4th Grade Creative Writing Printables


By French Made Fun!

Cet ensemble contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour enseigner confortablement l'écriture à vos élèves de 5e et 6e années. Ce bundle contient 23 documents et 700 pages (!!) et inclut:

  • Toutes mes minis-leçons d'écriture

    • 14 mini-leçons scénarisées/scriptées;
    • 15 tableaux d'ancrage explicites;
    • 8 exemples modélisés;
    • 11 activités imprimables.
  • Tous mes produits sur les stratégies de lecture et d'écriture

    • Affiches d'écriture.
    • Affiches de lecture
    • Incitations de lecture
    • Incitations d'écriture
  • Tous mes produits sur les conventions (verbes et grammaire)

    • Affiches + Signets POMMES
    • Affiches: La phrase de base
    • Verbes en -er
  • TOUS les genres d'écriture de ma boutique 

    • Le genre persuasif (Le texte d'opinion)
    • Le genre narratif (Les petits moments)
    • Le genre poétique (La poésie)
    • Le texte descriptif justificatif (La critique)
    • Le rapport de recherche (Le texte informatif)
    • La bande dessinée
  • Des activités à l'oral

    • Dragon's Den
    • Le débat
  • Un ensemble d'organisateurs graphiques

  • Mon ensemble d'évaluation en littératie (cartable de littératie)

  • Mon ensemble de compréhensions de lecture:

    • Biodiversité
    • Sports extrêmes
    • Espace et le système solaire

Ces documents ont un total combiné de presque 100 $. Vous économisez plus de 10 $ en l'achetant dans ce bundle. Suivez les liens ci-haut pour plus de détails et informations spécifiques - et plus d'images de chaque document :-)

Merci TELLEMENT pour votre support continue. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante de vous et je vous apprécie! 

Mme. Kaitlyn

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!



By French Made Fun!

Elevate French language skills in Middle School with our comprehensive Genre Studies collection! Tailored for French Immersion and First Language students, it includes graphic organizers, mini lessons, success criteria, rubrics, abundant examples, and discussion prompts. Empower grades 4-8 students for exceptional writing success across various genres

Are you having trouble knowing where to start? Where to end? Do you have difficulty teaching smaller chunks so that your students know what is expected of them, so they can write effectively and confidently? Is this your first year of teaching and would you like to see a model or example to guide you in the years to come? Are you looking for success criteria and models? Do you honestly struggle to differentiate, yourself, between the different genres your students are expected to produce? Look no further! I've done the work so you can teach with confidence and your students perform with confidence.

My genre studies will give you enough teachable content, printable activities, discussion prompts, and guided writing opportunities to write with ease and confidence. Each of my genre sets begins with teachable content and integrated mini-lessons and reflections for your students to share, participate, and collaborate with their peers. If you are not comfortable with teaching genres, this is the product for you. I guide your classes, YOU facilitate it in person.

My products are MADE with your big kids and teens in mind. You won't find childish cartoons, hard-to-read and exaggerated fonts and you won't find crosswords and wasted space. I take the time to ensure that my products are appealing to an older group of students, but still attractive, engaging, and on their level. They are created for students in grades 4 to 8 in an Immersion or French first language environment.

This bundle includes all gender studies:

  • Narrative writing (le récit narratif)
  • Persuasive writing (le texte d'opinion)
  • Persuasive writing (la critique)
  • Poetic writing (la poésie)
  • Informative/descriptive writing (le rapport de recherche)
  • Comics (la bande dessinée)
  • The fractured fairy tale (le conte de fée fracturé)
  • The biography (la biographie)

You can earn credits by leaving reviews on the products you purchase. You can do this by going to your My Purchases page and clicking Leave a Review. You will earn 1 credit for every dollar spent!

If you are interested in my products, be sure to subscribe to my store to be notified when I create new products or launch sales. You can also join me on Facebook, where I share freebies and give advance notice of upcoming sales.

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!




By French Made Fun!

C'est le bundle ultime des mini-leçons qui regroupe toutes mes mini-leçons de lecture et d'écriture disponibles dans ma boutique ! Il contient plus de 500 pages de matériel, avec plus de 75 mini-leçons et ateliers, ainsi qu'une abondance de tableaux d'ancrage, organisateurs graphiques, prompts, et exemples modélisés pour chaque stratégie. ÇA GRANDIT, LES AMIS!

Chaque leçon, qu’elle soit en écriture ou en lecture, est méticuleusement préparée avec un plan de leçon détaillé incluant le script de l’enseignant, les objectifs pédagogiques, des lectures et écritures partagées et guidées, des exercices en partenariat ou en groupe, ainsi que des activités d’entraînement en autonomie.

Voici ce que vous trouverez dans ce bundle :

Écriture :

  • Générer les idées
  • Endurance et motivation
  • La structure et la fluidité
  • Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Introductions & conclusions

Lecture :

  • Solutionner les mots
  • La visualisation
  • Faire des liens
  • Connaissances antérieures
  • Faire des prédictions
  • Faire des inférences
  • Informations clés
  • Stratégies de réparation

Ce bundle grandissant est l'outil idéal pour tout enseignant cherchant à avoir toutes ses leçons prêtes à l’emploi avec toutes les lectures incluses. Ne cherchez pas plus loin, c'est la bible pédagogique!

Dans cette ressource, vous trouverez les documents suivants:

  • Écriture: Générer les idées
  • Écriture: Endurance et motivation
  • Écriture: La structure et la fluidité
  • Écriture: Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Écriture: Introductions & conclusions
  • Lecture: Solutionner les mots
  • Lecture: La visualisation
  • Lecture: Faire des liens
  • Lecture: Connaissances antérieures
  • Lecture: Faire des prédictions
  • Lecture: Faire des inférences
  • Lecture: Informations clés
  • Lecture: Stratégies de réparation

Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.

Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Mme Kaitlyn



By French Made Fun!

Welcome to the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle—your ultimate resource for an entire year's worth of curriculum! This extraordinary bundle includes 131 documents and a staggering 4,000+ pages of content, covering every aspect of Grade 6 Math, French Language Arts, Science, "Transdisciplinary" Units, Cross-Curricular Units, and Project-Based Learning.

Here's what you'll find packed into this 131 document crypt:

Language Arts:

  • Complete Genre Studies: Detailed lessons and activities for all genres.
  • Mini-Lessons and Workshops: Comprehensive tools for reading and writing instruction.
  • Reading and Writing Prompts: Engaging activities to boost literacy skills.
  • Excerpts and Writing Pieces: Diverse texts for comprehension and writing practice.
  • Modelled Examples and Lesson Plans: Clear guides to support effective teaching.
  • Verb and Grammar Units: Thorough resources for mastering French language skills.
  • Task and Flash Cards: Interactive tools for grammar and vocabulary practice.
  • Posters and Anchor Charts: Essential visual aids for classroom support.


  • Paperless Teaching Slides: Digital slides for all math outcomes, ideal for projection.
  • Assessments with Answer Keys: Complete evaluation tools to track student progress.
  • Activities and Games: Fun, interactive ways to reinforce math concepts.
  • Printable and Digital Games: Versatile resources for various teaching styles.
  • Enrichment Material: Advanced content to challenge high-achieving students.
  • No-Prep Lessons: Ready-to-go activities that require minimal preparation.

Project-Based Learning:

  • Science and Social Studies Projects: Inquiry-based units including Dragons' Den, Sustainable Future projects, Endangered Species studies, Political Platform creation, Haunted House design, and Space Food exploration.
  • Health Documents: Comprehensive materials on sexuality, puberty, and other health topics.
  • Themed Day Content: Engaging projects for Orange Shirt Day, Pink Shirt Day, Remembrance Day, Earth Day, and a project on O Canada.

Why You'll Love It:

  • Massive Content Collection: Over 4,000 pages and 131 documents covering every subject.
  • No-Prep, Ready-to-Go: Perfect for busy teachers and easy to leave with a substitute.
  • Engaging and Comprehensive: Promotes student independence with project-based and inquiry learning.
  • Constantly Growing: New materials added regularly to keep your curriculum up-to-date.
  • Versatile and Easy to Use: Printable and digital formats for flexible teaching options.

Get the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle today and transform your classroom with this all-encompassing resource, designed to make planning easier and teaching more effective!

** Buying these individually would cost you WELL over $530 USD (that's like OVER $725 CAD). So save yourself time and money and get ready for the next school year! **

Join me on Facebook! I share freebies, keep you up-to-date on sales and deals and welcome your collaboration and feedback.

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!

Mme Kaitlyn


William Shakespeare Mega Bundle of Play Scripts & Activities | 5th & 6th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

This bundle contains four play scripts: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Hamlet and Richard III. It also contains six close reading activities; a biography writing unit about William Shakespeare and a discussion based writing unit about which play was his greatest.


The six close reading activities, or reading comprehension activities, are about:

  • The Life of William Shakespeare
  • Macbeth
  • Hamlet
  • Romeo & Juliet
  • Richard III
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

These activities require NO PREP and have a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity, crossword puzzle and wordsearch for those fast finishers. Answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of each document.

Secondly, there is a biography writing unit about William Shakespeare. The unit has been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Finally, there is a discussion based writing unit discussing which play is his greatest - Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth or Hamlet. The unit has been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

For a digital version of this bundle that can be completed on tablets and computers check out the Shakespeare Mega Bundle of Play Scripts & Digital & Print Activities.


Other similar or relevant resources:

  • Other William Shakespeare Resources
  • World History Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Emergency Sub Plans | Famous Scientists Bundle | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

These easy to use, no prep, substitution plans give you an ideal back up plan to have ready in your classroom just in case. The bundle contains eight close reading activities about influential scientists from history, and four biography writing units. Ideal for emergency sub plans in 3rd grade or 4th grade. The activities focus on Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Galileo, Stephen Hawking and Nikola Tesla.

24 Lessons, or 24 hours of activities, with NO PREP needed!


Firstly, there are eight reading comprehension activities, or informational texts, about:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Marie Curie
  • Charles Darwin
  • Isaac Newton
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Galileo
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Nikola Tesla

These activities require NO PREP and have a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity for those fast finishers. Answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of each document.

Then, there are four biography writing units about Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton. The units have been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Good luck, I hope you find the resource useful!


Other similar or relevant resources:

  • World History Resources
  • Famous Scientists Resources
  • Distance Learning Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Emergency Sub Plans | Famous Artists Bundle | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

These easy to use, no prep, substitution plans give you an ideal back up plan to have ready in your classroom just in case. The bundle contains twelve close reading activities about influential artists from history, and four biography writing units. Ideal for emergency sub plans in 3rd grade or 4th grade. The activities focus on Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Banksy, Michelangelo and Rembrandt.

28 Lessons, or 28 hours of activities, with NO PREP needed!


Firstly, there are twelve reading comprehension activities, or informational texts, about:

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Vincent van Gogh
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Salvador Dali
  • Andy Warhol
  • Jackson Pollock
  • Henri Matisse
  • Claude Monet
  • Banksy
  • Michelangelo
  • Rembrandt

These activities require NO PREP and have a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity for those fast finishers. Answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of each document.

Then, there are four biography writing units about Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and Frida Kahlo. The units have been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Good luck, I hope you find the resource useful!


Other similar or relevant resources:

  • World History Resources
  • Famous Artists Resources
  • Distance Learning Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


American Presidents Mega Bundle of Activities | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

The bundle focuses on some of the most influential U.S. Presidents throughout American history. The bundle contains sixteen close reading activities; eight biography writing units; an opinion writing unit; a timeline activity and display; and an interactive card game your students will love. The activities are perfect for students in third grade or fourth grade.

55 Lessons, or 55 hours of activities, with NO PREP needed!


Firstly, there are sixteen close reading activities, or informational texts, about:

  • George Washington
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Franklin Roosevelt
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Barack Obama
  • Joe Biden
  • Harry Truman
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Woodrow Wilson
  • Donald Trump
  • Bill Clinton
  • George W. Bush
  • John Adams

These activities require NO PREP and have a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity, crossword puzzle and wordsearch for those fast finishers. Answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of each document.

Secondly, there are eight biography writing units about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John F. Kennedy and Thomas Jefferson. The units have been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Then, there is a discussion based writing unit discussing who is the most influential U.S. president of all time. The unit has been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

After, there is a great classroom display and sorting activity that is perfect for introducing students to all of the U.S Presidents throughout history. Great for class work, distance learning and home schooling. There are 46 posters or cards of all of the U.S Presidents, starting with the very first, George Washington, up until present day president, Joe Biden.

Finally, there is a 'top trumps' style supercards card game that enables your students to learn about all of the American presidents. Your class will love the trading cards which they can play with in an interactive and engaging way!

Good luck, I hope you get some great results!


Other similar or relevant resources:

  • World History Resources
  • American Civil War Resources
  • Distance Learning Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


William Shakespeare Mega Bundle of Play Scripts & Activities | 3rd & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

This bundle contains four play scripts: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Hamlet and Richard III. It also contains six close reading activities; a biography writing unit about William Shakespeare and a discussion based writing unit about which play was his greatest.


The six close reading activities, or reading comprehension activities, are about:

  • The Life of William Shakespeare
  • Macbeth
  • Hamlet
  • Romeo & Juliet
  • Richard III
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

These activities require NO PREP and have a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity, crossword puzzle and wordsearch for those fast finishers. Answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of each document.

Secondly, there is a biography writing unit about William Shakespeare. The unit has been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Finally, there is a discussion based writing unit discussing which play is his greatest - Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth or Hamlet. The unit has been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.


Other similar or relevant resources:

  • Other William Shakespeare Resources
  • World History Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Ancient China Mega Bundle of Activities | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

This bundle contains six close reading activities about key events from Ancient China and influential people from the era; a timeline display or sorting activity; two biography writing units about Confucius and Qin Shi Huang; an informational writing unit about Ancient China and an opinion writing unit discussing the most important development from the period.

24 Lessons, or 24 hours of activities, with NO PREP needed!


Firstly, there are six reading comprehension activities, or informational texts, about:

  • An Overview of Ancient China
  • Confucius
  • The First Emperor & the Qin Dynasty
  • The Great Wall of China
  • The Terracotta Army
  • The Silk Road

These activities require NO PREP and have a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity, a crossword and a wordsearch for those fast finishers. Answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of each document.

Then, there are two biography writing units about Confucius and Qin Shi Huang. The units have been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Then, there is an informational writing unit about Ancient China. The unit has again been split into three or four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Also, there is an opinion writing unit about which key development was the most important for Ancient China: the Great Wall, the Terracotta Army or the Silk Road. This unit has again been split into three or four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Finally, there is an Ancient China Timeline Activity and Display. It is perfect for introducing students to the some of the key events and people of Ancient China. There are 40 posters or task cards that include many of the key events from the beginning of the first settlements.


Other similar or relevant resources:

  • Distance Learning Resources
  • World History Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Emergency Sub Plans | American Presidents Bundle | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

These easy to use, no prep, substitution plans give you an ideal back up plan to have ready in your classroom just in case. The bundle contains nine close reading activities about influential presidents from U.S. history, and four biography writing units. Ideal for emergency sub plans in 3rd grade or 4th grade. The activities focus on George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Barack Obama, Franklin Roosevelt and Joe Biden.

25 Lessons, or 25 hours of activities, with NO PREP needed!


Firstly, there are six reading comprehension activities, or informational texts, about:

  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Harry Truman
  • John Kennedy
  • Barack Obama
  • Franklin Roosevelt
  • Joe Biden

These activities require NO PREP and have a body of text that students need to read through thoroughly; then they can use the text to find the comprehension and grammar answers. All texts then have an extension activity for those fast finishers. Answers, for teacher use, are on the final page of each document.

Then, there are four biography writing units about George Washington, Barack Obama, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. The units have been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each.

Good luck, I hope you find the resource useful!


Other similar or relevant resources:

  • World History Resources
  • U.S. History Resources
  • Distance Learning Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Ancient History Mega Bundles 1 & 2 | 3rd & 4th Grade | 160 hours of Activities

By Creative Primary Literacy

A mega bundle of reading, writing and research activities about Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Persia and the Ancient Hebrews. In total there are 160+ hours of NO PREP activities perfect for Social Studies or ELA.

The third grade or fourth grade bundle contains:

  • Eight timeline, research and sorting activities
  • Thirty-three close reading activities
  • Seventeen biography writing units
  • Seven discussion based writing activities
  • Eight informational text writing units


Firstly, there are thirty-three close reading activities about:

  • Ancient Rome
  • Augustus
  • Julius Caesar
  • Mark Antony
  • Constantine
  • Spartacus
  • Hannibal
  • Cleopatra
  • Tutankhamun
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Ramesses III
  • Thutmose II
  • Ancient Greece
  • Socrates
  • Aristotle
  • Aesop
  • Homer
  • Alexander the Great
  • Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Advancements of Mesopotamia
  • Hammurabi's Code
  • Epic of Gilgamesh
  • Sargon the Great
  • An Overview of Ancient China
  • Confucius
  • The First Emperor & the Qin Dynasty
  • The Terracotta Army
  • The Great Wall of China
  • The Silk Road
  • An Overview of Ancient India
  • The Indus Valley Civilization
  • Siddhartha Gautama & the Birth of Buddhism
  • The Birth of Hinduism
  • Ashoka the Great
  • The Taj Mahal
  • An Overview of Ancient Persia
  • Key Advancements of Ancient Persia
  • Cyrus the Great
  • Darius the Great
  • King Xerxes I
  • An Overview of the Ancient Hebrews
  • Abraham & the Birth of Judaism
  • Moses & the Exodus Story
  • King David & King Solomon
  • Jesus of Nazareth

Secondly, there are eight Timeline, Research and Sorting Activities. These are perfect for introducing students to some of the key events from the time periods and are about:

  • Ancient Rome
  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Ancient China
  • Ancient Rome
  • Ancient Persia
  • Ancient Hebrews

There is also eight Informational Text Writing Activities. These activities focus on key facts about the eras, and have been split into three separate lessons. Again they are about the following key civilizations:

  • Ancient Rome
  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Ancient China
  • Ancient Rome
  • Ancient Persia
  • Ancient Hebrews

Also included are seven Discussion Based Writing Distance Learning Units. These units, which have been split into four separate lessons, focus on:

  • The greatest leader of Ancient Egypt
  • The greatest leader of Ancient Rome
  • The most influential person of Ancient Greece
  • The greatest leader of Ancient Persia
  • The most influential person of the Ancient Hebrew
  • The most influential person of India
  • The greatest development of Ancient China

And finally there are seventeen Biography Writing Units. These units have been split into four separate lessons and focus on the following key figures:

  • Julius Caesar
  • Augustus
  • Cleopatra
  • Tutankhamun
  • Socrates
  • Alexander the Great
  • Spartacus
  • Hannibal
  • Aristotle
  • Constantine
  • Confucius
  • The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty
  • Siddhartha Gautama & the Birth of Buddhism
  • Ashoka the Great
  • Cyrus the Great
  • Darius the Great
  • Abraham & the Birth of Judaism
  • Moses & the Exodus Story


This resource bundle is great for:

  • In class learning
  • Independent work
  • Homework
  • Guided reading sessions
  • Assessment practice
  • Reading interventions
  • Creative Writing
  • Emergency sub plans

Other similar or relevant resources:

  • Ancient Mesopotamia Resources
  • Ancient Egypt Resources
  • Ancient Rome Resources
  • Ancient Greece Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Earth Poetree Education 2023 - 2024 Academic Bundle | 20% OFF! |

By Sean Alexander Dennison

Welcome to the ultimate Earth Poetree Education 2023 - 2024 Academic Bundle! This comprehensive bundle includes everything we've created and discussed, tailored for a variety of educational needs. As a Grade 2 teacher and with the collaboration of my partner, a kindergarten teacher, we have crafted resources that cater to elementary students, extra-curricular activities (ECAs), and younger learners. Enjoy a 20% discount on this extensive collection designed to enhance teaching and learning throughout the academic year.

Bundle Highlights:

  1. SMART Goals Worksheet:
  • Three-page worksheet guiding students to understand and set SMART goals in overall school life, math, and ELA.
  1. First Day | Soft Start | Get To Know Your Class | Welcome Packet | Bundle:
  • Includes baseline tests, Euro 2024 football worksheet, "Walk Me Through the Life of You" worksheet, getting to know you workpacket, welcome packet template, magical meet the teacher template, design your own planet activity, getting to know the class bingo, and a space-themed registration guide.
  1. Magical Meet The Teacher Template Editable | Meet the Teacher Co-teacher Letter:
  • Enchanting editable template to introduce teachers and co-teachers with a cover page, introduction, and fun facts.
  1. Get To Know You Bingo | Meet the Class | Ice Breakers | Back to School | Summer:
  • Interactive 5x5 bingo grid to encourage students to find classmates who match specific prompts.
  1. Doctor Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Doctor Pretend Play | My Pretend Hospital Bundle:
  • Includes play doctor checklist, tray labels, poster and printables, DIY first aid box, and doctor/nurse ID cards with a fake credit card.
  1. Restaurant Dramatic Play Roleplay - Waiter Pretend Play | My Pretend Restaurant Bundle:
  • Features station posters, DIY pizza kit, pizza order checklist, pizza shop tray labels, chef/waiter ID cards, and a comprehensive menu with interactive check marks.
  1. Restaurant Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Waiter Pretend Restaurant Bunting Italian:
  • Vibrant bunting spelling "RISTORANTE" with Italian restaurant symbols.
  1. Earth Day Activities:
  • Includes a speaking and listening activity where students design their own planet, Earth Day bunting craftivity, and Earth Day escape room.
  1. Morning Book:
  • A 20-page (one month) morning book with weekly check-in pages, mindful coloring, community activities, word boggle pages, and more.
  1. Writing Portfolio Workbook:
  • Focused on fable writing, covering narrative standards with activities like idea development, mindmapping, fable structure analysis, and more.
  1. Reading Workbook:
  • Eight-week workpack covering RL.2.1, RL.2.2, RL.2.3, RL.2.6, and RL.2.9 standards with diverse fables and folktales.
  1. Classrooms & Chimeras Resources:
  • Includes the Student's Handbook, Chimera Compendium, Classroom Master Guide, interactive presentation for the Portals of Possibilities campaign, character creation templates, premades, and bonus Gorbhash the Feathered Fury card.
  1. Classrooms & Chimeras - Monster Card Probability Games:
  • Probability dice game trial with 8 monster cards and engaging attributes.
  1. Teacher Toolbox Labels:
  • Boho pastel and vibrant color labels for organizing classroom supplies.
  1. 4th of July Crafts:
  • Includes toilet roll streamers, collaborative flag poster, butterfly puppets, and patriotic wind catchers.
  1. Juneteenth Coloring Page:
  • Features a lively street festival scene with space for students to draw their own interpretation of Juneteenth.
  1. Interactive Reading Story Game:
  • A Twine-based story game where students solve puzzles to escape a hotel room, promoting reading comprehension and problem-solving skills.
  1. Alphabet Flashcards:
  • A-Z flashcards with letters on one side and pictures, phrases, and words on the other, including an American 'k' option.
  1. Jolly Phonics Roll and Write Printout Centers:
  • Worksheets for Groups 1-7, helping students practice phonics through engaging roll and write activities.
  1. Create Your Own Pokémon Activity:
  • A four-step process for students to design their own Pokémon, including quizzes, drawing, and writing activities.
  1. Zones of Regulation Inside Out & Inside Out 2 Poster:
  • Teaches emotions through mood monsters, an emotions rollercoaster, and a volcano-themed zones of regulation chart.
  1. Earth Poetree Education Blogpost:
  • Provides an overview of the resources and their benefits for teachers, parents, and students.
  1. Doctor Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Doctor Pretend Play | Hospital Bunting:
  • Includes 8 letters spelling out "HOSPITAL" and 2 hospital symbols to enhance the dramatic play environment.
  1. Restaurant Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Waiter Pretend Play | My Restaurant Menu:
  • Comprehensive menu with drinks, food items, and desserts, each with a picture, flavor text, and check mark circles for interactive play.
  1. Restaurant Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Waiter Pretend Play | My Chef Waiter ID Card:
  • Includes male and female chef ID cards, waiter and waitress ID cards, and a fake credit card for roleplay transactions.
  1. Thank You Tags:
  • Black and white and color tags with customizable spaces for teachers to write personalized messages.
  1. St. Patrick's Day Crafts:
  • Includes four festive crafts: toilet roll streamers, collaborative flag poster, butterfly puppets, and patriotic wind catchers.
  1. April Fools Test:
  • Fun and engaging test where the answers spell out "HAPPY APRIL FOOLS," with a trick to only complete the first question and then draw on the back.
  1. Aquarium | Terrarium Design Planning Template:
  • Planning template for students to design their own aquarium or terrarium, fostering creativity and environmental awareness.
  1. Radio Workpack for ECAs:
  • Comprehensive workpack for setting up and running a classroom radio station, perfect for ECAs and enhancing speaking and listening skills.
  1. Noun Hunt Scavenger Activity:
  • Follow-up activity to a 60-second grammar YouTube video, where students hunt for and identify nouns in their environment.
  1. Report Card Comment Cheat Sheet:
  • Uses ChatGPT 3.5 to generate whole class comments in minutes, covering homeroom, ELA, math, health, science, and social studies.
  1. Geometric Maths Sprints:
  • Fast-paced and engaging math sprints focusing on geometric concepts to boost students' math skills.
  1. Homophone Heartbreaks:
  • Match the hearts with the correct homophones in this fun and educational activity with 14 different pairs.
  1. Whole Class Human-Sized Monopoly:
  • Based on America for International Day, with poster templates for various states and research pages to help students learn about each state.
  1. Fallout 4 - Create Your Own Vault Dweller Character:
  • Creative writing workbook where students build their character with SPECIAL attributes and write their backstory and adventure.
  1. Classrooms & Chimeras Daily Planner:
  • Themed daily planner with reminders for meals and water, a lesson plan page with sections for objectives, vocabulary, activities, and assessments.
  1. Parts of Speech Posters | Adventure Classroom Decor:
  • Includes Article Airport, Adjective Energy, Noun Town, Verb Suburb, Adverb Attractions, and Conjunction Junction, with a map theme to aid in teaching grammar.
  1. Juneteenth Coloring Page:
  • Lively street festival scene with musical performances, a barbecue area, and flags, with space for students to draw their interpretation of Juneteenth.
  1. Get to Know You Football:
  • Euro 2024-themed activity where students draw their favorite color, animal, food, football team, film/TV show, game, subject, and their name inside a football.
  1. Meditation Video and Rainbow Breathing Activity:
  • 2-minute 28-second video with a calm soundtrack, square breathing exercise, and rainbow coloring activity to help students focus and calm down.
  1. Create Your Own Fable Project:
  • Guides students through crafting their own fables with embedded morals and rules, including a wanted poster in Chinese for their animal character.
  1. Quarter 1 Writing Portfolio Workbook:
  • Focused on fable writing, covering narrative standards with activities like idea development, mindmapping, fable structure analysis, and more.
  1. Blank Fable Template:
  • Ready-to-use template for students to plan and write their own fables.
  1. Triphase Fable Assessment Rubric:
  • A standards-based rubric for assessing students' fable writing at three critical stages: emergence, development, and performance.
  1. Earth Day Acrostic Poem Worksheet:
  • Features examples of summer acrostic poems and space for students to write and illustrate their own poems.
  1. Design Your Own Pokémon Activity:
  • A four-step process for students to design their own Pokémon, including quizzes, drawing, and writing activities.
  1. Meditation Video and Rainbow Breathing Activity:
  • 2-minute 28-second video with a calm soundtrack, square breathing exercise, and rainbow coloring activity to help students focus and calm down.
  1. Zones of Regulation Inside Out & Inside Out 2 Poster:
  • Teaches emotions through mood monsters, an emotions rollercoaster, and a volcano-themed zones of regulation chart.
  1. Alphabet Flashcards:
  • A-Z flashcards with letters on one side and pictures, phrases, and words on the other, including an American 'k' option.
  1. Get to Know You Football:
  • Euro 2024-themed activity where students draw their favorite color, animal, food, football team, film/TV show, game, subject, and their name inside a football.
  1. Juneteenth Coloring Page:
  • Lively street festival scene with musical performances, a barbecue area, and flags, with space for students to draw their interpretation of Juneteenth.
  1. Pizza Checklist Worksheet:
  • Students ask customers about their preferred pizza base and toppings, and rate their pizza.
  1. Pizza Shop Tray Labels:
  • Eight different labels for pizza toppings: peppers, onions, olives, mushrooms, bacon, pepperoni, basil, and pineapple.
  1. Restaurant Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Waiter Pretend Play | My Chef Waiter ID Card:
  • Includes male and female chef ID cards, waiter and waitress ID cards, and a fake credit card for roleplay transactions.
  1. Restaurant Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Waiter Pretend Play | My Pretend Restaurant Bundle:
  • Comprehensive bundle of all restaurant-related roleplay items, including station posters, DIY pizza kit, pizza order checklist, tray labels, and a menu.
  1. Restaurant Dramatic Play | Roleplay - Waiter Pretend Restaurant Bunting Italian:
  • Vibrant bunting spelling "RISTORANTE" with Italian restaurant symbols.
  1. Earth Day Escape Room:
  • Interactive escape room where students solve riddles and puzzles related to the three Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle.
  1. Earth Day Speaking and Listening Activity:
  • Students design their own planet and present it to the class, enhancing creativity and public speaking skills.
  1. Earth Day Bunting Craftivity:
  • Printable craft where students write "Recycle, Reduce, Reuse" on a stem with leaves and create a bunting for classroom decoration.
  1. St. Patrick's Day Crafts:
  • Includes four festive crafts: toilet roll streamers, collaborative flag poster, butterfly puppets, and patriotic wind catchers.
  1. St. Patrick's Day Wordsearch:
  • Engaging word search activity featuring words related to St. Patrick's Day.
  1. St. Patrick's Day Pot of Gold Counting Activity:
  • Printable activity where students count coins and place them in a pot of gold.
  1. St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt:
  • Fun scavenger hunt with six icons related to St. Patrick's Day.
  1. Meditation Video and Rainbow Breathing Activity:
  • 2-minute 28-second video with a calm soundtrack, square breathing exercise, and rainbow coloring activity to help students focus and calm down.
  1. Zones of Regulation Inside Out & Inside Out 2 Poster:
  • Teaches emotions through mood monsters, an emotions rollercoaster, and a volcano-themed zones of regulation chart.
  1. Alphabet Flashcards:
  • A-Z flashcards with letters on one side and pictures, phrases, and words on the other, including an American 'k' option.
  1. Get to Know You Football:
  • Euro 2024-themed activity where students draw their favorite color, animal, food, football team, film/TV show, game, subject, and their name inside a football.
  1. Juneteenth Coloring Page:
  • Lively street festival scene with musical performances, a barbecue area, and flags, with space for students to draw their interpretation of Juneteenth.
  1. Teacher Toolbox Labels:
  • Boho pastel and vibrant color labels for organizing classroom supplies.
  1. April Fools Test:
  • Fun and engaging test where the answers spell out "HAPPY APRIL FOOLS," with a trick to only complete the first question and then draw on the back.
  1. Aquarium | Terrarium Design Planning Template:
  • Planning template for students to design their own aquarium or terrarium, fostering creativity and environmental awareness.
  1. Radio Workpack for ECAs:
  • Comprehensive workpack for setting up and running a classroom radio station, perfect for ECAs and enhancing speaking and listening skills.
  1. Noun Hunt Scavenger Activity:
  • Follow-up activity to a 60-second grammar YouTube video, where students hunt for and identify nouns in their environment.
  1. Report Card Comment Cheat Sheet:
  • Uses ChatGPT 3.5 to generate whole class comments in minutes, covering homeroom, ELA, math, health, science, and social studies.
  1. Geometric Maths Sprints:
  • Fast-paced and engaging math sprints focusing on geometric concepts to boost students' math skills.
  1. Homophone Heartbreaks:
  • Match the hearts with the correct homophones in this fun and educational activity with 14 different pairs.
  1. Whole Class Human-Sized Monopoly:
  • Based on America for International Day, with poster templates for various states and research pages to help students learn about each state.
  1. Fallout 4 - Create Your Own Vault Dweller Character:
  • Creative writing workbook where students build their character with SPECIAL attributes and write their backstory and adventure.
  1. Classrooms & Chimeras Daily Planner:
  • Themed daily planner with reminders for meals and water, a lesson plan page with sections for objectives, vocabulary, activities, and assessments.
  1. Parts of Speech Posters | Adventure Classroom Decor:
  • Includes Article Airport, Adjective Energy, Noun Town, Verb Suburb, Adverb Attractions, and Conjunction Junction, with a map theme to aid in teaching grammar.
  1. Juneteenth Coloring Page:
  • Lively street festival scene with musical performances, a barbecue area, and flags, with space for students to draw their interpretation of Juneteenth.
  1. Get to Know You Football:
  • Euro 2024-themed activity where students draw their favorite color, animal, food, football team, film/TV show, game, subject, and their name inside a football.
  1. Create Your Own Fable Project:
  • Guides students through crafting their own fables with embedded morals and rules, including a wanted poster in Chinese for their animal character.
  1. Earth Poetree Education Blogpost:
  • Provides an overview of the resources and their benefits for teachers, parents, and students.
  1. Classrooms & Chimeras - Monster Card Probability Games:
  • Probability dice game trial with 8 monster cards and engaging attributes.
  1. Teacher Toolbox Labels:
  • Boho pastel and vibrant color labels for organizing classroom supplies.
  1. Geometric Maths Sprints:
  • Fast-paced and engaging math sprints focusing on geometric concepts to boost students' math skills.
  1. Jolly Phonics Roll and Write Printout Centers:
  • Worksheets for Groups 1-7, helping students practice phonics through engaging roll and write activities.
  1. St. Patrick's Day Pot of Gold Counting Activity:
  • Printable activity where students count coins and place them in a pot of gold.
  1. St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt:
  • Fun scavenger hunt with six icons related to St. Patrick's Day.
  1. SMART Goals Worksheet:
  • Three-page worksheet guiding students to understand and set SMART goals in overall school life, math, and ELA.
  1. Create Your Own Pokémon Activity:
  • A four-step process for students to design their own Pokémon, including quizzes, drawing, and writing activities.
  1. Thank You Tags:
  • Black and white and color tags with customizable spaces for teachers to write personalized messages.
  1. Fallout 4 - Create Your Own Vault Dweller Character:
  • Creative writing workbook where students build their character with SPECIAL attributes and write their backstory and adventure.
  1. Interactive Reading Story Game:
  • A Twine-based story game where students solve puzzles to escape a hotel room, promoting reading comprehension and problem-solving skills.
  1. Juneteenth Coloring Page:
  • Lively street festival scene with musical performances, a barbecue area, and flags, with space for students to draw their interpretation of Juneteenth.
  1. Homophone Heartbreaks:
  • Match the hearts with the correct homophones in this fun and educational activity with 14 different pairs.
  1. Classrooms & Chimeras Resources:
  • Includes the Student's Handbook, Chimera Compendium, Classroom Master Guide, interactive presentation for the Portals of Possibilities campaign, character creation templates, premades, and bonus Gorbhash the Feathered Fury card.
  1. Morning Book: - A 20-page (one month) morning book with weekly check-in pages, mindful coloring, community activities, word boggle pages, and more.

Why This Bundle Is Essential:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Includes a wide range of activities and assessments to start the school year on a strong note.
  • Builds Community: Encourages students to get to know each other and their teachers, fostering a positive and inclusive classroom environment.
  • Engages Students: Offers fun and interactive activities that capture students' interest and make the first days of school enjoyable.
  • Supports Assessment: Baseline tests help you understand each student's starting point, allowing for tailored instruction from the outset.
  • Easy to Use: Ready-to-print and editable resources save you time and effort in preparing for the new school year.
  • Valuable Bonus: The Pokémon Go workpack adds extra value and excitement, providing engaging content for a whole week's worth of activities.

Ideal For:

  • Teachers looking for a diverse collection of educational resources.
  • Educators aiming to create engaging and interactive learning experiences.
  • Parents and caregivers wanting to support their children's learning at home.

Enjoy a 20% discount on this extensive bundle and equip your classroom with the ultimate set of educational resources from Earth Poetree Education! This comprehensive resource ensures you have everything you need to make the first days of school productive, engaging, and fun, setting the stage for a successful year ahead.

All the Kickstarter academic content is included in this bundle. Explore the full range of resources from our Kickstarter campaign, "Classrooms & Chimeras," which you can view here. This ensures you have access to all the innovative educational tools and materials we've developed to create engaging and dynamic classroom experiences.


Classrooms & Chimeras Bundle | TTRPG Classroom Kit | D&D Dnd Dungeons & Dragons

By Sean Alexander Dennison

Dive into the fantastical world of Classrooms & Chimeras with our Ultimate Bundle, packed with 19 interactive resources! This all-in-one TTRPG classroom kit is ideal for educators who want to introduce immersive storytelling, strategic thinking, and collaborative problem-solving in a way that resonates with students’ love for adventure. Inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, this bundle combines everything you need to transform your classroom into a world of mythical quests and imaginative learning. Here's everything you get:

Bundle Highlights:

  1. The Chimera Compendium
    A monster manual filled with a variety of creatures to challenge students, from goblins to the feathered fury, Ghorbash. Let students strategize, explore, and confront their fears as they encounter each unique creature!
  2. Character Creator Template
    A fresh character template for students to design their own heroes, fostering creativity and individuality in gameplay.
  3. 6 Premade Character Sheets
    Ready-to-go characters including Gorim, Zephyra, Shadowtide, Aerin, Valerius, and Whispering Wind—each crafted with unique backstories and skills to add depth to your campaign.
  4. Character Creator + Premades Bundle with Bonus Ghorbash
    This bundle includes all character creation tools and premade sheets plus Ghorbash the Feathered Fury, complete with a powerful ultimate attack!
  5. The Student's Handbook
    A comprehensive guide to everything Classrooms & Chimeras, teaching students how to build characters, play with respect, and master the rules. The handbook focuses on cooperative gameplay, ensuring a positive, skill-building experience.
  6. Classroom Master Guide - Episode 1: The Portals of Possibilities Campaign
    Embark on the first adventure with Mr. Jenkins, Slimes, and Goblins as your students unravel mysteries, solve puzzles, and navigate the dungeon!
  7. The Portals of Possibilities Interactive Presentation - Episode 1
    An interactive PowerPoint version of the first campaign, fully hyperlinked and ideal for creating immersive experiences with real-time choices. Students feel fully in control as they guide their characters through various challenges.
  8. Classrooms & Chimeras Daily and Lesson Planner
    An essential day-by-day planner to support educators as they guide students through lessons and gameplay, offering seamless integration of Classrooms & Chimeras into daily schedules.
  9. Classrooms & Chimeras - Episode 2: The Machine
    The thrilling sequel in the campaign! As students search deeper for their friend Max, they encounter creatures like giant rats, arachnids, and the mighty Jurogumo. Each choice shapes the adventure in unexpected ways.
  10. Hitpoint HUD Tracker
    A health-tracking tool with customizable character body diagrams. Students can visually track where they get hit for a fully immersive, tactical experience.
  11. Leveling Up! - Spells & Cantrips
    Equip your students with knowledge on spells and cantrips to level up their characters. This guide breaks down the different spell types and damage scales, making sure they progress wisely.
  12. Coloring Book
    A mindful activity companion that lets students explore the world of Classrooms & Chimeras in a relaxed, artistic way. Great for reinforcing creativity and enhancing focus.

Why Educators Love This Bundle:

  • Comprehensive and Engaging: This complete set brings every part of Classrooms & Chimeras to life, offering all the resources and tools to set up, teach, and enjoy a TTRPG experience in the classroom.
  • Teaches Essential Skills: Classrooms & Chimeras integrates lessons on critical thinking, teamwork, and emotional regulation, with a format that appeals to young adventurers.
  • Immersive Storytelling: Designed to spark imagination, the campaigns and character-building experiences immerse students in an engaging world where they are the heroes.
  • Interactive Presentations: With Episode 1’s interactive presentation and detailed guides for each campaign episode, educators have all they need to create captivating, story-driven learning environments.
  • Adaptable for All Levels: From beginners to more advanced TTRPG players, this bundle offers tools and options to support every student.

What’s Included in This Bundle:

  • 2 Campaign Episodes (Portals of Possibilities and The Machine)
  • Character Creation Templates & 6 Premade Characters
  • Student’s Handbook and Classroom Master Guides
  • Interactive Presentation, Daily Planner, Hitpoint HUD, and Spell Guides
  • Coloring Book for Mindful Activities

Equip your classroom with the Classrooms & Chimeras Ultimate Bundle and unlock a world of adventure and educational fun. Whether you're new to TTRPGs or a seasoned storyteller, this bundle is crafted to make teaching an unforgettable adventure!

Find our other Classrooms & Chimeras materials below!

  • The Chimera Compendium - A monster manual of all the monsters in the game... so far.
  • The Character Creator Template - a fresh character creator template for creating new characters for Classrooms & Chimeras
  • The 6 Premade Character Sheets - 6 Premade characters including Gorim, Zephyra, Shadowtide, Aerin, Valerius and Whispering Wind
  • The Character Creator + Premades Bundle with bonus Ghorbash - The whole character bundle with a bonus feathered fury with a pretty terrifying ultimate attack!
  • The Student's Handbook - A guide to everything Classrooms & Chimeras instructing you on how to make a unique character and play, but more importantly, how to play well!
  • The Classroom Master Guide - Episode 1: The Portals of Possibilities Campaign - A guide on how to run a TTRPG Classrooms & Chimeras game including all the content from the first campaign with the dreaded Mr. Jenkins, Slimes and Goblins!
  • The Portal of Possibilities Interactive Presentation - Episode 1 - An interactive hyperlinked version of the TTRPG Classrooms & Chimeras game!
  • The Classrooms & Chimeras Daily and Lesson Planner - A day-by-day companion to make sure you can be the best teacher you can be!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Episode 2 The Machine - The second instalment of the Portals of Possibilities Campaign!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Hitpoint HUD Tracker - A way to track your damage and where you get hit for more immersive roleplay
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Leveling Up! - Spells & Cantrips - A helpful guide to helping your students/players level up effectively!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Coloring Book - A coloring book for mindful C&C coloring!

Kelso's Choice & Zones of Regulation & Healthy Choice & Emotions | Inside Out

By Sean Alexander Dennison

Transform your classroom into a space of self-discovery, emotional intelligence, and wellness with this comprehensive Social-Emotional Learning & Wellness Bundle! This bundle combines activities for setting and achieving SMART goals, managing emotions with Kelso's Choice, learning Zones of Regulation, and making healthy food choices—all designed to foster personal growth, self-regulation, and informed decision-making.

Bundle Includes:

1. SMART Goals Worksheet | Academic & Personal Goal-Setting

  • Goal-Setting Essentials: Teaches students to create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals.
  • Guided Goal Activity: Prompts students to set goals in school life, ELA, and math, fostering accountability and personal growth.
  • Reflection Practice: Helps students regularly review and adjust their goals for continuous improvement.

2. Kelso’s Choice Roll and Choose + Self-Regulation Visuals | Desk Conflict Mat

  • Conflict Resolution Tools: Empower students with strategies for managing small conflicts independently.
  • Kelso’s Metamorphosis Page: Focuses on positive affirmations and how successful conflict resolution leads to growth.
  • Updated Choice Wheel: A newly designed choice wheel with fresh, cute art plus an origami Kelso frog craft to engage students.

3. Zones of Regulation Inside Out & Inside Out 2 | Zones of Regulation Poster

  • Mood Monsters & Emotional Identification: Helps students connect emotions with visual representations, making it easier to express and understand feelings.
  • Emotions Rollercoaster: Encourages students to view emotions as a daily journey, helping them to accept and manage mood changes.
  • Zones of Regulation Introduction: Uses a traffic light and volcano analogy to introduce the Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red zones, visually connecting each stage with physical sensations.
  • Personalized ZOR Poster: Featuring Inside Out characters, students can add their own names and new emotions inspired by Inside Out 2, creating a personalized classroom display.

4. Zones of Regulation Toolbox | Big Problem vs. Small Problem | Problem Thermometer

  • Problem Hierarchy: Teaches students to classify problems by severity—from small “glitches” to emergencies.
  • Problem Thermometer Visual: Guides students on appropriate responses for each level of problem, developing self-regulation strategies and reducing anxiety.

5. Emotions Mini-Booklet | Inside Out-Inspired

  • Creative Emotional Expression: A mini-booklet filled with adjectives and prompts to help students express feelings through descriptive language.
  • Inside Out Character Inspiration: Uses familiar Inside Out characters, making the exploration of emotions relatable and engaging.

6. Healthy Choices | Health and Wellness Worksheet | Healthy Unhealthy Food Sort

  • Interactive Food Choice Activity: A hands-on exercise where students create an ideal meal and calculate calorie intake based on a presentation list.
  • Calorie Discovery: Students see the difference in calorie intake between healthy and fast food options, gaining awareness of balanced eating.
  • Reflection on Healthy Eating: Encourages students to aim for a balanced meal within the “healthy zone” and promotes understanding of nutrition essentials.

Why Educators Love This Bundle:

  • Comprehensive SEL Resource: Covers everything from emotional awareness to goal-setting, conflict resolution, and health education, providing a well-rounded SEL toolkit.
  • Engaging and Student-Led: Activities encourage students to discover, reflect, and connect concepts to their own lives, promoting independence and self-awareness.
  • Real-Life Applications: Each component teaches essential life skills—whether managing emotions, setting goals, or making healthier food choices.
  • Visually Engaging and Interactive: Incorporates hands-on activities, engaging visuals, and relatable characters for a more immersive learning experience.

Perfect For:

  • Classrooms focused on developing social-emotional learning, conflict resolution, and health awareness.
  • Teachers seeking a cohesive SEL and wellness program that promotes personal growth and emotional regulation.
  • Educators looking to integrate Inside Out and engaging visuals to make learning about emotions and self-regulation fun!

With this Social-Emotional Learning & Wellness Bundle, empower your students with essential life skills for emotional intelligence, healthy decision-making, and personal growth. Whether learning about their emotions, setting goals, or making informed food choices, this bundle creates a supportive classroom environment where students thrive emotionally and academically!

BONUS OFFER: Review this bundle and email us at EarthPoetreeEducation@gmail.com to receive a FREE resource!


Physical Science Chemistry Physics Printable Resource MEGA Bundle

By The STEM Master

Physical Science Chemistry Physics mega bundle with worksheets, puzzles, interactive notebook resources, coloring notes covering elements, periodic table, chemical reactions, physical science formulas and equations and a lot more!


⚡️⚡️⚡️**BIG Bundle of Physics**⚡️⚡️⚡️

⭐⭐⭐BIG Bundle of Chemistry⭐⭐⭐

Digital Chemistry Worksheets Bundle

Physical Science Equation Worksheets Bundle

Physical Science Graphing Digital Worksheets Bundle for Google Classroom™

Common core assessments:

✅✅✅Grade 3 Math CCSS Assessment Bundle Print & Digital✅✅✅

✅✅✅Grade 4 Math CCSS Assessment Bundle Print & Digital✅✅✅

✅✅✅Grade 5 Math CCSS Assessment Bundle Print & Digital✅✅✅

✅✅✅Grade 6 Math CCSS Assessment Bundle Print & Digital✅✅✅

Interactive slides for Google Classroom:

⭐⭐⭐Grade 1 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐Grade 2 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐Grade 3 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐Grade 4 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐Grade 5 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐Grade 6 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐Grade 7 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐Grade 8 Math Interactive Slide Bundle⭐⭐⭐


YEARLONG MEGA Writing BUNDLE | Persuasive Informational Narrative & Poetic Texts

By Teachin Tips

Are you looking for a YEARLONG BUNDLE to help your students learn, engage and grow in their writing skills? Then check out this MEGA BUNDLE which includes resources for the ENTIRE YEAR and covers the writing styles of informational, persuasive, narrative and poetry style texts! Each unit of writing incorporates a variety of POWERPOINTS and ANCHOR CHARTS to help you teach as well as numerous ACTIVITIES to help students learn and apply their understanding. Don't forget that each unit has a range of ASSESSMENT TEAMPLATES to suit your teaching style so you can teach and assess as your students progress throughout each unit of writing!


✏️ Narrative writing rubric

✏️ Narrative Writing Conference Observation Notes for 1 Student

✏️ Narrative Writing Conference Observation Notes for 3 Students

✏️ Narrative Writing Conference Observation Notes for 6 Students

✏️ Narrative Writing Conference Observation Notes for 12 Students in a Boxed Template

✏️ Narrative Writing Conference Observation Notes for 30 Students

✏️ Narrative Writing Sticky Note Observation Templates

✏️ 2 Narrative Writing Interactive Notebooks

✏️ 6 Narrative Writing Planning Templates PLUS a SAMPLE PLAN

✏️ 3 Narrative Writing DIFFERENTIATED Unscramble the Text activities

✏️ 20 Quick Writes - Narrative Writing Practice papers

✏️ Narrative Writing Text Type Cut & Paste Matching activity

✏️ 28 Narrative Writing Plot Ideas

✏️ 10 Narrative Writing Picture Prompt Cards

✏️ 28 Narrative Writing Character Ideas

✏️ 28 Narrative Writing Object Ideas

✏️ 28 Narrative Writing Setting Ideas

✏️ Planning Narrative Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Narrative Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Revising Narrative Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Editing Narrative Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Publishing Narrative Writing PowerPoint

✏️ DIFFERENTIATED Narrative Writing Mentor Texts

✏️ Narrative Writing Revising Checklist

✏️ Narrative Writing Editing Checklist

✏️ Narrative Writing Revising Poster

✏️ Narrative Writing Editing Poster

✏️ Information Report Writing Rubric

✏️ Informational Writing Conference Notes for 1 Student

✏️ Informational Writing Conference Notes for 3 Students

✏️ Informational Writing Conference Notes for 6 Students

✏️ Informational Writing Conference notes for 12 Students Boxed Template

✏️ Informational Writing Conference Notes for 30 Students

✏️ Informational Writing Sticky Note Observation Templates

✏️ Informational Writing Editing Symbols Poster

✏️ Poster on the Structure of Informational Writing

✏️ Informational Writing Language Features Poster

✏️ Superb Starters - Sentence Starters Poster for Informational Writing

✏️ Logical Linkers - Linking Words Poster for Informational Writing

✏️ List of Informational Writing Topics Poster

✏️ Informational Writing Revision Checklist

✏️ Informational Writing Mentor Text

✏️ Search Engine Questions Poster for Informational Writing

✏️ List of Websites for Research Poster for Informational Writing

✏️Sample Informational Writing Plan

✏️ 10 Researching Posters/ Info Sheets for Informational Writing

✏️ 6 Informational Writing Planning Templates

✏️ Search Engine Questions Poster for Informational Writing

✏️ 2 Informational Writing Interactive Notebooks

✏️11 Quick Writes - Writing Prompts to help students practice researching and information report writing

✏️ Informational Writing Fact or Opinion Cut & Paste Activity

✏️ Informational Writing Summarising Templates

✏️ Planning Informational Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Informational Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Revising Informational Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Editing Informational Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Publishing Informational Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Persuasive Writing Rubric

✏️ Persuasive Writing Conference Notes for 1 Student

✏️Persuasive Writing Conference Notes for 3 Students

✏️ Persuasive Writing Conference Notes for 6 Students

✏️ Persuasive Writing Conference Notes for 12 Students Boxed Template

✏️ Persuasive Writing Conference Notes for 30 Students

✏️ Persuasive Writing Sticky Note Observation Templates

✏️ Planning Persuasive Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Persuasive Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Revising Persuasive Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Editing Persuasive Writing PowerPoint

✏️ Publishing Persuasive Writing PowerPoint

✏️ 6 Persuasive Writing Planning Templates PLUS a SAMPLE PLAN

✏️ Persuasive Writing Drafting Templates

✏️ 2 Persuasive Writing Interactive Notebooks

✏️ 24 Topic Ideas for Persuasive Writing

✏️ 5 DIFFERENT Persuasive Writing publishing templates

✏️ 3 Persuasive Writing DIFFERENTIATED Unscramble the Text Activities

✏️ Superb Starters - Sentence Starters Poster for Persuasive Writing

✏️ Poster on the Structure of Persuasive Writing

✏️ Editing Persuasive Texts Poster

✏️ Revising Persuasive Texts Poster

✏️ Persuasive Writing Emotive Language Poster

✏️ Persuasive Writing Language Features Poster

✏️ Logical Linkers - Linking Words Poster for Persuasive Writing

✏️ Persuasive Writing Editing Checklist

✏️ Persuasive Writing Revising Checklist

✏️ 3 Persuasive Writing DIFFERENTIATED Mentor Texts

✏️ 10 Quick Writes - Opinion Writing Ideas with Reasons for & Against

✏️ Poetic Writing Rubric

✏️ Poetic Writing Conference Notes for 1 Student

✏️ Poetic Writing Conference Notes for 3 Students

✏️ Poetic Writing Conference Notes for 6 Students

✏️ Poetic Writing Conference Notes for 12 Students Boxed Template

✏️ Poetic Writing Conference Notes for 30 Students

✏️ Poetic Writing Sticky Note Observation Templates

✏️ Planning Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Revising Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Editing Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Publishing Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Writing Shape Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Writing Haiku Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Writing Acrostic Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Writing Kennings Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Writing Ode Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ Writing Limerick Poetry PowerPoint

✏️ 7 Poetic Writing Interactive Notebooks including Sample Poetic Texts

✏️ 20 Poetic Writing Topic Prompt Cards

✏️ 6 Writing Packs for 6 DIFFERENT Types of Poetry including Limerick Ode, Kennings, Haiku, Shape & Acrostic style poems

✏️ Ode Poetry Poster

✏️ Kennings Poetry Poster

✏️ Shape Poetry Poster

✏️ Haiku Poetry Poster

✏️ Limerick Poetry Poster

✏️ Acrostic Poetry Poster

✏️ 5 Poetic Writing Topic Ideas Posters

✏️ Poetic Writing Revision Checklist

✏️ Poetic Writing Editing Checklist


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360 Daily Journal Writing Prompts | All Year Long | 2nd 3rd 4th

By Basic Biz Teaching

This all year daily journal writing BUNDLE has everything you need to engage your students in opinion writing, narrative writing, and informative writing activities for the whole year! 360 writing prompts included in various formats, including portrait, landscape and as strips to cut out for your own notebooks. Build independent and creative writing skills with these fun year long writing prompts!

☀️_Check out preview for details!_

This Product Includes:

► 360 writing prompts

With This Product You'll Get:

⭐ 360 writing prompts with handwriting lines

⭐ 360 writing prompts with traditional writing lines

⭐ 360 prompts as strips to cut out and use in another writing notebook

Note: These are all the same 360 writing prompts, but they are offered in different formats to suit your needs.

Want to look at the themes before you buy?

• August Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Back to School

• September Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Fall Theme

• October Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Halloween Theme

• November Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Thanksgiving Theme

• December Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Christmas Theme

• January Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Winter Theme

• February Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Valentine's Day Theme | Groundhog Day

• March Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Saint Patrick's Day Theme | Spring Theme

• April Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Easter Theme | Spring Theme

• May Daily Journal Writing Prompts | Mother's Day Theme | Dental Health Theme

• June Daily Journal Writing Prompts | End of School Year | Summer

• July Daily Journal Writing Prompts | 4th of July Theme | Summer Theme

Related Products

✈️ 3rd Grade Multiplication and Division word problems BUNDLE

✈️ 3rd Grade Rounding on a Number Line BUNDLE

✈️ 3rd Grade Spring task cards word problems BUNDLE

✈️ All Year Long Multiplication Math Facts Fluency Relay Game BUNDLE

✈️ Third Grade Phonics and Spelling Digital and Print Year Long Bundle

✈️ Reading Comprehension Passages BUNDLE

✈️ Fractions Math Activities BUNDLE

⚠️See Errors or Mistakes:

If you see anything that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me through the Q&A section.

You can also email me directly at basicbizteaching@gmail.com.

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©Christine Ranft, Basic Biz Teaching. All rights reserved. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for teachers, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Teachers may NOT upload the product to school/district servers, or to any website, or share digital or print copies. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).


Reluctant Writers Activity Bundle: Engaging Activities for Writing Intervention

By Betsy Newmeyer

Help your reluctant writers practice their grammar through building and punctuating sentences, expanding sentences with parts of speech, and combining sentences with this activity bundle of 9 printable and digital activities. Ideal for both GenEd and SpEd teachers with struggling and reluctant writers.

Students also begin writing pieces by building word banks in order to tell a short story or write expository and opinion writing pieces. Throughout each of the activities, students communicate their ideas and collaborate with peers while giving and accepting peer feedback during the revision process.

I have used each of these resources with my students over the years. I have found that low-stakes writing activities that include an element of game-like fun and peer collaboration work best. It turns the most reluctant of writers into a writing enthusiast.

Bundle Includes:

  • Sentence Combining Task Cards
  • Writing Intervention: Activities to Help Reluctant Writers
  • Expanding Paragraph Practice
  • Picture Writing Prompts with Word Banks
  • Build a Sentence: Comma Rules
  • Editable Digital Picture Prompts with Buildable Word Banks
  • Writing Revision Tools: Peer Feedback
  • Parts of Speech Activities: Word Tiles for Sentence Building, Bingo, Bookmark
  • Parts of Speech Games for Grammar Review

You might also like . . .

Hands-On Grammar: Bundle

I'd love to hear how you use this resource in your classroom! Feel free to email me at iteachiwrite@yahoo.com with any questions or suggestions you may have. And don't forget to rate this product in order to earn TeachShare Credits for future purchases!

Copyright © iTeach & iWrite by Betsy Newmeyer.

All rights reserved by the author.

Permission to use for single classroom use only.

Let’s be friends!

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Earth day | Arbor day Coloring Pages & Games - Fun April Activities BUNDLE

By The Students Palace

Welcome to the ultimate Earth day party with our Fun Collections Coloring Pages & Games Bundle at The Students Palace!

Prepare for a slice of excitement as you explore this delightful collection of activities, perfect for sparking creativity and laughter in classrooms and homes alike.

Inside this bundle, you'll find a delicious assortment of engaging content.

Whether you're an educator looking to add some Activities and games to your lessons or a parent seeking engaging activities for your little ones, our Coloring Pages & Games Bundle is the perfect for fun and learning.


  • ( PDF + PNG )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.
