6th Grade Biology Laboratory

Comparing Candy Corn and Real Corn: Candy Corn Fall Science Lesson

By Danielle Mortimore

Practice the difference between structure and function and bring the excitement of Halloween into your classroom with this engaging and educational lesson plan! Perfect for middle school science classes, this lesson aligns with NGSS and Tennessee State Science Standards, making it a valuable addition to your curriculum.

In this hands-on activity, students will dissect and compare the structures of candy corn and real corn kernels. Through observation, discussion, and a taste test, students will explore the differences between natural and artificial products, and learn about the functions of various seed parts.

Key Concepts Covered or Practiced:

  • Practicing making observations and differentiating between structure and function
  • Structure and function of seed parts
  • Sensory observation and descriptive language

Lesson Includes:

  • Lesson Plan Slides: Instructions and tips to guide you through the lesson.
  • Lab Worksheet: A comprehensive worksheet for students to record their observations and reflections.
  • Slides Presentation: A visually appealing presentation to enhance your lesson and keep students engaged.

Add a Sweet Twist to Your Science Lessons! Make learning memorable with this unique lesson that blends education and fun. Your students will love the opportunity to explore science concepts while enjoying a tasty treat.

NGSS and Tennessee State Standards:

  • NGSS MS-LS1-4 and Tennessee 6.LS1.3: Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.

Multicellular Organisms: 3 Mini Labs

By Brittany Henderson

3 "mini" labs -or shortened activities- to reinforce or introduce concepts to students. These are simple activities that do not take the whole class period. Each activity is meant to help support the following concepts.

  • Organism specialization
  • Stored energy in plants/producers
  • Specialized reproduction of fungi

Packet comes with the following:

Organism races: Teacher Guide & Student Handout (MS-LS1-2)

Plant Stored Energy: Teacher Guide & Student Handout (MS-LS1-7)

Fungi and Spores: Teacher Guide & Student Handout (MS-LS1-4)

Materials needed per group set up:

Organism Races: 20 paper clips, 2 pieces of paper, 1 pencil

Plant Stored Energy: Potato pieces, celery pieces, pear pieces, 3 clear plastic cups, iodine solution, eye dropper

Fungi and Spores: Fresh mushrooms (store bought) sharp knife, clear plastic cup, white paper, hand lens

MS-LS1-7: Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function.

MS-LS1-7: Develop a model to describe how food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism.

MS-LS1-4 : Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.


Natural Selection & Survival of the Fittest - Lab - Middle School Science

By The Science Cell

Are you looking for a hands-on, inquiry-based lab for your middle school students that demonstrates natural selection? This lab will do just that as it guides students to act as birds in a forest as they prey on skittles to see how the adaptation of camouflage helps a species survive. They will then collect data to see how the organisms with the fittest traits survive. The lab can be completed in one day and the graph and reflection questions will most likely take a second day to complete.

The simulation activity includes warm up questions, step by step instructions, a data table, line graph, and reflection questions. Students also use math skills to calculate population percentages and display them on a line graph.

Materials needed: skittles & green paper or green napkins (optional: polka dot napkins)

An answer key is included.

Your students will:

  • Engage in visual and hands-on learning
  • Apply knowledge
  • Practice concepts 
  • Collect data
  • Analyze data
  • Draw conclusions
  • Use math skills
  • Explore real world application of science knowledge