3rd Grade Health Unit Plans


By La Llama Bilingüe

This is a complete wellness curriculum pack for Spanish bilingual grade 2. It aligns with the Alberta curriculum shifts of 2023.

All activities are scaffolded for Spanish language learners.

It includes:

  • Maintaining Healthy Relationships
  • Types of Roles
  • Self Regulation
  • Applying Safety Principles in Various Contexts
  • Personal Food Chioces
  • Growth
  • Making Decisions About Money

To make your teaching experience easier, this packet includes assessments, cutouts, and answer keys.


Food Allergies Awareness Education, Activities, Signs for BACK TO SCHOOL

By Teaching Dinos

Do you have students with food allergies in your classroom? If so, this is the Ultimate Food Allergy Awareness Education Guide and Resource for the elementary school classroom, perfect for back to school! It includes digital resources that can be used in Google Classroom, as well as printable options to fit your different teaching needs.

Students will be educated on what food allergies are, the top 9 allergens - with mention of mustard as becoming more common, signs of a reaction and what classmates can do if a reaction occurs, how to be a good friend to someone with food allergies, and ways to keep their food allergic friends safe.

****Click on the preview to see what's included**


Food Allergy Presentation Google Slides and PDF- Engaging narrated presentation featuring a silly duck, named Quackers who learns about food allergies with your students. The digital education portion is just under ten minutes long and includes a song to help students remember allergens and ways to keep food allergic students safe. (34 Slides or 34 Page PDF)

Digital activities - Students answer questions on food allergies by moving symbols over the correct answers, or writing in a text box. Everything digital is narrated with audio as an option for students, which will especially help the early elementary grades. (33 Slides)

Printable Activites in Color and BW - with an answer key available. These are different than the digital activities, though some ideas may overlap. Pick and choose the activities most appropriate for your student's level. (33 Pages)

Posters, Signs, Tags - reinforcing the lesson on food allergies with the Food Allergy Song, Top 9 Allergens, and a list of ways to keep friends with allergies safe. We are a _____Free Classroom for your doors and classrooms including the following allergens: Dairy, Egg, Wheat (additional Gluten Free sign), Soy, Peanut, Tree Nut, Shellfish, Fish, Corn, Sesame, Mustard, Latex, Fragrances. Template for you to make your own custom sign (not editable, you can print and write in the allergens you need). Tags for bookbags, lunches, field trips, whatever you need to pin them on. Includes the allergens and blank templates to write in what you need as well. There are additional tags that say "I am Gluten Free, Vegan, Dairy Free, and Lactose Intolerant" for students that don't fit the typical IgE allergy. There are also tags that read, "Allergy Alert Epinephrine Inside" and "Allergy Alert Emergency Medication Inside." (25 Pages)

Answer Keys - for both digital and PDF activities. (5 pages and 10 pages)

Teacher Education & Resources Packet - discussing ways to keep your student safe and some considerations to make as a teacher and classroom with a student with food allergies. Includes resources for educators as well. (22 pages)

Why do you need this in your classroom?

15% of all food allergic children have had a reaction in school. Over 40% of food allergic children have experienced a severe reaction. Children with food allergies NEED the help of their classmates and teacher if they experience a food allergic reaction!

Help educate your students on this important and necessary topic! It’s an important step towards awareness, increased inclusivity of food allergic students, and helping aid in keeping students safe so they can have the opportunity to learn the best they are able, without fear of their own safety.



✅You may download this as a printable PDF, use the Google Slides in Google Classroom, send copies out to your students, or download as a PowerPoint to upload to Microsoft Teams. 

✅The Google Slides version of this resource are fillable, meaning students can type in pre-made text boxes and move symbols to correct answers. It is NOT editable due to the clip artists’ terms of use. If you have any questions, please contact me at TeachingDinos@gmail.com before purchasing. 

✅You will need Google Drive in order to access this resource. Your students will also need Gmail accounts so they can access it. Sharing via Google Classroom is recommended, but sharing through Gmail is another option. Of course you can always use the print version instead. 

✅With this purchase, TeachShare will automatically make a copy of your folder, create a TPT folder in your Drive, and add the folder to your Google Drive. In this process, TPT will need your permission to briefly access your Google Drive. Here is a link to more information: https://www.TeachShare.com/Help/Buyer-Questions/Why-does-TeachShare-need-access-to-my-Google-Drive-for-me-to-use-certain-digital-resources

✅When assigning this activity to students, make sure you are logged into the account in which the resources were installed. 

✅ Please make sure your district does not block outside audio on your google drive. If your district does block outside audio, it is not necessary to benefit from the full resource. All the text is included and could be read instead.

⚠️This is not an editable document.


⭐⭐⭐Food Allergy BOOM CARDS™ - If you would prefer a more condensed version of this unit, take a look at our Food Allergy BOOM Cards™ Education presentation and digital activities hosted through BOOM Learning™. These do not contain printables, resources, posters...etc. This is strictly the presentation and self-grading and reinforcing, digital activities. Check out the Food Allergy BOOM Cards™ by clicking HERE. ⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐TeachShare CREDITS!!!⭐⭐⭐

Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TPT. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!! 


Related Products:
⭐Food Allergy Posters, Signs, Tags for Classroom Awareness

⭐BUNDLE of 90 Days Silly STEM and STEAM Challenges Distance Learning and PDF

⭐THE WILD ROBOT Building Brick Challenge Task Cards STEAM / STEM / Sequencing

⭐HATCHET Novel Building Brick Challenge Task Cards with STEAM STEM Sequencing

⭐Adventure STEM Building Challenge Task Cards BUNDLE for Elementary Students



You can follow my shop, Teaching Dinos HERE

Pinterest HERE

Instagram HERE

Please email me at TeachingDinos@gmail.com if you have any questions about this resource or experience any problems, I’d be happy to help you!


ALBERTA GRADE 2: Complete Wellness Program!

By La Llama Bilingüe

This is a complete wellness curriculum pack for grade 2. It aligns with the Alberta curriculum shifts of 2023.

All activities are scaffolded for all kinds of learning.

It includes:

  • Maintaining Healthy Relationships
  • Types of Roles
  • Self Regulation
  • Applying Safety Principles in Various Contexts
  • Personal Food Chioces
  • Growth
  • Making Decisions About Money

To make your teaching experience easier, this packet includes assessments, cutouts, and answer keys.
