4th Grade Other (Arts) Handouts

Autumn Mindfulness Walk Worksheet

By Lara Hocheiser

We hope you enjoy our FREE Autumn Mindfulness Hunt. Get outside and connect with nature! Download our FREE Autumn Mindfulness Hunt now!

Ask the children to use this worksheet to to record what they SEE, HEAR, SMELL and FEEL as they walk outside on a nice Autumn day.

Recommended sequence

  1. Review the 5 senses.

  2. Take a moment to tune in, breathe, and just be.

  3. Give instructions for how to quietly be in the outside world, using keen observation and a relaxed mind to fill in this chart.

  4. Give plenty of time for students to draw or write their findings.

  5. Come together as a group and find out what people observed and any impact it had on them.

Tips for your mindfulness nature walk

  1. Walk at a natural, slow pace. Take your time to take in the beauty of nature around you. Look around you. Notice the trees around you. Are they starting to change colors? Are they losing their leaves?
  2. Take in deep breaths through your nose. Shift your awareness to your smell. What do you smell? Does it smell earthy? Do you smell the leaves around you?
  3. Listen. What do you hear? Are there animals bustling around? Do you hear the leaves crunching underneath your feet?
  4. Pick up a few leaves. How do they feel? Are they starting to decompose? Are they crunchy? What color are they?
  5. Shift your attention back to walking. Feel the physical sensation of walking. One foot up, one foot down. Notice your feet touching the ground. How do you feel?
  6. At the end of your walk, pause and take a moment. Stand still and take in a deep breath. Take a look around and notice your feelings.

Mother's Day Coloring Sheets

By Beth Hammett

21 black and white, easy-to-color Mother's Day themed pages for elementary grades with thematic banners: Happy Mother's Day My Mom is Super M is for Magnificent Mom #1 Mom Have a beat-iful day! For you, Mom To you, Mom and more phrases... Excellent for hand-eye coordination, inferencing, letters, sight words. Color, display, and give to Mom for Mother's Day memories.


Winter Christmas Tree Ornaments

By Beth Hammett

Fill your tree with homemade ornaments for a nostalgic Christmas! 44 ornaments to color, cut, and hang. Comes with ornaments that can be used with photos for lasting memories.


Directions and Examples




Candy Canes

Drummer Boy


Gingerbread Man & House











and much, much more...


Winter Holiday Coloring Sheets 2

By Beth Hammett

24 more black and white, simple, holiday and winter coloring sheets for relaxation and building fine motor skills. Can be used for bulletin boards, handouts, readers theaters, plays, point of view or fun! Accompanies Winter Holiday Coloring Sheets in TeachShare and has 24 FREE handouts @ https://www.TeachShare.com/Store/Beth-Hammett-The-Educator-Helper/Search:winter+holiday+coloring+sheets
