By French Made Fun!
Enseigner l'histoire des Autochtones à vos élèves de 5e à 7e années peut être une matière délicate, sans parler de difficulté. Il est impératif de les amener à réfléchir profondément, à s'engager et à discuter activement de certains sujets difficiles. Il faut des heures de travail pour faire la recherche et encore plus pour créer des activités attrayantes pour accompagner le contenu.
Cherchez pas plus loin. Cet ensemble contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour enseigner à vos élèves les droits de la personne, les droits des enfants, l'identité et l'histoire autochtone.
* Les activités de la Journée du chandail orange sont mieux enseignées au début de l'année scolaire; car ce jour est en septembre. Le reste du contenu peut être enseigné à tout moment.*
Ce document massif de 62 pages contient:
Vous aimez ce que vous voyez mais voulez en voir plus? Envoyez-moi un message pour demander des cours et activités spécifiques!
Détendez-vous - j'ai celui-ci!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Vous cherchez une unité attrayante et significative pour vos élèves sur le jour du Souvenir ?
J'en avais marre des activités de coloriage et des recherches de mots, et peut-être recherchez-vous quelque chose de plus mature mais avec un contenu qui n'est pas trop intense pour vos pré-adolescents et adolescents. Le jour du Souvenir mérite des discussions profondes et réflexives.
Cette unité de 45 pages engagera vos élèves dans une discussion active et les amènera à réfléchir sur : la guerre, la liberté, le sacrifice, la neutralité, la mémoire, la paix et le conflit. Des images et des détails poignants leur permettront de mieux comprendre le symbolisme du coquelicot, le jour de l'Armistice, l'Holocauste d'Hitler et le rôle que les Canadiens ont joué dans les deux guerres mondiales. Il leur fera explorer brièvement la Première Guerre mondiale et la Seconde Guerre mondiale ainsi que certaines guerres actuelles.
Trois pièces de compréhension (sur la crête de Vimy, sur le poème de MacCrae et sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale) fourniront des moyens d'évaluation pour la collecte de données pour les prochains bulletins! Deux invites d'écriture persuasives sont également fournies.
** Mes documents évoluent constamment et j'ajoute des activités, des imprimables et du matériel didactique dès que je les réalise pour mon propre usage. Mon groupe est à plusieurs niveaux et la plupart de mes élèves nécessitent des adaptations sous forme d'organisateurs graphiques. Par conséquent, mes documents reflètent une classe à plusieurs niveaux. **
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Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.
By French Made Fun!
Thanks for your interest! Merci pour votre intérêt!
Cette unité amusante et complète de 66 pages permettra à vos élèves de comprendre les bases de la politique canadienne, les trois types d'élections et gouvernements, la démocratie, la société et notre système électoral. Je couvre en profondeur les élections municipales, provinciales et fédérales et les responsabilités pour chacun de ces gouvernements, la Chambre des communes, les députés, les circonscriptions, l'opposition officielle, les impôts, les priorités et les plateformes politiques.
Les élèves auront de nombreuses occasions à réfléchir, participer et collaborer avec leurs pairs. Ce document de 66 diapositives inclut:
Un jeu rapide sur la différenciation des règles et des lois.
Un jeu de style gameshow sur des lois étranges du monde entier.
3 bulletins de vote différents à découper et à distribuer pour pratiquer le vote avec vos élèves.
15 pages de textes:
Le gouvernement municipal (avec questions de compréhension + corrigé)
Le gouvernement provincial (avec questions de compréhension + corrigé)
La Chambre des communes (avec questions de compréhension + corrigé)
"Qu'est-ce que le gouvernement?"
"Les trois paliers du gouvernement"
"Qu'est-ce qui m'importe?" sur les valeurs et les plateformes.
"Les responsabilités du gouvernement" une activité de tri sur les trois paliers.
"Qui appeler?" une activité sur les niveaux du gouvernement.
By French Made Fun!
♡ Made for French Immersion kids by a French Immersion teacher. ♡
This 61-page document will give you enough content and activities to teach your students about symbols, identity and heraldry for 7 days. Comes with a Slides presentation (27 slides) and a Carnet d'élève (34 pages) with dozens of activities to keep them engaged:
* The majority of these activities could be standalone activities for a substitute *
All Canadian coats of arms included. I have my students work in pairs on the Canadian coat of arms and then independently on the provincial coats of arms before creating their own.
Like what you see but want to see more? Send me a message to request specific lessons and activities!
Relax - I've got this one!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Cette tâche de recherche rapide et simple amènera vos élèves à explorer la vie des 23 premiers ministres canadiens, de Sir John A. MacDonald à Justin Trudeau. Chaque page de ce document contient un premier ministre différent et invite à découvrir leur histoire, leur impact et une citation célèbre. Chaque page est une feuille de travail de style infographique qui invite les élèves à remplir les trous pour fournir des informations relatives à leur premier ministre. Explorez l'histoire politique du Canada!
C'est une excellente activité à laisser avec un enseignant suppléant, et ils paraissent bien sur une chronologie sur votre mur avant les entretiens parents-enseignants.
Cette activité est destinée aux classes de la 3e à la 5e année et est idéale comme outil pour enseigner les compétences de recherche au début de l'année scolaire.
Les élèves peuvent colorier leur premier ministre sur chaque page, et vous pouvez choisir de les faire présenter à leurs pairs !
By French Made Fun!
My products are built for middle-schoolers, are never babyish and meet them where they're at. They promote collaboration and push independent, explorative projects.
This 24-page document will have your students exploring Canadian politics and the election process by doing a group research project on platforms, creating an infographic on a politician, discovering their own values (and creating their own platform), submitting their own candidacy for class president, as well as making a brochure and poster to support their campaign. Students will experience a mock-election, will complete registration forms, cast their ballot, tally the votes and decide on a winner. Stickers to encourage voting, and a graph to show tallied votes are included! I love pairing this up with my math unit on statistics and data, and we tend to create charts to show the placings. This can also be easily paired up with units on fractions and ratios to show relationships between parts and wholes.
Through readings and activities, students will develop an understanding of political parties, their platforms, party leaders and teams, the campaign trail, voting and polling stations, voter registration and ballot casting, candidacy and marketing - and they'll be involved, hands-on, at all steps of the way.
Here are the activities you'll find in this transdisciplinary document:
"Survol du document"
"Cartes des partis politiques" (Political party cards to be printed and cut)
"De la vraie politique canadienne" (A graphic organizer for research activity)
"Nos sources crédibles" (A graphic organizer to keep track of information sources)
"Instructions" (For independent, bibliographic infographic project on a politician)
"Justin Trudeau" (A modelled example of a finished infographic to use as a guide)
Blank infographic template to be used by students
"Qu'est-ce qu'un candidat?" (A short comprehension piece with 2 questions)
"Un politicien admirable" (A graphic organizer that has students reflecting on qualities and characteristics of a leader)
"Débats électoraux" (An informative piece explaining the need to cater your message to your audience)
"Préoccupations + Intérêts" (A two-page activity on representing the voice of your constituents)
"Les plateformes politiques" (An activity on making promises about your values, and actionable change)
"Votez pour moi" (An explanation for the final project including success criteria)
Blank brochure template to be used by students
"Jérémie Dallaire #4PREZ" (A modelled example of a finished brochure to use as a guide and reference tool)
"Jérémie Dallaire" campaign poster (A modelled example of a finished poster to use as a guide and reference tool)
"Ma carte d'électeur officielle" (A printable card for each student to register as a voter in the upcoming election)
"Conditions de vote" (An in-depth explanation of the voting process and accommodations available at the polls, and the ways ballots can become nullified)
"Bulletin de vote" (A printable card for each student to cast their ballot and vote in the election)
2 pages of stickers
"Résultats de l'élection" - a blank graph to record votes and find your next class president!
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Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!
- Kaitlyn.
By French Made Fun!
Modifié fév. 2021!
Ce document de 30 pages contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour que vos élèves puissent effectuer des recherches indépendantes sur une province ou un territoire canadien. Créé pour être utilisé pour les élèves d'immersion française de 6e année à l'ÎPÉ, il comprend les éléments suivants:
Vos élèves rechercheront des éléments tels que des attractions, des symboles, des capitales, des populations, etc. et pourront ensuite utiliser la carte vierge de leur province / territoire pour dessiner / colorier ce que vous choisissez comme objectif: capitales, routes, élévation, etc. C'est à vous le choix!
Mes élèves ont aimé utiliser Canva pour leurs cartes postales / affiches; mais n'importe quel support fonctionne bien et un 'template' est donné pour un dépliant/pamphlet à plier.
Mes documents ont tous été créés pour des suppléants et remplaçants; donc ils sont faciles à utiliser, comprendre et effectuer.
Détendez-vous - j'ai celui-ci!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
J'espère que vous apprécierez ce document gratuit sur l'histoire du Canada qui permettra à vos élèves de lire et d'écrire sur notre hymne national. Dans ce document de 10 pages, vos élèves :
Des versions PDF et PPT sont incluses.
By French Made Fun!
Pourquoi vous en avez besoin:
De quoi s'agit-il? Qu'est-ce qui est inclu?
Vous aimez ce que vous voyez mais voulez en voir plus? Envoyez-moi un message pour demander des cours et activités spécifiques!
Prenez soin les uns des autres et AMUSEZ-VOUS!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Welcome to the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle—your ultimate resource for an entire year's worth of curriculum! This extraordinary bundle includes 131 documents and a staggering 4,000+ pages of content, covering every aspect of Grade 6 Math, French Language Arts, Science, "Transdisciplinary" Units, Cross-Curricular Units, and Project-Based Learning.
Here's what you'll find packed into this 131 document crypt:
Language Arts:
Project-Based Learning:
Why You'll Love It:
Get the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle today and transform your classroom with this all-encompassing resource, designed to make planning easier and teaching more effective!
** Buying these individually would cost you WELL over $530 USD (that's like OVER $725 CAD). So save yourself time and money and get ready for the next school year! **
Join me on Facebook! I share freebies, keep you up-to-date on sales and deals and welcome your collaboration and feedback.
You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!
For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!
Mme Kaitlyn
By French Made Fun!
Vous souhaitez intégrer l’apprentissage par projet et par inquisition dans votre classe, tout en abordant du matériel d’études sociales ? Cet ensemble comprend toutes les ressources de ma boutique qui permettront à vos élèves d'explorer les cartes, la politique, l'histoire, l'économie, la citoyenneté, l'environnement et leur apprentissage social et émotionnel.
J'enseigne avec une approche transdisciplinaire et j'aborde mes projets et activités sous plusieurs angles pour que vos élèves puissent lire, écrire, rechercher, s'amuser et créer des projets individuellement et en petits groupes qui vous épateront !
Ce bundle comprend les 14 ressources suivantes :
Like what you see but want to see more? Send me a message to request specific lessons and activities & Subscribe to my TeachShare Store to stay in the loop!
Take care of each other and HAVE FUN!
♡ Mme. Kaitlyn
Ontario G6 Socials: Canadian Communities: Past & Present Podcasts & Study Guides
By Mark Holmes
Engage Your Grade 6 Students with "Canadian Communities: Past & Present" - Podcasts and Study Guides!
This comprehensive resource package is designed to enhance your teaching of the first part of the Ontario Grade 6 Social Studies curriculum: Canadian Communities: Past & Present. Bring this fascinating topic to life with engaging podcasts and reinforce learning with accompanying study guides, quizzes, essay questions, and glossaries.
What's Included:
This package is organised into four key units, mirroring the curriculum expectations:
Choosing Canada as a Home: Explore the diverse reasons why people immigrated to Canada, examining push and pull factors, and the challenges and opportunities they encountered.
Establishing Canadian Communities: Delve into the establishment and development of various communities across Canada, highlighting the contributions of different groups and the impact of geography and historical events.
Interaction Among Communities: Examine the complex interactions between different communities in Canada, exploring both cooperation and conflict, and the ongoing journey towards reconciliation.
Exploring Canadian Identity: Engage students in thoughtful discussions about what it means to be Canadian, considering the diverse perspectives and experiences that shape Canadian identity.
Each unit folder contains the following resources:
Engaging Podcasts: Two identical podcasts (provided in both WAV and MP3 formats for maximum compatibility) bring the curriculum content to life through dynamic conversations. Podcast lengths vary from 8 to 18 minutes.
Comprehensive Study Guides ("FAQs"): Reinforce key concepts and address common student questions with detailed study guides. These FAQs provide a valuable resource for independent study and review.
Short Answer Quizzes with Answer Keys: Assess student understanding with short answer quizzes, complete with answer keys for easy grading and feedback.
Thought-Provoking Essay Questions: Encourage critical thinking and deeper analysis with a list of essay questions that prompt students to explore complex themes and issues related to Canadian communities.
Glossaries of Key Terms: Support vocabulary development and ensure students understand essential terminology with glossaries of key terms for each unit.
How to Use This Resource:
In-Class Listening: Use the podcasts during class time to introduce new concepts, spark discussions, and engage auditory learners.
Independent Study: Assign podcasts and study guides for homework or independent study, allowing students to learn at their own pace.
Assessment Tools: Utilize the quizzes and essay questions to assess student understanding and critical thinking skills.
Differentiated Instruction: The variety of resources provided allows for differentiated instruction, catering to diverse learning styles and needs.
Benefits for Teachers:
Saves Valuable Prep Time: This ready-to-use resource package saves you valuable time and effort in lesson planning and material creation.
Enhances Student Engagement: The engaging podcasts and interactive activities capture student interest and make learning more enjoyable.
Supports Curriculum Objectives: The resources are aligned with the Ontario Grade 6 Social Studies curriculum, ensuring that your teaching effectively covers the required learning outcomes.
Provides Flexible Learning Options: The variety of resources allows for flexible use in different classroom settings and learning environments.
Bring Canadian history to life in your classroom! Download this comprehensive resource package today and empower your students to explore the rich and complex story of Canadian communities.
Ontario Grade 6: 20 Young Immigrant Stories (1600-1900)
By Mark Holmes
Engage your Grade 6 students in Canadian history with these 20 captivating immigrant stories! A fabulous extention for Ontario's Grade 6, "Choosing Canada as a Home" lessons.
This comprehensive resource brings Canadian history to life through the eyes of young immigrants. These 20 historically accurate realistic fiction narratives, written in a first-person perspective, cover a wide range of immigrant experiences from 1600 to 1900. Each story focuses on a young person (10 young women and 10 young men with parallel experiences) navigating the challenges and triumphs of settling in a new land.
What's Included:
20 Engaging Stories with images: Immerse your students in the lives of young immigrants from diverse backgrounds, including French, Scottish, German, Irish, Chinese, Icelandic, Ukrainian, Acadian, Black Loyalist, and British. Around two sides per story.
Historical Accuracy: Each story is meticulously researched to ensure historical accuracy, providing a rich and authentic learning experience.
Differentiated Instruction: The stories are written in clear, accessible language suitable for Grade 6 reading levels, with opportunities for differentiated instruction.
Cross-Curricular Connections: These stories connect to various subjects, including social studies, language arts, and even art, providing a holistic learning experience.
Discussion Questions: Thought-provoking discussion questions are included for each story to encourage critical thinking and classroom engagement.
Project Ideas: Inspire your students with 10 creative project ideas, ranging from digital storytelling to family history research, to deepen their understanding of immigration.
Bring Canadian history to life!
These stories are perfect for:
Help your students develop empathy, critical thinking skills, and a deeper understanding of Canadian history with these captivating immigrant stories!
Ontario Grade 6 - Immigrant Journeys: Choosing Canada as a Home
By Mark Holmes
This is a sample of a twenty story set that can be found at:
The entire set includes:
20 Engaging Stories with images: Immerse your students in the lives of young immigrants from diverse backgrounds, including French, Scottish, German, Irish, Chinese, Icelandic, Ukrainian, Acadian, Black Loyalist, and British.
Historical Accuracy: Each story is meticulously researched to ensure historical accuracy, providing a rich and authentic learning experience.
Differentiated Instruction: The stories are written in clear, accessible language suitable for Grade 6 reading levels, with opportunities for differentiated instruction.
Cross-Curricular Connections: These stories connect to various subjects, including social studies, language arts, and even art, providing a holistic learning experience.
Discussion Questions: Thought-provoking discussion questions are included for each story to encourage critical thinking and classroom engagement.
Project Ideas: Inspire your students with 10 creative project ideas, ranging from digital storytelling to family history research, to deepen their understanding of immigration.
Vocabulary List: A vocabulary list with definitions is provided to enhance students' understanding of key terms related to immigration and Canadian history.
Discover Canada! Passport and Worksheets about the Provinces and Territories
By Michellecurtis
Unlock the wonders of Canada with the "Discover Canada! Passport and Worksheets about the Provinces and Territories." This engaging 25-page educational resource is designed to guide elementary students through a captivating exploration of Canada's diverse provinces and territories. Each page serves as a passport to a different region, filled with rich illustrations, key facts, and interactive activities that make learning fun and memorable.
What's Included:
Educational Benefits:
Whether it's for a classroom journey, a homeschool curriculum, or just for fun, the "Discover Canada! Passport and Worksheets about the Provinces and Territories" is your gateway to a comprehensive and enjoyable exploration of all that Canada has to offer. Equip your students with their very own passport and watch as they embark on an educational adventure across this vast country!
Editable Orange Shirt Day Truth and Reconciliation Workbook -Every Child Matters
By Michellecurtis
The Editable Orange Shirt Day Truth and Reconciliation Workbook - Every Child Matters is a must-have resource for teachers looking to educate their students about the history of residential schools and the significance of Orange Shirt Day. This fully editable workbook provides a comprehensive, age-appropriate exploration of truth and reconciliation, and empowers students to reflect on the "Every Child Matters" message through engaging activities and thoughtful reflection.
Why Teachers Should Buy It:
Ensure that your Orange Shirt Day lesson is impactful and informative with the Editable Orange Shirt Day Truth and Reconciliation Workbook - Every Child Matters. Help your students understand the importance of reconciliation and foster a culture of respect and inclusivity in your classroom.
North America Geography Map Quiz, Canada & United States (Easel)
By Geography & Math Made Easy
These North American Map Quizzes will make preparation for assessing students on geographic locations effortless. Each has been designed with a numbered map, reproducible answer sheet and teacher’s answer key.
Bundle & Save: Get the Map Quiz Bundle
Make Your Own Map Quiz in less than 5 minutes using this template.
☑ Check out the preview to see what is included.
Visit our store Geography & Math Made Easy to view other related resources:
Similar Resources & Skills
✧ Beginning of the Year Activities
✧ Pre- & Post Assessments
✧ Geography Basic Skills
✧ Other Quizzes
Do you need 25 dollars or more of lessons and want to save up to 20%? Just let me know and a customized bundle can be created for you. Learn more about how to ****Create Your Custom Bundle.
One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.
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© Geography & Math Made Easy Resources. Created by Martha Boykin ^ Will Boykin. All rights reserved. Purchase of this product grants the purchaser the right to reproduce pages for classroom use only. If you are not the original purchaser, please download the item from my store before making copies. Copying, editing, selling, redistributing, or posting any part of this product on the internet is strictly forbidden. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Related Topics:
Beginning of the year activities, getting to know you activities, get to know you activities, beginning of the year, assessment, beginning of the year, geography, world geography, geography, geography activities. geography unit, geography skills, preassessment, post-assessment, beginning of the year first assessment, getting to know you, map quizzes, map quiz, template
Geography and Canadian History, Canada Provinces and Territories Map Quiz
By Geography & Math Made Easy
Save that planning time for something else! This Canada Map Quiz focuses on territories & provinces. Includes a reproducible map, student answer sheet, and teacher key.
☑ Check out the preview to see what is included.
Bundle & Save: Get the Map Quiz Bundle
Make Your Own Map Quiz in less than 5 minutes using this template by filling in the circles by each country with a number. Don't miss out on this Time-saving resource. Make as many versions of your map quiz as you need.
Visit our store Geography & Math Made Easy to view other related resources:
Similar Resources & Skills
✧ Beginning of the Year Activities
✧ Pre- & Post Assessments
✧ Geography Basic Skills
✧ Other Quizzes
Do you need 25 dollars or more of lessons and want to save up to 20%? Just let me know and a customized bundle can be created for you. Learn more about how to ****Create Your Custom Bundle.
One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.
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© Geography & Math Made Easy Resources. Created by Martha Boykin ^ Will Boykin. All rights reserved. Purchase of this product grants the purchaser the right to reproduce pages for classroom use only. If you are not the original purchaser, please download the item from my store before making copies. Copying, editing, selling, redistributing, or posting any part of this product on the internet is strictly forbidden. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Related Topics:
Beginning of the year activities, getting to know you activities, get to know you activities, beginning of the year, assessment, beginning of the year, geography, world geography, geography, geography activitie. geography unit, geography skills, preassessment, post assessment, beginning of the year first assessment, getting to know you, map quizzes, map quiz, template, Canada, provinces, territories
Geography and World History, World Map Quizzes, Quiz Bundle
By Geography & Math Made Easy
These 8 pre-numbered maps and 16 quizzes will save you hours upon hours of creation and make preparation for assessing students on geographic locations effortless. Each has been designed with a numbered map, reproducible answer sheet and teacher’s answer key.
When the class reaches the larger continents such as Europe, Asia, and Africa, it is suggested that the instructor assess the student in sections or regions before assessing them over the entire continent. This will allow students to learn a sections/regions of countries at a time rather than overwhelming students with learning the entire continent at once.
These can be used over and over again throughout the year!
Thank you in advance for your purchase. I hope these will save you time so that you can regain some of your personal time. Enjoy!
Includes 42 Pages:
Do you need to have your students retake the quiz, but need to modify the test to be different, check out Make Your Own Map Quiz.
☑ Check out the preview to see what is included.
Visit our store Geography & Math Made Easy to view other related resources:
Simliary Resources & Skills
✧ Beginning of the Year Activities
✧ Pre- & Post Assessments
✧ Geography Basic Skills
✧ Other Quizzes
One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.
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Leave A Review and Earn TeachShare Credit to Use on Future Purchases:
Do you need 25 dollars or more of lessons and want to save up to 20%? Just let me know and a customized bundle can be created for you. Learn more about how to Create Your Custom Bundle.
© Geography & Math Made Easy Resources. Created by Martha Boykin ^ Will Boykin. All rights reserved. Purchase of this product grants the purchaser the right to reproduce pages for classroom use only. If you are not the original purchaser, please download the item from my store before making copies. Copying, editing, selling, redistributing, or posting any part of this product on the internet is strictly forbidden. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Related Topics:
Beginning of the year activities, getting to know you activities, get to know you activities, beginning of the year, assessment, beginning of the year, geography, world geography, geography, geography activitie. geography unit, geography skills, preassessment, post assessment, beginning of the year first assessment, getting to know you, map quizzes, map quiz, template
By Geography & Math Made Easy
This is a bundle designed for Alice.
Includes 8 Lessons:
Geography: Ten Worst Natural Disaster of the 20th Century
Geography & Science "Shake, Rattle, and Roll": Plate Tectonics Task Cards
Geography & World History: World Map Quizzes / Quiz Bundle
Geography: Halloween Around The World
Geography: Road Trip_Learning To Use A Map Scale
Monster Mash: A Study of Mystical Monsters of The World (Geography Halloween)
Geography: Push and Pull Factors on Human Migration (Includes lesson, PP & Game)
Geography Game: Around The World (Countries and Continents)
Total after 20% off is 32.34.