Hour of Code Computer Vocabulary Posters Bundle
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need to teach your students coding?
This bundle contains vocabulary posters of all three code.org courses. You save almost 20% by buying the bundle rather than buying them individually! All 37 posters have a word, definition, and graphics to help the students learn the terms. This is an excellent supplement to this coding program and any other coding program. Most words transfer to terms referred to daily in a computer lab.
Words included are:
algorithm, binary, Blockly, bug, code, command, computational thinking, computer science, conditionals, crowdsourcing, data, debugging, decompose, digital citizen, digital footprint, DNS, DSL, event, event-handler, fiber optic cable, function, Internet, IP address iteration, loop, packets, pattern making, persistence, program, run program servers, toolbox, URL, username, variable, Wi-Fi, and workspace
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