Fairy Tale Genre Poster & Anchor Chart Freebie
By SPO Resources
Dive into the fairy tale genre with this free PDF, featuring both a fairy tale genre poster and anchor chart! Perfect for classroom displays or literacy focus walls, this resource includes student-friendly definitions, engaging graphics, and essential fairy tale characteristics.
This free resource includes both a fairy tale genre poster and anchor chart in the following formats:
★ Full-Size Poster (8.5” x 11”)➜ Available in color and black & white
★ Full-Size Anchor Chart (8.5” x 11”) ➜ Available in color and black & white, highlighting key features of the fairy tale genre
★ Fill-in-the-Blank Anchor Chart & Note-Taking Guide ➜ Includes full-size and half-size options in black & white for ink-saving, easy printing
★Half-Size & Mini-Size Options ➜ Print two per page (anchor chart) or four per page (poster); ideal for student notebooks or smaller displays
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This is the best freebie I have ever seen! My students are all Special Education. They love colorful art. To save ink and paper I laminate or put these kind of resources in page protectors. One of the IEP goals we work on weekly is main events of a story. This helped cover the IEP goals and the classroom objectives all in one. Thank you so much!” -Andrea S. 2nd grade
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “My students glued this anchor chart in their ELA notebooks and loved referring back to it throughout our fairy tales unit." -Lindsey B. 4th grade
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Colorful and fun posters that my students enjoyed for reference. Love the way it looks in the classroom, too." -Cindy G. Kindergarten
Looking for the full set of 28 genres? Explore these complete resources:
⭐ Reading Genre Posters — Perfect for classroom displays and word walls, with vibrant visuals for each genre.
⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts & Interactive Templates — Dive deep into each genre with detailed definitions, key features, and student note-taking guides.
Try another genre freebie to sample these resources:
⭐ Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Genre Posters Freebie
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha McNally | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Bring the magic of fairy tales to life in your classroom with these engaging genre resources!
Ghost Novel Inspirational Quotes Posters FREEBIE
By Christina Bush
If you teach the best-selling novel "Ghost" by Jason Reynolds, then these FREE Motivational Quote Posters are the perfect addition to your classroom! NO PREP - Just print and go!
The minimalistic aesthetic is subtle, yet eye-catching, as it matches the color scheme of the novel - while the runner silhouettes match the theme of the story itself!
Hang these posters before, during, and/or after reading this amazing novel with your class!
Like this resource? Please leave a helpful review/rating and EARN SOME TeachShare CREDITS towards your next TPT purchase!
Checkout my store here - all teacher friends are welcome!
CLICK HERE to signup for my emails and receive an EXCLUSIVE FREEBIE - RACE Writing Posters - sent straight to your inbox!
Other resources you may like:
Ghost by Jason Reynolds Shoe Project
RACE Writing Strategy | Citing Text Evidence | BUNDLE
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EDITABLE I Can Statements Learning Objective Posters Template
Group Project Peer Evaluation Form PRINT + DIGITAL
Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Genre Posters Freebie
By SPO Resources
Introduce your students to the basics of genre with these engaging Fiction and Nonfiction Genre Posters! Perfect for elementary classrooms or library displays, these posters feature student-friendly definitions and eye-catching graphics, helping students easily identify the differences between fiction and nonfiction.
This free set includes only the Fiction and Nonfiction posters.
Want more? Discover the full Reading Genre Posters set, featuring 28 unique genres to cover everything you need for teaching book genres.
This set includes the fiction and nonfiction genre posters in the following formats:
★ Full-Size Poster (8.5” x 11”)➜ Color and black & white options
★ Half-Size Poster (5” x 4”)➜ Color and black & white options; perfect for student notebooks or smaller spaces
Boost reading comprehension by giving students a quick reference to help them identify fiction and nonfiction elements. These posters provide a strong foundation for understanding the basics of genre and are perfect for displaying year-round.
Ideal for elementary teachers looking for a clear, ready-to-use tool to introduce fiction and nonfiction genres. This set is designed specifically for younger students needing a strong foundation in genre types.
Looking for the complete set of 28 genres? Explore these resources:
⭐ Reading Genre Posters — Ideal for classroom displays and word walls, featuring vibrant visuals for every genre.
⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts & Interactive Templates — Dive deeper into each genre with detailed definitions, key features, and student-friendly note-taking guides.
⭐ Spanish Genre Posters — Available in Spanish to support bilingual classrooms.
Want to try another freebie? Sample the quality with this resource:
⭐ Fairy Tale Genre Poster Freebie
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha McNally | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Create an engaging learning space for genre exploration with these fiction and nonfiction genre posters for your ELA classroom!