5th Grade School Counseling Graphic Organizers


By French Made Fun!

THIS DOCUMENT IS IN ENGLISH! This document exists in French, here and includes a sexuality and puberty component.

This 45-page document has activities, games, printables, graphic organizers and step-by-step activities to lead engaging discussions with your "big" kids about anxiety, stress and identity.

As with all of my documents, I don't use babyish colors, images or fonts. I create documents for middle-schoolers in mind so this would match the maturity level of grades 5 through 8 - depending on the emotional needs of your students. They're not cutesy or require colored printing,

Activities you'll find include:

  • "My Ultimate Coping Playlist" - An independent activity on creating a playlist for songs that help us regulate our many feelings and emotions.
  • "Mirror Mirror on the Wall" - A drawing activity on comparing expressions and feelings.
  • "Feeling all the Feels!'
  • "Thinking about my Feelings" - An open discussion on experiences with anxiety.
  • "Feeling all the Feels" - A drawing activity on feelings and body language.
  • "Keepin' it Positive!" - An activity on managing thoughts.
  • "5-4-3-2-1" - Grounding techniques for anxious thoughts.
  • "When I Feel Worried" - Reflexive questions on experiences with anxiety and worry.
  • "Managing my Thoughts" - Reflexive questions on experiences with anxiety and worry.
  • "Feeling Faces" - Drawing expressions per feelings.
  • "Sorting out my Feelings" - A sorting jar activity.
  • "Unravelling my Reactions" - Deconstructing our responses to anxiety and stress.
  • "You'll Never Find Another Like Me!" - Final identity project.
  • "My Multiple Intelligences" - A question set to explore their learning style.
  • "How Many Ways are you Smart?" - A multiple intelligences quiz.
  • "Reflecting on my own Identity"
  • "My Identity Card" - An independent worksheet
  • "Identifying Factors" - A whole group discussion game.
  • "It's all in a Name!" - An inquisition on the history of their name.
  • "Just by Looking at me" - A discussion-based game on stereotyping and labeling.

I cover:

  • Labeling
  • Stereotyping
  • Name origins
  • Different forms of identification
  • Wrongful collection of race, ethnicity and other personal identification pieces
  • Multiple intelligences
  • Self-regulation and coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety
  • Recognizing positive and negative thought processes
  • Changing positive and negative thought processes
  • The interconnectedness of thoughts, feelings and actions
  • Grounding techniques.

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And don't forget to have fun while teaching!

- Kaitlyn.
