6th Grade Geography Handouts

American History Us President and USA State Fact Notebook Worksheets

By Tomorrowcomes


Printable black and white notebook worksheets of the 46 United States President. Each page features a picture of the president. The page then focuses on students finding specific general information on an individual president, as well as an area for students to write unique information about the president that is interesting to them.

Specific information the student while look for:

  • Nickname
  • Born
  • Death
  • Term in office
  • Birthplace
  • Political Party
  • Vice President
  • Spouse
  • Number of Children


Black and White worksheet on all 50 States. Each sheet asks basic information about individual states for students to fill out. This is a great resource to introduce basic facts of individual states, while students can engage thru drawing the state flower, state bird, state tree, and state shape. A blank worksheet is also included.


Europe Facts Crossword Puzzle

By TxMAP Teacher

This product is a crossword puzzle over facts about Europe. Questions include the geography, history, people, economy, and culture of Europe. Answer key is included.


Geography Types of Geography Chart (Free Resource)

By Geography & Math Made Easy


Physical, cultural, political, or economic geography

Students can use this as a guide sheet for studying the types of geography. Laminate them and use them for studying countries and continents.

This is very helpful with our scavenger hunts:

  • North America Scavenger Hunt
  • Central and South America Scavenger Hunt
  • Europe Scavenger Hunt
  • Asia Scavenger Hunt
  • Africa Scavenger Hunt
  • Australia Scavenger Hunt
  • Antarctica Scavenger Hunt


One purchase is good for one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this, please purchase additional licenses.


US States and Capitals Word Search and Crossword Puzzles

By Educate and Create

This product includes 4 puzzles- 2 word searchs and 2 crossword puzzles. A fun and easy way for your students to review all 50 states in the United States of America and their capitals.

States Word Search

- Word Search for all 50 States

- Answer key

State Capitals Word Search

- Word Search for all 50 State Capitals

- Answer key

State Capitals Crossword Puzzles

- 2 Crossword puzzles for State Capitals.

-25 State Capitals in each.

- Answer key


National Parks

By Beth Hammett

Ready for a road trip? My Road Trip to the Top Ten National U.S. Parks lets you think about and plan to visit the top ten U.S. national parks:

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Yosemite National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park

Olympic National Park

Zion Canyon National Park

Grand Teton National Park

Acadia National Park

Glacier National Park

35 pages of fact-based fun and interesting facts, such as how many visitors pass through parks and scenic and wildlife information, along with where each park is located. Note park spellings are based on National Park Service website for student research purposes.


Directions with Ideas for Implementation and for Assessment

Includes writing prompts, diorama, research ideas, and more...

Research and Writing Components

Math and Science Skills Connections

Info Sheet Handout with Junior Ranger Motto and core values of the

National Park Service

My Road Trip U.S. Map to plot itineraries

My Road Trip Mileage Chart for incorporating math skills

Location of Parks

Established Dates of Parks

Sizes of Parks

Scenic Beauty coloring sheet for each park

Scenic Beauty facts

Fact Boxes to add visitor/researched info

Fun Sheet to List the Top 5 places to visit in each park

Record Yearly Temperatures and Averages (Science)

Best Time to Visit

Best Features

Excellent across curriculum lesson plan that encourages critical thinking and planning skills for a fun U.S. national parks road trip! Students who have visited listed parks can be class experts as the lesson plan progresses.

Meets CCSS.

Need a great accompanying packet?

Try "Dialects of the U.S." at Educator Helper storefront.


Ancient Civilization Project

By Mark Holmes

The project is divided into fourteen sections, including the front pages. Sections include Language/Population, Habitat/Geography, Family Structure, Government, and several others. Each section has a list of criteria and questions that must be answered to complete the section.

I would expect a single student to take about ten weeks, with a weekly goal (perhaps a little faster) of completing one section.

There is a score for each section and teacher info on ways to make it work.

The project contains a cover sheet, a teacher's page, two student pages and a sheet to help students select an appropriate civilization.

There is also a list of civilizations that have an abundance of information available on line.


Sarah Fabiny "Where Is Antarctica?" worksheets

By Peter D

This is a 48-page set of worksheets for the book "Where Is Antarctica?" by Sarah Fabiny.

This includes a four-page story test.

There are three worksheets for each chapter:

* comprehension questions

* vocabulary

* story analysis

Also, there are twenty-six worksheets at the end:

* story review

* language skills

* story reflection

* review activity

* cause and effect

* compare and contrast

* illustrations

* people

* book design

* news report

* critical thinking

* inferences

* summaries

* word search

* crossword puzzle

* story test (four pages)

There is also an answer key included at the end of the file.

Worksheets for the “Who Was…?” series:

* What Was Pearl Harbor?

* What Was Pompeii?

* What Was the Underground Railroad?

* Where Are the Galapagos Islands?

* Where Is the Amazon?

* Where Is the Grand Canyon?

* Who Is Barack Obama?

* Who Was Albert Einstein?

* Who Was Amelia Earhart?

* Who Was Anne Frank?

* Who Was Ben Franklin?

* Who Was Charles Darwin?

* Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?

* Who Was Harriet Tubman?

* Who Was Helen Keller?

* Who Was Isaac Newton?

* Who Was Jackie Robinson?

* Who Was Jacques Cousteau?

* Who Was John F. Kennedy?

* Who Was Leonardo da Vinci?

* Who Was Louis Armstrong?

* Who Was Marie Curie?

* Who Was Nelson Mandela?

* Who Was Mark Twain?

* Who Was Roald Dahl?

* Who Was Rosa Parks?

* Who Was Sally Ride?

* Who Was Seabiscuit?

* Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?

* Who Was William Shakespeare?

* Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

* Who Were The Beatles?


Christmas Around The World Word Sleuth

By Homeschool with Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

This word sleuth will provide your students/children with a fun journey of Christmas Around The World with key vocabulary words. It can be done in class, centers, or as a fun homework assignment.

Word sleuth is in PPTX format along with the answer key.

If you and your students/children, enjoy this activity, please go to your purchases and let me a review.


Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

Please follow me on social media: linktr.ee/tidewindacademy


Ireland and St. Patrick's Day Factoids(Interactive Notebook Activity)

By Gail Hennessey

Use these informative factoids about the country of Ireland and St. Patrick's Day as an Interactive Notebook Activity during a study of the country of Ireland or during St. Patrick's Day. Several extension activities are included.

Other resources of interest:

St. Patrick's Day is coming-a wonderful opportunity to introduce your students to the country of Ireland. Did you know that the Celtic knot is a very famous symbol of Ireland? Learn more about Ireland with my fun and informative web quest on Ireland includes 12 questions and lots of extension activities: Ireland/St. Patrick's Day Webquest

2. Another resource about Ireland to consider:This fun/informative play has Ms. Bie Ografee's guest being McSean, a leprechaun. McSean is asked questions by the studio audience about the country of Ireland and the long Irish folklore about leprechauns. Great for a unit on folk stories/folklore or as an activity around St. Patrick's Day. The play has 11 questioners, a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities and links as well as the key: McSean the Leprechaun: Reader's Theater Script

3. The Green Game: Need a fun activity where kids have to find answers that have the word GREEN in it or are the color GREEN? Great for St. Patrick's Day or for a Friday. The GREEN Game

NOTE: This resource is INCLUDED in my Ireland Webquest/Activity Resource:

4**. BOOM CARD DECK on IRELAND and St. Patrick’s Day: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/IRELAND-and-St-Patricks-Day-Test-your-KNOWLEDGE-BOOM-CARDS-6630588?st=251ef10d14a281934d6a0f5da217d21b\*\*


Gail's Website for Teachers/Kids (my website for teachers/kids has lots of geography activities, career surveys, short reads, factoids, news and more)

Please consider following me by click by the green star by my photograph. Thanks!


Applying the Five Themes of Geography to the REAL World

By Sarah Austin

This is a lesson designed to bring the ‘Five Themes of Geography’ to life! Students will go beyond the mere rote memorization of these themes, but will explore and apply each of these themes to an eye opening example found in the REAL WORLD; whether it be a tribal man’s adaptive ability to hold his breath for an extended amount of time while deep sea hunting, to the ancient Roman’s impressive engineering skills in constructing the famous waterway system known as the aqueducts.

The Slide Presentation will guide your students through an exciting journey of the five themes. This interactive lesson is designed to teach the concepts, and then quiz students of their understanding of each theme, and finally a more comprehensive assessment takes place at the end of the lesson.

This lesson contains:

  • Google Slide Presentation (includes engaging video clips)
  • Interactive Guided Notes
  • Assessment
  • Answer Key

If you liked this lesson see other related 'Geography' lessons here:

  • Seeing Through Maps: Understanding Projections and Purpose
  • Intro to Economics: Needs V. Wants
  • Analyzing Environmental Disasters Caused by Human Activity

Christmas Around The World Word Sleuth

By Homeschool with Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

This word sleuth will provide your students/children with a fun journey of Christmas Around The World with key vocabulary words. It can be done in class, centers, or as a fun homework assignment.

Word sleuth is in PPTX format along with the answer key.

If you and your students/children, enjoy this activity, please go to your purchases and let me a review.


Big Easy Homeschooling Mom

Please follow me on social media: linktr.ee/tidewindacademy


All About Aruba, Bonaire, & Curacao: Basic Info, Landmarks, Icons, Quiz

By TheJoyfulMorgan

All About The ABC Islands: Aruba, Bonaire, & Curacao: Worksheets: Basic Info, Landmarks, Icons, Quiz, Passport Cutout

Welcome to Travel the World: Geography Worksheets. These basic worksheet packets are designed for children ages 3-12 to use when learning about another country.

Each country packet has 4 worksheets: 1) Basic Info & Flag, 2) Famous Landmarks & Icons, 3) Short Quiz, and 4) Suggested Activities. The answer key is included. These are designed to pair with a short instructional video of your choice and google research. A suggested playlist is available on youtube called Travel the World: Geography Worksheets at the link https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG97xcKppNzQbu9Jq3atSJ6XhwbKDQEVJ\&si=cTeybPYKpnsf5yVx

An additional resource found in my store is a free passport printout for the children to design and construct. Portions of each worksheet can be cut out and pasted into the child’s passport. Or a child can create their own passport binder and collect their worksheets throughout the year to remember where they’ve been.


Black and White Worksheets 50 USA states : unit study

By Tomorrowcomes

Black and White worksheet on all 50 States. Each sheet asks basic information about individual states for students to fill out. This is a great resource to introduce basic facts of individual states, while students can engage thru drawing the state flower, state bird, state tree, and state shape. A blank worksheet is also included.

Check out the quick facts and coloring sheet for individual states.

Check out this US President Worksheet covering from George Washington to Joseph Bidden!


Southeast Asia Facts Crossword Puzzle

By TxMAP Teacher

This product is a crossword puzzle over facts about Southeast Asia. Questions include the geography, history, people, economy, and culture of Southeast Asia. Answer key is included.



By Geography & Math Made Easy

Political cartoons are a great way to allow students to express their viewpoints and concerns through a creative alternative outlet. This includes a handout to provide students on "How To Create a Political Cartoon," along with samples and suggested online sites that allow students to create their political cartoons online.

Please follow us on:

Facebook: Geography & Math Made Easy




Amped Up Learning: Geography & Math Made Easy






One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.


US States and Capitals Word Search and Crossword Puzzles

By Educate and Create

This product includes 4 puzzles- 2 word searchs and 2 crossword puzzles. A fun and easy way for your students to review all 50 states in the United States of America and their capitals.

States Word Search

- Word Search for all 50 States

- Answer key

State Capitals Word Search

- Word Search for all 50 State Capitals

- Answer key

State Capitals Crossword Puzzles

- 2 Crossword puzzles for State Capitals.

-25 State Capitals in each.

- Answer key


Math (Decimals Addition and Mapping Skills)

By Beth Hammett

How far can you walk your dog? 4 easy-to-read maps with streets and buildings for students to label, along with miles marked using place digit decimals. Comes with dogs, food and water bowls, empty bowls, two different bones, and four dog houses to color and cut to illustrate dog walks. Also, there is a math handout sheet for writing down and adding decimals. Uses real-life, interactive math skills to teach decimals and mapping! Use for test prep, introducing adding decimals, and mapping skills.


Steck-Vaughn "History of Our World: Volume 2" comprehension questions

By Peter D

This is a 40-page set of comprehension questions to accompany the Steck-Vaughn textbook "History of Our World: Volume 2 - The Modern World".

For each chapter, there is one page of multiple choice questions and one page of short answer questions.

Also, there is an answer key included at the end of the file.

Worksheets for nonfiction books:

* Carl Sagan: Cosmos

* I Am Malala

* Malala's Magic Pencil

* Roald Dahl: Boy (Tales of Childhood)

* Roald Dahl: Going Solo

* Steck-Vaughn textbook: History of our World Volume 1

* Steck-Vaughn textbook: History of our World Volume 2

* Elie Wiesel: Night

* Susan Wise Bauer: Volume 1 (Ancient Times)


Iceland: Reading Passage

By Gail Hennessey

Need a reading activity where students also learn about different countries of the world?

My new series, World Passport, has students reading a diary from a young person visiting a country of the world. There are five diary entries sharing the culture, famous places and some language of the country, in this case, Iceland.

The resource includes a Did You Know section, a map skill activity, comprehension questions, a teacher section with extension activities and the key.

Also, check out my other resource, a web quest on Iceland: Iceland, A Webquest!

Reading Passages:

George Washington and the Camel

Calvin Coolidge and the “Pennsylvania Avenue Zoo”

John Quincy Adams Takes a Swim

Thomas Jefferson and the Mammoth Cheese

Sojourner Truth

Santa Fe Trail: Wind WagonThomas

Revolutionary War Heroine: Catherine “Kate” Moore

Barry(Battle of Cowpens)

Enheduanna, First Known Poet in History

Artemisia(Female Naval Commander during the Battle of Salamis)

Hanno: Phoenician Explorer

Ramses the Great



Alexander the Great




Hypatia: First Woman Mathematician

Aglaonike(Greek astronomer)

Agnodice(First Female Doctor of Ancient Greece)

Julius Caesar




Joan of Arc

Phillis Wheatley

Mary Anning

Caroline Herschel

Sophie Brahe: Astronomer and Horticulturist

Hildegard of Bingen(Middle Ages)

Aida de Acosta(First Woman to Fly a Powered Aircraft)

Women’s Suffrage: The Silent Sentinels

History of Pretzels

History of Marshmallows

History of Tulips

Snowmen in History

History of April Fools’ Day

Great Wall of China

Eiffel Tower

Ayres Rock(Uluru)

Taj Mahal

Travel to Iceland

Travel to Greece

Travel to Japan


USA map and coloring sheet Printable

By Tomorrowcomes

Interact with this printable United States of America. A colored map which breakdowns the USA by region, and a black and white map that can be used to label region, states, or as a basic coloring sheet.

Looking to study individual states as well check out

50 states quick fact and coloring sheet
