6th Grade Close Reading Centers


By French Made Fun!

Vous souhaitez faire une dégustation de livres avec vos élèves ?

Ce document contient une feuille de travail de style napperon 11 x 17 que vos élèves pourront utiliser lors d'une dégustation de livres! Il les invite à collecter des informations et à évaluer une série de livres.

Je fournis un description de la tâche et le mode d'emploi. J'inclus les instructions d'impression!

Ce document a un napperon en anglais et en français.


Wanting to do a book tasting with your students?

This document contains a 11 x 17 placemat-style worksheet for your students to use during a book tasting! It prompts them to collect information and to rate a series of books.

I provide the run-down and the how-to, to take the guesswork out of it. I include printing instructions!

This document has both an English and a French placemat.


Valentine's Day Informational Text Structure Color Sort! Grades 5-8 FREEBIE!

By TooBookedUp

Are you ready to add a 'sweet touch' to learning text structures this Valentine's Day? Dive into our Valentine's Day Text Structure Coloring Sorts, a delightful and engaging free resource designed to help your students master the art of identifying different text structures. Perfect for grades 3-8, this activity blends the fun of Valentine's Day with essential learning objectives.

With our resource, students will explore five key text structures: Cause and Effect, Problem and Solution, Question and Answer, Chronological Order, and Description. Each text structure is cleverly themed around Valentine's Day, making learning both enjoyable and relevant.

All you need is the PDF copy and six colored pencils or crayons to get started. This activity serves as an excellent warm-up, a creative homework assignment, or a lively addition to any learning center. It's not just about coloring; it's about understanding and applying knowledge in a way that sticks.

Looking for more ways to engage your students in text structure mastery? Check out our comprehensive Informational Text Structure Mastery Bundle. This bundle complements the coloring activity and offers an in-depth exploration of text structures, perfect for middle school learners.

Don't miss out on this 'heartfelt' opportunity to blend creativity with critical thinking in your classroom. Download our Valentine's Day Text Structure Coloring Sorts today and watch as your students color their way to text structure mastery!
