ideal For:
How to Use:
Enhance your students’ understanding of theme with our "Theme Anchor Chart | Theme Anchor Chart Printable | Editable PPT Included"! This versatile resource provides everything you need to teach and reinforce the concept of theme, making it an invaluable addition to your classroom literacy toolkit.
Prefix and Suffix Anchor Chart Posters
By That One Cheerful Classroom
These bright and fun colored anchor charts make learning about prefixes and suffix fun and practical. These anchor charts help students understand prefixes come before a word and suffixes come after a word, both changing the meaning and including examples. You can use the poster during small group, circle time, whole group, or as a visual on the wall for independent work.
It is ideal for use with a poster printer, but if you do not have a poster printer, there are instructions on how to print the poster, assemble it, and laminate it for year after year use!
Copyright © That One Cheerful Classroom
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
Classroom Decor library front board visual display 1st-4th grade read aloud prop
By Simply Read
These cute visuals labels are perfect for your book display, classroom library, or front board. This add cute decor fun to your classroom book displays anywhere around the classroom. Put these fun labels on read alouds or anywhere you display books. These visuals let kids know about new books, today's read aloud, and classroom favorites.
*GROWING BUNDLE /RESOURCE- I will be adding several more pages of fun sayings and speech bubble designs! Pay this very low price today, but get all the new designs too... you will be notified when this resource is "updated"! The price will go up when things are added, but not for you if you buy now!
What's Included:
2 pages - 4 speech bubbles:
"Read me again"
"I'm new"
"Class Favorite"
"Today's Read Aloud"
More $1 printables: Story retell & writing paper w/ picture box
How To Use:
These adorable speech bubbles make the perfect labels for your read aloud display or in the classroom library.
Students love coming into the classroom each day to see what "Today's Read Aloud" will be.
I even give students the job of changing the displays at the end of the day. They love picking out books to display under the "class favorite" speech bubble.
This is a fun touch to add to your displayed books in the classroom or at home.
You can change them weekly or daily to showcase new books and class favorites. Or even better, have students change them each week =)
**remember, click "my purchases" and leave a review to earn $$cash$$ in your TeachShare account.
Alphabet Letters & ABC Classroom Decor - Adorable Monsters Printable Posters
By Mrs Wates Teaching Creations
Transform your classroom into a den of adorable monsters with this captivating Adorable Monsters Alphabet Bunting. This printable set is designed to make learning the ABCs an exciting and engaging experience for young learners. Each letter of the alphabet is showcased in both upper and lowercase, accompanied by friendly and colorful monster characters. Not only does this bunting serve as an educational tool, but it also adds a touch of whimsy and charm to your classroom decor. Hang it proudly on your walls, bulletin boards, special events, or even to welcome students into your class. With its vibrant colors and irresistible monster characters, this bunting is bound to make your classroom an inviting and visually stimulating space.
For more Adorable Monster resources, click here to view them in my store.
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Your feedback is important to me. If you find this Adorable Monsters Alphabet Bunting helpful, please take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your input allows me to continue creating high-quality resources and make improvements where needed. Plus, by rating paid products, you can earn valuable TeachShare credits to use towards future purchases. To leave a review, simply visit your My Purchases page and click on the provided link. Your support through purchases, ratings, and following my store is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and happy shopping.
By Visual Vibe
Reading strategies enable our students to comprehend a text in a variety of ways and develop a deeper understanding of how texts are constructed. They use these strategies to express what they have just read, make connections, draw conclusions and further engage with a text.
These posters can be used to display the learning focus for a lesson, unit or student goal. Created to match my Geometric Design theme, they are also an interesting way to display reading strategies in your classroom.
What's Included:
Reading Strategies Include:
Upper Elementary Nonfiction Text Structures Posters - Two Sizes, Editable!
By HuddleTeach
Updated for younger grades with rephrased THINK ABOUT and WRITE ABOUT sections, just for upper elementary!
If you need a one-pager that gives the definition, key words, graphic organizers, thinking questions, and writing frames for seven nonfiction text structures, this set is for you!
Text structures addressed:
Two sizes available: 8.5" X 14" (Legal Size Paper) for larger posters, 8.5" X 11" (Letter Size Paper) for personal copies, binders, and more!
Print in colorful tie-dye or in grayscale on your favorite papers.
Extra set in each size has editable THINK ABOUT and WRITE ABOUT sections, too!
This is the perfect reference resource for secondary reading classrooms, MTSS & RTI groups, study notebooks, and more!
For more information about teaching Nonfiction Text Structures, visit THIS BLOG POST.
Free Plot Elements Diagram Student Anchor Chart | Plot Diagram & Story Elements
By Aimee in Elementary
Help your students master the essential elements of a story with this Free Plot Elements Diagram Student Anchor Chart! Perfect for introducing or reviewing plot elements in any narrative or novel, this anchor chart provides clear explanations of each element—exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The chart also features a plot diagram in the shape of a mountain, making it easy for students to visualize the structure of a story.
Available in both half-sheet and full-sheet versions, this resource is designed to fit into student notebooks, serving as a handy reference they can use throughout your unit on story elements. Whether you're teaching a full lesson on plot diagrams or just need a quick review, this anchor chart is a must-have for any classroom.
You may also like:
Story Elements: Mini Lessons, Interactive Notebooks & Graphic Organizers
Narrative Writing Unit | Lessons & Activities | 5th Grade to Middle School
Be sure to follow my store to stay up to date on sales, freebies, and new products!
Plot Diagram Bulletin Board Posters
By Christina Bush
The plot diagram is a great visual to help students understand the elements of plot in any piece of literature, whether it be short stories, novels, or even narratives. These muted pastel posters serve as great bulletin board displays - with so many options to choose from!
Plot Elements Include:
Landscape and circle options, individual title options, description-only options, and more! There's even a reference page that can be used as a whole poster by itself!
More Plot Resources Coming Soon:
Like this resource? Please leave a helpful review/rating and EARN SOME TeachShare CREDITS towards your next TPT purchase!
Checkout my store here - all teacher friends are welcome!
Other resources you may like:
RACE Writing Strategy | Citing Text Evidence | BUNDLE
Boho Rainbow Café Classroom Decor Theme Set | GROWING BUNDLE
DIGITAL Unit Guide Template | Scope & Sequence | EDITABLE
6th, 7th, AND 8th Grade ELA Common Core State Standards DIGITAL Checklist BUNDLE
EDITABLE I Can Statements Learning Objective Posters Template