3rd Grade Library Skills Word Walls

Classroom Library Labels by Genre & Topic for Book Bins & bookshelves | Decor

By SPO Resources

Organize your classroom library by genre with these colorful genre & topic labels for bookshelves and book bins. With clear categorization, sorting your library books by genre and topics is EASY!

Choose the ready-to-print format, or use the PNG image files & pre-made templates for each genre label to easily adjust the label sizes and select specific genre labels for printing. This will save ink and paper as you set up your beautifully organized classroom library.

With six ready-to-print formats, two designed to fit Avery labels, you can quickly print labels in various sizes and formats that best meet your classroom needs.

The templates provided in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva, along with the PNG image files of each label, make it easy to customize and select the labels you want to print, offering flexibility in the printing process.

⭐ Click here for the Bilingual Classroom Library Labels in English & Spanish⭐ Click here for the Spanish Classroom Library Labels

Here's a breakdown of the options in this resource:

  1. Ready-to-print formats: Print the genre labels directly from the PDF in 6 different sizes.
  2. Avery label options: Two ready-to-print formats are designed to fit Avery labels. This means you can simply print directly onto Avery label sheets without having to cut them out afterward.
  3. Customized printing with pre-made templates: While the labels ARE NOT EDITABLE, you can use the provided templates in PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Canva to customize the labels you want to print on each page. Insert PNG images into the custom templates for accurate sizing and easy printing.

These features allow you to streamline the label printing process and create professional-looking genre labels for your classroom library. Enjoy seamless organization and create a vibrant reading atmosphere for your students.

Do you already own the Classroom Library Genre Posters & Anchor charts?

Syncing with the Classroom Library Genre Posters & Genre Anchor Charts, these classroom genre labels were designed to help students apply their knowledge of book genres to the library. By matching the labels with the posters you will empower your students to discover books that pique their interests and help them gain a better understanding of genres.

Are you tired of dealing with a disorganized classroom library?

Elevate your classroom library with these Classroom Library Genre & Topic Labels. Categorize your books by genre and topic to create an organized and accessible library that fosters independent reading. Say goodbye to messy bookshelves and hello to an engaging reading corner that inspires a love for literature.

Do your students struggle to find books that interest them?

With a wide variety of labels to choose from, you can organize your library in a way that is visually appealing and easy to navigate, allowing students to find what they are looking for quickly. Watch as your students easily discover books that match their interests and reading levels, igniting their passion for reading.

What's Included:


★ Folder with PNG images of all 60 labels

  • 8” x 2.5” with a 0.125” bleed
  • 300 DPI
  • One folder of 60 labels in color
  • One folder of 60 labels in black & white
  • Use the images to easily customize the labels & sizes you would like to print for your classroom library by inserting each image onto a pre-made template in PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Canva.

4 PDF Files with ready-to-print labels

  • Large labels→ 4 per page: 7.9” x 2.6”
  • Medium labels→ 5 per page: 6” x 2”
  • Small labels→ 8 per page: 5.25” x 1.75”
  • Mini labels→ 14 per page: 4” x 1.35”
  • Color or black & white printing

2 PDF Files with ready-to-print Avery Labels

Two options are formatted to print directly onto Avery labels.

  • Avery Rectangle Labels: 1-1/3" x 4"→ 14 labels per page

    • Ensure you have the correct Avery label product number. I used the Presta® 94206 Template, which works with 18262, 48462, 48862, 5162, 5262, 5522, 5654, 5962, 6445, 6455, 8162, 8252, 8462, 95522.
  • Avery Rectangle Labels: 2" x 6" → 4 labels per page

    • Ensure you have the correct Avery label product number. I used the Presta® 94242 Template.

6 PPTX Templates to customize printing

You can insert PNG images into the custom templates to ensure accurate sizing and easy printing of your desired labels.

Choose from the following label templates:

  • Large label template
  • Medium label template
  • Small label template
  • Mini label template
  • Avery label 1-1/3" x 4" template
  • Avery label 2” x 6” template

➡ You can resize images on your own, but using templates will save you time and make it easier to maintain consistent sizing.

➡ Save ink and paper by only printing the labels you need.

➡ If you don't have PowerPoint, don't worry! You can customize the labels using the provided links on Google Slides or Canva.

All templates are available in Google Slides & Canva

PLEASE NOTE that no feature of the label itself is editable. You cannot adjust the colors, fonts, or graphics of any of the labels. You are only able to customize the labels you would like to print using the templates.

Genre Labels & Topics Included:

Fiction Labels

  • Fantasy
  • Fantasy Fiction
  • Realistic Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Traditional Literature
  • Classics
  • Folktales
  • Fables
  • Fairytales
  • Tall Tales
  • Myths
  • Legends
  • Folktales/Fables/Fairytales/Tall Tales/Myths/Legends
  • Animal Stories
  • Drama
  • Poetry
  • Science Fiction
  • Mysteries
  • Humor
  • Horror
  • Scary Stories
  • Thriller
  • Adventure
  • Survival
  • Dystopian
  • Romance
  • Crime
  • Fiction
  • Graphic Novels

Nonfiction Labels

  • Nonfiction
  • Expository texts
  • Informational texts
  • Narrative Nonfiction
  • Literary Nonfiction
  • Biography
  • Autobiography
  • Memoirs
  • Biographical Texts
  • Autobiography & Biography
  • Persuasive Texts
  • Procedural Texts
  • How to Books

Topics & Other Library Labels

  • Sports
  • Math
  • History
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Human Body
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Geography
  • Animals
  • Dinosaurs
  • Space
  • Holidays
  • Award Winners
  • Class Favorites
  • Book hospital
  • Book return

Is there a label missing from this list that you wish was included?

Feel free to reach out to me via email at samantha@sporesources.com and let me know your suggestion!

How will this resource benefit your classroom?

These colorful and visually appealing labels have been thoughtfully designed to capture the attention of young readers, making it easier for them to choose books from the library. The eye-catching graphics on each label will help students better understand the genre and what they can expect to read about.

If you already own the genre reading posters and anchor charts, these will be a great addition to your teaching tool kit. These labels will help you coordinate your library with the content being taught during your literacy block. This makes it easier for students to find books that interest them.

Use these labels to make your library a more inviting and user-friendly space. By sorting your classroom library by genre and topic, you can create an engaging and immersive reading experience for your students, helping them to become lifelong readers and learners.

These labels are user-friendly and customizable for your classroom needs. Save ink and paper by using the templates to select which labels you want to print. Additionally, you can print directly onto two sizes of Avery labels that are already formatted for you. Save time cutting out the labels by printing directly onto a sticker sheet.

Who can benefit from using this resource?

As an elementary school teacher, librarian, or educator, use these library labels to create a well-organized and captivating classroom library. By grouping books by genre and topic, your students can easily find books that match their interests and reading levels. These labels are a practical tool that promotes a love for reading and enhances your teaching experience while encouraging students' exploration of diverse literature.


  1. Label bookshelves: Get rid of your book bins and organize your classroom library by applying these horizontal labels to your bookshelves.
  2. Label book bins: Apply these labels to your library book bins to create a tidy and inviting reading corner.
  3. Personalize the labels by printing the black & white versions on colored card stock paper to match your classroom decor.
  4. Literacy Focus Wall**:** Enhance literacy lessons by placing the labels on a literacy word wall when teaching specific genres or topics.
  5. Adjust Size & Labels to Print: Utilize the PNG images and Canva template to resize labels and select the ones that best suit your classroom library. This will help you avoid wasting ink and paper by printing labels you don't need. Please note that the labels are not editable.
  6. Genre Book Displays: Rotate and highlight specific genres each month or semester by setting up genre-themed book displays using the labels. This keeps the library fresh and exciting, encouraging students to explore different genres throughout the year.
  7. Make book recommendations: Use these labels to quickly recommend books and create a classroom library that encourages a love for reading.


Upon purchase, you will receive a zip file containing PDF files, PPTX files, and PNG images.

PDF Files included:

  • Large, medium, small, and mini ready-to-print labels in both color and black & white.
  • Avery label 1-1/3" x 4" and 2" x 6" ready-to-print labels in both color and black & white.
  • Digital Access: Links to templates on Google Slides & Canva for all label sizes.

PPTX Files included:

  • Large, medium, small, and mini-label templates
  • Avery labels 1-1/3" x 4" and 2" x 6" templates

Folder of color label PNGs

  • 60 library label PNG images in color
  • Size: 8” x 2.5”
  • Resolution: 300 DPI

Folder of black & white label PNGs

  • 60 library label PNG images in black & white
  • Size: 8” x 2.5”
  • Resolution: 300 DPI


  1. Can I customize the colors, graphics, and titles on the labels?
    The colors, graphics, and titles on the labels cannot be edited due to font licensing restrictions. However, to fit your curriculum best, I've provided several versions of titles for popular genres to choose from. If the color options do not suit your needs, you can use the black-and-white option and print onto the colored cardstock of your choice.

  2. Do I need any specific software to use the provided templates?
    The same template is available in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva. This means that if you don't have access to Microsoft Office, you can use the free version of Canva or Google Slides to access the templates.

  3. Can I use the PNG image files to print labels in different sizes not mentioned in the product description?
    Yes! You can adjust the labels to the size that best fits your needs. Each PNG image is originally sized at 8” x 2.5”, but can be scaled to your preferred size. Image-sized templates are included to make the printing process easy, even for those who may not be design-savvy.

  4. Is it difficult for someone without design experience to use the templates?
    No! The templates are super simple to use and are included as a tool to make the printing process easy for you. Instructions on how to use them are also provided. Alternatively, you can choose to print the labels directly from the ready-to-print PDF.

  5. Can I use the images provided in my own TeachShare products or post them on the web?
    No! This product is intended for single classroom or personal use only. You cannot post these images on any unsecured website or include them in free or paid resources. Please refer to my Terms of Use (TOU) for more information.

You may also like the following:

⭐ Reading Genre Posters

⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts

⭐ BUNDLE Reading Genre Posters & Anchor Charts

⭐ Spanish & English Reading Genre Posters

Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources


All rights reserved by the author.

Purchase is for single classroom use only.

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.

Enjoy seamless organization and create a vibrant classroom library for your students with these genre and topic labels designed specifically for your classroom library.
