3rd Grade Other (World Language) Printables

Spanish Alphabet Posters! Las 27 letras del Abecedario

By La Llama Bilingüe

This is a great product for your Spanish Bilingual classroom!!

  • 27 posters for every letter of the Spanish Alphabet.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES!! Los Objetos de la Escuela!!

By La Llama Bilingüe

This product is ideal for Spanish bilingual classrooms for those first days of school.

This document contains:

  • 1 object search
  • 1 word-search
  • 2 answer keys

Just Print and Go!


Spanish Posters!! Numbers and Alphabet!

By La Llama Bilingüe

Really cute design for your bulletin board! Ideal for your Spanish Bilingual classroom!

  • 27 letters of the alphabet
  • Numbers 1-20

Gegenteilige Adjektive - Spiele, German Opposites, games and activities

By Miss Clever Cookie

Printable low prep games and activities to practice German opposite adjectives. It contains 5 Tic Tac Toe games, a Connect 3 Sides Game, a colouring page and a recording sheet. Great for centers. Games can be played in pairs or in teams.


  • 5 Tic Tac Toe Games - to be played in pairs, children have to say the opposites or form sentences to draw a X or a O
  • Connect 3 Sides Game - it's a great classroom game based on a TV game show. The rules are very simple, check out the Preview for more details.
  • 1 recording sheet - so students can practice their writing of opposite adjectives
  • 1 cute colouring page with a key

List of adjectives

* groß - klein; * dick - dünn; * alt - neu; * lang - kurz; *gut - schlecht; * schwarz - weiß; * laut - leise; * schnell - langsam; * hell - dunkel; * hart - weich; * heiß - kalt; * stark - schwach; * voll - leer; * reich - arm; * schwer - einfach; * glücklich - traurig; * trocken - nass; * hübsch - hässlich; * glatt - lockig; * hoch - niedrig; * gesund - krank; * faul - fleißig; * schmal - breit; * hungrig - satt; * süß - sauer; * nützlich - nutzlos; * schmutzig - sauber; * billig - teuer; * müde - munter; * dumm - klug; * rund - eckig; * tot - lebendig; * mutig - ängstlich; * frech - brav; * richtig - falsch; * dick - schlank; *erste - letzte

Are you missing any opposites?

Let me know on my TeachShare store page and I'll gladly send you the missing ones.

How to contact me: click the Ask a Question tab on my store page. I'll get back to you shortly.

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

Gegenteilige Adjektive - German Opposite Adjectives


Gegenteilige Adjektive BUNDLE, German Opposites - Flashcards, Games

By Miss Clever Cookie

Contains everything you need to teach German antonyms - flashcards and many hours worth of games and activities. Low or no prep. Prints great in grayscale or in colour.

* 72 flashcards

* 37 I have Who has game cards

* Tic Tac Toe

* 2 crosswords

* a word search

* Connect 3 Sides Game

* a Trimino puzzle

* a board game

* a colouring sheet

* a recording sheet

List of adjectives

* groß - klein; * dick - dünn; * alt - neu; * lang - kurz; *gut - schlecht; * schwarz - weiß; * laut - leise; * schnell - langsam; * hell - dunkel; * hart - weich; * heiß - kalt; * stark - schwach; * voll - leer; * reich - arm; * schwer - einfach; * glücklich - traurig; * trocken - nass; * hübsch - hässlich; * glatt - lockig; * hoch - niedrig; * gesund - krank; * faul - fleißig; * schmal - breit; * hungrig - satt; * süß - sauer; * nützlich - nutzlos; * schmutzig - sauber; * billig - teuer; * müde - munter; * dumm - klug; * rund - eckig; * tot - lebendig; * mutig - ängstlich; * frech - brav; * richtig - falsch; * dick - schlank; *erste - letzte

Are you missing any opposites?

Let me know on my TeachShare store page and I'll gladly send you the missing ones.

How to contact me: click the Ask a Question tab on my store page. I'll get back to you shortly.

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

Schiffe versenken German Verb Conjugation Battleship


Acción de Gracias Actividad de Escritura de Cartas para Expresar Agradecimiento

By Class Plus

Mejora las actividades de escritura de Acción de Gracias de tu clase con esta atractiva actividad de escritura del paquete de cartas de Acción de Gracias. Este recurso anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre la importancia de la gratitud, ayudándoles a reconocer la amabilidad y el apoyo que han recibido de los demás. Con esta actividad, los estudiantes aprenden a escribir sinceras cartas de gratitud, expresando sus pensamientos y emociones en mensajes de agradecimiento a quienes les han ayudado y cuidado constantemente. Es una herramienta perfecta para enseñar a tus niños a apreciar sus bendiciones y logros, y la importancia de reconocer las contribuciones de los demás.

Esta actividad fomenta los sentimientos de aprecio y empatía y nutre las habilidades esenciales de escritura y expresión emocional.

Este recurso incluye:

  • Carta de Acción de Gracias, versión blanco y negro y a color.
  • Partes de una carta de agradecimiento, versión blanco y negro y a color.
  • Tarjetas de Acción de Gracias versión blanco y negro y a color.
  • Sobre de Acción de Gracias versión blanco y negro y a color.
  • Lista especial de agradecimiento versión blanco y negro.
  • Modelo de lista especial de agradecimiento versión blanco y negro, para guiar a tus estudiantes a desarrollar la actividad. .

¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!


Thanksgiving Gratitude Letter Writing Activity Pack BUNDLE for Appreciation

By Class Plus

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Thanksgiving Letter Pack. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Enhance your classroom’s Thanksgiving writing activities with this engaging Thanksgiving Letter Pack Writing Activity. This resource encourages students to reflect on the importance of gratitude, helping them recognize the kindness and support they’ve received from others. Through this activity, students learn to write heartfelt gratitude letters, expressing their thoughts and emotions in thank-you messages to those who have consistently helped and cared for them. It’s a perfect tool to teach students to appreciate their blessings, and accomplishments, and the significance of acknowledging others' contributions.

This activity fosters feelings of appreciation and empathy and nurtures essential writing and emotional expression skills.

The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description.

This resource includes:

  • A Thanksgiving letter template in color and black and white. (English - Spanish)
  • A worksheet or overhead transparency reviewing the parts of a letter, in color and black and white. (English - Spanish)
  • Thanksgiving Cards in color and black and white. (English - Spanish)
  • A worksheet or overhead transparency sample of a special list to thank people and experiences in black and white. (English - Spanish)
  • A special list template in black and white. (English - Spanish)
  • Thanksgiving envelopes in color and black and white. (English - Spanish)

Happy Thanksgiving Day


Acción de Gracias Collection BUNDLE, PPT, Manualidad y Carta de Agradecimiento

By Class Plus

Enriquece la celebración de Acción de Gracias de tu clase con este precioso BUNDLE. Este completo paquete incluye tres fantásticos recursos para que tu clase sea impactante: una excelente presentación en PowerPoint con preguntas que generan debate y reflexión para suscitar conversaciones significativas, una actividad de escritura de cartas de Acción de Gracias que fomenta la creatividad y la gratitud a través de instrucciones fáciles de seguir, y una actividad de manualidades y escritura del pavo de Acción de Gracias que fomenta las habilidades motoras finas a la vez que refuerza la escritura y los valores.

A los maestros les encanta este BUNDLE porque ahorran tiempo al proporcionar todo lo necesario en un solo paquete. El contenido mantiene a los estudiantes interesados y participando activamente, fomentando el pensamiento crítico, la creatividad, los valores y la motricidad fina. Este recurso es perfecto para las actividades de clase, los deberes o los proyectos de vacaciones, ya que mejora la experiencia de clase con materiales diseñados para inspirar y motivar a las mentes más jóvenes.

Esta colección incluye:

  • Recurso 1: Acción de Gracias Presentación PowerPoint | Discussion and Reflection Questions
  • Recurso 2: Acción de Gracias Actividad | Letter Pack and Writing Activity
  • Recurso 3: Acción de Gracias Manualidad | Writing Activity

¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!


Classroom English/Korean Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

By Zaazoua Mostapha

These Classroom Vocabulary Flash cards are perfect for any Student New to English or Korean Language Learning!

Each card has the word in English and Korean and an illustration of it.

Specifically Includes:
6 Pdf Pages Containing 90 Words (90 Total Cards).

If you like this set, you also might be interested in one of these other languages!

  • Classroom English/Arabic Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

  • Classroom English/Spanish Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

  • Classroom English/Portuguese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

  • Classroom English/Chinese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

  • Classroom English/French Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

  • Classroom English/German Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

  • Classroom English/Hebrew Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

  • Classroom English/Vietnamese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable

  • Classroom English/Italian Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

*This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).

Be sure to check out my other printables! Definitely, something is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!

Note: All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial friendly.


Directional Arabic Alphabet Letters 4x5 Tracing Cards For Kids

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Directional Arabic Alphabet Letters 4x5 Tracing Cards For Kids in a single PDF file. These can be used as worksheets or they can be laminated to use as dry erase worksheets.

Here is what you get!

Directional Arabic Alphabet Letters 4x5 Tracing Cards For Kids 4 Letters in Each Page

Prints a total of 7 pages.

Complementary resources:

➡ Tracing Practice Arabic Letters 28 Pages | Preschool Toddler Busy Handwriting

➡ Home School Handwriting Practice Arabic Alphabet Letters 56 Worksheet

➡ Tracing Arabic letters/numbers | Arabic letter Flashcards |Trace Arabic Alphabet

➡ 37 Pages Arabic Letters and Numbers Tracing Worksheets, Handwriting Practice

➡ DOLLAR DEAL Arabic Alphabet Hunt! Letter Recognition Activity for All 28 Letters

➡ Arabic Handwriting Practice Workbook, Printable Letters Positions Worksheets

Also, I'm open to suggestions about other resources to add to this set.

Note: This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.

Note: All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial friendly.

Thank you for visiting and thank you for all of your support.


The Complete Arabic Alphabet Letters Learning Bundle

By Zaazoua Mostapha

What is included?

  • Handwriting Practice Arabic Alphabet Tracing Worksheets ( 84 pages )
  • Directional Arabic Alphabet Tracing Cards ( 4x5 inches )
  • Arabic letter Tracing Flashcards
  • 37 Pages Arabic Letters and Numbers Tracing Worksheets
  • Arabic Alphabet Hunt (A letters recognition game)
  • Arabic Handwriting Practice Worksheets ( All Letters Positions )
  • Flashcards ( 0 to 100 Arabic Numbers, letters, Days, Months, Seasons, and Senses )
  • Horouf Arabia Poster ( Arabic Letters Poster )

Also, I'm open to suggestions about other words to add to this set.

Note: This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.

Note: All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial friendly.
