5th Grade Math Google Apps

Coordinate Plane Activities Bundle

By Colleen Burdette

Engaging work on the coordinate plane:

These 8 activities provide practice in a variety of skills using the coordinate plane. Students can complete digital activities, worksheets, and participate in games.

These activities are good for homework assignments, practice, remediation, or test prep.

What's included:

Google Slides:

  • measurement on the coordinate plane
  • reflecting on the coordinate plane
  • polygons on the coordinate plane

Google Form

  • distances on the coordinate plane


  • 1 quadrant coordinate plane game
  • 4 quadrant coordinate plane game
  • ratios and rates on the coordinate plane
  • reflections on the coordinate plane

How this product is useful:

  • Allows for a variety of experiences with the coordinate plane.
  • Easy prep for the teacher.
  • Answer Keys provided.
  • Engaging activities.

Center Rotation Google Slides

By Professional Development and Teacher Prep

Reading and math centers are an important part of many elementary classrooms. As teachers, it can be challenging to ensure that our students are on task during center time. One way to help with this is by using paperless morning meeting center rotation slides.

Center Rotation Slides

Using paperless morning meeting center rotation slides with a timer helps structure and focus students’ center time while providing necessary support to help them complete tasks independently during reading centers or math centers. Slides provide visuals and clear directions that students can follow along, allowing them to access information easily. Additionally, the timer lets the students know when they need to move on from one task to another so they don’t get overwhelmed or bogged down in one activity for too long. This helps keep their minds engaged throughout center time and encourages them to work at a productive pace. 

Reading Centers or Math Centers

In addition, having visual prompts throughout the slide presentation is helpful for younger learners who may need more support completing tasks independently during reading centers and math centers. You can insert clipart or images from Google to help students who cannot read what the center is. 

Another important aspect of the timer is that it will hold you accountable for your guided math and guided reading groups. It will keep you focused and intentional with the group you are with and allow you time to meet with all of your groups.

There are 15-minute timers, 12-minute timers, and 10-minute timers that can be used for reading or math centers. Delete the slides that you do not need. If you need more than four rotations, you can duplicate the slide. If you need more than four groups, duplicate the bar, create more squares, and move or make the timer smaller. 

Overall, using a slide presentation with a timer during reading and math centers can be incredibly beneficial for both teachers and students alike! It keeps everyone organized and provides direction so that learning objectives are met in an effective manner. So why not give it a try today?

Timers for 5 Minutes

 There are additional timers for 5 minutes in the slides for cleaning transitions, shorter center time, buffer time between subjects or a special, a challenge, group or independent work.

Timers for 3 Minutes

Finally, there are timers for 3 minutes in the slides for other transitions throughout the day. You can duplicate the slide to insert a new timer from Youtube if needed or easily edit the slides.

The topics and what is included:

  • Google slides with timers for reading and math centers. 
  • 10-minute timers for centers
  • 12-minute timers for centers
  • 15-minute timers for centers
  • 5-minute timers
  • 3-minute timers

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  • Video of The Day- Part 1
  • Video of The Day- Part 2
  • Video of The Day- Part 3
  • Morning Meeting Questions
  • Picture of Day

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  • Video of The Day
  • Picture of Day
  • Morning Meeting Questions

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Equivalent Fractions Animated PowerPoint Lesson 2- Fractions Story Problems

By SPO Resources

Engage students with this interactive animated PowerPoint lesson to teach equivalent fractions. Available in Google Slides™ & PowerPoint, this instructional resource uses animation, supporting visuals, and meaningful questions to help students make meaning of fraction equivalence. This ready to teach lesson also includes a student note-taking guide, editable lesson plan, and exit ticket.  

This is the second lesson in the series of equivalent fractions lessons. The focus is to help students visualize fraction equivalence using area models in real-life situations.  This lesson builds off of Equivalent Fraction Lesson #1 and helps deepen students' understanding of equivalent fractions. 

Grab this CCSS aligned interactive lesson to save time on planning and help students solve real world story problems about equivalent fractions.

Little to NO PREP! This lesson is ready to teach! Download now and use this animated presentation today!


★ Animated PowerPoint presentation with 38 slides

★ Google slides Animated Presentation

★ Detailed lesson plan (PDF)

★ Editable lesson plan (word)

★ Student Note-taking guide

★ Practice Worksheets

★ Self-grading Google Form™ exit tickets

★ Printable exit tickets

★ Answer Keys

★ Printable Learning objectives to display


Purposely designed with powerful visual supports, scaffolded animations, and thought-provoking questions, this lesson will engage students in meaningful math talk as they learn about equivalent fractions.

The lesson focuses on the use of visual models and real-life examples to teach fraction equivalence. It does not include teaching the algorithm for generating equivalent fractions.  ​​Fractions with denominators: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, & 12 are used in this lesson. 

Animated slides reveal problems step by step

  • Scaffolds instruction by slowly giving additional visual supports before revealing answer
  • Gives students think time to understand concept
  • Promotes student participation and active engagement during the lesson
  • Allots for time to engage in meaningful math conversations with partners and as a whole group
  • Provides powerful visual supports that help students see how the fractions are equivalent or not equivalent 
  • Use of real-life examples to help students make meaning of fraction equivalence


Are your students still struggling to understand equivalent fractions?

This ready to teach animated PowerPoint lesson plan is a time saving resource for building understanding of fraction equivalence for students. Engaging visuals, animations, and meaningful questions will help deepen students' understanding of equivalent fractions.

Use the note-taking guide to ensure students are following along and engaged in the lesson. 

Notes with talking points and directions included in the PowerPoint presentation to help guide you through the lesson.  

Assess students' understanding with questions and prompts embedded into the lesson as well as differentiated exit tickets and worksheets for independent practice following the lesson.


  • Fractions can only be compared when the wholes are the same size.
  • ​​Equivalent fractions are different fractions that share the same value.



  • 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students learning equivalent fractions 
  • Upper elementary students
  • Intervention groups
  • Special education


Learning objective

  • Use area models to solve real world story problems about equivalent fractions
  • Explain why two fractions are equivalent.
  • Explain why two fractions can not be equivalent when the wholes are different sizes. 

PowerPoint Lesson Includes:



  • 4 slides to connect students to prior knowledge about equivalent fractions 
  • Review from Equivalent Fractions Lesson 1
  • Review terms: equivalent, equivalent fractions


  • In this lesson, you will use area models to solve fraction story problems and explain why two fractions are equivalent or not equivalent. 


  • Fair share: doughnut problems
  • 6 slides
  • Use slides to introduce the concept and give students an opportunity for some self-discovery of the concept


  • Teacher direct instruction + guided practice 
  • 11 slides
  • 3 part story problem involving pizzas
  • Animated slides to guide students and pause to allow for think time
  • Use initial slides in this part of the lesson to directly model problem solving skills, then gradually release the work for students 


  • 4 slides: Make each model shown equivalent to a fraction
  • Visually engaging slides to help students visualize how fractions with different numerators and denominators can be equivalent.


  • 10 slides: Review and practice concepts taught during direct teacher instruction slides
  • Animations provide scaffolded supports for students with each click revealing a visual support until the final answer is shown


  • 1 slide to recap the main learnings of the lesson 



★Animated PowerPoint Lesson (PPTX download)

  • 38 instructional animated slides 
  • Animations reveal the problems step-by-step to pause and give students time to think and discuss the information
  • Animated slides & visual supports
  • Present in presentation mode
  • Notes section includes talking points and times to direct students to use the note-taking guide

★Animated Google Slides™ Lesson 

  • Make a copy of presentation
  • Same features as PPTX lesson above

★Detailed Lesson Plan

  • Editable version in (Microsoft Word)
  • Non-editable version (PDF)
  • Learning objective
  • Materials
  • Vocabulary
  • CCSS
  • Key Learnings
  • Each section of powerpoint broken down with questions, answers, tips for instruction, and scripted talking points

★Student Note-taking Guide

  • Keep students engaged in the lesson as they follow along with their own note-taking guide which highlights key points in the lesson
  • 3 pages (2 notes pages and 1 page with written story problems)
  • Includes completed example for reference
  • Notes included in the PowerPoint to guide students when they need to fill in the note-taking guide

★Differentiated Exit tickets- Digital & Print 

  • Includes questions to assess students’ understanding
  • 4 differentiated paper exit tickets 
  • Self-grading digital exit ticket on Google Forms™ 
  • Exit ticket Answer Key

★Independent Practice Worksheets

  • Worksheet 1: Find Equivalent Fractions: 2 pages (2 different levels)- make each fraction model equivalent to a fraction

    • Level A: First model is shaded in for support
    • Level B: No models are shaded in (students shade in all models)
  • Worksheet 2: Equivalent Fractions Story Problems: 2 pages (2 different levels)

    • Level A: Visual models included to support students
    • Level B: No visual models included- students draw their own models
  • Worksheet answer key

★Learning objective 

  • 6 versions the learning objective to print and display


  • Visuals and text included in the PowerPoint presentation are not editable. The animations can be edited.
  • Not listed in Google drive tool, digital download includes link to make a copy of Google Slides™ presentation in the PDF.


★Zip file includes

  • PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)
  • Editable lesson (Microsoft Word)
  • PDF:
    • Link to Google Slides™ presentation
    • Link to Google Form™ exit ticket
    • Non-editable lesson plan
    • Learning objective to display in classroom
    • Student note-taking guide
    • Filled in example of student note-taking guide
    • Student worksheets
    • Printable exit ticket

PLEASE NOTE: There is an editable version of the lesson plan in Microsoft word. No other parts of this resource are editable. 


Common Core Alignment


Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size.


Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.


WAYS TO USE in your classroom

This resource is designed to be a guided lesson. The powerpoint doesn’t include draggable pieces for independent practice, but it is meant to be used in presentation mode.

  • Whole group instruction
  • Small group instruction
  • Intervention groups


You may also like:

​​Equivalent Fractions Animated PowerPoint Lesson 1

Fraction & Decimal Vocabulary Word Cards

Fraction BINGO (Simplifying & Equivalent)

4th Grade Fractions Math Jeopardy Style Game


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Email me at sporesources.teach@gmail.com if there is anything I can help you with!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO RESOURCES.

All rights reserved by the author. 

Purchase is for single classroom use only. 

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user. 

Make teaching equivalent fractions a breeze with this equivalent fraction powerpoint lesson!


2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication Task Cards - Christmas Practice Review Bundle

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Dive deep in your 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication practice with Christmas companion task cards activities! With 72 task cards for 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication your Christmas practice and review will feel cohesive and stay engaging at the same time! You'll have a fresh set of Christmas task cards for your 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication stations and activities ready to go!

Would it be nice to have options for traditional Christmas task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards? Look no further. This versatile bundle of Christmas 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication task cards has multiple levels of your holiday math practice covered. 

Includes using fact patterns for multiplying zero digit numbers such as 60 x 30, using area models for a zero digit number x a 2 digit number such as 50 x 28, rounding to estimate the product of 2 digit factors, using arrays to multiply 2 digit factors, word problems, partial products, the distributive property, and the standard algorithm.

This Bundle Includes:

✅ 36 Christmas beginning 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication task cards

✅ 36 Christmas 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication task cards

All the Christmas 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication task cards come in these 5 formats so you'll always have exactly what you need!

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.

  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.

  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative structures.

  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.

  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Includes Practice for all these 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication skills:

  • using fact patterns for multiplying zero digit numbers such as 60 x 30

  • using area models for a zero digit number x a 2 digit number such as 50 x 28

  • rounding to estimate the product of 2 digit factors

  • using arrays to multiply 2 digit factors

  • related word problems

  • using partial products

  • using the distributive property

  • using the standard algorithm

How to prepare the Christmas 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication task cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Holiday 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication task cards in action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.

  • Hang task cards on the walls or place in at a table to be completed as a math station activity.

  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite game.

  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.

  • Display one task card at a time (PPT version) and discuss it as a class.

  • Use a few task cards each day as bell ringers.

  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).

  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.

More Great Resources:

Christmas Comparing Fractions Task Cards - December Practice & Review Activity 1

2 Digit Multiplication BUNDLE of Lesson Plans Games and Activities for 4th Grade

Christmas Multiplication Word Problems Task Cards - December Practice and Review


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Roman Numerals Math Games Welcome Back to School After From Winter Break Activit

By You Are Special

Are you looking for some activities for morning work? These digital Google Slides™ will help students practice converting Roman numerals to standard numbers and vice versa, addition, subtraction, and comparing within the 100 Greater Than Less Than Worksheets. Perfect for both in-person and distance learning, review, or assessment.


  • 4 Slides - Roman numerals charts
  • 10 Slides - Write standard numbers to Roman numerals
  • 10 Slides - Write Roman numerals to standard numbers
  • 10 Slides - Roman numerals addition
  • 10 Slides - Roman numerals subtraction
  • 10 Slides - Comparing Roman numerals

You will receive a PDF file with a clickable link to Google Slides. Click the link to access the copy of the digital document.


  • Guess My Number Sense Games

NOTE: Before making your purchase, we highly recommend checking out the product preview!

If you have any questions related to this product, feel free to email me at youarespecial377@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting my store! If you purchase this product, please remember to leave feedback, I value your feedback, Additionally, you'll earn free TeachShare credits that can be applied toward future purchases.

Thank you for your consideration.


Mastering Coins: The Ultimate Bundle with Quarters, Nickels, Dimes & Pennies!

By Inspired By MlG

Dive into the world of coins with our ultimate bundle! Mastering Coins offers a comprehensive package featuring quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies. Explore their history, values, and significance through engaging Google Slides and interactive worksheets. Perfect for educators, parents, and curious minds alike, this bundle provides a dynamic learning experience that's both fun and educational. Unlock the secrets of numismatics and build essential skills in math, history, and critical thinking. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, this resource caters to all levels of expertise. Get ready to embark on a coin-collecting journey like never before. Enhance your understanding, sharpen your skills, and uncover the fascinating world of coins today!

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Track Multiplication and Division Facts: Assessment in Google Sheets™

By Tech for Teaching

Multiplication and Division Progress Monitoring Assessment!

Multiplication facts with products to 100 and division facts with dividends to 100!

Do you want an easy and efficient way to track and analyze your fourth grade and fifth grade student data and progress on multiplication and division facts? 

Look forward to assessment day with this DIGITAL ASSESSMENT TOOL in GOOGLE SHEETS!

-Each probe includes 60 multiplication equations with products to 100.

-Facts were randomly generated from a list with no repeats on a probe!

-Students should point to each equation and say the product. These probes are intended to be administered timed (1 minute) but could be untimed as well. They measure a student’s fluency with multiplication facts to nine.

How they work:

Check the missed items on the assessor probe to AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATE correct responses and ACCURACY. All data is copied to the student data sheet and correct items are GRAPHED!

-Please see the DIRECTIONS included in the preview for a full explanation of the process.

-These are an all-in-one Google Sheets™ Workbook that can be duplicated for each student you would like to progress monitor.

-I have included a PDF of the student probes for convenience.

Sample Goal:

The student will demonstrate an improvement in her math calculation skills as demonstrated by a curriculum-based assessment of multiplication facts with products to 100 from a baseline score of 12 correct in one minute to a goal score of 45 correct in one minute.

If you found this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!


3rd Grade Math Digital Resource Standardized state test prep Fractions NBT OA

By For the Love of Learning in Third

Grade 3 / 3rd grade standardized / state test prep for tests such SBA, CAASPP, FAST, PARCC, NYS etc.

Help students practice the the skills and question types for standardized testing.

Easy to use test prep for grade 3 math standardized assessments!

Skills included: fractions, measurement and data, operations and algebraic thinking, geometry

Set of 20 unique questions to use as independent practice, small group, group work etc.

Includes both a printable PDF download and a link to make a copy of a Google Slides presentation to post for students on Google Classroom.

The no prep digital Google Slides version is embedded as a link that will create a new copy for you in your Google Drive. It can then be shared with students or posted on Google Classroom.

Please note a Google account is needed to access the Google Drive version. Please reach out with any questions!

Looking for ELA test prep? Check out my set of 50 ELA questions!

Please leave feedback for this product to receive TeachShare credit that can be used for future purchases!

Permission is granted to copy pages for use by teachers/students use by the original purchaser. This product was sold for single classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses for use in multiple classrooms.


Drawing Art: 2-Point Perspective City-Full Unit. Fall/Autumn.

By Art Shack by JB

Need an awesome Art Unit? I have just the thing for you! This creative 2-Point Perspective City artwork was designed to be printed and displayed as examples while you teach. Use this Google Slide file to display these beautiful images one-by-one on a large screen. For this assignment, I did a demo and taught the class how to use a ruler and a yardstick. Measurements and Math were a strong focus of the lesson. Next, students spent the rest of the first lesson practicing the use of a ruler and a yardstick. I taught the students how to do 2-point perspective with step-by-step slides. Students started on their Final Copy paper and created their own version of my example. Students used colored pencils, colored sharpies, or watercolor paint to color their Mandala Design. I hope you and your kiddos love this! Enjoy.


Spring Operations with Fractions Pixel Art Activity

By Matemaths

This Bundle includes two google sheets:

  • 20 adding and subtracting fractions
  • 20 multiplying and dividing fractions

Let your students practice while having fun with this engaging no-prep, Spring themed, and self-checking operations with fractions activity. Students will solve 20 operations using Google Sheets. I used it as a sub-plan in sixth grade and the kids loved it. As they correctly answer the questions a mystery picture will be revealed.

Solutions are included for your convenience.

Suitable for IB MYP Middle Years Programme.

Copyright © 2021 Matemaths

All rights reserved by the author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Not for public display.

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***CONTACT ME - Please feel free to contact me anytime!

Email: matemaths@libero.it

FOLLOW ME on TeachShare, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for resource updates, sales, and freebies!

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Digital - Calculating Discounts - Google Forms/ Slides - Life Skills

By FUNctional Academics Educator

Thank you for your interest in my product!!

This is NO PREP, download and go resource!

This is a digital resource. You can find the paper based version of this resource below:

Calculating Discounts - Paper Based

This resource is also available in a BUNDLE saving you 20%

Distance Learning - Calculating Tip, Discount & Sales Tax - Virtual BUNDLE

Recently updated to include 4 new Google Slides, 7 new Google Forms & 100 new questions.

This download includes:

  • 8 Teaching/ Guided Practice Google Slides with 66 questions
  • 13 editable, self-grading Google Forms with 109 questions
  • Teacher answer key

A total of 21 Google Activities & 175 questions

**The Google Forms AUTOMATICALLY GRADE! Saving you time!**

You can import all student grades into Google Classroom with the click of one button!


This resource is designed to expose students to the life skill of calculating sales prices and discounts out in the community. Students will read sales tags and identify discount signs, calculate the discount amounts, calculate the final price of an item and in some cases determine if the buyer has enough money.

If students are not ready for coins, encourage them to use the dollar up strategy.

Be sure to check out some of my other products!

Calculating Tips - Unit 1

Reading Apparel & Size Charts - Unit 1

Reading Websites - Unit 1

Reading Medicine Labels - Unit 2


7th Grade Geometry Project Printable and Digital | Area Volume Perimeter

By AbsoluteValueMath

This 7th Grade Geometry Mystery Project will have your students excited to review area, perimeter, surface area, volume and parallelogram angles! There is a printable and digital version of this project included! They will be solving 36 questions involving 7th grade geometry. They will get 6 clue sheets with 6 questions on each sheet. The answer choice leftover is the answer to that part of the mystery. They will fill in a storyline with their clues to see the whole mystery come together!

This project is the perfect print and go activity OR digital that will take 2-3 days to complete! There is a rubric included and an answer key. Grading couldn't be more simple.

Digital Version:

- your students will get a google slide link with the project pages imbedded in the background. They will solve the questions and type their answers in the already given text boxes and then drag a semi-transparent box over the final answer to each clue.

Check out my preview for a closer look and the video preview to see the digital version!

Topics Covered:

Clue 1: Area

Clue 2: Perimeter (algebraic)

Clue 3: Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Clue 4: Surface Area

Clue 5: Area Puzzles

Clue 6: Parallelograms and Angles

What you get:

  1. 6 Clue Sheets with 6 questions on each sheet that answer the questions:

-What was stolen?

-Who took it?

-When did they take it?

-Where did they hide it?

-Who was their accomplice?

-Why did they take it?

  1. A student workspace booklet

  2. Fill in the blank storyline

  3. Cover to decorate for your Mystery Project

  4. Rubric

  5. Google Slideshow with the digital version of this project

  6. Answer Key

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Distance Learning Choice Boards

By Abigail J McClellan

This bundle of Choice Boards is a MUST HAVE if you are teaching Distance Learning! This bundle comes with pre-made choice boards with over 117 prompts/choices! This resource includes Choice Boards for the subjects of: English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Physical Movement, Social-Emotional Learning, Brain Breaks, and a "Get to Know You" Choice Board for the beginning of the year. This bundle is ideal for grades 2, 3, and 4.

These activities were created for Distance Learning opportunities but it can also be used in class. The choices are excellent for a wide array of student learning styles that can be easily modified. All teachers have to do is email, post, upload, or share this PDF with students and tell them how many prompts they should complete. Distance Learning made EASY!

Post these choice boards on Google Classroom, send them in an email to families, share on ClassDojo, or even print out and send home a physical copy!

E-Learning / Home Learning / Remote Learning / Distance Learning / COVID-19 / Coronavirus / Paperless

Freebies & Discounts:

Be sure to follow my store on TeachShare.com to stay up to date on all my new products, including products that are FREE and on discount!

Ratings & Reviews:

Please leave a review if you enjoyed this product and found it useful. I really love reading how you are using my products in your classroom :) Every time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use towards future products!! Thank you in advance for taking the time to leave a rating & review!


5th Grade Math Digital EOG Review Test Prep Google Form- 20 Day Spiral Review

By Fifth Grade Mathematicians

Are you looking for a resource to prepare your students for End of Grade Testing? Look no further! This 20 day countdown activity includes 20 Google Forms with 5 multiple choice EOG style word problems on each form. Students should complete one form each day leading up to testing. They are self grading out of 100 and show student’s their score right away. The forms are completely editable, giving you the option to add or take away problems if necessary.

Other popular resources in my store!

5th Grade Math EOG Review Task Cards and Google Form Bundle

5th Grade Science EOG Review Task Cards and Google Forms


Exponents Introduction and Exploration Digital Lesson - GOOGLE SLIDES

By Mostly Middle School Math

For this activity, you and your students will need access to Google Slides. For best use, each student should have their own device.

Exponents Exploration: Google Slides Activity for Middle School Students

This interactive Google Slides activity is the perfect resource to help middle school students understand and explore exponents. Designed to engage students with hands-on learning. Perfect for a sub plan!

Key Features:

  • Interactive Learning: Through a series of slides, students will actively explore and solve exponent problems.
  • Real-World Connections: The activity includes diverse, real-world examples such as calculating cost per item. Students can relate the concepts they’re learning to situations they encounter outside of the classroom.
  • Self-Paced Exploration: Designed with student autonomy in mind, this activity allows students to move through the material at their own pace. Clear instructions and examples guide them as they explore each problem, building confidence in their understanding of unit rates.
  • Ready-to-Use: Perfect for classroom lessons, group activities, or individual assignments, this Google Slides activity is fully editable and easy to integrate into your curriculum. Teachers can assign the activity directly to students or use it as a classroom demonstration.

Perfect For:

  • Middle school math teachers looking to teach exponents in a fun, engaging way
  • Distance learning or in-person classroom settings

Math Digital Resource Bundle: 5th & 6th Grade Gifted & Talented Early Finishers

By Enhancing Enrichment

Are you looking for an extension activity for your early finishers and high achievers? Look no further than this Digital Resource Bundle. It is completely digital and ready to assign on Google Classroom using Google Slides. Students will choose individual items to create a bedroom, game room, and backyard. They will copy and paste their chosen items onto a final slide to design their dream rooms. Each item comes with an individual price tag, encouraging students to make informed decisions while managing their budgets wisely. Students have a budget and will keep track of their costs as they add items.

They will then use the dimensions of each item to create floor plans. They will calculate the area and perimeter of each item and the total area used.

These activities promote critical thinking, math skills, and imaginative expression. It's not just about decorating a room; it's about making strategic choices within a set budget. Whether it's selecting the perfect landscape item or deciding between different furniture options, every decision counts!

  1. Budgeting Skills: Students learn the value of money by allocating their budget across various items, understanding the cost of each element in designing a room.
  2. Creativity Unleashed: The blank canvas sparks imagination, allowing students to experiment with different styles and themes to create their ideal spaces.
  3. Decision-Making Abilities: Students make thoughtful choices, weighing the pros and cons of each item and its impact on the overall design.
  4. Real-World Application: Practical experience in designing and budgeting prepares students for real-life scenarios where financial planning is crucial.

Watch as students unleash their inner designer while mastering the art of budgeting with this exciting and educational extension activity!

Each Product Includes:

  • Title Page
  • Teacher Directions
  • Student Directions
  • Area and Perimeter Definitions
  • Example Pages
  • 8 Product Pages
  • Outdoor Design Page
  • Budget Page
  • Reflection Questions
  • Landscape Design Plan Page
  • Area and Perimeter Page
  • Reflection Questions

This version has diverse prices and an optional page with sales tax. The 3rd and 4th grade version has even prices.

Follow Enhancing Enrichment. All new products are half off for the first 48 hours.


Student Engaging Fluency Board Races: Focus on Fractions

By Colleen Burdette

Fun, competitive review and practice:

Students love a good race. These fraction fluency races help the students practice essential skills needed at higher levels of math to be successful when working with fractions.

No prep for the teacher and great engagement with the students.

Can be used over and over again and brought back to help refresh student understanding before test.

Great end of the day or beginning of class activity. Excellent for when you have those two minutes to fill.

What's included:

  • Each race includes a title page, teacher instructions, and class instructions.
  • Percentage to fraction race.
  • Adding fractions race.
  • Subtracting fractions race.
  • Multiplying fractions race.
  • Dividing fractions race.
  • Improper Fractions to mixed numbers race.
  • Mixed numbers to improper fractions race.
  • Equivalent fractions race.
  • Reducing fractions race.

How is the product helpful:

  • Zero teacher prep.
  • Great student engagement.
  • Reuse throughout the year.
  • Use part or whole at one time depending on the amount of time you have to spend on it.
  • FUN!

4th Grade Math Measurement & Data Jeopardy-Style Review Game- Math Test Prep

By SPO Resources

Are you looking for a fun way to review math concepts with your 4th grade students? Grab this CCSS-aligned NO PREP Jeopardy-style game to review the grade 4 math measurement and data standards for standardized testing or end-of-year review! 

This fun, engaging, interactive review game will expand student learning, build on teamwork skills, and challenge students with rigorous “test-like” questions

The 4th-grade Measurement & Data standards are broken into 5 categories:

  • Convert Units (4.MD.A.1)
  • Word Problems (4.MD.A.2)
  • Area & Perimeter (4.MD.A.3)
  • Line Plots & Data (4.MD.B.4)
  • Angle Measures (4.MD.C.5, 4.MD.C.6, 4.MD.C.7)


Why buy this?

Who doesn’t love a game with a little friendly competition? Your upper elementary students will love playing this jeopardy-style game and will be begging you to play again and again. (Luckily, I have more games for you to check out!) 

I’ve done the hard work for you. No need to pull test prep questions from the web, make up your own, or hand out boring packets to review. I’ve spent countless hours researching the standards, analyzing the types of questions students will encounter on the test, and culminating the research into a fun game ready to play as soon as you download it!  

Turn a normal day into a fun learning experience that your students will remember. Give students an opportunity to build teamwork skills and work together to solve rigorous math problems. 

When students get a problem wrong, no worries. Every question includes an explanation slide to walk students through the steps to solving the problem. Turn every wrong answer into a teaching opportunity!

The jeopardy game includes clear, aesthetically pleasing, and easy-to-read slides. Don’t worry; I’ve omitted the kindergarten-style clip art, so the game feels mature for your upper elementary students. 

Download now to start playing right away with your students!

NO PREP- READY TO PLAY Jeopardy-Style Game


This resource includes:

★ Interactive PowerPoint Jeopardy Game with scoreboard

★ Interactive Google Slides™ Jeopardy Game

★ 25 common core aligned measurement & data question slides

★ 25 answer slides

★ 25 explanation slides

★ Editable slides to display game rules & expectations

★ Teacher's guide with directions, tips & ways to play

★ Answer key

★ Common core standard alignment pages

★ Student recording sheets in multiple formats

★ Printable scoreboard & question tracker (best for Google Slides™ version)

The game is specifically set up to reveal the answer first, then the explanation. This allows students to come up to the board and share how they solved the problem before clicking on the explanation slide to show the steps to solving the problem. 

***Some explanation slides include animations allowing you to use these slides as a teaching opportunity revealing steps one at a time and giving students an opportunity to solve parts of the problem. 


Who should buy this?

Buy this if you’re a 4th-grade teacher looking to increase classroom engagement and get students excited about learning! This resource is perfect if you’re seeking ways to make math review and test prep fun for students and build teamwork skills

If you’re a 5th-grade teacher, this game would be an excellent resource for review at the beginning of the year or as a way to fill in gaps that students may have in regard to 4th-grade concepts.


Math Concepts Included:

  • Convert unit dimensions 

  • Convert unit dimensions to solve word problems

  • Know the relative sizes of measurement

  • Solve word problems involving fractions, money, time, and units of measure

  • Solve problems involving area and perimeter

  • Analyze and interpret data from line plots

  • Determine the measure of an angle on a protractor

  • Determine the measure of an angle in reference to a circle

  • Draw an angle with a given measure

  • Determine angle measure given the measure of adjacent angles

  • Solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angle measures

Question Types:

  • Multiple choice- select one answer
  • Multiple choice- select all that apply
  • Short Answer
  • Fill in the blank


This is the 4th Grade Measurement & Data Review Game. If you’d like a different 4th-grade math concept to review, check out:

★ 4th Grade Jeopardy-Style Math Review Game (All standards)

★ 4th Grade Fractions Jeopardy-Style Math Review Game

★ 4th Grade Geometry Jeopardy-Style Math Review Game

★ 4th Grade Operations & Algebraic Thinking Jeopardy-Style Math Review Game

★ 4th Grade Numbers in Base 10 Jeopardy-Style Math Review Game

Want them all? SAVE BIG by purchasing the BUNDLE with all six games!

Teach a 3rd-grade or 5th-grade? Grab the math review games below:

★ 3rd Grade Math Review Jeopardy-Style Game

★ 5th Grade Math Review Jeopardy-Style Game


WAYS TO USE Jeopardy Game in your classroom

  • Whole group math lesson
  • Math review game
  • Small group math lesson
  • Math Test Prep Activity
  • Math Centers
  • End-of-year math review game
  • Test prior knowledge
  • Reteaching review
  • Formative assessment
  • Teamwork building activity
  • Play on teams
  • In-person learning
  • Virtual learning/distance learning
  • Independent learning


How does it work?

  • Play in presentation mode.

  • Click on the point value category box to go to the question.

  • Click on the answer box on the question slide to view the answer.

  • Click on the explanation box on the answer slide to view the steps for solving the problem or the reasoning for an answer. 

  • Some explanation slides are animated to view one step of how to solve the problem at a time. 

  • Click on the star icon to go to the scoreboard. (PPTX version only)

  • Click on the home icon to return to the main slide.

  • The point value boxes on the main slide fade after clicking to keep track of previously answered questions.  (PPTX version only)

  • Use the scoreboard to keep track of the score for up to 6 teams. Just click on the numbers to update the score. (PPTX version only)

****Please note that the scoreboard feature and the question boxes fading after clicking are unavailable in Google Slides™. I’ve included a printable question tracker and scoreboard if you use the Google Slides™ version.



★Zip file with 1 PDF & Powerpoint Presentation

PDF includes:

  • Table of Contents 
  • Teacher Directions & Instructions
  • Game Rules & Ideas for Maximized Classroom Participation
  • Link to Google Slides™ Game
  • 1 Page Answer Key
  • Standard Alignment Pages- (standard, question, and answer)
  • Student recording sheets
  • Printable question tracker
  • Printable Scoreboard

PLEASE NOTE: The jeopardy game is not editable.


You may also like the following:

Editable Jeopardy Gameboard Templates

BUNDLE Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division Anchor Charts

BUNDLE Math Review Jeopardy Game - 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade TEST PREP

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Email me at samantha@sporesources.com for any questions, comments, or concerns!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources.

All rights reserved by the author. 

Purchase is for single classroom use only. 

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user. 

This 4th Grade Math Jeopardy game is a fun, no-prep way to review measurement and data standards for state testing or the end of the year! Don’t wait. Try it out now!


Factors & Multiples Google Slides Digital Lessons, Practice Activities, & Review

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Make learning factors and multiples fun and engaging with a digital factors and multiples unit!  Cover all the 4th-grade math concepts for factors and multiples with this Google Slides digital and interactive resource. 

Assign with one click in Google Classroom and let your students interact with factors and multiples through 5 lessons on factors and multiples. These 5 factors and multiples lessons are perfect for 1:1 technology classrooms, math groups, math centers, and distance learning. Tap into your students’ love of games and technology to make learning factors and multiples fun and exciting!

Everything you need to teach factors and multiples in one download! There is an anchor charts for each lesson to introduce factors and multiples concepts, interactive drag-and-drop digital activities to make practicing factors and multiples skills feel like a game, and factors and multiples worksheets with text boxes that can be filled in as part of their digital lesson. 

Concepts included in this factors and multiples digital unit:

✅ using arrays to find factors

✅ common factors

✅ prime and composite numbers

✅ common multiples

These factors and multiples lessons are designed for use in a digital format such as Google Classroom and cover the 4th-grade CCSS and TEKS requirements related to factors and multiples.

❤️factors and multiples digital anchor charts❤️

Each lesson includes an anchor chart to define important factors and multiples concepts and provide clear visual examples to help students understand new factors and multiples ideas. These can also be printed for posting in the classroom.

❤️factors and multiples interactive digital activities❤️

Each new factors and multiples concept includes interactive digital practice with drag-and-drop pieces and text boxes to engage students with the factors and multiples material and make it easy to understand.

❤️factors and multiples digital worksheets❤️

Each factors and multiples lesson includes a digital worksheet with pre-formatted text boxes for students to use. These work the same as a paper copy, but can easily be assigned to your learning management software.

See what teachers just like you are saying about my digital math units…

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love how the lessons were made separate! Made it so easy to post to Google Classroom. And the interactive activities kept my kiddos engaged! -Jessica

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This resource is AMAZING! I was able to use it with in person and online learners. It is totally digital which helped so much with teaching in two different ways. Thank you. -Jessica

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love this interactive drag and drop resource! No prep and perfect for my students with disabilities. It is challenging, but provides support for them! Thank you! -Katelyn

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is a wonderful resource! My students loved the graphics and it was a mental lifesaver for me! I am burning out a bit and this saved the day! -Amy

⭐️ Bundle & save for a discount ⭐️

Get the unit for factors and multiples plus all your other math concepts for the year in the full year resource!


You may also like…

→ Math Games for Factors and Multiples

→ Factors and Multiples Unit BUNDLE of lesson plans games and activities

→ Valentine's Day Factors and Multiples Task Cards Activities for February


Copyright © Curious Classroom Adventures.

Permission for single classroom use only.

Sharing is kind! Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Welcome First Day Back to School After From Winter Break Activity Math Game

By You Are Special

These digital Google Slides™ will help students practice typing 2 and 3 digit numbers in words and figures, converting Roman numerals to standard numbers and vice versa, addition, subtraction, and comparing within the100 Greater Than Less Than Worksheets, Guess Who Picture Game practice shape and number patterns. Perfect for Back To School both in-person and distance learning, review or assessment.


  • 15 slides - 2 digit numbers - Can you write this number using digits?
  • 15 slides - 2 digit numbers - Can you write this number using words?
  • 15 slides - 3 digit numbers - Can you write this number using digits?
  • 15 slides - 3 digit numbers - Can you write this number using words?
  • 4 Slides - Roman numerals charts
  • 10 Slides - Write standard numbers to Roman numerals
  • 10 Slides - Write Roman numerals to standard numbers
  • 10 Slides - Roman numerals addition
  • 10 Slides - Roman numerals subtraction
  • 10 Slides - Comparing Roman numerals

1. What shape comes next?

  • 5 Slides - AB Patterns
  • 5 Slides - ABC Patterns
  • 5 Slides - ABCD Patterns
  • 5 Slides - AAB Patterns
  • 5 Slides - ABB Patterns
  • 5 Slides - AABB Patterns
  • 5 Slides - ABBC Patterns

2. Missing shape pattern

  • 5 Slides - AB Patterns
  • 5 Slides - ABC Patterns
  • 5 Slides - ABCD Patterns

3. Repeating shape pattern

  • 3 Slides - AB, ABC, AAB Patterns
  • 3 Slides - ABB, AABB, ABBC Patterns
  • 3 Slides - AABC, ABCD Patterns

4. Number patterns

  • 6 Slides (Example: 3, 6, 9, ?)

  • You will receive a PDF file with a clickable link to Google Slides. Click the link to access the copy of the digital document.

  • PowerPoint File

NOTE: Before making your purchase, we highly recommend checking out the product preview!

If you have any questions related to this product, feel free to email me at youarespecial377@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting my store! If you purchase this product, please remember to leave feedback, I value your feedback, Additionally, you'll earn free TeachShare credits that can be applied toward future purchases.

Thank you for your consideration.
