3rd Grade Numbers Internet Activities

Basic Addition Fact Fluency Digital Puzzle (Self Checking and No Prep!)

By Miss Yous Clues and Resources

This product is a digital puzzle that requires students to complete 50 basic addition fact fluency problems. The link to the digital puzzle is on a clickable PDF that you would download once purchased. Students will put the answers in the answer box. This activity is no prep and is self checking. If the student puts the correct answer in, the answer box will turn green and a piece of the digital puzzle will appear in the green box to the right. In addition to this, an emoji pops up next to the correct answer. If the student puts in the wrong answer, the answer box will turn red and no puzzle piece will appear. Students will know that they have completed the activity correctly when all answer boxes are green and all 50 puzzle pieces are there, forming a picture of a panda eating ice cream on the beach.

This product would be great for fast finishers, independent practice, a time filler activity, day before break activity, center work, etc. Students will love this activity and the challenge of completing the puzzle!
