Don't know what to have students write about?
Use this randomizer to make writing fun and creative!
No-Prep needed.
All you have to do is click and images are generated. Click next for more options!
35 Pages with amazing clipart.
Can be used in any language classroom...
Chevron Alpha Clip Art Bundle! - 623 images
By Z is for Zebra
Get 7 different colored Chevron Alpha image packs 623 files! Includes all characters all uppercase, lowercase, numbers 0-9 and many punctuation/symbols! These are all saved at 300 dpi as transparent png files. This package has every single image from the following individual packs: Red Chevron Alpha Clip Art Orange Chevron Alpha Clip Art Yellow Chevron Alpha Clip Art Lime Chevron Alpha Clip Art Sky Blue Chevron Alpha Clip Art Blue Chevron Alpha Clip Art Purple Chevron Alpha Clip Art Get all the alphabet characters, numbers and symbols you need in one pack! This product is licensed for use a non-transferable user license for both personal and commercial use. See Terms in the zip file for more information. YOU MAY: ● Use these graphics for use in a classroom, for personal or for commercial use. ● Use these graphics on your website. YOU MAY NOT: ● Transfer, distribute, redistribute or sub-license, lend, share sell/resell the product "as is" or as part of another kit / clip art pack. If you sell these images they must be part of new file and cannot be the primary focus of the file. ● Upload these images/files for distribution (for free or pay) as is, please use these files in your own products. CREDIT: If you use this product you must provide credit and a link from your product back to my store: "Graphic by Brian Johnson / ZisforZebra -". I have included an image if you want to use it as well. Enjoy & Please leave feedback if you find this useful! Thanks! Brian If you like this product, please take a minute to "LIKE" it and "PIN" it! Key words: cut out, letters, numbers, symbols, math, writing, algebra, printable, bling, shine, manipulatives, alphabet, numbers, letters, puncuation, multiplication, division, flashcards, color, holiday, easter, spring, cute, pack, clipart, TeachShare sellers, 4 inch, glittery, search, cute, pattern, design, zebra,, chevron, alpha, alphas, scrapbook, digi, digital, new teacher, seller, kit, crafts, cards, ABC, 123, Commercial use, CU, clip art, clipart
Rainbow Pastel Classroom Decor Bundle | Calendar | Math Posters | Birthday
By Kristen Teaches Fourth
My first decor bundle is here! Rainbow Pastel has the basics you need for your classroom!
Calendar - either can be flip or use a pocket chart
Nameplates - Editable on powerpoint! Options for each grade span (primary and upper)
Number Posters - Skip counting, number posters
Alphabet - Options for each grade span ( primary, with or without pictures)
Birthday Display - Editable on powerpoint
Numberline - 0 - 120
Shape posters - 2 D shapes
Hand signals - editable on powerpoint or pre-made with options