3rd Grade French Flash Cards

French Conversation Starter Questions-BULLETING BOARD DECOR-"Est-ce que...?"

By La trousse de Madame

FRENCH SENTENCE STARTER QUESTIONS -Est-ce que...? Engaging and fun Back to School bulletin board for students to use as a visual cue to practice using routine French language in the K-2 classroom from Day 1. Modern Language Standard 1.0.

It is never too late to start routine language and can be a great visual for those on an IEP, those students who need a boost, and for peers to help others build their confidence with using these everyday questions.

What's in the resource?

-27 full colour images with depictions of daily routines

-sample bulletin board so you can see the set up

-Large print words for easy reading from a distance

-Est-ce que je peux chercher une gomme? (chercher un crayon, chercher mon cahier, jouer avec un ami, boire de l'eau, aller aux toilettes, etc.

-Est-ce que tu peux m'aider avec mes bottes, tailler mon crayon, m'aider avec mon manteau, etc.

-allows students to ask 'Est-ce que' questions and develop their oral communication skills independently.

Who can use this resource:

I think this resource is perfect for French Immersion teachers like myself, for Core French teachers, and for language teachers who work in other countries. I happen to be in Ontario, Canada but these questions apply to any young learner. K-3 in the Immersion setting, Gr. 4-6 in Core French (and younger), and perfect for Homeschool students as well.

Daily routine language:

Students who are able to quickly master daily routine language feel confident to then try using less common words in class with teachers and peers. The secret to great communication is when students don’t even realize they are speaking to each other in French. This resource could set them on a path to natural, fluid speaking with confidence!

I hope you enjoy this resource and that you will check out some other items in my shop. If you love this item, I would really appreciate a review and a follow!

French Bulletin Board Set – Les routines is available to you for download once you purchase a license. This is for you to use exclusively in your classroom. In further licenses are needed, please feel free to purchase on your link to the resource. All materials are copyright materials and may not be copied, duplicated, or digitally reproduced without consent from me, the author.

Want to earn a few dollars toward your TeachShare purchases? If you leave a review for this product, or any other product you purchase, you will get money toward your future items.

If you want to check the quality of my other products, here’s a link to my most downloaded FREEBIEwithover500downloads in the first 3 months that I opened my store or this Pink Shirt Day Freebie that was downloaded more than 200 times in 24 hours.

I love to hear how you are using the items in your classroom and would love to have your feedback to help improve my shop.

Feel free to follow my store or to connect with me on social media!

You may copy this resource in its original size of make student sized images by copying multiple pages onto the same document. Ie. two pages per sheet, or 4 pages per sheet.

What grade level:

I personally use this visual schedule with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the images with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their understanding of their daily activities and what order their learning will take place in each day. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to communicate at the Junior level.

IEP students:

We all have students with IEPs who need that extra boost to build confidence and to lessen anxieties about what is happening in class. Students quickly learn to identify each card and help each other use this language throughout the day. This has had a positive impact on all students in the class and supports the most vulnerable learners too!

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Decodable Sentence Strips

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Students can easily identify the activities depicted in each card
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce independence and autonomy
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and organization skills
  8. Sets can be used a variety of ways and provide a schedule for a typical school day (or homeschool day).

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool



©La trousse de Madame 2024 You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.


Bilingual Animal Flashcards: English/French Names and Illustrations

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual animal names labels (cards)!

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 118 words for a total of 8 pages. Check out the preview to see what it looks like. Each card features the word in English and French. To help aid meaning, I've included beautiful high-resolution illustrations.

These classroom vocabulary flashcards are perfect for any student new to English or French language learning! They will help a lot.

Other languages:

  • Animal Name' English/Chinese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name' English/Spanish Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name' English/Russian Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name English/Hebrew Flashcards School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name English/Korean Flashcards School Vocabulary Word walls Printable

Other helpful resources:

  • Classroom English/Arabic Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Spanish Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Chinese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/French Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/German Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Hebrew Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Korean Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Vietnamese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Classroom English/Italian Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Urdu Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable

Be sure to check out my other printables! Definitely, something is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!


  • This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).
  • All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial-friendly.


By French Made Fun!

J'utilise ces 27 cartes "J'ai... Qui a ?" une fois que mes élèves sont familiarisés avec le nombre entier et la valeur de position des unités, dizaines et centaines et la distributivité.

Si vous n'êtes pas familier, les jeux de cartes "J'ai... Qui a?" sont des activités en grand groupe qui renforcent leur capacité à lire et à dire ce qu'il y a sur les cartes. C'est une excellente activité de révision avant l'évaluation et je l'utilise actuellement avec mes élèves de 5e et 6e année ; mais il pourrait facilement être utilisé en 7e année comme échauffement ou rappel.

Dans ce document de 9 pages, vous trouverez :

  • Explication du jeu et comment démarrer avec des exemples.
  • 27 cartes pré-créées (9 cartes par feuille) comportant des nombres entiers représentés par des blocs de base 10 (unités, dizaines et centaines) y compris les cartes "début" et "fin". Pour la partie "J'ai..." de la carte, les élèves ont une, et pour la partie "Qui a..." de la carte, les élèves ont une forme écrite en mots.
  • 1 page avec des modèles de cartes vierges (avec "J'ai...", "Qui a..." "Début" et "Fin) à créer si vous avez plus de 27 élèves dans votre classe, si vous souhaitez permettre à vos élèves de créer leur propre version du jeu (j'enseigne une classe combinée, et je laisse mes 6 travailler sur ce projet ensemble pendant que je travaille en petits groupes et que je donne des instructions avec mes 5).

J'imprime ce document recto sur du papier 8,5 "x 11", je le découpe et je le plastifie pour l'utiliser année après année.

... Mais surtout, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Psst! Rejoignez mon groupe Facebook!



Numbers Flash Cards Counting 1-20 in French

By Create Learn Inspire Grow

Numbers Flash Cards: Counting 1-20 in French

These engaging flash cards are ideal for pre-school students, starting from Pre-Nursery and beyond! Simply print and start teaching. Perfect for beginners learning to count in French, these flash cards are designed to make learning fun and interactive.

Not just for the classroom—these cards are perfect for home learning too! Whether on road trips, at family gatherings, in waiting rooms, or with babysitters, the possibilities are endless.

Long-lasting Use: Print on card stock and laminate for durability. You can also use dry-erase markers or slip the cards into page protectors for repeated use!


Parts of the Body in Frensh Flashcards Vocabulary Printable posters for kids

By saadia balhous

One set of our Specialty Flashcards makes learning French anatomy straightforward and enjoyable. Delivered in a single PDF file, here's what you get:

  • Parts of My Body Printable Flashcards: This set includes 27 flashcards spread across 7 pages.

How to Use:

  1. Print: Print on cardstock for added durability. (Instructions for printing and cutting are included.)
  2. Cut Out: Carefully cut along the edges to separate each flashcard.
  3. Play and Learn: Use the cards for matching games, labeling exercises, or incorporate them into a body-themed lesson plan.

FREE FRENCH Les Couleurs / Colors - Vocabulary Flash Cards & Word Wall

By The French Scientist

FRENCH Les Couleurs Vocabulary Flash Cards is a great tool to use for beginner-level French learners to interactively learn French colors in the classroom! This product may be used as flashcards in lessons or as a word wall. It is also available in digital format which is great for flipped classrooms or distance learning.

Vocabulary List:

1. Rouge

2. Blanc

3. Rose

4. Vert

5. Jaune

6. Marron

7. Orange

8. Violet

9. Noir

10. Gris

11. Bleu

Related Products that May Interest You:

FRENCH Colors / Les Couleurs Activities Worksheets

FRENCH Numbers / Les Nombres BUNDLE

FRENCH Les Objets de la Classe BUNDLE

The resource includes BOTH a digital version and a PDF version. When you download this resource, you will be given a link that will allow you to access the flashcards in Google Slides.

How to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases:

  • Please go to your “My Purchases” page (you may need to log in). Beside each purchase, you'll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. 
  • Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. 

If you see ANYTHING that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me via the Q&A. Thanks!

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies, and product launches by following my TeachShare store.

Have fun and happy teaching!


French math strategies affichages boho des stratégies mathématiques doubles

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Teaching doubles in French is a fundamental mental math strategy to help students master addition up to 20. These math posters offer an engaging way to reinforce double facts. There is also an additional 10 posters to display common math strategies with "Je peux.."

The boho style set includes one horizontal 8.5 x 11 poster for each math fact from 1 to 10, featuring visuals alongside the mathematical facts. This resource is perfect for displaying on your math wall or bulletin board for student reference. Moreover, these posters can serve as flashcards for review or become part of your math centers.


Le son AN J'ai...qui a? French Phonics| Science of Reading GAME-AN/EN/AM/EM

By La trousse de Madame

J'ai... Qui a...? (I have... Who has...?)

This great French phonics game is a fantastic way to get your students talking. Students of every grade absolutely love this easy to use card game. The easy prep cards can be made in colour or black and white and can be used with words or without, depending on the level of French phonological awareness that they have acquired.

If they are only setting out in their French journey, try cards with no words and watch them get talking. With students that have been learning with the Science of Reading, decoding and blending are the next steps.

Once students have all the simple sounds (sons simples) in French, we start to introduce complex sounds (sons complexes). I usually teach OU first and then AN. This allows students to now be able to decode hundreds of words.

Activity Cards include:

-memory practice

-decoding practice

-blending sounds

-lowercase letter recognition

-identifying phonemes

-decoding simple and complex sounds

-word recognition

-identifying sound in an image

-matching sounds and words

-student interaction

-oral fluency and efficiency

-builds confidence in speaking French in class

Science of Reading:

These cards are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing reading fluency and building student confidence in the classroom!

Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven phonics game cards on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!

Vocabulary used:

-aimant, amande, ambulance, banc, cerf-volant, enfant, fantome, flamand, framboise, gant, gland, grand-maman, kangourou, orange, panda, pantalon, valentin, vampire, volcan

Who can use this resource:

Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple game cards to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.

Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

Sentences are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

Students build reading fluency depending on their level (words or no words)

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

***8. French Alphabet Workbook

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Each game card may be used independently or as a cumulative workbook of French activities
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Words with the AN phoneme can be used all year long and re-introduced each year going forward

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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Terms of use:

You may use this resource for your classroom and the students in your care. This resource is not to be shared amongst your colleagues and may not be copied and sold. This material has been created by me and all copyrighted images and fonts have been properly attributed to their creators. Please have the respect for the time that we all put in to bring fun and interesting activities to your classroom! If you would like multiple licenses for other colleagues, please use the 'purchase additional licenses' for all to use.


Bilingual School Object Flashcards: English/French Names and Illustrations

By Zaazoua Mostapha

These Classroom Vocabulary Flash cards are perfect for any Student New to English or French Language Learning!

Each card has the word in English and French and an illustration of it.

Specifically Includes:

6 Pdf Pages Containing 90 Words (90 Total Cards).

If you like this set, you also might be interested in one of these other languages!

  • Classroom English/Arabic Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Spanish Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Portuguese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Chinese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/German Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Hebrew Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Korean Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Vietnamese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Classroom English/Italian Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables

*This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).

Be sure to check out my other printables! Definitely, something is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!

Note: All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial friendly.



By French Made Fun!

Il s'agit d'un ensemble de 32 cartes avec 4-6 questions par carte. 

Ces questions pousseront vos élèves à déduire et à inférer en observant une image. 

Plastifier et découper pour être utilisé encore et encore.

Ces cartes peuvent être utilisées pour évaluer les niveaux de compréhension, comme activité en centre ou lors de clubs de lecture.

Mme Kaitlyn

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!


Parts of the Body in Frensh Flashcards Vocabulary Printable posters for kids

By Create Learn Inspire Grow

One set of our Specialty Flashcards makes learning French anatomy straightforward and enjoyable. Delivered in a single PDF file, here's what you get:

  • Parts of My Body Printable Flashcards: This set includes 27 flashcards spread across 7 pages.

How to Use:

  1. Print: Print on cardstock for added durability. (Instructions for printing and cutting are included.)
  2. Cut Out: Carefully cut along the edges to separate each flashcard.
  3. Play and Learn: Use the cards for matching games, labeling exercises, or incorporate them into a body-themed lesson plan.

Numbers Flash Cards Counting 1-20 in French

By saadia balhous

Numbers Flash Cards: Counting 1-20 in French

These engaging flash cards are ideal for pre-school students, starting from Pre-Nursery and beyond! Simply print and start teaching. Perfect for beginners learning to count in French, these flash cards are designed to make learning fun and interactive.

Not just for the classroom—these cards are perfect for home learning too! Whether on road trips, at family gatherings, in waiting rooms, or with babysitters, the possibilities are endless.

Long-lasting Use: Print on card stock and laminate for durability. You can also use dry-erase markers or slip the cards into page protectors for repeated use!


Back To School FRENCH Les Objets de la Classe - Posters/Flashcards/Class Décor

By The French Scientist

Inside you will find 31 sets of French vocabulary classroom objects. You may use them as posters to decorate your classroom or just print them out 6 to a page as flashcards!

The resource includes a Printable PDF version. You may check the preview to take a look at the samples.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Une fille
  2. Un garçon
  3. Une trousse
  4. Un taille-crayon
  5. Un stylo
  6. Un crayon
  7. Une règle
  8. Une gomme
  9. Une colle
  10. Des ciseaux
  11. Une agrafeuse
  12. Des surligneur
  13. Un trombone
  14. Du ruban adhésif
  15. Un compas
  16. Un livre
  17. Un cahier
  18. Un sac à dos
  19. Un tableau
  20. Des feutres
  21. Une brosse effaceur
  22. Une calculatrice
  23. Un ordinateur
  24. Un classeur
  25. Un dossier
  26. Une chaise
  27. Un pupitre
  28. Une horloge
  29. Une épingle
  30. Une étagère
  31. Une poubelle

This bundle includes:

FRENCH Classroom Objects - Posters/Flashcards/Classroom Décor [Digital]

FRENCH Classroom Objects - Posters/Flashcards/Classroom Décor [Printable]

Related Products that May Interest You:

FRENCH Numbers 1-20 / Les Nombres 1-20 Activities Worksheets

FREE FRENCH Les Couleurs / Colors - Vocabulary Flash Cards

FRENCH Les Objets de la Classe BUNDLE

How to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases:

  • Please go to your “My Purchases” page (you may need to log in). Beside each purchase, you'll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment on the product. 
  • Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. 

If you see ANYTHING that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me via the Q&A. Thanks!

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies, and product launches by following my TeachShare store.

Have fun and happy teaching!


French Saint Valentin writing prompts activities worksheets vocabulary cards FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

This Valentine’s Day basic FSL French resource is filled with printable no prep activities for February. This resource focuses on friendship and kindness and also includes many options for Valentine’s day. 

Students can write about friendship, take part in a “une semaine de gentillesse” or practice Valentine’s day vocabulary. Valentine’s cards, flashcards, drawing and writing prompts included too! 


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with images (22 flashcards in both color and b/w) and suggested activities

-Writing prompts with a focus on friendship and kindness (see below)

-Valentine cards to print and color (with and without words)

-Over 15 suggestions for activities including a compliment jar

-Various printable worksheets to practice vocabulary

-30 pages in total

Examples of short writing prompts:

Tell us about a friend

What can you do during a “une semaine de gentillesse”?

Write about things you love

How would you help a friend with a problem?

Write simple compliments to classmates (compliment jar)

Worksheets with a Valentine’s theme

Crossword and various exercises for Valentine’s vocabulary

Label body parts of the cupid

Valentine’s cards (to color or blank for students to write)

Follow directions to color the clothing for a group of friends

Follow the directions and draw

Crack the code

Additional Vocabulary

Basic body parts

Basic clothing

Valentine’s vocabulary


** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement thelibrarians.playground@gmail.com


Bilingual Animal Flashcards: English/French Names and Illustrations

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual animal names labels (cards)!

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 118 words for a total of 8 pages. Check out the preview to see what it looks like. Each card features the word in English and French. To help aid meaning, I've included beautiful high-resolution illustrations.

These classroom vocabulary flashcards are perfect for any student new to English or French language learning! They will help a lot.

Other languages:

  • Animal Name' English/Chinese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name' English/Spanish Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name' English/Russian Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name English/Hebrew Flashcards School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Animal Name English/Korean Flashcards School Vocabulary Word walls Printable

Other helpful resources:

  • Classroom English/Arabic Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Spanish Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Chinese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/French Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/German Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Hebrew Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Korean Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Vietnamese Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable
  • Classroom English/Italian Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printables
  • Classroom English/Urdu Flash Cards, School Vocabulary Word walls Printable

Be sure to check out my other printables! Definitely, something is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!


  • This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).
  • All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial-friendly.

(FR) MIDDLE SCHOOL CORE FRENCH - J'AI... QUI A? (Collection complète)

By French Made Fun!

Sometimes, a little oral activity is all your Core students need to practice a concept, have fun, or be on their best behaviour for a substitute. This type of game is used everyday in my Core French classroom. They hear the sentences repetitively, learn new vocabulary and reinforce their learned concepts.

This resource contains 3 sets of 24 "J'ai... Qui a?" cards:

  • Couleurs + Fruits
  • Date + Lecture des chiffres
  • Vêtements + Couleurs

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!


FRENCH Easter / Pâques - Posters/Flashcards/Classroom Décor [Printable]

By The French Scientist

Looking for a LOW-PREP resource to celebrate Easter in class? This product contains 30 different French Easter terms which may be used as a word wall to decorate your classroom or as flashcards to play fun activities such as charades or memory games!

This set includes these 30 words:

un canard, une chasse aux œufs, une poule, un poussin, un lapin, un nid, une plume, une croix, un bonbon, une brioche du carême, un jardin, des jonquilles, un gâteau, peindre, un panier, un chocolat, une bougie, une guirlande, un œuf, un lys, un papillon, la décoration, une carotte, une église, une brioche de pâques, une tulipe, un ballon, un arbre, un oiseau, une boucle

How to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases:

  • Please go to your “My Purchases” page (you may need to log in). Beside each purchase, you'll see a Provide Feedback button. Click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment on the product. 
  • Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. 

If you see ANYTHING that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me via the Q&A. Thanks!

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies, and product launches by following my TeachShare store.

Have fun and happy teaching!


French emotions activities journal FSL flashcards feelings les sentiments core

By The Librarian's Language Loft

This core French (FSL) resource has activities to encourage conversation on emotions while improving language skills (SEL or l'apprentissage social et émotionnel). Students can write in a daily emotions notebook, think about what activities make them feel better and write down their preferred activities. There are several sheets to practice writing emotion vocabulary and grammar. Finally there are templates for a mini project where students can reflex their emotional choices.


- Teacher overview

-Two formats for writing "Mon carnet d’émotions"

-Images and a supporting list to discuss "things that help make you feel better"

-Seven worksheet options for beginner students to practice writing new vocabulary and grammar (avoir/être)

-Two simple skits to practice new vocabulary

-Two templates for a final mini project

-18 emoji emotion flashcards


Present tense verbs/limited conditional

1 French/English lexique to help with writing - "activities that make you happy" and additional emotions

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement thelibrarians.playground@gmail.com



By French Made Fun!

This 6-page resource has 4 pages of cut-out animal cards (48 in total), an explanation slide for teachers and a visual prompt for students that I like projecting during the activity as a reminder and revision before the activity.

I teach Core French to low-level middle schoolers who need engaging, highly visual, loud, movement-heavy activities to participate and get into it and all of my Core French products fit this demographic.

Here are some others for you to check out!

⭐️ Mon café Starbucks / My Starbucks Café!

⭐️ Mon pizza party! / My Pizza Party!

⭐️Mon animal perdu! / My Lost Pet

⭐️ Je vous présente... / Presenting...

⭐️ Prof du jour / Teacher of the Day

You can also earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!

Wanting to be first to know about freebies, updates, new products and contests? Join me on Facebook to be in-the-know!

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!

- Mme. Kaitlyn.


French core school II vocabulary practice FSL school subjects & locations

By The Librarian's Language Loft

This core FSL (French Second Language) resource reviews vocabulary with a focus on basic school subjects, larger school items, and areas in a school. Practice school vocabulary with 39 flashcards for engaging games. With this resource you can practice vocabulary with mystery word worksheets, word searches and games. Worksheets work well for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days. Students can practice speaking with 3 dialogue suggestions. Students can also label school spaces and do a scavenger hunt.


-39 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)

-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards

-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board

-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crosswords and more )

-Three simple skits to practice speaking

-School room signs to label spaces in the building and a basic scavenger hunt

-An editable sub plan - sheets work even if your substitute does not speak French

You may also consider:

French Basics I Personal school supplies vocabulary practice and mini-project

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement thelibrarians.playground@gmail.com
