3rd Grade Thanksgiving Video Files

Lesson Plan on the video 'The First Thanksgiving Story for Kids'

By Collaborative Educators 3000

This is a complete lesson plan based on the YouTube video 'The First Thanksgiving Story for Kids' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oodJKjJ_VqY&t=15s) by LeFive Kids Playground. Learn all about the first Thanksgiving in this fun and educational animated video for kids! Join the Pilgrims on their exciting journey across the ocean on the Mayflower, and discover how they met the Native Americans and celebrated the very first Thanksgiving feast.

The lesson is designed for Grades 3 and 4, and it should last approximately 60 minutes. There many activities included, and their answers are provided at the end.

This video is perfect for teaching young children about the history of Thanksgiving in a way that is engaging and easy to understand. They will learn:

  • Why the Pilgrims left England
  • The Mayflower's wild voyage across the ocean
  • The challenges of surviving in a new land
  • The friendship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans
  • The first Thanksgiving feast and its traditions
  • Plus, we'll have lots of fun along the way with silly characters, catchy songs, and amazing animation!

Activities for the video “The Story of the Mayflower" for Elementary Students

By Collaborative Educators 3000

After trade and communication between Europe and the Americas began following Columbus's voyage in 1492, many Europeans began to seek opportunities in the New World. One such group, now known as the Pilgrims, sailed from England to North America in 1620.

In 1620 the Mayflower crossed from England to North America. Filled to the brim with passengers, livestock, and supplies, they faced many delays before finally reaching the shores of the New World. The Pilgrims suffered and many of them died to establish a settlement in what is now Massachusetts, but through cooperation with local tribes of Native Americans they were eventually able to thrive.

Watch the excellent video “The Story of the Mayflower and the First Thanksgiving for Children” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brqIER2KHbE) with your students, and then do the activities in this ebook. The answers are available at the end of the book, as well as plenty of guidance for the teacher in the Teacher's notes.
