5th Grade Other (World Language) Games

Gegenteilige Adjektive BUNDLE, German Opposites - Flashcards, Games

By Miss Clever Cookie

Contains everything you need to teach German antonyms - flashcards and many hours worth of games and activities. Low or no prep. Prints great in grayscale or in colour.

* 72 flashcards

* 37 I have Who has game cards

* Tic Tac Toe

* 2 crosswords

* a word search

* Connect 3 Sides Game

* a Trimino puzzle

* a board game

* a colouring sheet

* a recording sheet

List of adjectives

* groß - klein; * dick - dünn; * alt - neu; * lang - kurz; *gut - schlecht; * schwarz - weiß; * laut - leise; * schnell - langsam; * hell - dunkel; * hart - weich; * heiß - kalt; * stark - schwach; * voll - leer; * reich - arm; * schwer - einfach; * glücklich - traurig; * trocken - nass; * hübsch - hässlich; * glatt - lockig; * hoch - niedrig; * gesund - krank; * faul - fleißig; * schmal - breit; * hungrig - satt; * süß - sauer; * nützlich - nutzlos; * schmutzig - sauber; * billig - teuer; * müde - munter; * dumm - klug; * rund - eckig; * tot - lebendig; * mutig - ängstlich; * frech - brav; * richtig - falsch; * dick - schlank; *erste - letzte

Are you missing any opposites?

Let me know on my TeachShare store page and I'll gladly send you the missing ones.

How to contact me: click the Ask a Question tab on my store page. I'll get back to you shortly.

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

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Schiffe versenken German Verb Conjugation Battleship


Gegenteilige Adjektive - Spiele, German Opposites, games and activities

By Miss Clever Cookie

Printable low prep games and activities to practice German opposite adjectives. It contains 5 Tic Tac Toe games, a Connect 3 Sides Game, a colouring page and a recording sheet. Great for centers. Games can be played in pairs or in teams.


  • 5 Tic Tac Toe Games - to be played in pairs, children have to say the opposites or form sentences to draw a X or a O
  • Connect 3 Sides Game - it's a great classroom game based on a TV game show. The rules are very simple, check out the Preview for more details.
  • 1 recording sheet - so students can practice their writing of opposite adjectives
  • 1 cute colouring page with a key

List of adjectives

* groß - klein; * dick - dünn; * alt - neu; * lang - kurz; *gut - schlecht; * schwarz - weiß; * laut - leise; * schnell - langsam; * hell - dunkel; * hart - weich; * heiß - kalt; * stark - schwach; * voll - leer; * reich - arm; * schwer - einfach; * glücklich - traurig; * trocken - nass; * hübsch - hässlich; * glatt - lockig; * hoch - niedrig; * gesund - krank; * faul - fleißig; * schmal - breit; * hungrig - satt; * süß - sauer; * nützlich - nutzlos; * schmutzig - sauber; * billig - teuer; * müde - munter; * dumm - klug; * rund - eckig; * tot - lebendig; * mutig - ängstlich; * frech - brav; * richtig - falsch; * dick - schlank; *erste - letzte

Are you missing any opposites?

Let me know on my TeachShare store page and I'll gladly send you the missing ones.

How to contact me: click the Ask a Question tab on my store page. I'll get back to you shortly.

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

Gegenteilige Adjektive - German Opposite Adjectives


Gegenteilige Adjektive - German Opposite Adjectives

By Miss Clever Cookie

Includes everything you need to teach German opposite adjectives:

* 72 flashcards

* a memory game

* 2 crosswords

* a wordsearch

* a Tic Tac Toe

* a Trimino puzzle

* 37 I have, Who Has game cards

* a board game.

Prints great in grayscale or colour, low prep.

List of adjectives included in this product:

* groß - klein; * dick - dünn; * alt - neu; * lang - kurz; *gut - schlecht; * schwarz - weiß; * laut - leise; * schnell - langsam; * hell - dunkel; * hart - weich; * heiß - kalt; * stark - schwach; * voll - leer; * reich - arm; * schwer - einfach; * glücklich - traurig; * trocken - nass; * hübsch - hässlich; * glatt - lockig; * hoch - niedrig; * gesund - krank; * faul - fleißig; * schmal - breit; * hungrig - satt; * süß - sauer; * nützlich - nutzlos; * schmutzig - sauber; * billig - teuer; * müde - munter; * dumm - klug; * rund - eckig; * tot - lebendig; * mutig - ängstlich; * frech - brav; * richtig - falsch; * dick - schlank

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

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Schiffe versenken German Verb Conjugation Battleship


Small Rainbow-Colored Game Board in Spanish

By Senorita Creativa

This is a one-page full-color game board with spaces marked in Spanish. It can be used with trivia cards, task cards, or flashcards for a quick and painless set up. My students love playing this quick game during learning centers. This game includes a version with directions printed on the board and a version without directions. If you liked this product, check out my board game sets. This prints to a regular-sized 8.5x11" paper.

© 2013 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved



By French Made Fun!

Engage your star-struck middle-schoolers with 10 animated slides with their favorite celebrities! They'll be prompted to say hair and eye color, as well as if they like or dislike the celebrity. Celebrities like Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes and Billie Eilish will get your most disengaged students wanting to get a word in!!

This is a great activity for disengaged classrooms. I often get my students to create their own slide and we build a class version, too.

This would be suitable for grades 4 or 5 Core French - in a low-level classroom which requires high-interest activities.

Hope your kids go nutso like mine do.

Mme. Kaitlyn.

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By French Made Fun!

Your middle schoolers will enjoy playing this twist on the classic game of Guess Who!

14 Slides are included in this activity:

  • An explanation on how to use this resource in whole group, small group or independent.
  • 6 Slides to prompt practicing the structures "As-tu" and "Es-tu" as well as examples.
  • A printable "placemat" to help remind students of the vocabulary and structures.
  • 7 Slides with Guess Who? Boards. 6 feature real humans, and one is cartoonish. People shown are culturally diverse and provide your students with an authentic, diverse visual representation.

This gamified experience works great for your "Prof du jour," as a substitute activity, as a filler activity -- or to celebrate a good day. I hope you love it!

If you are looking for a big ol' bundle that has all of my Core French games, projects and activities, you can find that here.

You should join me on Facebook! You'll be the first to know about new products and updates, freebies or keep up to date on what I'm building.

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!


You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!
