3rd Grade World History PowerPoint Presentations

Pearl Harbor PowerPoint Presentation, Reflection and Discussion Questions

By Class Plus

This presentation is designed for children to connect the history of Pearl Harbor and relate it to their own lives. This resource approaches this historical event through reflection and learning to promote peace and dialogue, even in the face of differences. This amazing resource offers an excellent opportunity to present and develop unique, real-life ideas for our students.

Each slide provides a straightforward, child-friendly description of the history and the most significant facts related to what happened in Pearl Harbor. Additionally, it helps children understand the concept of conflict's historical and contemporary existence, emphasizing the importance of its prevention and solution.

Your students will find this event easy to comprehend and will be able to learn unique lessons from it for their lives.

This resource includes:

  • Slide 1: What is Pearl Harbor Day?
  • Slide 2: Pearl Harbor Attack - Part I
  • Slide 3: Pearl Harbor Attack Part II
  • Slide 4: Where is Pearl Harbor?
  • Slide 5: Why Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor?
  • Slide 6: Life in Hawaii After the Attack
  • Slide 7: Heroes of Pearl Harbor
  • Slide 8: USS Arizona Memorial
  • Slide 9: Lessons Learned from Pearl Harbor
  • Slide 10: How We Remember Pearl Harbor
  • Slide 11: Pearl Harbor Reflections
  • Slide 12: We Have Learned About ... Pearl Harbor Day


  • Powerpoint
  • PDF
  • Google Slides
  • Keynote
  • JPG images

Enjoy this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Resource!


Pearl Harbor Presentación PowerPoint in SPANISH, Reflection and Discussion Q's

By Class Plus

Esta presentación está diseñada para que los niños conecten la historia de Pearl Harbor y la relacionen con sus propias vidas. Este recurso aborda este acontecimiento histórico a través de la reflexión y el aprendizaje con el objetivo de promover la paz y el diálogo, incluso frente a las diferencias. Esta presentacíon ofrece una excelente oportunidad para presentar y desarrollar ideas únicas y reales para nuestros estudiantes.

Cada diapositiva tiene una descripción sencilla y adaptada a los niños de la historia y los hechos más significativos relacionados con lo ocurrido en Pearl Harbor. Además, ayuda a los niños a comprender el concepto de la existencia histórica y contemporánea del conflicto, haciendo hincapié en la importancia de su prevención y solución.

Sus estudiantes encontrarán este acontecimiento fácil de comprender y podrán aprender de él lecciones únicas para sus vidas.

Este recurso incluye:

  • Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es el Día de Pearl Harbor?
  • Diapositiva 2: Ataque a Pearl Harbor - Parte I
  • Diapositiva 3: Ataque a Pearl Harbor - Parte II
  • Diapositiva 4: ¿Dónde está Pearl Harbor?
  • Diapositiva 5: ¿Por qué Japón Atacó Pearl Harbor?
  • Diapositiva 6: La Vida en Hawái tras el Atentado
  • Diapositiva 7: Héroes de Pearl Harbor
  • Diapositiva 8: Monumento al USS Arizona
  • Diapositiva 9: Lecciones Aprendidas de Pearl Harbor
  • Diapositiva 10: Cómo Recordamos Pearl Harbor
  • Diapositiva 11: Reflexiones Sobre Pearl Harbor
  • Diapositiva 12: Hemos Aprendido Sobre... El Día de Pearl Harbor


  • Powerpoint
  • PDF
  • Google Slides
  • Keynote
  • JPG images

¡Disfruta de este recurso del Día de Pearl Harbor!


Pearl Harbor PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE Reflection and Discussion Q's

By Class Plus

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Peace Day - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!

This presentation is designed for children to connect the history of Pearl Harbor and relate it to their own lives. This resource approaches this historical event through reflection and learning with the goal of promoting peace and dialogue, even in the face of differences. This amazing resource offers an excellent opportunity to present and develop unique, real-life ideas for our students.

Each slide provides a straightforward, child-friendly description of the history and the most significant facts related to what happened in Pearl Harbor. Additionally, it helps children understand the concept of conflict's historical and contemporary existence, emphasizing the importance of its prevention and solution.

Your students will find this event easy to comprehend and will be able to learn unique lessons from it for their lives.

The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.

This resource includes:

  • Slide 1: What is Pearl Harbor Day? (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 2: Pearl Harbor Attack - Part I (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 3: Pearl Harbor Attack Part II (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 4: Where is Pearl Harbor? (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 5: Why Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor? (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 6: Life in Hawaii After the Attack (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 7: Heroes of Pearl Harbor (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 8: USS Arizona Memorial (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 9: Lessons Learned from Pearl Harbor (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 10: How We Remember Pearl Harbor (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 11: Pearl Harbor Reflections (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 12: We Have Learned About ... Pearl Harbor Day (English and Spanish Version)


  • Powerpoint
  • PDF
  • Google Slides
  • Keynote
  • JPG images

Enjoy this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Resource!


Pearl Harbor Collection BUNDLE SPANISH VERSION, PPT, Escritura, lectura y Craft

By Class Plus

Este paquete Pearl Harbor está diseñado para enriquecer la comprensión de los estudiantes a través de la reflexión, el pensamiento crítico y actividades atractivas. Este conjunto de recursos, todo en uno, es perfecto para los maestros que deseen dar vida a la historia de una forma muy simple en su clase. La colección comienza con una presentación informativa en PowerPoint que capta la atención de los estudiantes a la vez que cubre detalles históricos clave. Acompañada de preguntas para la reflexión y el debate, esta presentación prepara el terreno para una exploración más profunda y un pensamiento crítico sobre Pearl Harbor. Es una forma ideal de iniciar debates significativos en clase y de involucrar a los estudiantes en un análisis reflexivo.

La actividad del Día de Pearl Harbor ofrece un enfoque polifacético del aprendizaje. Este recurso combina la lectura, la escritura, el dibujo y las manualidades para garantizar una comprensión profunda de Pearl Harbor.

La actividad de escritura reflexiva sobre Pearl Harbor anima a los estudiantes a procesar sus conocimientos a través de la escritura reflexiva y las manualidades. Este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a articular sus pensamientos sobre Pearl Harbor, promoviendo una conexión personal con los acontecimientos históricos y profundizando su comprensión.

Este paquete no sólo proporciona un enfoque completo para la enseñanza de Pearl Harbor, sino que también promueve el pensamiento crítico al desafiar a los estudiantes a reflexionar y comprometerse con la historia. Transforma tus lecciones sobre Pearl Harbor con este atractivo y reflexivo paquete y dale vida a la historia en tu clase hoy mismo.

Esta colección incluye:

  • Recurso 1: Pearl Harbor Presentación PowerPoint in SPANISH, Reflection and Discussion Q's
  • Recurso 2: Día Pearl Harbor Actividad, Pearl Harbor Day Spanish, Reading, Writing and Craft
  • Recurso 3: Pearl Harbor Manualidad Actividad de Escritura Reflexiva

¡Disfruta con tus estudiantes de esta colección del Día de Pearl Harbor!


Pearl Harbor Collection BUNDLE ENGLISH VERSION, PPT, Reading, Writing and Craft

By Class Plus

The Pearl Harbor Bundle enriches students' understanding through reflection, critical thinking, and engaging activities. This all-in-one resource set is perfect for educators aiming to make history come alive in the classroom. The collection begins with an informative PowerPoint presentation that captures students' attention while covering key historical details. Accompanied by reflection and discussion questions, this presentation sets the stage for deeper exploration and critical thinking about Pearl Harbor. It’s an ideal way to initiate meaningful class discussions and engage students in thoughtful analysis.

The Pearl Harbor Activity offers a multifaceted approach to learning. This resource combines reading, writing, drawing, and crafting to ensure a thorough understanding of Pearl Harbor.

The Pearl Harbor Craft Reflective Writing Activity encourages students to process their understanding through reflective writing and crafting. This resource helps students articulate their thoughts on Pearl Harbor, promoting a personal connection to historical events and deepening their comprehension.

This bundle not only provides a well-rounded approach to teaching Pearl Harbor but also promotes critical thinking by challenging students to reflect and engage with history. Transform your Pearl Harbor lessons with this engaging and reflective bundle, and bring history to life in your classroom today.

This collection includes:

  • Resource 1: Pearl Harbor PowerPoint Presentation, Reflection, and Discussion Questions
  • Resource 2: Pearl Harbor Day Reading, Writing, Drawing, and Craft Activity
  • Resource 3: Pearl Harbor Craft Reflective Writing Activity

Enjoy this Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Collection!
