Self-Esteem Winter Counseling Lesson - Social Emotional Learning
By All Therapy Resources
This is a fun, engaging and creative craft activity lesson which encourages a positive growth mindset for children to grow in self-confidence and self-esteem.
- All About Snowflakes (including fun facts)
- Self-Esteem Questionnaire
- Self-Esteem Sentence Starters
- My Self-Esteem Snowflakes
-Blank Template (including various sizes)
- Snowflake Qualities and Traits
-Blank Templates
- Whole Class Activity – Snowflake Garland
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don't forget to follow our store!
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!
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TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:
STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
Winter Counseling Lesson - Self-Esteem Social Emotional Learning SPANISH VERSION
By All Therapy Resources
This is a fun, engaging and creative craft activity lesson which encourages a positive growth mindset for children to grow in self-confidence and self-esteem.
- All About Snowflakes (including fun facts)
- Self-Esteem Questionnaire
- Self-Esteem Sentence Starters
- My Self-Esteem Snowflakes
-Blank Template (including various sizes)
- Snowflake Qualities and Traits
-Blank Templates
- Whole Class Activity – Snowflake Garland
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don't forget to follow our store!
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!
Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!
TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:
STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
ELA - Writers' Workshop in Middle Grades (Outline)
By Amanda G
Writer's Workshop - First Twenty Days outline This gives you a twenty day introduction to writers' workshop in the middle grades. From going through the rules of the workshop, to editing vs. conferencing, to the different genre of writing. Everything is covered or introduced in this twenty day plan. Although this is intended for use when the school year begins, it can easily be used at any point throughout the year to teach different aspects that are covered. Updated: March 11, 2014 - Includes reasoning behind the placement of diagnostic writing during the first 20 days. Don't forget to check our my "revised" first twenty days of reading workshop for Junior and Intermediate grades: First Twenty Days of Reading Please don't forget to take a look at the other items I have available in my store!
Writing Prompts | Story Starters - 100 Daily Creative Writing Prompts
By Teach Savvy Store
Enhance collaboration, writing and public speaking skills with Story Starters! This resource provides engaging story starters that encourage AVID or ELA students to finish a story and present it to their peers. This activity fosters collaboration and communication within small groups or whole class settings, while also providing a fun way to improve public speaking skills. Download the Google Slides digital resource today and see the positive impact it can have on your students' teamwork and confidence!
*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Bundle!
*Save 30% with this Public Speaking Card Game Bundle!
*Save 30% with the AVID bundle!
What's Included:
*This resources is available for Outschool teachers to purchase without the need for extra licenses.
Check out other AVID resources HERE!
Check our other Writing Resources HERE!
Check out more Collaboration resources HERE!
Check out more Public Speaking resources HERE!
By French Made Fun!
De nos jours, il semble que les élèves connaissent de moins en moins les grands événements et moments historiques, qu'ils soient bons ou mauvais. Ce document est conçu pour permettre aux enseignants de donner à leurs élèves un aperçu de certains événements majeurs de l'Histoire que nous n'avons souvent pas le temps d'explorer en détail en classe, mais qui offrent au moins aux élèves une première introduction à ces moments marquants.
Ce document pédagogique propose une immersion dans 41 moments marquants de l’Histoire mondiale à travers des récits captivants. Chaque semaine, les élèves découvriront un personnage fictif placé au cœur d'un événement historique majeur, avec un focus sur le contexte temporel, géographique, les personnes impactées et les répercussions à long terme de cet événement.
Les élèves seront invités à rédiger des entrées de journal intime en adoptant la perspective de personnages historiques, tels qu'un jeune garçon dans un pensionnat autochtone, une infirmière sur le front de la guerre de Sécession, ou encore un membre d'une communauté des Premières Nations lors des négociations des traités avec le gouvernement canadien.
Objectifs pédagogiques :
Contenu :
Exemples de moments historiques que vos élèves verront ici:
Ce produit unique combine l’apprentissage de l’Histoire et l’écriture créative, tout en développant la conscience historique des élèves. Idéal pour renforcer l’intérêt des élèves pour l’Histoire tout en les aidant à développer leurs compétences en écriture narrative.
Vous aimeriez peut-être aussi ces autres ressources qui vous aideront à établir des routines du matin !
Vendredis des premiers chapitres (First Chapter Fridays)
Lettres mystérieuses du lundi (Mystery Mondays)
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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Lettres Mystérieuses du Lundi - 42 semaines de défis d'écriture créative !
Offrez à vos élèves une expérience d'écriture immersive et stimulante tout au long de l'année scolaire avec ce pack complet de 42 lettres mystérieuses, une pour chaque semaine ! Chaque lundi, plongez votre classe dans une nouvelle aventure où un personnage intrigant sollicite leur aide pour résoudre un problème inhabituel ou un défi captivant.
Ce que contient la ressource :
Des lettres variées et passionnantes : Vos élèves découvriront des messages de royautés ayant égaré leur baguette magique, de bibliotéquaires inquiets face à des activités mystérieuses dans leurs collections de livres, ou encore de personnes trouvant des coffres au trésor énigmatiques dans leur grenier. Chaque lettre est conçue pour susciter la curiosité et encourager une réponse créative et réfléchie.
Formats flexibles :
Version projetable : La version incluse est idéale pour une lecture collective en classe, facilitant la discussion et la brainstorming avant la phase d'écriture.
Version imprimable (4 par page) : Vous pouvez également l'imprimer 4 par page en changeant les paramètres d'impression. C'est une solution parfaite pour économiser du papier tout en permettant aux élèves d'avoir leur propre copie pour référence et annotation.
Objectifs pédagogiques :
Suggestions d'utilisation :
Elle offre une approche ludique et structurée pour développer des compétences essentielles tout en rendant l'apprentissage amusant et engageant.
Vous êtes à la recherche de PLUS? Voici ma collection de mini-leçons en écriture et en lecture:
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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Cette ressource complète de 50 pages est conçue pour transformer le processus de pré-écriture en une expérience engageante et productive pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année. Parfaite pour le début de l'année scolaire ou pour l'instruction individualisée avec des élèves qui ont du mal à générer des idées et à accomplir les tâches de pré-écriture, ce document est un ajout essentiel à votre arsenal pédagogique.
Caractéristiques clés :
Pourquoi vous allez adorer :
Idéal pour :
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :
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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Élevez les compétences en écriture de vos élèves avec cette ressource complète sur le choix des mots et l'enrichissement du langage !
⁕⁕ Please see the preview for a full view of this document, with details in English. These descriptions and this product are entirely in French. ⁕⁕
Développez le plein potentiel d'écriture de vos élèves avec cette ressource exhaustive de 45 pages conçue pour affiner le choix des mots et améliorer les compétences linguistiques. Idéal pour les éducateurs cherchant à approfondir la compréhension et l'application des techniques d'écriture efficaces, ce produit couvre une large gamme de stratégies pour améliorer la qualité de l'écriture.
Ce qui est inclus :
7 mini-leçons détaillées : Chaque leçon se concentre sur un aspect clé de l'amélioration de l'écriture :
Le choix des mots : Stratégies pour étendre les phrases, utiliser des verbes forts et incorporer des adjectifs et adverbes pour une écriture plus dynamique.
Identification des verbes communs : Techniques pour éviter les verbes surutilisés et explorer des alternatives spécifiques et impactantes.
Éviter les redondances : Identifier et éliminer les redondances pour rendre l’écriture plus concise et efficace.
Utiliser des adjectifs plus précis : Maîtriser l'utilisation d'adjectifs précis à l'aide de thésaurus, dictionnaires et outils en ligne.
Précision du langage technique et spécialisé : Écrire avec expertise en évitant les termes vagues et en employant un vocabulaire précis et spécialisé.
Utiliser des données pour soutenir les arguments : Intégrer la recherche, les faits et les données de manière efficace dans l'écriture pour renforcer les arguments.
Utiliser des expressions figurées : Créer des métaphores et des comparaisons pour enrichir l'écriture et la rendre plus vivante.
Documents détaillés : Améliorez le choix des verbes et évitez les verbes communs avec des listes de 20 verbes surutilisés et des synonymes forts et efficaces.
Textes de compréhension : Pratiquez les stratégies avec des textes engageants conçus pour aider les élèves à appliquer leurs nouvelles compétences.
Extraits et échantillons d'écriture : Analysez et révisez des extraits pour améliorer le choix des mots et éviter les redondances.
Activités imprimables et affiches pédagogiques : Des tableaux lumineux et descriptifs pour soutenir les leçons, utilisables en formats divers : imprimés pour les classeurs, projetés pour les activités en classe, ou affichés sur les murs.
13 activités suggérées supplémentaires : Explorez et pratiquez davantage les stratégies pour assurer la maîtrise.
Donnez à vos élèves les moyens d'écrire avec plus de précision et de créativité, et aidez-les à développer un œil critique pour l'utilisation d'un langage fort avec ce produit pédagogique complet et engageant.
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir
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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Transformez l'écriture de vos élèves hésitants et appréhensifs grâce à cet ensemble de mini-leçons sur le développement de la confiance, de l'autonomie, de la ténacité et de l'endurance!
Ce guide détaillé est conçu pour fournir aux enseignants les outils nécessaires pour renforcer les compétences des petits groupes ou des groupes entiers qui ont du mal à démarrer, à travailler de manière autonome, à fixer des objectifs et qui semblent toujours avoir besoin de vous pour les guider dans toutes les étapes de l'écriture. Nous avons tous ces élèves - mais cette ressource est FAITE pour eux !
Ce qui est inclus dans la version complète :
Cette ressource complète est idéale pour les enseignants cherchant à améliorer l'endurance, la confiance, l'autonomie et la ténacité de leurs élèves en matière d'écriture. Avec des leçons structurées et des outils pédagogiques efficaces, vous serez bien équipé pour guider vos élèves vers un démarrage en toute confiance et à leur faire confiance ainsi qu'au processus d'écriture.
Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :
Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.
Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
C'est le bundle ultime des mini-leçons qui regroupe toutes mes mini-leçons de lecture et d'écriture disponibles dans ma boutique ! Il contient plus de 500 pages de matériel, avec plus de 75 mini-leçons et ateliers, ainsi qu'une abondance de tableaux d'ancrage, organisateurs graphiques, prompts, et exemples modélisés pour chaque stratégie. ÇA GRANDIT, LES AMIS!
Chaque leçon, qu’elle soit en écriture ou en lecture, est méticuleusement préparée avec un plan de leçon détaillé incluant le script de l’enseignant, les objectifs pédagogiques, des lectures et écritures partagées et guidées, des exercices en partenariat ou en groupe, ainsi que des activités d’entraînement en autonomie.
Voici ce que vous trouverez dans ce bundle :
Écriture :
Lecture :
Ce bundle grandissant est l'outil idéal pour tout enseignant cherchant à avoir toutes ses leçons prêtes à l’emploi avec toutes les lectures incluses. Ne cherchez pas plus loin, c'est la bible pédagogique!
Dans cette ressource, vous trouverez les documents suivants:
Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.
Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !
Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !
Mme Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Welcome to the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle—your ultimate resource for an entire year's worth of curriculum! This extraordinary bundle includes 131 documents and a staggering 4,000+ pages of content, covering every aspect of Grade 6 Math, French Language Arts, Science, "Transdisciplinary" Units, Cross-Curricular Units, and Project-Based Learning.
Here's what you'll find packed into this 131 document crypt:
Language Arts:
Project-Based Learning:
Why You'll Love It:
Get the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle today and transform your classroom with this all-encompassing resource, designed to make planning easier and teaching more effective!
** Buying these individually would cost you WELL over $530 USD (that's like OVER $725 CAD). So save yourself time and money and get ready for the next school year! **
Join me on Facebook! I share freebies, keep you up-to-date on sales and deals and welcome your collaboration and feedback.
You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!
For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!
Mme Kaitlyn
Digital Resource: Abolitionists Investigation with Primary Sources
By Nemos Nook
Why Choose This Lesson?
-Interactive Learning: This Google Slides lesson is designed to be interactive, keeping students engaged and actively participating in their learning journey.
-Primary Sources: Dive deep into history with authentic primary sources, giving students a firsthand look at the abolitionist movement through letters, speeches, and documents.
-Rich Imagery: Vivid images and illustrations complement the text, helping students visualize the historical context and grasp the significance of the abolitionists’ efforts.
- Thought-Provoking Questions: Stimulate critical thinking and classroom discussion with carefully crafted questions that challenge students to analyze, interpret, and reflect on the material.
What’s included:
- A fully editable Google Slides presentation packed with primary sources, images, and engaging questions to enhance students' understanding of the abolitionist movement.
- Easy-to-follow slides that guide students through the key figures, events, and impact of the abolitionists.
- Interactive activities and discussion prompts that encourage students to connect historical events to modern-day issues.
- Students could also answer the questions directly on the slides if you want to make it a digital assignment. This is a great overview of the Abolitionist movement and students will examine the following topics:
-Frederick Douglass
-Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin
_-_The Underground Railroad
-John Brown
-Harpers Ferry
At the end of the lesson, students will use acrostic poems to synthesize what they learned during their investigation.
This resource is for personal use in one classroom only. Please do not distribute
to others or post publically online (within your Google Classroom, etc. is
permitted). If a friend or colleague would enjoy this resource, you may
purchase additional licenses at a discounted price. The information ,activities
and images included are copyrighted. You may not reuse or sell any part of
this resource as your own.
I would love to hear how you used this resource in your classroom. Please leave your feedback for TeachShare credits towards your next purchase.
To view more of my products, visit my store at Nemo's Nook.
Thanksgiving Persuasive Writing Project Save the Turkey with Writing Paper
By That One Cheerful Classroom
Are you looking to challenge your students to write a persuasive piece around Thanksgiving time? With this fun and engaging writing lesson, students will have to write a piece to persuade someone to not eat a turkey for Thanksgiving.
Lead your students through the writing process to discover their writing ability with this fun persuasive writing. Students will have fun writing when they are having to get creative about another meal to replace turkey for Thanksgiving!
Here's what you'll get:
Your students will love practicing persuasive writing with their creativity in mind for a popular U.S. holiday. They'll be using their creativity to save the turkey and sharing it with the class will bring classroom community.
Prep is quick and easy... Just print the student pages, discuss and you're ready for a fun and engaging persuasive writing class!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Samantha C. says, "Thank you!"
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Angela S. says, "Excellent resource!"
How to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases: Go to your "My Purchases" page (make sure you are logged in). Next to each purchase, you'll see a "Provide Feedback" button. Click it and you will be navigated to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for that product. Each time you complete feedback, TeachShare will give you feedback credits that you can put towards saving money on future purchases.
Spooky Halloween Haunted House Fill In The Blank Descriptive Writing
By Kristen Teaches Fourth
Spooky Halloween Haunted House Fill In The Blank Descriptive Writing
This spooky writing is low prep and perfect for emerging writers and for reluctant writers!
Students will make the haunted house listing their own by choosing the appropriate adjective, name, verb or other part of speech. This makes it approachable for everyone!
For added flair, students can type up their finished product and then make a haunted house to color!
PDF file of writing piece
Maya Empire Close Reading & Informational Writing Bundle | 5th & 6th Grade
By Creative Primary Literacy
An informational writing unit and close reading activities about the key facts, advancements, religion and famous city-states from the Maya Empire. The bundle has four separate lessons and is perfect for students in fifth grade and sixth grade.
Included in the Informational Writing Unit: Four fact sheets which students need to cut out and sort into paragraphs Writing templates for four draft paragraphs A prompt sheet for students to write their introduction A template for students to write up their neat informational text A crossword & wordsearch to consolidate learning
Included in the Close Reading Activity: A teacher presentation to introduce the topic An informational text A comprehension activity with ten varied questions Two grammar questions about the text An extension writing activity A multiple choice quiz about the text An answer page for self-assessment or teacher use A crossword & wordsearch to consolidate learning
This resource is great for: In class learning Independent work Homework Creative writing sessions Assessment practice Emergency sub plans
The close reading activity requires NO PREP; it has a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity for those fast finishers and answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of the document. It also contains a multiple choice quiz, a crossword activity and a wordsearch puzzle to consolidate learning.
The Informational Writing Unit is split into three lessons. The first lesson is interactive and involves them cutting out facts, and then sorting these facts into paragraphs. In the second lesson the children need to use these facts to write four paragraphs. Then, in the final lesson your class will need to use the format provided to write an introduction for the text before checking their draft paragraphs for mistakes and writing up their work into a neat copy on the template provided.
Spring Writing Worksheets - No Prep Creative Writing Prompts Activities
By Mrs Wates Teaching Creations
Looking for ways to inspire creativity in your students this spring? Look no further than this Spring Creative Writing Prompts pack. This easy to print, no prep pack of worksheets contains 10 unique topics that will challenge your students imaginations and encourage them to write stories, poems, and more. Creative writing is not only a fun and engaging activity, but it also helps students develop important skills like critical thinking, communication, and self-expression. With this fun pack, you'll have everything you need to help your students explore the joys of spring through creative writing. Whether you're a teacher looking for engaging classroom activities or a parent looking for fun ways to keep your children engaged and stimulated, this pack is sure to inspire creativity and imagination in students of all ages.
To view more Creative Prompt themes in my store, click here.
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Your feedback is important to me. If you find this Spring Creative Writing Prompts pack helpful, please take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your input allows me to continue creating high-quality resources and make improvements where needed. Plus, by rating paid products, you can earn valuable TeachShare credits to use towards future purchases. To leave a review, simply visit your My Purchases page and click on the provided link. I sincerely hope that you are happy with your purchase and find it deserving of a 5-star rating. However, if you have any concerns or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to reach out to me. Please send me a question or comment by clicking this link and I will do my utmost best to improve my product. Your support through purchases, ratings, and following my store is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and happy shopping.
The History Behind Idioms, Introduction Lesson Figurative Language - PowerPoint
By Kiwious About Vocab
Introduce your students to the world of Idiomatic Expressions. They will be intrigued to learn of the history behind these strange sayings. Multiple Common Core Standards emphasize the importance of literary devices and figurative language in the areas of Reading, Writing, and Language.
This digital lesson presents 12 idioms with strong historical connections. The idiom is presented with a historical photo supporting the backstory of the saying. A brief historical explanation is provided along with today's interpretation of the expression.
A QUIZLET LINK is included for review or assessment.
Students find the history behind the idioms quite interesting...
Toot Your Own Horn
White Elephant Gift
Nose to the Grind Stone
Burn Your Bridges Behind You
Bury the Hatchet
Sleep Tight
Hit the Hay
Throw in the Towel
Kick the Bucket
Beat Around the Bush
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Hold Your Horses
The History Behind Idioms- Introduction Lesson, Figurative Language Google
By Kiwious About Vocab
Introduce your students to the world of Idiomatic Expressions. They will be intrigued to learn of the history behind these strange sayings. Multiple Common Core Standards emphasize the importance of literary devices and figurative language in the areas of Reading, Writing, and Language.
This digital lesson presents 12 idioms with strong historical connections. The idiom is presented with a historical photo supporting the backstory of the saying. A brief historical explanation is provided along with today's interpretation of the expression.
A QUIZLET LINK is included for review or assessment.
Students find the history behind the idioms quite interesting...
Toot Your Own Horn
White Elephant Gift
Nose to the Grind Stone
Burn Your Bridges Behind You
Bury the Hatchet
Sleep Tight
Hit the Hay
Throw in the Towel
Kick the Bucket
Beat Around the Bush
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Hold Your Horses
Creative Writing: Digital Prompts, Vocab, Organizers, Checklist, Rubric #2
By Kiwious About Vocab
This complete ELA PowerPoint, CREATIVE WRITING #2 lesson, provides all digital and printable resources needed for ENRICHING WRITING, improving vocabulary, and reviewing grammar skills.
GOAL: to enrich student creative writing skills, expand student vocabulary, introduce powerful words, improve grammatical skills, focus on of parts of speech, and strengthen tone and mood by recognizing word connotation according to grade level standards
AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL , virtual, homeschool or Summer School classroom
PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 13 printable WORKSHEETS to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include VOCABULARY ORGANIZERS, STORY MAP, STUDENT CHECKLIST, TEACHER RUBRIC, as well as, Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.
complete week-long, guided lesson plan
5 creative prompts for student choice
writing checklist
HOOK- writing mini-lesson
grading rubric
· Colorful photos representing advanced vocabulary words**-jovial, defiantly, disengaged, ritual, boisterous, perfunctory, paraphernalia, profusely, shabby, assembled**
· Concise definition
· Part of speech
· Parts of Speech definitions; noun verb, adjective, adverb
· Grammar sort
· What is connotation?
· Connotation sort
· Vocabulary game link
· Context clue sentence worksheet/ assessment pages/answer key
· Themed writing prompts
· Introduce rigorous vocabulary words with concise definition
· Present photo representation of new words to enhance understanding
· Provide focus on part of speech and sentence usage for each word
· Stimulate group discussion regarding word connotation
· Print for word walls and interactive notebooks
· Use as distance learning resources
· Post on webpage for review
· Disseminate electronically for electronic notebooks
· Provide independent test review
· 5 Themed writing Prompt writing practice or assessment
Enjoy -from Kiwious About Vocab!
CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS-3 complete lessons, PROMPTS, VOCAB, checklists, rubrics
By Kiwious About Vocab
This powerful ELA PowerPoint CREATIVE WRITING BUNDLE provides 3 complete digital and printable lessons filled with high-quality resources to ENRICH WRITING, improve vocabulary, and review grammar skills.
GOAL: to enrich student creative writing skills, expand student vocabulary, introduce powerful words, improve grammatical skills, focus on of parts of speech, and strengthen tone and mood by recognizing word connotation according to grade level standards
AUDIENCE: whole group, small group, or independent work for regular ed, learning support, ESL , virtual, homeschool or Summer School classroom
PDF FILE. Plus, each ZIP file comes with a PDF folder containing 13 printable WORKSHEETS to be used with the PPT lesson! These printables include VOCABULARY ORGANIZERS, STORY MAP, STUDENT CHECKLIST, TEACHER RUBRIC, as well as, Connotation and Grammar sort, Word Study, and Vocabulary Quiz with optional word bank and answer key.
· Concise definition
· Part of speech
·Parts of Speech definitions; noun, verb, adjective, adverb
· Grammar sort
· What is connotation?
· Connotation sort
· Vocabulary game link
· Context clue sentence worksheet/ assessment pages/answer key
· Themed writing prompts