6th Grade Centers

Context Clues Worksheets Determining Meaning of Unknown Words

By Blooming Through High School


Why teach word meaning through nonsense words?

  • Students must use critical thinking to solve
  • Students must read the whole passage for context clues
  • Students must problem solve to find the best word that makes the most sense.
  • They can't find the answer except through problem solving.

All of these are things we want every student to do! This is something that is already adapted for high and low learners.

Starting with three nonsense words gets students going so they can work in groups or independently to decode the meaning of 7 REAL words (selected from the SAT vocabulary list).

This is a perfect activity for group problem solving and critical thinking!


Positive Growth Mindset Quotes Retro 80s 90s Tech Pop Art Coloring Bundle Craft

By Eden Digital Arts

Bundle of coloring pages and bookmarks with positive growth mindset quotes 80s 90s retro-themed pop art to help develop students' social-emotional intelligence.

15 coloring pages

8 different coloring bookmarks in two sizes

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For personal use by one teacher only, please do not resell or share this file.


Fractions Adding, Subtracting, Dividing, Multiplying Centers Bundle

By Elementary divas

This Bundle comes with 80 Task Cards for Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Fractions. These fractions activity cards challenge and interest your student in practicing and visualizing fraction operations in a variety of ways. Just Print and Go!


  • PRINT: 8.5 x 11 letter size
  • 80 Task Cards (prints 4 to a page)
  • Black-line
  • Recording Sheets
  • Answer Keys
  • Directions & Suggestions
  • Print with colored paper (optional)
  • PDF File

Like this resource you might also be interested in these additional packets.

  • One Step Equations
  • Long Division Practice
  • Fact Fluency
  • Fraction Wall

>> If you have questions, please reach out to us<<

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It is our sincere hope that you can find this resource useful. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at anytime.

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Sound Engineering - Design & Build a Musical Instrument

By Innovations in Technology

Put the STEAM in STEM with this unit! Sound Engineering is a Project Based Learning unit that teaches students the physics and basic concepts of sound engineering, especially as it relates to music. This lesson can be used in Career and Technology classes, Science classes, or Music classes. I have used it with an 8th grade Engineering class.

Students start the unit by reading information about the topic from a handout and answering questions about the reading, as well as defining terms related to sound engineering. In the next phase of the project, they work with a team to utilize a Slinky toy to replicate wave patterns and analyze them. Finally, they work with a team to research and build a musical instrument that demonstrates their learning of the topic. The unit ends with a written reflection on the project.

Files Included with this Unit:

1. Teacher Resources

2. Physics of Sound Reading

3. Introduction to Sound Engineering (research and vocabulary) – includes answer key

4. Slinky Waves – group lab expectations and student worksheet

5. Team sign-up sheet

6. Musical Instrument Building Project – student expectations and resources

7. Team planning sheet (2 versions, color & black and white)

8. Teacher evaluation tracking sheet

9. Project Written Reflection

I hope your students enjoy it!

Related Products
⭐ Creating and Editing Audio & Music in Audacity
⭐ Design and Build a Skyscraper
⭐ Digital Engineering Notebook - Fully Editable in PowerPoint & Google Slides

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What Will My Car Cost? - A Project in Microsoft Excel | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

The “What Will My Car Cost?” project allows students to build skills in Internet research and critical thinking as they research costs for a car and then compute and compare payment options using Microsoft Excel. First, students research the cost for two car options (one used and one new) and then compare financing and payment options for these using formulas in Microsoft Excel. The step-by-step directions were created for Microsoft Excel 2016, but could easily be used with earlier versions of the software. Editable templates and samples are provided for both Microsoft Excel 2016 and earlier versions (2007-2013).

The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for high school students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Student Project Overview, Expectations & Rubric - Research & Excel Project

• Student Step-by-Step Guide - Excel Project

• MS Excel Template “What Will My Car Cost” Project for use in differentiation (Two Editable Microsoft Excel files with formulas – one for version 2016; one for earlier versions 2007-2013)

• Sample “What Will My Car Cost?” Project (Two Editable Microsoft Excel files with formulas – one for version 2016; one for earlier versions 2007-2013)

Related Products
⭐ Excelling with Excel - Beginner Activities
⭐ Excelling with Excel - Intermediate Tutorial & Activities

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Learning about the Engineering Design Process

By Innovations in Technology

Learning the Engineering Design Process includes a variety of hands-on lessons to help students understand how engineers work and encourage record keeping in project based learning.

In these lessons, students are provided with a short matching activity to learn the vocabulary words associated with the Engineering Design Process. A printable template for the Engineering Design Process lets individuals or teams plan their project and follow the steps as the project progresses. Another version of the template gives hints about what students do at each step, which is perfect for differentiation. These can be used with any classroom project, but the lesson includes 12 task cards with different engineering scenarios that are great for students to use to brainstorm and plan a solution. Also included is a sample lesson with rubric for use with the cards.

A PowerPoint presentation of the Engineering Design Process is included with the lesson to introduce the concept to the class prior to starting the lessons, as well as links to other resources to enrich the learning experience.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• PowerPoint presentation

• Vocabulary Matching Activity (with answer key)

• Engineering Design Process printable template (includes version with hints)

• Student Expectations, Project Instructions and Rubric

• Engineering Design Process scenario cards (12) includes blanks for customization

I've used this primarily with 8th graders, but it would work well for grades 5-9. I hope your students enjoy!

Related Products
⭐ The Physics of Bridges
⭐ The Physics of Amusement Park Rides
⭐ Real World Math - How Engineers Use Math

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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Escape Room

By Educate and Create

Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!

The focus of this breakout is The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The activities in this breakout game are designed to help students review what they have read in the novel. A great review game before a test or quiz. Comes complete with answer key.

Task #1 Plot

See if your students can figure out the overall plot for the story using a diagram and plot cards. When put in the right order students get a secret code.

Task #2 Characters

A way for your students to work together figuring out who is who from the novel with character cards and an answer sheet. Once solved students gain a code word.

Task #3 Close Read

Students must close read an excerpt from the novel and acurately answer questions about the excerpt to reveal the last code word.

Task #4 Encrypted Message

Using all the clues from the previous three tasks students must solve the encrypted message to escape the room.

Your students will love competing against the other groups in their class to solve these knowledge based puzzles around the novel.

Need more resources for The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

Look no further...we got you covered!

The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde Introduction Power Point

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Characterization Flip book


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Escape Room

By Educate and Create

Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!

The focus of this breakout is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The activities in this breakout game are designed to help students review what they have read in the book. A great review game before a test or quiz. Comes complete with answer key.


Introduction to Archetypes Powerpoint

By Educate and Create

A power point which serves as an introduction to archetypes. This goes over character archetypes, situational archetypes, and symbolic archetypes. A great addition to any unit on literary archetypes.


Getting Ready for Winter and Winter Wonderland – Activity Pages and Puzzles

By Reading Club Fun

Winter weather is coming. People and animals have many jobs to do to be ready before winter weather sets in. And, once prepared, we get to enjoy the winter season and all the changes it brings. This set includes:

  • Getting Ready For Winter Two-Page Activity Set
  • Getting Ready Word Search Puzzle – reinforces key vocabulary from Activity Set
  • Winter Wonderland (Activities, Penguins, and Festivals) Two-Page Activity Set
  • Wonderful Wintry Season Word Search Puzzle – reinforces key vocabulary from Activity Set
  • Winter Rhyming Words Crossword Puzzle
  • Winter Reading Log & Certificate

Concepts Explored: getting ready for winter | fall | autumn | animal behavior | hibernation | wildlife | migration | January | February | hibernating | skiing | snowboard | snowflakes | penguin | penguins | polar bears | winter festival | rhyming | rhymes | rhyme | winter words | winter vocabulary | hockey


Thanksgiving Puzzle Set: Pilgrims' Journey to Freedom

By Reading Club Fun

Thanksgiving is almost here. Students will enjoy learning about the Pilgrims' journey to Freedom in America and the Native Americans (First People) who already lived there with this Thanksgiving-themed Two-Page Activity Set and two Word Search Puzzles! Includes:

  • Two-Page Activity Set: Pilgrims' Journey to Freedom (Thanksgiving)
  • Word Search Puzzle: Reinforces key vocabulary words from the Activity Set
  • Word Search Puzzle: What Are You Thankful For? (Thanksgiving)

Topics Explored: Thanksgiving | Pilgrims | Samoset | Mayflower | Wampanoag | Native American | Plymouth | Massachusetts | Cape Cod | Plymouth Rock | Massasoit | thankful | family | community


Thanksgiving Then and Now Puzzle Packet - with Bonus Maze

By Reading Club Fun

Thanksgiving is almost here. Learn about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, and how people celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday today with our educational learning set.

CLICK HERE to follow us and to learn about our great freebies and deals!

This set includes:

  • Happy Thanksgiving! Two-Page Activity Set – With themed crossword, maze, word search (verbs) and craft activity focused on giving thanks.
  • Thanksgiving Vocabulary Fun! Word Search Puzzle – 50 words that reinforce the vocabulary used in the Activity Set.
  • Thanksgiving Symbols Crossword – Touches on people, foods and activities we often associate with this holiday.
  • FREE Bonus – A-Mazing Pumpkin Puzzle – Giant maze that lets kids find their way to a freshly baked pumpkin pie.
  • FREE Reading Log and Certificate Set – Themed set (turkey playing football) designed to encourage reading accomplishment.

Topics Explored: Thanksgiving | Pilgrims | Mayflower | Squanto | family | Plymouth | November | turkey | symbols | Native American


Halloween Bingo Vocabulary Game (Regular Size - 30 Boards) 10% Off

By Reading Club Fun

This high-quality bingo game offers a fun, active way to foster spelling, vocabulary, and listening skills.

Comes with:

• 30 different playing boards

• 50 calling cards with illustrations, vocabulary words and the letter of the column they are in

• Quick Look Key – laminate and mark off to keep track of what cards were called. Helps to quickly verify winners.

• BONUS: Free Halloween word search puzzle to warm kids up on the vocabulary used in the bingo game

How it works:

The caller shuffles the calling cards to mix them up, then reads the top calling card. It has 2 parts:

1. A spelling tip to help kids locate the column to look in. For example: "This word starts with the letter 'S'." This guides the player to look in the "S" column.

2. The definition or clue, required to find the picture and its name (the vocabulary).

When a player has covered 5 illustrations in a row horizontally, vertically or on a diagonal, they call out "Bingo!" and the caller checks their board.

This is a great game for a whole-class activity, or to put in a classroom center for kids to work on in small groups.

We also offer MONSTER-SIZE HALLOWEEN BINGO for large groups. Same as above, but comes with 60 different playing boards!

Concepts Explored: Halloween | bingo | game | vocabulary | spelling | listening skills | class | classroom activity | holiday | party games | fun


Halloween Bingo Vocabulary Game (Monster-Size - 60 Boards)

By Reading Club Fun

This high-quality bingo game offers a fun, active way to foster spelling, vocabulary, and listening skills.

Comes with:

• 60 different playing boards

• 50 calling cards with illustrations, vocabulary words, and the letter of the column they are in

• Quick Look Key – laminate and mark off to keep track of what cards were called. Helps to quickly verify winners.

• BONUS: Free Halloween word search puzzle to warm kids up on the vocabulary used in the bingo game

How it works:

The caller shuffles the calling cards to mix them up, then reads the top calling card. It has 2 parts:

A. A spelling tip to help kids locate the column to look in. For example: "This word starts with the letter 'S'." This guides the player to look in the "S" column.

B. The definition or clue, required to find the picture and its name (the vocabulary).

When a player has covered 5 illustrations in a row horizontally, vertically or on a diagonal, they call out "Bingo!" and the caller checks their board.

This is a great game for a whole-class activity, or to put in a classroom center for kids to work on in small groups.

We also offer REGULAR-SIZE HALLOWEEN BINGO for smaller groups. Same as above, but comes with 30 different playing boards.

Concepts explored: Halloween | bingo | game | vocabulary | spelling | listening skills | class | classroom activity | holiday | party games | fun


Thanksgiving Puzzle Set – Traditions, Turkey and "Pi" (Vocabulary and Math)

By Reading Club Fun

Thanksgiving is almost here. Enjoy a Thanksgiving-themed Two-Page Activity Set and a Thanksgiving-themed puzzle with this set! Includes:

  • Happy Thanksgiving (Turkey and "Pi") Two-Page Activity Set – with turkey facts crossword, Pi applications crossword, and maze
  • Word Search Puzzle reinforced key vocabulary words from Activity Set
  • Crossword Puzzle with facts about the Thanksgiving celebration

Concepts Explored: Thanksgiving | Happy Thanksgiving | traditions | holiday | November | fall | autumn | turkey | feast | pilgrims | Wampanoag | pi | engineering | math | Native American | Mayflower | Plymouth


Haunted House Puzzle Set - Synonyms, Euphemisms Fun Anytime

By Reading Club Fun

What does it take to sell a haunted house? A lot of creativity! And, a bit of persuasive writing.

Our unique puzzle pack challenges kids to follow the lead of Zombie Brothers Real Estate as they learn about the tools needed to sell a haunted house – the nouns, verbs, synonyms and euphemisms that make a sale! It's great fun for Halloween!


  • Sales Flyer: Create your own Haunted House sales ad, following the Zombie Bros. very persuasive style.
  • Vocabulary Word Search: 45 words and phrases to know as you sell your Haunted House.
  • Nouns to Know Crossword: Use these nouns to show the many features of your Haunted House (even the roosting crows and nearby graveyard).
  • Nouns & Adjectives Word Search: These words work together to create an enticing image of your Haunted House in the buyer's mind (Puzzle is "hosted" by a cat and a rat, residents of the house).
  • Synonym Fun Crossword: You'll use the clues to fill in the puzzle with words that are similar – such as cemetery and graveyard – to try new words as you sell.
  • Euphemism Fun Match-Up – See how you can use euphemisms to make things in your Haunted House seem a little nicer, such as saying "underground storage" rather than "dungeon."

Halloween is Here Kit – Trick-or-Treat, Costumes, Rhymes (Reading Comprehension)

By Reading Club Fun

Halloween is here! Enjoy an exciting, vocabulary-rich, Halloween-themed puzzle pack that includes:

  • Halloween is Here Two-Page Activity Set – character costume crossword and word search, rhyming fill-in, find twin ghosts puzzle and Halloween etiquette.

  • Matching Word Search Puzzle – reinforces 40 vocabulary words from the Activity Set

  • Halloween Rhyming Words Crossword Puzzle – fill-in puzzle with words that rhyme with the clues.

  • Costume Choices Word Search Puzzle – features broad array of cool characters and creatures for potential Halloween dress-up

  • Creating Costumes Word Search – materials and tools you can use to create Halloween costumes

  • Who Will We Be? Crossword Puzzle – match costume items to each character, then complete the crossword.


AVID - Quickwrite Prompts - digital resource for 180 daily writing prompts

By KJ Inspired Resources

Start your AVID class with these team building AVID 180 Daily Quickwrite Creative Writing Google Slides Journal Prompts! They are just what your students need to get excited about writing while building relational capacity. Allow time for students to share their writing out loud or in small groups so that students are able to get to know their classmates at a deeper level.

What's Included:

  • 180 writing get to know you and reflective/goal setting prompts
  • Expectation slide and an editable expectation slide
  • Prompt template for you to add your own quickwrites
  • Prompts for Team Building
  • Get to know you prompts
  • Goal setting prompts
  • Reflection prompts
  • Creative writing prompts


  • morning writing
  • journaling
  • creative writing class
  • ELA
  • literacy centers
  • small group
  • whole group
  • homework writing assignments
  • collaborative writing
  • quick writing prompts
  • paragraph writing practice
  • extensions for GT, or accelerated learners
  • teaching writing skills (Leads, paragraphs, grammar, editing)
  • substitute activities
  • and much more!

Click HERE to see other AVID resources

Click HERE to see other AVID Writing resources

*Note this product may be used in brick an mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool.


ESL hobbies pastimes activities sports speaking & writing basic EAL ELL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your English Second Language (ESL) curriculum with this practical resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, and events. These engaging activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events with friends. The resource promotes conversation and expands core vocabulary through the "question of the day." It encourages creativity with skits, writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities. With minimal prep needed, this resource offers activities to practice vocabulary both orally and in writing. Perfect for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans.

Resource 1:

Start your ESL class off each day with a Question of the day. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This ESL resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question of the day"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Find someone who...", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your class each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview
  • 14 text message examples
  • 6 event poster examples
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on question words "How much? Who? Where?"

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement thelibrarians.playground@gmail.com


French hobbies pastimes activities loisir sports passe-temps basic core FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your French Second Language (FSL) curriculum with this convenient resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, and events (les passe-temps, les événements, les sports, les loisirs). These comprehensive activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events among friends. This resource also encourages conversation while expanding core vocabulary with the "question du jour". Encourage creativity with writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities. With minimal preparation required, this resource includes activities to reinforce basic vocabulary both orally and in writing. Whether for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans, this versatile resource helps to foster language proficiency.

Resource 1:

Start your FSL class off each day with a “Question du jour”. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This French resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question du Jour"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Optional use of the conditional

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Trouve quelqu'un qui", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your FSL class each day with a “Question du jour”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview for easy implementation
  • 14 text message examples for interactive learning
  • 6 event poster examples to stimulate creativity
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on les mots interrogatifs où, quand, qui, et combien

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement thelibrarians.playground@gmail.com
