6th Grade Critical Thinking Handouts

FAKE NEWS! Teaching Digital Critical Literacy(FREEBIE: INA)

By Gail Hennessey

FAKE NEWS! We hear this phrase almost every day. Teaching Digital Critical Literacy is more and more important. Use this freebie to open a discussion on techniques to determine whether a story students read or hear is real or fake.

This is part of my resource on FAKE NEWS, Developing Digital Critical Literacy with Kids(INA): Click here to learn more: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/FAKE-NEWS-Developing-Digital-Critical-Literacy-with-Kids-INA-3074653

Check out my FREE April Fool's Day Pranks for additional examples of News/ FAKE News for your students to review. https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/APRIL-FOOLS-FREEBIEReally-2474186

Additionally, my resource on the history of April Fool's Day has LOTS of materials  which could also be used to develop digital literacy with your students. https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/April-Fools-Day-ReadingFun-Facts-and-Activities-632947


FAKE NEWS! Teaching Digital Critical Literacy(FREEBIE: INA)

By Gail Hennessey

FAKE NEWS! We hear this phrase almost every day. Teaching Digital Critical Literacy is more and more important. Use this freebie to open a discussion on techniques to determine whether a story students read or hear is real or fake.

This is part of my resource on FAKE NEWS, Developing Digital Critical Literacy with Kids(INA): Click here to learn more: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/FAKE-NEWS-Developing-Digital-Critical-Literacy-with-Kids-INA-3074653

Check out my FREE April Fool's Day Pranks for additional examples of News/ FAKE News for your students to review. https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/APRIL-FOOLS-FREEBIEReally-2474186

Additionally, my resource on the history of April Fool's Day has LOTS of materials  which could also be used to develop digital literacy with your students. https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/April-Fools-Day-ReadingFun-Facts-and-Activities-632947
