6th Grade Geometry Resources

No Prep- Digital and Printable Area and Perimeter

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Encourage true understanding of area and perimeter with these no-prep digital and printable task cards.


Geometry Word Sleuth

By Homeschool with Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

This word sleuth will provide your students/children with a fun journey through Geometry with key vocabulary words. It can be done in class, centers, or as a fun homework assignment.

Word sleuth is in PPTX format along with the answer key.

If you and your students/children, enjoy this activity, please go to your purchases and let me a review.

Please follow me on social media: linktr.ee/tidewindacademy


Big Easy Homeschooling Mom


The Physics Behind Tensegrity Structures - STEM Building & Research Activity

By Innovations in Technology

This project lets students learn about the physics and math behind tensegrity structures as they research and create one with their team. After introducing the lesson with a short video (link included in resources), students work with their team to create a basic tensegrity structure following a short tutorial. Then, utilizing the knowledge gained from this, they build a second tensegrity structure of their choice, utilizing the principles and design ideas of tensegrity. As they work through both builds, they record their information on the included Engineering Design Process Planning Sheet with their team. Next, students present their project to the class and explain their design choices. Finally, students reflect on and summarize their learning with short answers to questions about the experience and what they learned.

This lesson was created for 7th and 8th grade, but could also be used successfully in upper elementary grades or high school as well.

Files included (non-editable, .pdf files):

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric

• Team Sign Up Sheet

• Engineering Design Process Planning Sheet

• Reflection Questions

Related Products
⭐ The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
⭐ The Physics of Bridges
⭐ The Physics of Geodesic Domes - STEM Design and Construction Project
⭐ The Physics of Windmills

Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases!


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Transformational Geometry Test

By Amanda G

I used this transformational geometry test with my grade 7s. 2 pages of multiple choice and 3 short answer questions.


Shape Posters | Bright Smiles Collection | Classroom Decor | Text Editable

By A Curious Lemon Studio

The Shape Posters | Bright Smiles Collection are designed for use in your personal projects. They are intended to bring joy to your classroom, providing a colorful way to engage your students with appealing visuals. Perfect for back to school, with editable text for personalized learning experiences, this resource is ideal for any teacher looking to add a splash of color and individuality to their space. Enhance your classroom decor with these editable shape posters and let A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART be your ally!

This resource is part of the Classroom Decor BUNDLE | Bright Smiles Collection.

What’s inside the Shape Posters | Bright Smiles Collection ZIP FILE?:

-1 PPTX file with 17 editable full-color slides, plus 1 extra customizable poster:

Circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval, rhombus, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, star, heart, cone, cube, cuboid, pyramid, cylinder, sphere.

-Terms of Use.

All files are in letter size (8.5" x 11").

IMPORTANT: This is not clipart. You are allowed to utilize my ready-made resource in your personal projects only. You can see an overview of the Terms of Use in the preview of this product.

READY TO DOWNLOAD? The collection is neatly packaged in a ZIP file for easy access. Ensure you have software to unzip the files and start creating!

I value your feedback! Your honest insights and suggestions will contribute to making A CURIOUS LEMON CLIPART even better!

Stay Updated: Follow my store for the latest clipart sets, ready-made resources and freebies, and thank you for choosing the Shape Posters | Bright Smiles Collection to inspire your classroom!✨

Do you like this resource? Check out my Alphabet Posters and Number Posters from the same collection!

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and explore my latest creations on Pinterest!




By French Made Fun!

This 86-page document has everything you could possibly need to effectively teach area, perimeter and volume to your 5th and 6th graders, or as a refresher for your grade 7's. This slide deck will make your teaching painless, paperless, and requiring zero planning. I teach with a workshop style format and my paperless slide decks provide your students with plenty of guided and shared instruction and opportunities to practice with a partner and solo - to free you up to easily assess and work with the students who need you most. Get a class set of whiteboards and markers, and away you go! Let me teach FOR you and show your students what they need to know, the strategies they need and the confidence they desperately require to be successful with math. I make it simple, visual, step-by-step and fool-proof for you (or your sub!) and your students.

Here are the concepts and strategies I cover in this document:

  • Drawing a precise line, to the tenths (dixièmes);
  • Units of measurement;
  • What exactly is a rectangle?;
  • Understanding symmetry when it comes to length and height (longueur et largeur) and how to use it to our advantage to find missing values;
  • Using Base 10 blocks to create shapes based on given dimensions;
  • "Reading" Base 10 block creations for their dimensions;
  • Strategies for calculating surface area (i.e.: physically counting, drawing, using equations);
  • "Saying" area values out loud - and what to make of that exponent 2;
  • Calculating area and perimeter of rectangles using formulas - I really emphasize the need to START with a formula and work with the formula!
  • Finding missing values (dimensions) of a rectangle for area and perimeter;
  • Constructing rectangles when given a total surface area (and nothing else);
  • Finding dimensions that WORK and DON'T work for a given surface area;
  • Finding total surface area and perimeter from given dimensions;
  • Estimating total surface area and comparing different shapes' dimensions;
  • Finding both area and perimeter for the same rectangle;
  • The difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes;
  • Using the formula for calculating volume - and starting with two values and working our way up!;
  • Using Base 10 blocks to represent 3-dimensional shapes (and remembering that volume is the total number of units within the entire shape);

Your students will be provided with games:

  • "Quelles sont ses dimensions?!" - A trivia-style game where students must "read" a Base 10 Block creation and find it's width and height values.
  • "Ce n'est pas possible!" - A multiple choice trivia-style game where students must find the "intruder" in a series of dimensions for given surface areas.
  • "Quelle est l'aire?" - A quick trivia-style game where students must choose the appropriate answer (they'll have to pay close attention to the formulas and units of measurement to be successful!)
  • "Quel est le périmètre?" - A quick trivia-style game where students must choose the appropriate answer (they'll have to pay close attention to the formulas and units of measurement to be successful!)

In addition to the games, your students will have opportunities to see guided examples, practice with a partner and finally, practice solo. During the independent and partner practice, I work with my "low" students while the rest of my class is busy showing me their ability to prove their understanding independently.

My Facebook group is the place to be if you want to be first-to-know about upcoming sales, contests, freebies or whatever else I've got up my sleeve.

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!

- Mme. Kaitlyn



By French Made Fun!

Pump up and motivate your strong math students with this engaging, hands-on project-based learning which will have them discovering the history of constellations, measuring constellations, working on challenging math problems and creating their own constellations.

Do you teach a math enrichment class, or do you have students in your grades 5 and 6 classrooms who are on enrichment programs? Particularly when it comes to multi-levelled classrooms, the focus tends to be on the students with academic struggles, but our strong students need opportunities to push themselves and to stay engaged.

In this document, you'll discover 32 pages of activities, projects, research and artistic activities in line with geometry and angles which will have your students keeping busy while your grade-level and below-grade level students can have you in other ways.

You'll find:

- 60 Constellation cards and a guide on how to use them.

- A second set of 60 constellation cards with "lettered" corners (i.e. ∠ABC).

- A set of response pages to measure all corners in the 60 given constellations.

- A reading comprehension piece on the history of constellations and astronomy.

- 2 pages of questions and an answer key for the reading comprehension piece.

- "Les symboles du Zodiac" - An activity sheet on naming the different constellations of the zodiac.

- A research project on a constellation:

  • success criteria + detailed explanation of components;
  • worksheets for research information.

- "Des calculs célestes" - 3 pages of challenging word problems with an answer key.

- "Crée ta propre constellation" - A following directions activity on creating constellations with specific angles and shapes within them.

- "Crée ta propre constellation" - An activity on creating a unique constellation.

- "Art de constellation" - An art project suitable for your enriched students and your entire group as a final activity.

This is the first of (hopefully) many enrichment projects for math. Stay tuned!

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun.




By French Made Fun!

Ce jeu de 52 cartes flash sur les formes et l'espace est conçu pour améliorer la compréhension des concepts géométriques de vos élèves en présentant des problèmes écrits sans nombres, les défiant à associer le langage aux opérations géométriques et aux formules de manière amusante et engageante.

Vos élèves ont-ils du mal avec les problèmes écrits (problèmes écrits) pour identifier quelle opération géométrique utiliser ? J'ai créé cette collection de cartes flash spécifiquement pour aider les élèves à se concentrer sur la reconnaissance des formes et de l'espace ainsi que sur le vocabulaire associé. Comme ces cartes flash mettent l'accent sur le vocabulaire plutôt que sur les valeurs numériques, elles sont idéales pour les élèves de la 4e année et plus, en particulier ceux qui ont du mal à distinguer les différentes opérations géométriques.

Caractéristiques principales :

  • Problèmes écrits : Chaque carte flash présente un problème écrit sans valeurs numériques, encourageant les élèves à identifier l'opération géométrique correcte (comme l'aire, le périmètre ou le volume) nécessaire pour le résoudre.
  • Utilisation polyvalente : Cet outil pédagogique est hautement adaptable, offrant différentes façons d'engager les élèves. Utilisez-le dans des activités en grand groupe, un jeu des quatre coins en classe, du travail en binôme (en imprimant plusieurs copies), ou en petits groupes.
  • Miniature d'affiche ancrée : Une affiche ancrée miniature est incluse, mettant en avant les trois opérations fondamentales sur les formes et l'espace : l'aire, le périmètre et le volume. Cette affiche sert de référence pratique pour les élèves, leur permettant de travailler sur les cartes flash de manière autonome.
  • Clé de réponse : Pour plus de commodité, une clé de réponse est fournie afin de vérifier rapidement et évaluer les réponses des élèves.

Pourquoi choisir les cartes flash sur les opérations et les problèmes écrits ?

  • Apprentissage amélioré : En se concentrant sur les problèmes écrits, les élèves développent une compréhension plus approfondie des concepts mathématiques et renforcent leurs compétences en résolution de problèmes.
  • Association du langage : Les élèves apprennent à associer des indices linguistiques spécifiques à l'opération mathématique correspondante, renforçant ainsi leur compréhension et leurs capacités d'application.
  • Engagement interactif : Le caractère interactif de ces cartes flash rend l'apprentissage des mathématiques agréable et interactif, favorisant une attitude positive envers les défis mathématiques.

Pourquoi ne pas découvrir ces autres ressources fantastiques pour vous accompagner tout au long de votre enseignement ? Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous et laissez-vous guider vers des outils qui feront toute la différence dans votre classe !

  • Aire, périmètre et volume - l'unité complète!
  • Problèmes géométriques sans nombres : découvre l'aire, le périmètre ou le volume
  • Bundle complet - Jeux de maths!
  • Bundle complet - Maths 6e année

Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.

Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Mme Kaitlyn



By French Made Fun!

Il s'agit d'un produit d'enseignement des mathématiques qui vous permettra d'enseigner sans livres, sans cahier, sans impression. Mes élèves utilisent des mini-tableaux blancs et des marqueurs effaçables à sec et j'enseigne à l'aide d'un modèle d'atelier. Ceci, ainsi que tous mes lots et documents, ne nécessite aucune préparation ni planification. Les diapositives vous guideront et expliqueront le matériel, guideront vos élèves et vous permettront d'avoir plus de temps pour évaluer et aider.

Ces 49 diapositives vous guideront dans votre enseignement et vous permettront de suivre un modèle d'atelier (même si vous n'êtes pas familier ou à l'aise avec !). Elles vous obligent à ralentir, à procéder étape par étape, à modeler les exemples à vos élèves et à les faire travailler en partenariat et seuls pour prouver leur compréhension. 

Profitez de ces diapositives animées et engageantes qui expliquent: 

  • Les points de repère 45*, 90* et 180* ;
  • Comment estimer en pensant aux points de repère ;
  • Comment différencier les angles rentrants aux angles réguliers en regardant aux flèches et aux arcs ;
  • Comment mesurer et dessiner les angles rentrants et non-rentrants ;
  • Un survol de concepts et vocabulaire de mesure.

Ce document a vu une mise à jour complète le 26 janvier 2022.

Détendez-vous - j'ai celui-ci!

♡ Mme. Kaitlyn



By French Made Fun!

Il s'agit d'un produit d'enseignement des mathématiques haut de gamme qui vous permettra d'enseigner sans livres, sans cahier, sans papier, sans impression. Mes élèves utilisent des mini-tableaux blancs et des marqueurs effaçables à sec et j'enseigne à l'aide d'un modèle d'atelier. Ceci, ainsi que tous mes lots et documents, ne nécessite aucune préparation ni planification. Les diapositives vous guideront et expliqueront le matériel, guideront vos élèves et vous permettront d'avoir plus de temps pour évaluer et aider.

Ces 43 diapositives vous guideront dans votre enseignement et vous permettront de suivre un modèle d'atelier (même si vous n'êtes pas familier ou mal à l'aise avec !). Ils vous obligent à ralentir, à procéder étape par étape, à modeler les exemples à vos élèves et à les faire travailler en partenariat et seuls pour prouver leur compréhension. 

  • 6 types de triangles:

  • "selon les côtés" (isocèle, scalène, équilatéral)

  • "selon les angles" (obtusangle, acutangle, rectangle)

  • Un jeu de triangle ;

  • Les discussions, le partage et la pratique sont incités dans les diapositives ;

  • Explication approfondie de la teminologie, des symboles et du jargon des angles ;

  • De nombreuses opportunités pour les élèves de travailler de manière autonome et avec un partenaire ;

  • Dessiner des triangles avec toutes les informations ;

  • Dessiner des triangles avec des informations manquantes ;

  • Défi: créer un triangle pour un partenaire; et résoudre celui d'un partenaire.​​​​​​​

Rejoignez mon groupe Facebook pour des cadeaux et pour vous tenir au courant des offres et des ventes!

Merci tellement! Je vous apprécie!

Mme. Kaitlyn

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!


2D and 3D Shape Posters-Math Posters-Shape Recognition-Space Classroom Decor

By MonicaClassyCreation

Help your students master shape recognition with our Outer Space Theme 2D and 3D Shape Posters! Featuring 25 posters that highlight key shapes, these engaging math visuals make learning fun and easy. Perfect for adding a touch of space-themed decor to your classroom!

2D Shapes Included:

  • Circle
  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Triangle
  • Pentagon
  • Hexagon
  • Heptagon
  • Octagon
  • Decagon
  • Oval
  • Star
  • Crescent
  • Heart
  • Arrow
  • Diamond

3d Shapes Included:

  • Sphere
  • Cylinder
  • Cone
  • Cuboid
  • Cube
  • Pyramid
  • Triangular Prism
  • Pentagonal Prism
  • Rectangular Prism
  • Hexagonal Prism

The download you receive will consist of both printable versions and editable templates for each file, just like the ones shown in the photo.

Here's how to access and edit your files:

-Download the print-ready files or open the Canva template link

-To make changes, follow the link provided in the PDF document

-Sign up for a free Canva account if you haven't already

-You'll be able to edit and customize your printables to your preference

Included in this package:

☑ PDF with a link to the Canva Template

☑ Ready-To-Print PDF files

Please note that all documents are 8.5x11 in size.

Stay in the loop with all our new products and sales by hitting that follow button on our store page!.
Just click on the ⭐FOLLOW BUTTON and you'll be the first to know about all the juicy details!

CLICK ON THE PREVIEW BUTTON ABOVE to see what exactly you get on this resource!

Why You Will Love This Resource?

  • Comprehensive Set: Includes 25 posters covering both 2D and 3D shapes.

  • Engaging Design: Outer space theme keeps students interested and excited about learning shapes.

  • Educational Decor: Enhances your classroom with practical, attractive math visuals.

  • Clear Visuals: Easy-to-read and understand, perfect for reinforcing shape recognition.

Coordinate And Arrange Your Classroom Decor
Check out more of our boho rainbow themed classroom decor resources:
Number Posters
Alphabet Posters
Multiplication Charts
Bulletin Board Kit
Number Line Display

Save lots of dollars by getting the entire Outer Space Classroom Decor Bundle and get all the essential resources to decorate your classroom

Please note that this is a digital item. No physical item will be shipped to you. Downloadable PDF files will be sent to your email.

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How do I get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases?

  • Visit your "My Purchases" page

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  • Every time you provide feedback, TeachShare rewards you with credits that can be used to reduce the cost of your upcoming purchases.

Your feedback is so important to me! I use it as a guide to improve and create better resources. Please leave a review as it helps me a lot to keep myself motivated.

If you questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out at:

*Terms & Conditions*

By purchasing from Monica Classy Creation, you agree to the following terms. All designs are for personal or single classroom use. No product may be re-sold, uploaded to a shared drive or website, copied or shared with others. Even other teachers. All contents of this product are under copyright protection. Thank you for respecting my hard work in creating this product.


2D Shape Posters-Math Shape Recognition-Boho Rainbow Neutral Classroom Decor

By MonicaClassyCreation

Unlocking the door to geometric mastery, our Boho Rainbow 2D shape posters offer a hassle-free solution to teachers' instructional needs. With clear visuals and informative content, these neutral decor posters empower educators to effortlessly reinforce shape recognition skills and facilitate engaging classroom discussions. Say goodbye to lesson planning stress and hello to seamless math instruction with our ready-made resource that brings geometry to life in vibrant detail.

The download you receive will consist of both printable versions and editable templates for each file, just like the ones shown in the photo.

Here's how to access and edit your files:

-Download the print-ready files or open the Canva template link

-To make changes, follow the link provided in the PDF document

-Sign up for a free Canva account if you haven't already

-You'll be able to edit and customize your printables to your preference

Included in this package:

☑ PDF with a link to the Canva Template

☑ Ready-To-Print PDF files

Please note that all documents are 8.5x11 in size.

Stay in the loop with all our new products and sales by hitting that follow button on our store page!.

Just click on the ⭐green star and you'll be the first to know about all the juicy details!

CLICK ON THE PREVIEW BUTTON ABOVE to see what exactly you get on this resource!

⭐Why You Will Love This Resource?

  • The posters feature vibrant colors, clear shapes, and eye-catching designs that capture students' attention and make learning about 2D shapes fun and memorable.
  • The set includes posters for a wide range of 2D shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons.
  • The posters feature large, bold text and clear illustrations, making them easy for students to read and understand.
  • The posters can be displayed on classroom walls, bulletin boards, or learning centers to serve as visual references for students during math lessons or independent work.

Coordinate And Arrange Your Classroom Decor

Check out more of our boho rainbow themed classroom decor resources:

Number Posters

Alphabet Posters

Growth Mindset Posters

Multiplication Charts


Save lots of dollars by getting the entire Boho Rainbow Classroom Decor Bundle and get all the essential resources to decorate your classroom

Please note that this is a digital item. No physical item will be shipped to you. Downloadable PDF files will be sent to your email.

How do I get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases?

  • Visit your "My Purchases" page
  • Select the "Provide Feedback" button
  • Every time you provide feedback, TeachShare rewards you with credits that can be used to reduce the cost of your upcoming purchases.

Your feedback is so important to me! I use it as a guide to improve and create better resources. Please leave a review as it helps me a lot to keep myself motivated.

If you questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out at:


*Terms & Conditions*

By purchasing from Monica Classy Creation, you agree to the following terms. All designs are for personal or single classroom use. No product may be re-sold, uploaded to a shared drive or website, copied or shared with others. Even other teachers. All contents of this product are under copyright protection. Thank you for respecting my hard work in creating this product.


Sorting 2D Shapes Sort Polygons Quadrilateral Triangle Cut and Paste Activities

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Students need to know how to sort 2D shapes and identify the name of each figure. This interactive activity meant to help your kids understand how we classify shapes into categories based on their attributes, an interactive notebook made different! A cut and paste activity for 2D shapes that helps students review different properties of shapes. Using groups and subgroups instead of arrows will help kids see the relationship between shapes more clearly.

Please see the preview as it is exactly what you will receive in your download.

This no prep hands-on activity is great for use as printable cut and paste center or practice activity. Just print and go!

Or you can laminate the graphic organizer + the shapes and use it as a group activity.

Shapes included:

  • Non-Polygons: Circle, Moon shape, Heart, ...
  • Triangles: Equilateral, isosceles, scalene, acute, right, obtuse, Right and isosceles.
  • Quadrilaterals: Square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, kite.
  • More than 4 sides: Pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, Octagon.

I created two versions of this sheet colored and black.

❤️ Poster version of this activity ❤️

You may like: Surveys

  1. First day of school surveys and activities.
  2. 3rd grade Fractions worksheets growing bundle.
  3. Sort Polygons bundle.

Leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are free for the first 24 hours! so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

Keywords:(not necessarily related to the topic)

math worksheets

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math worksheets

math worksheets

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classify triangles

classify triangles

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classify quadrilaterals


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classifying polygons

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naming polygons



classifying polygons

area of polygons

polygon sort

polygon anchor chart

classifying polygons

classifying polygons

area of polygons

area of polygons

polygon sort

polygon sort

polygon anchor chart

polygon anchor chart


2D Shape Family Tree Sort Polygon Quadrilateral Triangle Poster Reference Sheet

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Students need to know how to sort 2d shapes and identify the name of each figure. This anchor chart meant to help your kids understand how we classify shapes into categories based on their attributes, a polygon hierarchy made different! I made a polygon family tree that groups polygons into families and subgroups. This helps kids see the relationships more clearly without using arrows.

This resource is well organized and it visually shows the relationships between the multiple different classifications of the polygons, triangles and quadrilaterals. It is a must have to all kinds of learners.

Shapes included:

  • Non-Polygons: Circle, Moon shape, Heart, ...
  • Triangles: Equilateral, isosceles, scalene, acute, right, obtuse, Right and isosceles.
  • Quadrilaterals: Square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, kite.
  • More than 4 sides: Pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, Octagon.

I created two versions of this sheet each colored and black:

  • With name and date space: To give to students or use as a reference sheet.
  • Without name and date space: To make for a display and lesson or as a poster.

Please see the preview as it is exactly what you will receive in your download.

You may like: Surveys

  1. First day of school surveys and activities.
  2. 3rd grade Fractions worksheets growing bundle.
  3. Sort Polygons bundle.

Leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are free for the first 24 hours! so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

Keywords:(not necessarily related to the topic)

math worksheets

math games

math mystery

math worksheets

math worksheets

math worksheets kindergarten

math worksheets 1st grade

math worksheets 2nd grade

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math games

math games no prep

math games with playing cards

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polygon anchor chart

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classify triangles

classify triangles

classify quadrilaterals

classify quadrilaterals


classifying polygons

area of polygons

polygon sort

polygon anchor char

classifying polygons

classifying polygons

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naming polygons



classifying polygons

area of polygons

polygon sort

polygon anchor chart

classifying polygons

classifying polygons

area of polygons

area of polygons

polygon sort

polygon sort

polygon anchor chart

polygon anchor chart


❤️ Pixel Art Lines of Symmetry Color page Art Worksheets Motor 2nd 3rd 4th Grade

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Do you have early finishers on the first day of school and aren't sure what to have them work on? Use this fun activities to have them practice their visual motor skills, the fun figures will make them so excited to complete it .. Also considered as coloring pages, students will color in the correct squares on the grid using a reference.

What's included:

6 various cute pixel art pictures to practice symmetry skills:

  • Pages 2 to 8: Colored version
  • Pages 9 to 15 : Black version
  • Pages 16 to 22 : Solutions to use as a reference if needed.

See Preview for full details

This resource is great for homework, activity, full-class instruction, early finishers, homeschool and more!

By using these printable you will:

  • Teach Symmetry: Help kids understand symmetry by matching both sides of a shape.
  • Boost Motor Skills: Improve hand control through coloring and drawing.
  • Build Focus: Encourage careful work and creativity within set patterns.

You may like:

  • Polygons for beginners.
  • Coordinate for beginners.
  • Fractions for beginners.

My best rated freebie:

Free Long division Practice Worksheets.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases:

  • Every $1 spent = 1 credit
  • 50 credits = $2.50 off a purchase

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preschool coloring pages

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digital resources

Preschool Kindergarten Spring Packet Worksheets Coloring Page


❤️ I Spy math worksheets Fractions activities math fractions on a number line

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

This new I Spy and Count worksheet activity is a fun way to end the school year and head into summer! Students will grasp the abstract concept of fractions by finding each simple fraction among different situations (even Fraction of set skill) geometric shapes, models, fractions with food, number lines and more!

Check preview for full details.

Key Features:

Interactive Learning: to encourage children to actively explore their environment.

Wide Variety of fractions: With a diverse range of models incorporated into the worksheet, including Circles, Squares, Triangles, fractions bars, Rectangles, Hexagons, Food sections, and number lines, children get exposed to various situations that gives the same fraction, this will help them fully understand the concept of fractions.

Engaging "I Spy" Concept: The "I Spy" game adds an element of excitement and adventure to the learning experience. Children become enthusiastic detectives.

Skill Building: By actively counting the identified fractions, children strengthen their counting abilities while simultaneously reinforcing their knowledge of plane shapes.

Suitable for Various Learning Settings: Whether used at home, in a classroom, or as part of a homeschooling curriculum, this activity is versatile and adaptable. It can be integrated into lessons, used as a math center, or even employed as a group activity for collaborative learning.

Perfect for:

  • Guided Math
  • Morning Work
  • Early Finishers
  • Homework
  • Practice set
  • worksheets
  • For parents as a Print and GO to keep their children sharp.
  • Special education purpose as it is a clear and simple task.

3rd Grade fractions Review Bundle is now available!

You may like:

  • Polygons for beginners.
  • Coordinate for beginners.
  • Fractions for beginners.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are 50% off for the first 24 hours! so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

keywords:(not necessarily related to the topic)

  • fractions
  • fractions worksheet
  • fractions on a number line
  • fractions color by number
  • fractions escape room
  • i spy
  • i spy worksheets
  • i spy summer

Naming Polygons Practice - 2D Shapes Free - triangle quadrilateral pentagon

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Practice naming polygons using letters , which students must name each shape clockwise and counterclockwise.

Did you like this freebie? Click here to get the full version!

The whole packet of Polygons practice:

  • Polygon 2.
  • Polygon 3.
  • Polygon 4.
  • Polygon 5.

Or save $1.79 and get the bundle!

There are many ways you can use this packet:

  • Quick Checks
  • Homework
  • Morning Work
  • Exit Tickets
  • Small Groups
  • Independent Practice
  • Test Prep
  • Skills Review

My freebies:

Free Long division Practice Worksheets.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are freebies for the first 3 days so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

keywords:(not necessarily related to the topic)


classifying polygons

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classifying polygons

Request history for this keyword

naming polygons



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Identifying Sort & Classifying Polygons - 2D Shapes Activities - Math Free

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Students need practice identifying regular and irregular polygons. This engaging and hands-on resource will help your students with identifying regular and irregular polygons.

Did you like this freebie? Click here to get the full version!

The whole packet of Polygons practice:

Polygon 1.

Polygon 2.

Polygon 3.

Polygon 5.

Or save $1.79 and get the bundle!

There are many ways you can use this packet:

  • Quick Checks
  • Center
  • Homework
  • Morning Work
  • Exit Tickets
  • Small Groups
  • Independent Practice
  • Test Prep
  • Skills Review

My freebies:

Free Long division Practice Worksheets.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are freebies for the first 3 days so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

keywords:(not necessarily related to the topic)

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Request history for this keyword

naming polygons



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polygon anchor chart

classifying polygons

classifying polygons

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area of polygons

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polygon sort

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Polygons free Practice - Geometry Activities - Math 2D and 3D Shapes - 2nd 3rd

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

These worksheets focus on identifying polygons and their attributes. No prep is involved! All you need to do is print!

Did you like this freebie? Click here to get the full version!

The whole packet of Polygons practice:

Polygon 1.

Polygon 2.

Polygon 3.

Polygon 4.

Or save $1.78 and get the bundle!

There are many ways you can use this packet:

  • Quick Checks
  • assessment
  • Homework
  • Morning Work
  • Exit Tickets
  • Small Groups
  • Independent Practice
  • Test Prep
  • Skills Review

My freebies:

Free Long division Practice Worksheets.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are freebies for the first 3 days so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

keywords:(not necessarily related to the topic)

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naming compounds

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naming described objects

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letter naming fluency

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classifying polygons

Request history for this keyword

naming polygons



classifying polygons

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classifying polygons

classifying polygons

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area of polygons

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polygon sort

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❤️Geometry Math activities Sort 2D Shapes Real Life spy worksheet Coloring Pages

By Epsilon Math Craft & Special Education

Take your child on a 2D shape scavenger hunt with this fun "I Spy 2D Shapes" worksheet! This engaging activity encourages children to identify and count 2D shapes .

Did you like this freebie? Click here to get the full version!

The same resource but with 3D shapes is now available, just click here!

You may like:

  • Polygons for beginners.
  • Coordinate for beginners.
  • Fractions for beginners.

You may like:

  • Polygon 1.
  • Polygon 2.
  • Polygon 3.
  • Polygon 4.
  • Polygon 5.

Or save $1.79 and get the bundle!

My best rated freebie:

Free Long division Practice Worksheets.

Don't forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TeachShare purchases.

All the resources I make are free for the first 24 hours! so follow my store <3 to stay updated every time I post.

keywords:(not necessarily related to the topic)


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3d shapes worksheets

3d shapes worksheets

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3d shapes kindergarten

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3d shapes anchor chart
