6th Grade Engineering Bulletin Board Ideas

Talk Like A Scientist Poster

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

Are you trying to encourage your students to use more scientific words in your classroom? Do you want to help them increase their scientific vocabulary? Then encourage them to try new words by using the "Talk Like A Scientist" poster! This 18x24 poster includes 15 words with a definition and synonyms.

Check out our other "Talk Like..." posters!
Talk Like a Mathematician!


Simple Machines Poster Set

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

Here's your poster set for Simple Machines! There are 8 (18x24) posters here for your classroom! Each poster includes the definition, a picture and how to find the mechanical advantage of the featured machine! The set includes: Inclined Planes, Levers, Wheel & Axle, Pulley, Gears, Wedges, Screws and Force. Great addition to science classroom or a technology lab!!
