4th Grade Algebra Task Cards

Algebra Task Cards Free Sample

By LittleStreams

What’s in this pack?

This pack contains a set of 8 questions on the subject of Algebra free of charge to give you a sample of our task cards. The questions in this pack are unique to our main task card bundle, which can be purchased here.

The questions include simple real life situations, nth term questions and sequences, working with simple algebraic equations, and geometry related questions. The cards introduce the idea that algebra has a function in the real world, providing a strong base for the continued learning of Algebra.

Each question is differentiated in 4 ways across 4 cards. The easiest are the Red Questions and then the Yellow. The Green cards offer a little more challenge by asking additional questions, and finally the Challenge cards are designed to push the most able.

*4 Levels of Differentiation

*Red, Yellow, Green & Challenge
