By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish School Bundle contains:
12 school supplies posters
30 color bingo cards
30 black and white cards
Both bingo card sets include 12 calling cards with pictures and words. You could also use the calling cards for a matching game, just print 2 copies and play a memory game.
Vocabulary: el cuaderno, la mochila, el pegamento, los crayones, el lápiz, el marcador, la regla, el libro, las tijeras, el sacapuntas, el borrador (la goma) y la pluma (el bolígrafo)
Mini libros
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color
- Book 3 read and draw
- Book 4 trace the word and color
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color
Vocabulary used: tengo un lápiz en mi mochila, marcador, tijeras, borrador, crayones, pegamento, sacapuntas, regla and libro.
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards and a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: el lápiz, el libro, el cuaderno, el sacapuntas, el borrador, el pegamento, las tijeras, la regla, la pluma, los crayones, el marcador y la mochila.
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the school supplies words
1 black and white wheel with the school supplies words
1 color wheel with the school supplies without words
1 black and white wheel with the school supplies without words
Sopa de letras
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the school supplies names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Color Bundle contains:
Bingo de colores y números
The pack includes:
30 color bingo cards
32 calling cards
rojo, azul, verde, amarillo, blanco, negro, gris, celeste, morado, rosa/rosado, naranja/anaranjado, café/marrón and numbers from 0 to 20
Mini libro u hojas para colorear
This set includes:
1 cover page if you decide to make the books
11 color pages
8 pages to color by number
Pósters de colores
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Ruedas de emociones
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the colors words
1 black and white wheel with the colors words
1 color wheel with the colors without words
1 black and white wheel with the colors without words
Sopa de letras de colores
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the colors and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Family Bundle includes:
Bingo de la familia
30 color bingo boards with 9 pictures in each one.
13 color calling cards with pictures and words. You could also use the calling cards for a matching game, just print 2 copies and play a memory game.
The vocabulary includes: la abuela, el abuelo, la mamá, el papá, el hermano, la hermana, el hermano bebé, la hermana bebé, yo (chico), yo (chica), el gato, el perro y la casa.
Mini libros de la familia
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color the family
- Book 3 read and draw the family members
- Book 4 trace the word and color the family members
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color the family
Vocabulary used: Él es ..., Ella es ..., Este es ..., Esta es, papá, mamá, hermano, hermana, hermana bebé, abuelo, abuela, perro, and gato.
Pósters de la familia
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: la madre, la mamá, el padre, el papá, el abuelo, la abuela, el hermano, la hermana, el hermano bebé, la hermana bebé, el perro, and el gato.
Ruedas de la familia
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the family words
1 black and white wheel with the family words
1 color wheel with the family without words
1 black and white wheel with the family without words
Sopa de letras de la familia
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the family names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Feeling Bundle contains:
Mini libros de emociones
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color
- Book 3 read and draw
- Book 4 trace the word and color
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color
Vocabulary used:yo estoy feliz, triste, enojado, frustrada, cansada, avergonzado, sorprendido y asustada.
Pósters de dos tamaños
This product contains two pdf files, one for each size:
1. One color and black & white 8.5” by 11” Feelings Posters.
2. One color and black & white 11” by 17” Feelings Posters.
Pósters de emociones
The set includes:
20 color posters
20 black and white posters
02 color questions
Vocabulary used: aburrido, enojado, orgulloso, triste, tonto, seguro, avergonzado, malhumorado, sorprendido, preocupado, decepcionada, emocionada, feliz, asustada, tímida, confundida, furiosa, frustrada, agradecida, and cansada.
Ruedas de emociones
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the feelings words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings words
1 color wheel with the feelings without words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings without words
Sopa de letras de emociones
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the feelings names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!
Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Weather Bundle includes:
Mini Books
Wheel Games
Word Search and Crossword with answer keys
Weather Coloring Pages
Mini libros del tiempo
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color the weather
- Book 3 read and draw the weather
- Book 4 trace the word and color the weather
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color the weather
Vocabulary used: hace frío, hace calor, hace sol, hace viento, está lloviendo, está nevando, hay una tormenta, está nublado and está un poco nublado
Pósters del tiempo
The set includes:
8 color posters
8 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: hace sol, hace viento, hace frío, hace calor, está nublado, está lloviendo, está nevando y hay una tormenta.
Ruedas del tiempo
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the weather words
1 black and white wheel with the weather words
1 color wheel with the weather without words
1 black and white wheel with the weather without words
Sopa de letras del tiempo
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the weather names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
Hojas del tiempo para colorear
The set includes:
1 cover page if you decide to make the book
9 weather pages
8 season pages
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Spanish Worksheets, Games, and Activities for Spelling Numbers 1-25
By Jessica
This bundle is perfect for students learning to say and spell numbers 1-25 in Spanish. There are multiple worksheets, activities, and games (BINGO!) to keep your students engaged while learning basic numbers in Spanish.
By All Therapy Resources
Sobre este libro de Trabajo - Todos tenemos sentimientos y emociones. Todos los días experimentamos varios de estos sentimientos. Este libro de trabajo ha sido creado solo para que lo ayude a comprender mejor sus sentimientos, emociones y comportamientos.
Mindset is everything! This workbook supports children to develop a growth mindset and learn not to give up. It incorporates reading, expressive writing, critical thinking, reflective insight development while also teaching social and emotional learning and growth mindset skills for little learners.
The following 75 page workbook focuses on the following topics to encourage emotional wellbeing and resilience:
• Anger management
• Anxiety Management
• Emotional Regulation
• Resilience
• Self-Belief and Confidence
• Positive Thinking
• Relaxation
• Social relating
• Reflective behaviours
• Healthy choices
• Coping Skills
• Understanding your engine
• Problem solving
• Isolating and labelling behaviours
• Creative Visualisation
• Find-a-words
and much much more...
This feelings and behaviour workbook includes:
- Introductory ‘about your workbook” – learning about the individual
- Anger rules – what’s okay/not okay
- Feeling find-a-word
- Body Keeps the Score exercise – reflective exercise
- Volcano anger management exercise and activity
- Poster – what to do when you feel angry
- Reflective anger management exercises
- Star Tips for controlling anger
- Emotions Poster “printable”
- Rules to support change – poster
- Anger Management worksheets
- Deep breathing exercise
- Coping skills exercise/activity
- Understand your Engine – Engine Speeds
- How I feel Today diary entry
- Healthy me diary/journal
- Cool Down Thoughts Poste
- Problem Solving Reflective Activity – stop and think/choices
- Knowing you feelings – reflective activity – frustration/happy/angry/mad
- Helping Hand activity – who to go for support/trust
- Biggest Hurt and Sadness activity
- Creative Activity – Make a safe home for your pet
- Bucket Activity – reflective care
- SPOTLIGHT activity
- And much more….
This is a workbook that can be printed and used for all children, including those with behavioural and anger management issues to support behaviour change.
This package includes over 36 exercises and activities to do with children, as well as tips and behavioural reinforcer pages.
This package has been utilized for all children and has been used within a school setting as part of a “self care” program. This can also be utilized for children with ADHD, intellectual disability, autism and/or developmental delay.
Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!
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STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
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Juegos de mesa - Vocabulary Review Board Games Activity in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Do you want your students practice tons of vocabulary??? These Vocabulary Review Board Games Activity in Spanish are a fun way to engage students into learning. This resource contains 48 printable color and b&w game boards in Spanish. They can be used to reinforce new concepts, review vocabulary, send home to play as homework or for a sub lesson.
This resource has:
1. Body parts
2. Clothing
3. Colors
4. Family
5. Farm Animals
6. Fruits
7. House
8. Numbers
9. School Supplies
10. Vegetables
11. Weather
12. Wild Animals
You may also like:
Lee y Encuentra las Palabras - Read and Find the Words in Spanish
End of the Year Vocabulary Review Activities in Spanish
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
NO PREP!! Sumas llevando (Resultados hasta 150)
By La Llama Bilingüe
Este documento contiene 12 páginas de ejercicios.
Con este producto tus estudiantes podrán practicar la mecánica de sumar y llevar con la ayuda de guías. También podrán dibujar y contar. Podrán también utilizar bloques de base 10 para realizar las sumas de una forma más concreta. También podrán practicar las sumas con una recta numérica abierta.
Este documento contiene hoja de respuestas.
Solo imprime y ya!