2nd Grade School Psychology Workbooks

Understanding my Feelings and Emotions Mini-Lessons - SPANISH VERSION

By All Therapy Resources

Entendiendo Mis - Sentimientos & Emociones Mini-Leciones

Este libro de trabajo está diseñado específicamente para que los pequeños aprendices ayuden a explorar y comprender sus sentimientos y emociones. Este libro de trabajo se puede dividir en 4 lecciones diferentes y explora cuatro emociones principales que son:


Este libro de trabajo contiene hojas de trabajo para explorar cómo se ven y se sienten estos sentimientos no solo para ellos mismos sino para los demás. Hay oportunidades para explorar el espectro de sentimientos y aumentar la alfabetización emocional, y numerosas hojas de trabajo y actividades divertidas que incluyen hojas para colorear y encontrar palabras.

This workbook is specifically designed for little learners to help explore and understand their feelings and emotions. This workbook can be broken up into 4 different lessons and explores four main emotions which are: Happy, Sadness, Scared and Angry.

This workbook contains worksheets to explores what these feelings looks like and feels like to not only themselves but to others. There are opportunities to explore the spectrum of feelings and increase emotional literacy, and numerous worksheets and fun activities including colouring sheets and find-a-words.

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

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TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Terms-of-Use-Clarification-For-free-paid-purchases-All-Therapy-Resources-4714723


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By All Therapy Resources

Sobre este libro de Trabajo - Todos tenemos sentimientos y emociones. Todos los días experimentamos varios de estos sentimientos. Este libro de trabajo ha sido creado solo para que lo ayude a comprender mejor sus sentimientos, emociones y comportamientos.

Mindset is everything! This workbook supports children to develop a growth mindset and learn not to give up. It incorporates reading, expressive writing, critical thinking, reflective insight development while also teaching social and emotional learning and growth mindset skills for little learners.

The following 75 page workbook focuses on the following topics to encourage emotional wellbeing and resilience:

• Anger management

• Anxiety Management

• Emotional Regulation

• Resilience

• Self-Belief and Confidence

• Positive Thinking

• Relaxation

• Social relating

• Reflective behaviours

• Healthy choices

• Coping Skills

• Understanding your engine

• Problem solving

• Isolating and labelling behaviours

• Creative Visualisation

• Find-a-words

and much much more...

This feelings and behaviour workbook includes:

- Introductory ‘about your workbook” – learning about the individual

- Anger rules – what’s okay/not okay

- Feeling find-a-word

- Body Keeps the Score exercise – reflective exercise

- Volcano anger management exercise and activity

- Poster – what to do when you feel angry

- Reflective anger management exercises

- Star Tips for controlling anger

- Emotions Poster “printable”

- Rules to support change – poster

- Anger Management worksheets

- Deep breathing exercise

- Coping skills exercise/activity

- Understand your Engine – Engine Speeds

- How I feel Today diary entry

- Healthy me diary/journal

- Cool Down Thoughts Poste

- Problem Solving Reflective Activity – stop and think/choices

- Knowing you feelings – reflective activity – frustration/happy/angry/mad

- Helping Hand activity – who to go for support/trust

- Biggest Hurt and Sadness activity

- Creative Activity – Make a safe home for your pet

- Bucket Activity – reflective care

- SPOTLIGHT activity

- And much more….

This is a workbook that can be printed and used for all children, including those with behavioural and anger management issues to support behaviour change.

This package includes over 36 exercises and activities to do with children, as well as tips and behavioural reinforcer pages.

This package has been utilized for all children and has been used within a school setting as part of a “self care” program. This can also be utilized for children with ADHD, intellectual disability, autism and/or developmental delay.

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you 

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Terms-of-Use-Clarification-For-free-paid-purchases-All-Therapy-Resources-4714723


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• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.



BEATING MY WORRIES Workbook - Anxiety, Confidence Positive Thinking lesson plans

By All Therapy Resources

This workbook has been developed to support children to manage their anxiety and worries, build self-confidence and create a positive thinking framework. This workbook is a must have for any teacher, parent and counsellor as it is jam packed with everything needed to tackle anxiety once and for all in a very trauma-informed and positive behavioural support approach.

This is a 60 page workbook includes:

- “All about me” reflective activity

- Why do you feel anxious – learning about your anxiety

- What is anxiety? – how anxiety can impact you

- What does it feel like to have anxiety – changes in body, thinking, behaviour

- What causes anxiety?

- What you can do when anxious?

- How do feelings start? And activity.

- Learning about fight/flight response.

- Anxiety and your body activity – physical signs

- Calm thinking patterns

- Challenging your thoughts diary

- Calm thinking thermometer

- Body relaxation techniques and tips

- Exercise benefits and weekly exercise plan

- Body cues

- Visualisation

- Anxiety observation recording chart

- Relaxation Game

- Mix and Match (emotions and body warning signs)

- Relaxation Activity Sheets

- Individual and Group Activities

- And much more…

This is a great resource for any individual who experiences anxiety to support them to understand why's and hows around anxiety and give them the skills to "beat their worries".

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Terms-of-Use-Clarification-For-free-paid-purchases-All-Therapy-Resources-4714723


STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?

• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.



Beating My Worries Workbook - Anxiety, Confidence Positive - SPANISH VERSION

By All Therapy Resources

Libro de Mis Preocupaciones

Este libro se ha elaborado para ayudar a los niños a gestionar su ansiedad y preocupación, crear confianza en sí mismos y crear un marco de pensamiento positivo. Este libro es imprescindible para cualquier profesor, padre y consejero, ya que está lleno de todo lo necesario para hacer frente de una vez por todas a la ansiedad en un enfoque de apoyo conductual positivo e informado de los traumas.

Este es un libro de 60 páginas que incluye:

- "Todo sobre mí" actividad reflexiva

- Por qué se siente ansioso

- aprendiendo sobre su ansiedad

- ¿Qué es la ansiedad?

- cómo la ansiedad puede afectarle

- Qué se siente tener ansiedad

- cambios en el cuerpo, el pensamiento, el comportamiento

- ¿Qué causa ansiedad?

- ¿Qué puedes hacer cuando estás ansioso?

- ¿Cómo empiezan los sentimientos? Y actividad.

- Aprender sobre la respuesta de combate/vuelo.

- Ansiedad y actividad corporal

- signos físicos

- Patrones de pensamiento calmo

- Desafiar su agenda de pensamientos

- Termómetro de pensamiento calmo

- Técnicas de relajación corporal y consejos

- Beneficios del ejercicio y plan de ejercicio semanal

- Cosas corporales

- Visualización

- Gráfica de grabación de observación de ansiedad

- Juego de relajación

- Mezcla y coincidencia (emociones y signos de advertencia corporales)

- Hojas de actividad de relajación

- Actividades individuales y en grupo

- Y mucho más...

Este es un gran recurso para cualquier persona que experimente ansiedad de apoyarlos para entender por qué y muestra ansiedad y darles las habilidades para "vencer sus preocupaciones".

Por favor, revisa algunos de nuestros mejores vendedores. Recuerde- Por favor siga nuestra TIENDA! Gracias


This workbook has been developed to support children to manage their anxiety and worries, build self-confidence and create a positive thinking framework. This workbook is a must have for any teacher, parent and counsellor as it is jam packed with everything needed to tackle anxiety once and for all in a very trauma-informed and positive behavioural support approach.

This is a 60 page workbook includes:

- “All about me” reflective activity

- Why do you feel anxious – learning about your anxiety

- What is anxiety? – how anxiety can impact you

- What does it feel like to have anxiety – changes in body, thinking, behaviour

- What causes anxiety?

- What you can do when anxious?

- How do feelings start? And activity.

- Learning about fight/flight response.

- Anxiety and your body activity – physical signs

- Calm thinking patterns

- Challenging your thoughts diary

- Calm thinking thermometer

- Body relaxation techniques and tips

- Exercise benefits and weekly exercise plan

- Body cues

- Visualisation

- Anxiety observation recording chart

- Relaxation Game

- Mix and Match (emotions and body warning signs)

- Relaxation Activity Sheets

- Individual and Group Activities

- And much more…

This is a great resource for any individual who experiences anxiety to support them to understand why's and hows around anxiety and give them the skills to "beat their worries".

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Terms-of-Use-Clarification-For-free-paid-purchases-All-Therapy-Resources-4714723


STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?

• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.



Pet Death Grief and Loss Memory Book for help Coping with Death or Pet Loss

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

If you have a child grieving the loss of a pet or a child coping with pet bereavement, this memory book was designed with them in mind. This download includes a memory book that attempts to ease students' grief by helping them to remember the happiness their pet brought to their life.

Dealing with the death of a pet or the loss of a special friend can be very hard for our little ones; make it a bit easier with this Coping With the Loss of a Pet Memory Book

This is the perfect quick prep, print-and-fold activity for students who come to school upset or still processing a death of a pet. Through the use of writing prompts and drawing activities, this resource allows the student to honor their pet's memory while working through their grief. 

When feeling sad or upset, students will be able to look back at their memory books to be reminded of all the happy times they shared with their pet. Your students will find comfort and peace when they look through their memory books.

Give students a tangible item such as this Coping With the Loss of a Pet Memory Book that will help them move forward after their loss. 

 You’ll Recieve Color and Black & White Versions of**:** 

  • Half Page Foldable Memory Book
  • Full Page Memory Book

Children will be given the opportunity to process their emotions and cope with the loss of their pet as they work through their memory books. Once students complete this activity, they will have a memory book they can look through when they need to remember the happy times with their pet. 

Don’t waste time fumbling for an activity when a student comes to school upset over the loss of a pet. Add this resource to your toolbox today!

Educators Like You Said:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kenya R. says, “I recently used this with a student that was really upset about losing her pet hamster. We worked through some of the pages together and were so excited to take it home and work on it some more with her family!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rebecca H. says, “Very useful for my boys after the loss of our dog,  thank you!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Staci S. says, “Definitely need this for your counseling toolkit!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Brani O. says, “This was perfect for one of my students that lost their dog this morning.  Thanks!!!”

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  • All About My Family
  • Anger Management Techniques for Children
  • Coping Skills Emotional Regulation Tool
  • Internet Safety Lessons

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