By French Made Fun!
Explorez les stratégies de lecture avec 6 leçons captivantes sur comment ressortir les informations clés et résumer un texte!
⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕
Préparez vos élèves de 4e à 8e année à découvrir la stratégie de repérage des informations importantes et de résumé des éléments clés. Ce produit complet couvre 6 leçons de lecture, des activités interactives, des graphiques, des lectures modélisées, des compréhensions écrites, et des organisateurs graphiques. Idéal pour les élèves qui ont besoin de s'engager davantage dans leur lecture.
Caractéristiques du produit :
Stratégies couvertes dans cette ressource de 39 pages :
Cette ressource est conçue pour simplifier votre planification et vous offrir tout le nécessaire pour deux semaines de leçons efficaces. Profitez de l'enseignement et observez vos élèves s'épanouir en classe de français !
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :
Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.
Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
French Language Conversation Starters (Beginner to Intermediate)
By Create Learn Inspire Grow
Enhance your French language teaching with this comprehensive collection of 100 conversation starters! Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners, these prompts will help spark engaging discussions, improve speaking skills, and boost confidence in conversational French.
What's Included:
French Language Conversation Starters (Beginner to Intermediate)
By saadia balhous
Enhance your French language teaching with this comprehensive collection of 100 conversation starters! Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners, these prompts will help spark engaging discussions, improve speaking skills, and boost confidence in conversational French.
What's Included:
French Noel Christmas writing speaking activities ugly sweater FSL Bundle!
By The Librarian's Language Loft
This December themed French FSL resource helps to introduce and review basic vocabulary with students. Students get an opportunity to practice the new vocabulary both orally and written with flashcards and Questions du jour. This resource can be used for whole class discussion, partner activity or divided into stations.
- Teacher overview
-Holiday vocabulary with images (flashcards) and suggested activities.
-Design your own ugly Christmas sweater
-Vote for your favorite ugly sweater
-Follow directions to color and draw
-Listen and vote for their favorite Christmas music
-Over 15 suggestions for "Questions du Jour" within activities and lessons
Short writing and drawing prompts:
-Invent an elf and design an outfit for your new elf
-Apply to be an elf at the North Pole
-Become a toy tester
-Write about yourself during the holidays including your favorite meal and activities.
Holiday and Christmas words
Basic Body Parts
Some winter clothing
Present tense verbs
Limited use of the conditional
Start your FSL class off each day with a “Question du jour”. It is a great way to help you to establish a low stress routine. This French resource works as either a daily warm up, icebreaker or bell ringer activities. It can be used as a mini unit to give you a break in December. One less thing to plan!
*Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the music videos. The music links are editable and can be changed.
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
Les Autochtones Du Canada - Indigenous People and Groups in Canada - French
By West Coast Indigenous Teacher
Indigenous Education in French! Learn about Canada's Indigenous groups. 4 activities included. These two hassle-free activities are invaluable resources for teaching students about Indigenous peoples in Canada. Whether for French class, social studies, history, Indigenous education, Orange Shirt Day, or Indigenous Peoples Day, these materials offer versatile teaching opportunities. I strongly believe that every teacher in Canada should have access to this resource. Suitable for grades three and up, including middle and high school levels.
Page 1: Lesson Plan
Page 2: Indigenous people in Canada handout
Page 3: Brainstorming activity #1
Page 4: Brainstorming activity #2
Page 5: Fill in the blanks activity
Page 6: Fill in the blanks activity (answer key)
Page 7: Questions worksheet
Page 8: Questions worksheet (answer key)
Indigenous People in Canada (English Edition)
Land Acknowledgements (primary)
Indigenous Education Beginners Bundle
Orange Shirt Day Bundle (primary)
Residential School Reading Response (intermediate)
Medicine Wheel SEL and Goalsetting
First Nations in British Columbia (lesson and research project)
First Nations Connection to Salmon (life cycle and culture)
Click here for more resources
Join my newsletter (freebies + teaching tips)
Etsy Shop (yes, I sell orange shirts)
Huy ch q'u! (Thank you)
By French Made Fun!
Élevez les compétences en écriture de vos élèves avec cette ressource complète sur le choix des mots et l'enrichissement du langage !
⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕
Développez le plein potentiel d'écriture de vos élèves avec cette ressource exhaustive de 45 pages conçue pour affiner le choix des mots et améliorer les compétences linguistiques. Idéal pour les éducateurs cherchant à approfondir la compréhension et l'application des techniques d'écriture efficaces, ce produit couvre une large gamme de stratégies pour améliorer la qualité de l'écriture.
Ce qui est inclus :
7 mini-leçons détaillées : Chaque leçon se concentre sur un aspect clé de l'amélioration de l'écriture :
Le choix des mots : Stratégies pour étendre les phrases, utiliser des verbes forts et incorporer des adjectifs et adverbes pour une écriture plus dynamique.
Identification des verbes communs : Techniques pour éviter les verbes surutilisés et explorer des alternatives spécifiques et impactantes.
Éviter les redondances : Identifier et éliminer les redondances pour rendre l’écriture plus concise et efficace.
Utiliser des adjectifs plus précis : Maîtriser l'utilisation d'adjectifs précis à l'aide de thésaurus, dictionnaires et outils en ligne.
Précision du langage technique et spécialisé : Écrire avec expertise en évitant les termes vagues et en employant un vocabulaire précis et spécialisé.
Utiliser des données pour soutenir les arguments : Intégrer la recherche, les faits et les données de manière efficace dans l'écriture pour renforcer les arguments.
Utiliser des expressions figurées : Créer des métaphores et des comparaisons pour enrichir l'écriture et la rendre plus vivante.
Documents détaillés : Améliorez le choix des verbes et évitez les verbes communs avec des listes de 20 verbes surutilisés et des synonymes forts et efficaces.
Textes de compréhension : Pratiquez les stratégies avec des textes engageants conçus pour aider les élèves à appliquer leurs nouvelles compétences.
Extraits et échantillons d'écriture : Analysez et révisez des extraits pour améliorer le choix des mots et éviter les redondances.
Activités imprimables et affiches pédagogiques : Des tableaux lumineux et descriptifs pour soutenir les leçons, utilisables en formats divers : imprimés pour les classeurs, projetés pour les activités en classe, ou affichés sur les murs.
13 activités suggérées supplémentaires : Explorez et pratiquez davantage les stratégies pour assurer la maîtrise.
Donnez à vos élèves les moyens d'écrire avec plus de précision et de créativité, et aidez-les à développer un œil critique pour l'utilisation d'un langage fort avec ce produit pédagogique complet et engageant.
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir
Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.
Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
French speaking Questions du jour activities speaking Project FSL core
By The Librarian's Language Loft
This basic French FSL resource helps to engage students with conversation starting photographs -Things we love to hate. Students will all want to share their opinion while they practice simple French sentences. Immersion students can expand on responses with “parce que…” This activity is great for Valentine's day or any day!
At the end, students can make their own “J’adore” and “Je deteste” folding booklet or slideshow. This is a great "no prep" activity for Valentine’s Day, sub plan or anytime.
-Over 37 suggestions for "Question du Jour" with photographs
-Photographs focus on hot topics- such as "things we love to hate"
-Writing and drawing activity for student to share their likes and dislikes
-Additional template slides to add your own information or for a student project
Verbs- aimer, détester, adorer
Present tense verbs
Start your class off each day with a warm up “question du jour”. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine with no extra prep. Many of the “Question du jour” or “Warm up” activities can be done within a notebook.
It is recommended that you pick a “prof du jour” to ask the questions to the class for even more oral practice. This also helps with substitute preparation when you have an established routine.
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
Indigenous Education Massive Growing Bundle
By West Coast Indigenous Teacher
Looking for a quick and easy way to ensure you are incorporating Indigenous Education into your teaching in a culturally appropriate way? Look no further. When you buy this bundle NOW, you will receive every new resource I create...for FREE! Plus, my 70+ current resources that are in my shop. From the 94 Calls to Action to creating land acknowledgements, you will be covered with this huge Indigenous Education / Outdoor Education bundle!
Did you know?! If you have already purchased my resources, you can buy this bundle and be refunded the resources you already purchased!
Join my newsletter (freebies + teaching tips)
Etsy Shop (yes, I sell orange shirts)
Huy ch q'u! (Thank you)
By French Made Fun!
Vos élèves exploreront la stratégie de faire des liens et apprendront à intégrer cette stratégie dans leur lecture. Ce document couvre deux semaines d'atelier de lecture.
⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕
Cette ressource est conçue pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année qui manquent cette stratégie et ont besoin d'aide pour s'investir et s'engager dans leur lecture. Mes produits proposent beaucoup d'apprentissage pratique et une approche ludique.
Dans cette ressource, vous découvrirez 34 diapositives de contenu adaptées à vos "grands". Pas de polices enfantines ou ridicules. Pas de clip-arts bébé. Pas de mots croisés ou d'activités de remplissage. Je vais droit au but et vous donne tout ce dont vous avez réellement besoin pour progresser.
Voici les stratégies que je couvre dans cette ressource de 30 pages :
Planifier des mini-leçons efficaces nécessite beaucoup de temps et d'efforts pour créer des affiches, des textes modèles, des exemples, rédiger vos petites lectures partagées sur des post-it et planifier des activités de différenciation. Cette ressource couvrira tout cela pour vous pendant deux semaines. Alors détendez-vous et profitez de la conduite d'une mini-leçon tout en regardant vos élèves adorer le cours de français.
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :
Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.
Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
French FSL speaking and writing activities bundle basic question du jour core
By The Librarian's Language Loft
These 3 French FSL resources encourage conversation with daily questions. The first resource asks for student’s opinions on hot topics in “Things we Love to hate”. The second resource asks students to react to various common pranks. This resource includes a conversation mat to guide students.
Start your class off each day with a warm up question du jour. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine with no extra prep.
Resource 1:
-Over 37 suggestions for "Question du Jour" with photographs focusing on hot topics- things we love to hate
-A simple writing and drawing activity for students to share their likes and dislikes
Resource 2:
Students will all want to share their opinion on the various examples of pranking. This resource might be better for intermediate leveled FSL speakers (some conditional and past tense) . At the end, students can complete a simple written project.
-Two conversation mats to help with speaking
-Question sheet for a video link on pranks
Resource 3: Review Question du Jour
-Over 30 suggestions for "Question du Jour" with basic beginner vocabulary
-Fourteen additional "Stand up if.." questions or "Lève-toi si"
-Short writing and drawing prompts
-Includes a date and weather chart
-Listen and vote for their favorite music (Youtube playlist shared)
Vocabulary Review:
Numbers 1-30
Basic colors
Days of the week
Days of the month
Basic feelings
School items
Calendar vocabulary
Present tense verbs
Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the music videos and suggested short film. The links are editable and can be changed as these are not part of the purchased resource.
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
Indigenous Peoples Day Bundle - Activities and Lessons - Indigenous Education
By West Coast Indigenous Teacher
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day with this bundle that honours Indigenous communities and Indigenous people in Canada. Explore the Medicine Wheel, 7 Sacred Teachings, Indigenous groups in Canada and have students complete a project on an Indigenous hero of their choosing.
Indigenous Peoples Day Bundle Includes:
Indigenous Heroes in Canada Research Project: A comprehensive project celebrating Indigenous heroes with handouts, reflection sheets, and guidance.
Indigenous People in Canada (English): Engaging, no-prep activities designed to deepen students' understanding of Indigenous peoples in Canada. French and English copies included.
Indigenous People in Canada (French) Engaging, no-prep activities designed to deepen students' understanding of Indigenous peoples in Canada. French and English copies included.
Indigenous Medicine Wheel - SEL & Goalsetting: Explore the Indigenous Medicine Wheel's holistic approach to well-being and goal-setting through two interactive activities.
Seven Sacred Teachings: Dive into the Seven Sacred Teachings! Students will create a 7 Sacred Teachings booklet and learn the lessons from bear, wolf, beaver, eagle, buffalo, turtle and sasquatch!
National Indigenous Peoples Day Handout: A bonus file to commemorate this important day.
This Indigenous Peoples Day bundle provides educators with essential resources for promoting cultural understanding and appreciation on Indigenous Peoples Day, making it a must-have for classrooms across Canada.
You may also like...
Land Acknowledgements (primary)
Indigenous Education Beginners Bundle
Orange Shirt Day Bundle (primary)
Orange Shirt Day Bundle (intermediate)
Residential School Reading Response (intermediate)
94 Calls to Action Research Project
All About Canada's Indian Act
Canada's Residential Schools
Join my newsletter (freebies + teaching tips)
Etsy Shop (yes, I sell orange shirts)
Huy ch q'u! (Thank you)
By French Made Fun!
Cela part des bases et permettra à vos élèves de développer des compétences liées au verbe « faire » au présent de l'indicatif.
Cette unité vous guidera pour enseigner ce verbe et ce temps à vos élèves de niveau débutant et pourrait convenir aux élèves de français de base ou comme révision pour les élèves plus âgés (3e cycle, si nécessaire!)
Dans cette ressource de 63 pages, je couvre :
Les élèves apprennent grâce à une combinaison de diapositives didactiques, de discussions et d'incitations, de jeux et de feuilles de travail imprimables. Clés de correction incluses.
Que vous soyez un nouvel enseignant peu familiarisé avec les concepts mathématiques, un enseignant chevronné qui est juste fatigué, ou peut-être un enseignant couvrant un contrat à court terme et ne sachant pas par où commencer, mes produits sont faits pour vous et vos élèves.
Si vous êtes intéressés par mes produits, assurez-vous de vous inscrire à ma boutique pour être averti lorsque je crée de nouveaux produits ou lance des ventes. Vous pouvez également me rejoindre sur Facebook, où je partage des cadeaux et préviens à l'avance les ventes à venir.
Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.
Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.
French Valentine bundle writing speaking kindness friends February basic FSL
By The Librarian's Language Loft
This Valentine’s Day FSL French bundle has lot’s of low prep activities for February. This resource focuses on themes such as kindness, friendship and love. Many handouts could be used any day you need a print and go lesson (example: week of kindness, jar of compliments or nonfiction reading comprehension text, an explosion box gift card craft).
Resource 1:
There are 2 Nonfiction texts (“The Legend of Saint-Valentine” and “Love Locks- The Cities do not love them”) with comprehension questions (answer key included). Students may also watch the short film « La boîte ». There are questions for class discussion or for students to respond independently in writing. Finally, students may also become music critics as they listen to a selection of songs curated for February. A template is included to help students share their opinion on the songs.
Resource 2:
-New vocabulary with images (30 flashcards) and suggested activities
-Writing prompts with a focus on friendship and kindness (see below)
-Valentine cards to print and color (with and without words)
Examples of short writing prompts:
Tell us about a friend
What can you do during a “une semaine de gentillesse”?
Write about things you love
How would you help someone with a problem?
Write simple compliments to classmates (compliment jar)
Worksheets with a Valentine’s theme
Crossword and various exercises for Valentine’s vocabulary
Label body parts of the cupid
Valentine’s cards (to color or blank for students to write)
Follow the directions and draw
Resource 3:
This basic French FSL resource (Question du jour/chef du jour) helps to engage students with conversation starting photographs. Students will all want to share their opinion while they practice simple French sentences. Immersion students can expand on responses with “parce que…”
Resource 4:
Introducing an explosion gift box writing project for your FSL class (French second language)! This simple and engaging craft is versatile, making it ideal for creating heartfelt messages to recognize special people. Perfect for personalized gifts during holidays such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day (La fête des mères, la fête des pères, et la Saint-Valentin). This activity can work with French immersion and core French students.
-Box and cover template to be printed on 8.5 X 11 cardstock (best results)
-Interior template for extra writing
-Decorative images such as hearts and hobby clipart
-French sentence suggestions (with English translations)
Je me souviens ____________
J’aime _____________avec toi.
Tu es ____________________
-Photo step-by-step visual instructions
Scissors, Scotch tape, colored pencils, and printed templates (card stock works best for box- decorations and interior can be on paper)
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the music videos and suggested short film. The links are editable and can be changed as these are not part of the purchased resource.
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
By French Made Fun!
63 pages!!! Sérieusement.
Il s'agit d'un produit d'enseignement des mathématiques haut de gamme qui vous permettra d'enseigner sans livres, sans cahier, sans papier, sans impression. Mes élèves utilisent des mini-tableaux blancs et des marqueurs effaçables à sec et j'enseigne à l'aide d'un modèle d'atelier.
Ces diapositives vous guideront dans votre enseignement et vous permettront de suivre un modèle d'atelier (même si vous n'êtes pas familier ou mal à l'aise avec !). Ils vous obligent à ralentir, à procéder étape par étape, à modeler les exemples à vos élèves et à les faire travailler en partenariat et seuls pour prouver leur compréhension.
Je couvre toutes les bases, ici. Dans ce document, vous serez en mesure de couvrir confortablement tous les composants liés aux multiples et aux facteurs, tels que :
Vos élèves seront invités à partager entre eux et à réfléchir, ils seront invités à essayer des stratégies et à partager leurs réflexions. Vous serez invité à donner un exemple modélisé.
Ce document sera tout à fait bénéfique pour un enseignant débutant en 5e/6e, un enseignant voulant essayer le modèle d'atelier, un enseignant qui veut essayer "Enseignement sans cahier" ou pour un enseignant qui veut voir comment c'est fait dans une autre classe.
Prenez grand soin de vous ! Détendez-vous - j'ai celui-ci !
Mme. Kaitlyn.
French question du jour speaking basic core FSL emotions sports hobbies holidays
By The Librarian's Language Loft
This basic/core French FSL bundle contains a over 440 slides which work well for daily questions to encourage conversation.
Topics include the following:
Basic core French review- includes movable calendar and weather chart
Winter activities and sports
Hobbies and sports
Things we love to hate
Four corners- (feelings) Talking about how we feel when...
Let's talk pranks
Halloween- What scares you? What do you prefer?
Clothes and fashion preferences
Personal preferences
December holiday
School days
Vacation theme
Adverbs of Frequency
By French Made Fun!
Vos élèves exploreront la stratégie d'activer leurs connaissances préalables (schéma) et apprendront à intégrer cette stratégie dans leur lecture. Ce document couvre 6 leçons complètes d'atelier de lecture, des affiches, des activités et des organisateurs graphiques pour continuer cette stratégie.
⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕
Dans cette ressource, vous découvrirez 38 diapositives de contenu adaptées à vos grands élèves. Pas de polices mignonnes ou ridicules. Pas de cliparts enfantins. Pas de mots croisés ou d'activités de remplissage. Je vais droit au but et vous donne tout ce dont vous avez réellement besoin pour progresser.
Voici les stratégies que je couvre dans cette ressource de 38 pages :
Planifier des mini-leçons efficaces nécessite beaucoup de temps et d'efforts pour créer des affiches, des textes modèles, des exemples, rédiger vos petites lectures partagées sur des post-it et planifier des activités de différenciation. Cette ressource couvrira tout cela pour vous pendant deux semaines. Alors détendez-vous et profitez de la conduite d'une mini-leçon tout en regardant vos élèves adorer le cours de français
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :
Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.
Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
Core French growing Holiday bundle speaking writing activities FSL Noel & more!
By The Librarian's Language Loft
This basic core French FSL holiday bundle will give you lots of low prep activities for Halloween (3), Christmas (2), Valentine's Day (3), Easter (1), April Fool's (1), St. Patrick's (2) and Le Nouvel An chinois(1) . These resources encourage students to engage with their peers while applying basic vocabulary and grammar structures in a fun and relevant context. As new holiday themed resources are made, they will be added to this bundle at no extra cost to you.
Halloween 95 pages- writing prompts, question of the day, surveys, flashcards
Christmas 55 pages- writing prompts, questions of the day, flashcards
Christmas Bingo- just added 2023- 75 cards printable or digital- with or without words
Christmas basic printables- just addded 2023- 35 pages
Valentine's Day 90 pages- writing prompts, question of the day, flashcards, activities like acts of kindness week and reading comprehension
Easter 30 pages- vocabulary practice and flashcards
April Fool's 30 pages - "Let's Talk about Pranks Question of the day
St. Patrick's Day 30 pages- Tour of Ireland and Art activities
Le Nouvel An chinois 30 pages - reading and writing prompts
Halloween Resource 1 :
-Thirty-six flashcards and game suggestions
-Five worksheets to practice new Halloween vocabulary
-A Halloween questionnaire for you and a partner (toujours, souvent, jamais, parfois)
-Two basic skits to practice speaking
-Two options for writing and creating a haunted house
-Three options to write a monster bio (English support/French only/Graphic Template)
-Two French/English lexicons for support writing topics
-Follow the directions to color a Halloween image
-Design a costume for a favorite teacher or friend (describe the costume)
Bonus- A Halloween version of "Trouve quelqu'un qui"
Halloween Resource 2 "Question du jour":
Encourage speaking and writing in your FSL French Second language Classroom with this Halloween-themed “Questions du jour” resource. Ideal for teachers seeking engaging warm-up activities with low prep. This Google slideshow resource is designed to encourage students to share their opinion on spooky topics. It is ideal for daily discussions, writing prompts, and speaking exercises. Expand students' vocabulary with Halloween-themed vocabulary and images.
- Teacher overview
-Halloween vocabulary with engaging images
-Thirty-five slides which includes 10 “quatre coins” slides .
-Two Class survey suggestions that can be done as a whole class or individually.
Halloween Resource 3: Review Body Parts & Colors with Monster Fun
Enhance your FSL classroom with this basic review resource packed with several activities to get students drawing, speaking and writing! Students will create a monster, describe a monster to a friend and vote for their favorite class monster. Finally, there are worksheets and games for extra practice.
This low prep resource includes the following:
-Five worksheets to practice body part vocabulary
-Twenty-seven flashcards to support review games
-Two colored Qui suis-je?" monster boards to practice descriptions
-A "Guess who?" template to help students ask questions
-A voting template- students vote for their favorite monster
-Two template options to write about your monster
-Two drawing activities (read or write)
Vocabulary and grammar practice:
body parts
present tense (avoir, etre)
negative (ne... pas)
practice with basic descriptions
Resource 4: December
This December themed French FSL resource helps to introduce and review basic vocabulary with students. Students get an opportunity to practice the new vocabulary both orally and written with flashcards and Questions du jour. This resource can be used for whole class discussion, partner activity or divided into stations.
- Teacher overview
-Holiday vocabulary with images (flashcards) and suggested activities.
-Design your own ugly Christmas sweater
-Vote for your favorite ugly sweater
-Follow directions to color and draw
-Listen and vote for their favorite Christmas music
-Over 30 suggestions for "Questions du Jour" within activities and lessons
Short writing and drawing prompts:
-Invent an elf and design an outfit for your new elf
-Apply to be an elf at the North Pole
-Become a toy tester
-Write about yourself during the holidays including your favorite meal and activities.
Holiday and Christmas words
Basic Body Parts
Some winter clothing
Present tense verbs
Limited use of the conditional
Resource 5: Valentine's day Reading & listening
There are 2 Nonfiction texts (“The Legend of Saint-Valentine” and “Love Locks- The Cities do not love them”) with comprehension questions (answer key included). Students may also watch the short film « La boîte ». There are questions for class discussion or for students to respond independently in writing. Finally, students may also become music critics as they listen to a selection of songs curated for February. A template is included to help students share their opinion on the songs.
Resource 6: Valentine's day activities
-New vocabulary with images (30 flashcards) and suggested activities
-Writing prompts with a focus on friendship and kindness (see below)
-Valentine cards to print and color (with and without words)
Examples of short writing prompts:
Tell us about a friend
What can you do during a “une semaine de gentillesse”?
Write about things you love
How would you help someone with a problem?
Write simple compliments to classmates (compliment jar)
Worksheets with a Valentine’s theme
Crossword and various exercises for Valentine’s vocabulary
Label body parts of the cupid
Valentine’s cards (to color or blank for students to write)
Follow the directions and draw
Resource 7: Valentine's Day Question du jour "Things we love to hate"
This basic French FSL resource (Question du jour/chef du jour) helps to engage students with conversation starting photographs. Students will all want to share their opinion while they practice simple French sentences.
Resource 8:
This St. Patrick’s day basic FSL French resource is filled with printable no prep activities and writing prompts for March. This resource includes a visual tour of Ireland and an overview of the traditions of la Saint-Patrick. The slideshow shares basic information on Irish traditions including St. Patrick’s Day. Take a visual tour of Irish landmarks as you also learn about traditional music and dance.
- Teacher overview with suggested links for Irish music and dance
-Twenty slides in basic French with photographs
-Printable graphic organizers for independent work for students to show their learning.
-A digital (or printable) Instagram activity for students to make a post on what they learned about Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day.
Resource 9: Art and writing
This second St. Patrick's Day resource includes writing and art activities.
Students can write a newspaper article about catching a leprechaun or write about what they would do if they found a pot of gold. Students will learn about Celtic knots and make a simple one from paper. Finally, they can practice numbers 1 to 100 with a mystery image or practice St. Patrick’s day vocabulary.
- Teacher overview
-New vocabulary with images (30 flashcards) and suggested activities like a game of memory
-Art activity with a Celtic Knot
-Two additional handouts practicing vocabulary and numbers
Writing prompts
Newspaper Article
J’ai de la chance parce que…
If I found a pot of gold, I would…
Resource 10 : Easter
This Easter French FSL resource is filled with printable no prep activities for April. There are Easter flashcards, writing and drawing prompts included. Students can write about their favorite Easter treats, apply for a job with the Easter bunny and more!
- Teacher overview
-New vocabulary with images (24 flashcards) and suggested activities and vocabulary practice
-Four short writing prompts
-Four follow the direction sheets to color or draw Easter images.
Examples of short writing prompts:
Si j’étais le lapin de Pâques
Tout sur moi! Le lapin de Pâques
Décris le panier de Pâques de tes rêves
Trouve un déguisement pour le lapin de Pâques
Demande d’emploi
Resource 11: Le Nouvel An chinois
This French FSL resource helps to explain basic information on Le Nouvel An chinois. Learn about the Chinese Zodiac animals and complete an activity. Students can also practice new vocabulary with various worksheets. There are questions and graphic organizers to check for comprehension.
Reading Comprehension:
The reading comprehension slideshow can be used for whole class discussion as there are 2 levels of text complexity. The 3 reading comprehension sheets can be used for independent work with stronger readers.
- Teacher overview
-Slideshow with images to share information on Chinese New Year
-Three reading comprehension sheets with questions
-Three worksheets to record understanding
- 20 Flashcards
-Venn diagram to help to compare traditions
-Four simple worksheets to practice vocabulary
-General overview of the Chinese zodiac animals and characteristics
-Zodiac Activity
-Follow directions to color the dragon
-Label the dragon body parts
Zodiac animals 12
Basic body parts
Present tense verbs
Resource 12: Christmas Bingo (added 2023)
75 cards with words and without
Digital or printable
Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the suggested short video. The link is editable and can be changed as these are not part of the purchased resource.
***These activities are for beginners who have basic understanding of grammar and sentence structure using the present tense. Intermediate students should be able to do the work independently and in greater depth.
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
By French Made Fun!
Affiches pédagogiques, mini-leçons, activités et TOUS les textes pour enseigner les stratégies de réparation en lecture conçus pour les élèves du primaire et du secondaire !
⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕
Libérez le potentiel de compréhension en lecture de vos élèves avec ce document complet de 54 pages, conçu pour enseigner 10 stratégies essentielles de réparation. Cette ressource regorge de mini-leçons engageantes, d'affiches pédagogiques détaillées, de tous les extraits et textes nécessaires, d'activités interactives et de graphismes pour enseigner efficacement les stratégies suivantes :
Caractéristiques clés :
Modèle de Libération Progressive : Cette ressource suit un modèle de libération progressive, garantissant que les élèves gagnent en confiance et en autonomie dans l'utilisation de chaque stratégie. Avec des instructions scriptées pour les enseignants, vous pouvez guider vos élèves en douceur de la pratique guidée à l'application indépendante.
Améliorez les compétences en compréhension en lecture de votre classe et favorisez l'amour de la lecture avec cette ressource d'enseignement tout-en-un. Idéale pour les éducateurs du primaire et du secondaire à la recherche d'une solution efficace et facile à mettre en œuvre pour améliorer les capacités de lecture de leurs élèves.
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir
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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
French Holiday Christmas activity bundle speaking & writing basic FSL
By The Librarian's Language Loft
Simplify your December planning with this basic French second language resource. Immerse your students in the holiday spirit with topics like design an ugly Christmas sweater and later vote for your favorite amongst classmates. Be a music critic or share your opinion on some December topics. Finally, there are lot's of low prep holiday sheets to practice basic Christmas and holiday vocabulary.
Resource 1- Short Basic Writing Prompts
- Teacher overview
-Holiday vocabulary with images (flashcards) and suggested activities.
-Design your own ugly Christmas sweater
-Vote for your favorite ugly sweater
-Follow directions to color and draw
-Listen and vote for their favorite Christmas music
-Create your own elf and design an outfit for them
-Apply to be an elf at the North Pole
-Become a toy tester
-Write about yourself during the holidays including your favorite meal and activities.
-Suggested wordless short film with questions
Holiday and Christmas words
Basic Body Parts
Some winter clothing
Present tense verbs
Limited use of the conditional
*Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the music videos. The music links are editable and can be changed.
Resource 2: Questions du jour
Encourage speaking and writing in your FSL French Second language Classroom with this Holiday-themed “Questions du jour” resource. Ideal for teachers seeking engaging warm-up activities with low prep. This Google slideshow resource is designed to encourage students to share their opinion on December topics including Christmas traditions. It is ideal for daily discussions, short writing prompts, and speaking exercises. Expand students' vocabulary with December themed vocabulary and images.
- Teacher overview
-December vocabulary with engaging images and photographs
-Thirty-three slides with questions "Je préfère" "Je préférerais "
Resource 3: Basic Vocabulary Practice
Enjoy some low prep activities for your French Second Language classroom with this holiday vocabulary resource. There are 13 vocabulary worksheets which include mystery words to unscramble, color by code, drawing activities and more! Explore holiday words with 45 flashcards and game suggestions. This resource works well for centers, emergency sub plans or low prep days.
-45 flashcards (flashcards can be used for suggested language games)
-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards
-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes images to project on board
-Thirteen unique printables for students to practice the new vocabulary
There are several game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" flashcard game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of basic vocabulary. Inside this resource, there are suggestions to keep your students motivated and actively engaged in their language learning journey.
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
By French Made Fun!
Cela part des bases et permettra à vos élèves de développer des compétences liées au temps de verbe « passé composé ».
Cette unité vous guidera pour enseigner ce temps de verbe à vos élèves de niveau débutant et pourrait convenir aux élèves de français de base ou comme révision pour les élèves plus âgés (3e cycle, si nécessaire!)
Dans cette ressource de 55 pages, je couvre :
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Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.