Student Academic Performance Sheet Fillable, Student Performance Tracker
By Truly Neat Printables
Academic performance sheet is the best way to keep a track of your student's performance in class. This will help the teachers to pay extra attention to those students who are lagging behind. Some students may need help with reading. So under the reading topic, write down all the important points needed for improvement. This is a fillable sheet. You can fill the information on your system.
The file is in PDF format and includes 2 pages
1 Page Fillable Academic Performance Sheet
1 Page Non fillable Academic Performance Sheet
Size: 8.5''x11'' Inches
These papers are for personal use only.
Restrictions: You are not allowed to share, resell or redistribute this product in their original format. You may not claim my work as your own.
All graphics belong to Truly Neat Printables.
This is an instant digital download. No product will be sent to you.
Due to the nature of the product, refunds are not accepted. If you have any issues with your purchase please contact me.
ESL EOY End of Year Assessments & Progress Monitoring Tools--Higher ELLs
By Curly Girl ELD Shop
Are you struggling to know what level your secondary ELL multilingual students are currently? Do you need an end of year assessment tool to track and monitor your ELL students' growth? This tool is a GREAT way to track and assess student skills and growth!
This resource will help teachers:
This resource includes:
ESL SLIFE Newcomer Activity - Career & Housing MY FUTURE - 3 Week Unit - NO PREP
By Curly Girl ELD Shop
Are you searching for project based learning opportunities for your ESL ELL SLIFE Newcomers that are FUN? This career & housing unit includes enough lessons to last you 3 weeks! Your multilingual ML students will have the chance to gain valuable knowledge about real life experiences and planning for their futures, all while working on developing skills needed for their careers, housing research, budgeting, speaking, reading, writing and much MORE!
This resource uses Google slides and PDFs and is NO PREP.
Your Students Will:
This unit is PACKED with activities to engage your ESL multilingual students. You will have everything you need to complete an AMAZING project.
What’s Included:
⭐️Come Back and Leave A Review⭐️
This career and housing unit will bring some fun and engagement to your classroom! You don’t want to miss out on the EXCITING unit. Make sure to add this resource to your cart.
Check out these resources:
ESL Travel Project Bundle
Multilingual Classroom Monthly Newsletter - Editable