2nd Grade Reading Strategies Resources

Paperless Picture of The Day Morning Meeting Work Digital Resources

By Professional Development and Teacher Prep

Do your students need highly engaging morning meeting digital resources or a picture of the day to start off their morning? Morning Meeting Picture Slides are important to utilize to develop strong relationships with students and peer-to-peer relationships.  The picture of the day allows for deeper conversations and the building of a strong classroom community, which in turn raises academic achievement skills. The digital resource has many diverse pictures where everyone can feel represented.

How I Use Picture of The Day

We use a picture of the day every morning during our morning meeting routine. The morning meeting slides are projected on our screen for all students to see. Students are asked to infer, visualize, synthesize, and create connections with the picture. Looking closely at a picture is an important reading skill for students to develop to create inferences about what they are reading. 

Additionally, The picture of the day can be used for writing prompts or centers. Students can look at the picture and write a story based on the picture. 

This is also an excellent resource to use with your remote learners. You could assign one or more morning meeting slides to their learning management system for morning meetings and writing or reading activities. 

“Morning Meeting is an engaging way to start each day, build a strong sense of community, and set children up for success socially and academically.” -Responsive Classroom

“Morning meetings are an excellent way to help students transition from home to school and help them get ready to learn. In addition, these meetings can help you connect with your students, help students build relationships with each other, and promote an overall sense of community in the classroom.” -Centervention

The topics and what is included:

  • 180 pages of editable Google Slides. 
  • Diverse, beautiful pictures.
  • Pictures were either taken by me or were purchased stock photos. 
  • No worksheets. 
  • An excellent time-saver where all of the pictures are ready to go in one place!

Resources you may also love.

  • Morning Meeting Questions
  • If you need grant money to buy more resources, check out my e-book on Grant Writing Tips for Teachers and Administrators. 
  • Surgery Day Transformation Activity- Surgery Day Math

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  • Grants for Teachers
  • Grant Writing Tips for Teachers
  • Morning Meeting Questions

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Instagram- heatherschrage

TikTok- doctor.teach

Twitter- heatherschrage


Please e-mail me with any questions or concerns @ heather.schrage@gmail.com


Sight word journal, fry first 100 word list checklist, kindergarten sight word

By Katelyn Schneider

Sight Word Journal: Fry’s First 100 Sight Words - Color, Trace, Write & Use in a Sentence


Boost your students' reading skills with our comprehensive Sight Word Journal featuring Fry’s First 100 Sight Words! This engaging journal is designed to make learning sight words interactive and fun. Each page provides a structured approach to mastering sight words with activities for coloring, tracing, writing, and using words in sentences.

Product Details:

  • Sight Words Covered: Includes all of Fry’s First 100 Sight Words, ensuring comprehensive coverage of essential vocabulary for early readers.

  • Interactive Pages: Each page is dedicated to one sight word and includes:

    • Coloring: A colorful illustration featuring the sight word to enhance visual recognition and make learning enjoyable.
    • Tracing: Guided tracing activities to help students practice writing the sight word correctly.
    • Writing: Space for students to write the sight word independently, reinforcing their learning through repetition.
    • Sentence Creation: A prompt for students to use the sight word in a sentence, encouraging practical application and sentence-building skills.
  • Over 100 Pages: With a page dedicated to each of Fry’s First 100 Sight Words, students have ample space to practice and reinforce their sight word knowledge.


  • Vibrant Design: Engaging, colorful pages designed to capture students' interest and make learning sight words fun.
  • Structured Practice: A clear, step-by-step approach to learning each sight word, from recognition to usage in sentences.
  • Easy-to-Use: Printable PDF format allows for easy printing at home or in the classroom. Each page is designed to be used individually or compiled into a complete journal.
  • Skill Development: Supports key literacy skills, including word recognition, writing practice, and sentence formation.

How It Works:

  1. Download and Print: Access the downloadable PDF file and print each page as needed. You can print the entire journal or select individual pages.
  2. Color and Trace: Have students start by coloring the illustration and tracing the sight word to build familiarity.
  3. Write and Use in Sentences: Encourage students to write the sight word independently and create their own sentences using the word.
  4. Compile or Use Individually: Use the pages as a complete journal or individually as part of daily sight word practice.

Perfect For:

  • Teachers looking for a structured sight word practice tool for their students.
  • Parents seeking an interactive way to support their child's reading development at home.
  • Homeschool families needing comprehensive sight word resources.

Purchase Now and provide your students with a fun and effective way to master Fry’s First 100 Sight Words!


Arctic & Winter Animals Differentiated Growing Bundle for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Grade

By Kimberly

❤️Looking for engaging Arctic and Polar animal activities this winter? This growing bundle with differentiated activities is the perfect way for your students to learn all about, discuss, and review winter animals, while developing knowledge, practicing literacy skills, math skills, fine motor skills, and art skills!

Winter animals: (10)

☑ Arctic fox, Arctic hare, Arctic wolf, moose, narwhal, polar bear, puffin, seal, snowy owl, walrus


✏️Great for early elementary students!

⭐️This is a growing bundle and the price will increase as new resources are added!



reading comprehension

writing crafts

research reports

coloring pages

social-emotional activities

Winter animals: (10)

☑ Arctic fox

☑ Arctic hare

☑ Arctic wolf

☑ moose

☑ narwhal

☑ polar bear

☑ puffin

☑ seal

☑ snowy owl

☑ walrus


❤️ Teacher Tips:

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Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Wishing you a wonderful school year!



Carteles de géneros de lectura | Spanish Reading Genre Posters | Classroom Decor

By SPO Resources

Muestra estos coloridos pósters de géneros de lectura en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender y comprender los diferentes tipos de géneros de lectura. Cada póster de género literario incluye definiciones amigables para los estudiantes y gráficos memorables, lo que ayuda a los estudiantes a identificar y recordar los tipos de géneros en textos de ficción y no ficción.

¡Prepara tu aula para el éxito con estos carteles interactivos a los que los estudiantes pueden recurrir durante todo el año, haciendo que la exploración de géneros sea divertida y sencilla!


Click here to access the English version of these posters.

¿Estás buscando una forma de darle vida a tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización o al tablero de anuncios de la biblioteca del aula?

¡Mejora la decoración de tu aula de Lengua y Literatura con este completo conjunto de carteles de géneros! Estos carteles vibrantes y atractivos no solo agregarán un toque significativo a tu espacio, sino que también ayudarán a tus estudiantes a comprender fácilmente los diferentes tipos de géneros a medida que se sumergen en la lectura.

¿Listo para mejorar las habilidades de comprensión lectora de tus estudiantes?

¡Descubre la magia de enseñar los tipos de género! Capacita a tus estudiantes para que sean lectores activos ayudándoles a comprender los elementos únicos de cada género, para que sepan exactamente qué buscar mientras leen. Además, presentar una variedad de géneros puede ayudar a tus lectores reticentes a explorar y encontrar géneros que realmente disfruten.

Carteles de géneros incluidos:

  • Ficción
  • Fantasía
  • Ficción realista
  • Ficción histórica
  • Literatura tradicional / Cuento popular
  • Cuento Popular / Cuento folclórico
  • Fábula
  • Cuento de hadas
  • Cuento exagerado
  • Cuento de tramposo
  • Mito
  • Leyenda
  • Drama
  • Poesía
  • Misterio
  • Ciencia ficción
  • Terror
  • Humor
  • Aventura
  • No ficción
  • Texto expositivo / Texto informativo
  • No ficción narrativa
  • Texto persuasivo
  • Biografía
  • Autobiografía

Ten en cuenta: Hay dos carteles con el mismo contenido pero títulos diferentes disponibles para tu preferencia. Elige entre "Texto Expositivo" y "Texto Informativo" para un cartel, y "Cuento popular", "Cuento folclórico", y "Literatura tradicional” para otro. Selecciona los títulos que mejor se adapten a tu plan de estudios y enfoque de enseñanza.

Incluido en el paquete:

25 carteles de géneros de lectura disponibles en los siguientes formatos:

★ Carteles de tamaño completo (11" x 8.5")

  • Imprimir 1 por página
  • Impresión a color
  • Impresión en blanco y negro, ¡ahorro de tinta!
  • Cartel digital (Google Slides™ y PPTX)

★ Mini carteles (5" x 4")

  • Imprimir 4 por página
  • Impresión a color
  • Impresión en blanco y negro, ¡ahorro de tinta!
  • Versátiles y se pueden utilizar en los cuadernos interactivos de los estudiantes, en una pared de enfoque de alfabetización más pequeña o en los centros de lectura.

★ Pared de palabras de carteles digitales de géneros

  • Google Slides™
  • PowerPoint
  • ¡Muestra los carteles en tus lecciones de forma digital!

★ Carteles de géneros editables

  • Impresión a color
  • Tamaño completo (11" x 8.5")
  • Edita en PowerPoint o Google Slides™
  • Imprime y escribe en los espacios en blanco

TEN EN CUENTA: Solo las definiciones son editables. Los gráficos, encabezados y el título no son editables.

Pared de palabras de géneros digitales

Presentamos la Pared de Palabras de Géneros Digitales:

  • ¡Mira la vista previa en video para ver cómo funciona!
  • Configuración rápida y sencilla con un enlace para hacer una copia de la Pared de Palabras Digitales a través de Google Slides™
  • Lista para usar al asignar a los estudiantes a través de Google Classroom™ para acceso individual
  • La diapositiva principal incluye una tabla de contenidos con 21 tipos de géneros (solo palabras)
  • Haz clic en cualquier género para ver el cartel de género correspondiente
  • Enlaces clicables para el modo de presentación interactiva
  • Apoya a los estudiantes con esta útil herramienta para consultar los tipos de géneros
  • Ideal para revisión en toda la clase o para mostrar en un proyector
  • Perfecto para el aprendizaje a distancia, aulas virtuales o entornos presenciales.

¿Por qué enseñar los tipos de géneros?

¡Descubre el poder de enseñar los tipos de géneros! Al sumergirte en diversos géneros con tus estudiantes, podrás potenciar sus habilidades de comprensión lectora y brindarles las herramientas esenciales para navegar por diferentes tipos de textos. Este conocimiento amplía los horizontes de lectura, especialmente para los lectores reticentes que buscan su género perfecto.

Enseñar los tipos de géneros también empodera a tus estudiantes para realizar selecciones de libros bien informadas que se alineen con sus intereses y habilidades. Es una manera fantástica de fomentar el pensamiento crítico y preparar a tus estudiantes para futuros desafíos académicos. ¡Prepárate para encender el amor por la lectura y ver a tus estudiantes prosperar!


Este recurso está diseñado para apoyarte durante todo el año mientras introduces nuevos géneros literarios y enseñas sus elementos y características. Los estudiantes pueden consultar y recordar fácilmente cada tipo de género al mostrar los atractivos carteles de referencia visual en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización. Con gráficos llamativos, tus estudiantes estarán comprometidos y emocionados por explorar el mundo de los géneros.


Si eres un maestro de primaria con el objetivo de mejorar la comprensión de los tipos de géneros de tus estudiantes y crear una experiencia de aprendizaje emocionante en torno a diferentes géneros, ¡estos carteles son perfectos para ti! Son herramientas llamativas y poderosas para profundizar la comprensión de tus estudiantes sobre varios géneros.

Diseñados específicamente para maestros de K-3, estos carteles proporcionan una referencia visual significativa para que los estudiantes mejoren sus habilidades de lectura y desarrollen un amor por explorar géneros.

Formas de utilizarlos:

Aquí tienes algunas formas fantásticas de aprovechar al máximo estos Carteles de Género:

  1. Introducir nuevos géneros: Muestra los carteles al presentar un nuevo tipo de género, brindando enseñanza explícita y orientación a los estudiantes sobre el género.
  2. Fomentar la participación activa: Anima a los estudiantes a involucrarse activamente con los textos utilizando los carteles para examinar las características que definen cada género.
  3. Referencia duradera: Mantén los carteles de género en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización durante todo el año, sirviendo como un punto de referencia constante para los estudiantes.
  4. Referencia independiente: Proporciona a los estudiantes su propia versión de los carteles de género para sus cuadernos interactivos de lectura, empoderándolos para consultar de manera independiente las características de los géneros.
  5. Revisión de géneros: Revisa fácilmente los géneros enseñados previamente consultando los carteles antes de leer textos de géneros específicos.
  6. Duraderos y reutilizables: Imprime, recorta y plastifica cada cartel para su uso a largo plazo, asegurándote de que se puedan utilizar durante años.
  7. Evaluación del conocimiento sobre géneros: Muestra los carteles para revisar los géneros enseñados previamente y explorar el conocimiento previo de los estudiantes antes de adentrarse en textos de géneros específicos.
  8. Colocación versátil: Coloca versiones mini o carteles de tamaño completo en los centros de lectura, brindando a los estudiantes un acceso fácil a la información sobre los géneros durante el trabajo independiente.
  9. Integración digital: Incluye la versión digital de los carteles en tus mini-lecciones o comparte la pared digital de géneros con los estudiantes para usarla como referencia virtual o en clase.
  10. Personalización según sea necesario: Utiliza la versión editable de los carteles para personalizar la definición y los elementos de cada cartel de género según las necesidades específicas de tu aula.
  11. Mejora tu biblioteca de aula: Incorpora los carteles de género en tu biblioteca de aula para crear un ambiente inmersivo que anime a los estudiantes a explorar diferentes géneros. Al colocarlos en secciones correspondientes a cada género, ayudas a tus estudiantes a tomar decisiones informadas al seleccionar libros de la biblioteca.

Estos carteles de género son un recurso versátil que aportará alegría, participación y claridad a tu enseñanza de géneros. ¡Deja volar tu creatividad mientras exploras todas las formas de incorporarlos en tu práctica docente!


Al realizar la compra, recibirás un archivo ZIP que contiene un PDF, una página de acceso digital y dos presentaciones de PowerPoint.

El PDF incluye:

  • Tabla de contenidos
  • Acceso digital a la PARED DE PALABRAS DE GÉNEROS DIGITALES (Google Slides™)
  • Acceso digital a los CARTELES DE GÉNEROS EDITABLES (Google Slides™)
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño completo en color
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño completo en blanco y negro
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño mini en color
  • Carteles de géneros a tamaño mini en blanco y negro

2 archivos PPTX

  • Archivo 1: Carteles de géneros editables
  • Archivo 2: Pared de palabras de géneros digitales


⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “These posters are absolutely wonderful! I love the option to edit in certain areas on the posters in case there are things I want to add to suit my class!” -Marissa T. 2nd Grade

⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Great genre posters, I use them on a weekly basis as we go over the genre of the week. Very student friendly.” -Brenda V. 3rd Grade

⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“This is amazing! I love using the posters as a display in my classroom, and it really helps my students understand the genres we cover.” -Madeleine C. 2nd Grade

You may also like:

⭐ Spanish Classroom Library Labels by Genre & Topic

⭐ Bilingual Classroom Library Labels- English & Spanish

⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts

⭐ Bundle of Genre Anchor Charts & Genre Posters

⭐ Addition & Subtraction Strategies- Anchor Charts & Posters

Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources


All rights reserved by the author.

Purchase is for single classroom use only.

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.

Get ready to foster a positive learning environment where genre exploration becomes effortless and enjoyable with these reading genre posters in Spanish!


Reading Graphic Organizers Ask Questions, Compare & Contrast Digital-Printable

By Literacytales

Looking for a way to enhance your reading block? These reading comprehension graphic organizers help students understand concepts, Main Ideas, cause & effect, plot, problem & solution, context clues, summarize information, & improve their writing skills. With these graphic organizers, your students/child will be able to plan their ideas. Give your students the tools to succeed with these reading graphic organizers today!

-You can use them for writing or reading. They can be used as an interactive reading activity or as part of your reading homework. Use them with any book during small, strategy, or one-on-one groups.

1- Use them to model each skill.

2- Use them during interactive reading (students and teacher complete them ).

3- Assign them as homework or as a test or quiz.

4- Assign one slide at a time.

-Use them as full-page paper, half sheets in notebooks, digital for use with Google Slides™ and Google Classroom™, or digital with SeeSaw or Pic collage.

Organizers Included:

-Asking Questions

-Compare and Contrast


-Main Idea


-Cause and Effect

-Character Traits


-Life Cycle



-Context Clues

-Problem & Solution

-More Than Worksheets:

This reading passage packet is designed to be:

Fun and engaging: Captivating activities maintain student interest.

Comprehensive: A variety of activities ensure a well-rounded learning experience.

Easy-to-implement: Clear instructions and ready-to-use materials save valuable teacher time.

Unlock the potential of your classroom today!

You can find other helpful activities here:

⭐ May Creative Writing

⭐ April Creative Writing

⭐ The Girl & The Bicycle Read Aloud Unit Lesson Plans, Slides & Activities

⭐ Behavior Management | The Diamond Trail Challenge


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Thank you so much for all you do for students as educators!

M. Tehfe

Literacy Tales

Where Stories Come Alive✎


French Phonics -Alphabet Activity Sheets-Science of Reading Phonemique-French

By La trousse de Madame

Alphabet pages are a NO PREP printable activity that align with the Science of Reading with vocabulary that contains the target sounds for K-2 French students. Each page helps students build phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and endoding and decoding skills with sweet graphics and easy to read fonts. Build a strong foundation in French language with educational resources designed specifically with your students in mind!

What’s in my workbook?

-In each page, you will find a large bubble letter, upper and lower case, for students to colour or trace inside the lines.

-A section for identifying upper and lowercase letters by colouring the appropriate boxes.

-There is a section for tracing letters in upper and lowercase to build efficiency in printing.

-Students then have a quick little sentence using the target sound by circling the target letter.

-Next is a word practice.

-Finally, the student is asked to colour images that have the target sound.

Option 1:

Alphabet Worksheets have been organised by vowel sound first, followed by the consonant sound letters. Please note the ‘e accent aigu’ has been introduced early in each version.

Option 2:

Alphabet sounds have been organised as they are introduced by the Bien lire, Aimer lire formatting preferred by many French schools in Canada and abroad.

This is done to make it easier to sequence lessons based on the preferred letter introduction sequence.

Alphabet sounds:

-all vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, y (as i), and e accent aigu

-consonant sounds including hard and soft g, and c

-y as a consonant

-images containing each of the letter sounds

-on sentence of decodable words with primarily simple sounds (complex sounds also present as are some heart words)

Activity Sheets include:

-printing practice

-tracing letters

-upper and lowercase letter recognition

-identifying letters

-decoding sentences

-word recognition

-identifying sound in an image

-find the images with the target sound

Who can use this resource:

-Any teacher using the strategies of the Science of Reading in the K-3 French Immersion classroom, Grade 4-6 Core French classroom.

-Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

-Sentences are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

-Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Each alphabet sheet may be used independently or as a cumulative workbook of French activities
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Alphabet set can be used all year long and re-introduced each year going forward

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.


Reading Comprehension Passages & Questions 3rd & 4th Grade | Four Seasons BUNDLE

By TaughtOught Homeschooling

This bundle of reading comprehension passages with interesting questions covers all the cool things about the four seasons. Did you know that snow can be pink? Or that ice cream was invented 500 years ago and was only available to the rich and privileged? Grab this bundle of 40 winter, summer, spring, and autumn season-themed reading comprehension worksheets to learn more!

This resource includes:

   ✏ 10 winter-themed worksheets

   ✏ 10 spring-themed worksheets

   ✏ 10 summer-themed worksheets

   ✏ 10 fall-themed worksheets

   ✏ All answer key cards

   ✏ No prep! Simply print and distribute

If you liked this product, CLICK to check out my other Reading Comprehension products!

Please download the preview to view a sample of the included pages.

I’m so glad you stopped by my store and checked out this resource! Follow my store to be updated about new products and sales. Don’t forget to leave feedback to earn credits toward future purchases by heading to MY PURCHASES in your TeachShare account. 

Connect with me!

❤️  Teacher Bethanie @TaughtOught Homeschooling


Escape Room For Birthday Girl Celebrations

By Home Learners Hub

Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure that your kids will treasure? Dive into our Escape Room Birthday Girl Printables Kit! This exciting, printable game includes 9 thrilling puzzle challenges that lead to a secret final code, making it a fantastic treat for children aged 7 to 12.

Our escape room kit offers a hassle-free experience, eliminating the need to prepare props or complex guidelines. It's perfectly suited for kids to solve puzzles on their own or in small teams, ideal for youth group events, birthday parties, sleepovers or family game nights. This kit includes all necessary components to embark on a fun journey right in your own home. Hurry! Secure your Escape Room Birthday Girl Printables Kit now and get the birthday party going!

What's the storyline?

Today is Emily's 10th birthday, and it's set to be spectacular with a house decorated with balloons and streamers. However, there's a big problem—the magical birthday cake with enchanted candles has vanished! Emily needs your help! She suspects the Candle Imp, a creature fond of sweets and fun, has hidden the cake. Can you recover the cake in time for Emily's celebration?


PDF game guide (8.5 x 11)

9 puzzle challenges, like Pictogram, Rebus & Cryptogram

Recording sheets

Set up instructions

Frequently asked questions

Hint cards

Gameplay: 30-45 minutes

Ages: 7-12

Number of players: As many as you want!

Basic math skills required.

How long does this activity take to complete?

It really depends on a lot of things. Estimated completion time is 45-60 minutes but it’s based on the kids’ puzzle skills, group size, and age. We recommend ages [7-12].

How many kids can play at once?

Kids can play individually, with friends, or in large groups. There really is no limit to the number of players.

What if the kids get stuck on one of the puzzles?

First off, let them think for a bit! This is where critical thinking skills come in. If they get stuck, hint cards have been included in your download to guide them and provide examples.

Where do kids start?

Kids can start on any puzzles and complete the puzzles in ANY order!

How do you know if their answers are correct?

There is an answer key provided in the PDF.

How do I set up the activity?

Just print and play! Everything you need is included in your download. You don’t need locks, envelopes, or special equipment. You can hang or hide the puzzles or just spread them out on the kitchen table.

Do I have to print out the game materials for every kid?

Nope! You ONLY have to print out the answer sheet for each kid or group. Just one set of the actual puzzles is all you need!


1.) This is a digital product. No physical item will be shipped.

2.) Once payment is complete, you get lifetime access to the product.

3.) Unlimited prints for PERSONAL USE ONLY.

4.) Quality of the actual printouts will be dependent on the quality and type of printer and paper used.


Due to the downloadable nature of this product, all sales are final.

There will be no refunds and no returns.

However, I always want to make sure that my customers are happy with the quality of my products. Therefore, if you have any feedback or suggestions on how I can improve my creations, please feel free to reach me at support@homelearnershub.com.


Differentiated Reading Comprehension Bundle Grades 2-5 (Print and Digital)

By Queen's Educational Resources


  • Includes 5 Products
  • 82 pages
  • Print and Digital (PDF and Google Slides)
  • Grades 2 - 5
  • Suitable for ELL students, Special Ed. students, and students with Autism
  • Differentiated Passages and Worksheets
  • ANSWER KEYS included

Products included in this BUNDLE:

  • "Reading Boy" Differentiated Reading Packet
  • "Owning A Dog" Differentiated Reading Packet
  • "A Missed Slam Dunk" Differentiated Reading Packet
  • "Pop Quiz" Differentiated Reading Packet
  • "Birthday Surprise" Differentiated Reading Packet


Items included:

------ 30 Question Worksheets (6 Differentiated Question Worksheets for each passage - different level questions and formats)

------ 30 ANSWER KEYS (one for each Question Worksheet)

------ 20 Bulletin Board Task Display Pages (to display with student work)

------ 2 Rubrics (one for Short Answer Questions and one for Short Response Question)

------ Google Slide Links


***This bundle is also included in Google Slides! Text boxes have already been created to make it easier for you and your students! Each worksheet slide includes two instruction solution tabs for when students accidentally delete text boxes and when they want to zoom in (to enlarge worksheets). It's super helpful for students who are not that familiar with how to use Google Slides or need the extra assistance.


30 Question Worksheets

  • This resource includes six differentiated question worksheets (Multiple-Choice, Short Answer, and Short Response) for EACH passage to help you differentiate for students of ALL levels. Most worksheets require students to use evidence/details from the passages to support ideas. Worksheets come in different formats. ANSWER KEYS for all worksheets are included!

Level Complexity:

  • The passages have different levels of difficulty for differentiation. In addition, Question Worksheets range from basic comprehension questions (lower-level) to inferential questions (higher-level).

  • These Question Worksheets can be used as a quiz, test, formative assessment, homework assignment, classwork assignment, or can even be used during guided practice! A great idea would be to see how well students perform with the basic comprehension questions, and if they do well on that, you can challenge them further by giving them the inferential thinking question worksheets!

  • You can even gather a small group of students and practice skills including basic comprehension, inferences, details, and writing. There's a worksheet for each skill! Just imagine your principal walking into your classroom and seeing all students reading the same passage, with different level questions based on their levels?! - Awesome!

20 Bulletin Board Task Display Pages

  • Included in this resource are Bulletin Board Task Display Pages that can be used to display your students' work. Bulletin Board Task Display Pages are beautifully created and visually pleasing. These Bulletin Board Task Display Pages will improve the overall appearance of your classroom bulletin boards. Please note, the Bulletin Board Task Display Pages should be printed on gloss or photo copy paper for optimal quality and shine.

2 Scoring Rubrics

  • Finally, this resource includes two student-friendly rubrics to evaluate students’ responses - Easy to use! One Rubric is a 4-point score Rubric used to score Short Answer Questions and one Rubric is a 2-point score Rubric used to score the Short Response question.

  • You have everything you need to score your students’ responses, and immediately display on bulletin boards with the Bulletin Board Task Display Pages and Rubrics! Absolutely no preparation needed! - YAY!


***Lesson plans are not included. These activity worksheets can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students. *************************************************************************************************************

Created by © Queen's Educational Resources Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.


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Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!

queenseducationalresources@gmail.com **********************************************************************************************************

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  • Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)


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January Writing Prompts 1st Grade New Year Reading Comprehension Bundle

By Chasity Giddens

Keep your students engaged all month long with this January Writing Prompts 1st Grade and 1st Grade New Year Reading Comprehension bundle!

This pack includes:

January Writing Prompts with Crafts – 20 fun prompts paired with adorable winter-themed crafts. Great for morning work, centers, or writing practice!
MLK & New Year Reading Comprehension Passages – Build reading skills with passages about Martin Luther King Jr. and the New Year, complete with three differentiated questions for each passage.

❄️ Why Teachers Love It:
✔️ Perfect for 1st-grade learners
✔️ Supports creativity and comprehension
✔️ Fun, seasonal themes for January lessons

Boost engagement and learning in your classroom with this ready-to-use bundle!

Let’s Connect!
Hi there! I’m Chasity, a first-grade teacher with a Specialist Degree in Elementary Education. I create resources that save time, build foundational skills, and make learning fun for young learners.

Join my email list to get exclusive freebies, teaching tips, and resources straight to your inbox—plus, grab your free CVC passages instantly!
Sign up here

I can’t wait to hear how this resource helps your students thrive!


unscramble sentences/pyramid SENTENCES/decodables text passages

By Snap & Sprout printables.

Unlock the joy of reading with our comprehensive Decodable Sentence and Passage Bundle! This engaging resource includes 10 decodable pyramid sentences, 50 unscramble sentences, and 10 decodable text passages, all designed to support early literacy development for students in grades K-3.

What’s Included:

  • Decodable Pyramid Sentences (10 sheets): Each sheet features pyramid-style sentences that gradually increase in length, helping students build confidence and fluency as they progress from simple to complex structures.
  • Unscramble Sentences (50 sheets): This activity encourages students to practice their decoding skills while having fun. They will unscramble words to form meaningful sentences, reinforcing vocabulary and syntax.
  • Decodable Text Passages (10 sheets): These passages are tailored to be accessible for young readers, featuring controlled vocabulary and engaging themes that will keep them interested and eager to read.

Benefits for Teachers, Parents, and Students:

  • No Prep for Teachers: Each sheet is ready to use, saving you valuable planning time. Simply print and distribute!
  • Engaging for Students: The varied activities cater to different learning styles, making reading practice enjoyable and interactive.
  • Supports Literacy Development: Students will improve their decoding skills, vocabulary, and comprehension, laying a strong foundation for future reading success.
  • Parent Involvement: Parents can easily engage with their children at home using these fun and educational activities.

How to Use:

  1. Classroom Activities: Integrate these sheets into your reading centers or as homework assignments.
  2. Group Work: Encourage collaboration by having students work in pairs or small groups to unscramble sentences or read the passages together.
  3. Independent Practice: Assign specific sheets for individual practice to reinforce skills at home.

Don’t miss out on this valuable resource! Follow our store for more engaging materials and updates. Let's inspire a love of reading together!


Veteran's Day Bundle

By Beth Hammett

Veteran’s Day Bundle

This three packet activity bundle has more than 50+ handouts to help students define, understand, and discuss the importance of Veteran’s Day.

Packet 1: Veteran’s Day Thank You Cards (English and Spanish)

Product Description

Pages: 23

Instill gratitude for our Armed Services with these 20 Veteran's Day Thank You Cards. Write a note of thanks, color images, fold, and give to make a veteran smile!

Includes a mix of English and Spanish gratitude phrases, black and white images to color, and one blank card for students to create their own Veteran's Day message. Highlights each branch of the Armed Services: Army, Marines, and Navy. Includes female and male armed services members.

Use as across curriculum government/history/social studies and ELA lesson, to practice fact-based letter/note writing skills, develop social skills, learn more about U.S. history, practice vocabulary, and meet local veterans in your community. Contact your local Veteran's of Foreign Wars (VFW) for a list of veterans in your area.

Packet 2: 30 Veteran’s Day Activities

Product Description

Pages: 32

30 activities to celebrate Veteran's Day! Coloring, lists, poems, writings, and more...for using critical thinking skills to learn about a national holiday.


Democracy is...
Freedom is...
Liberty means...
The eagle is representative of...
Veteran's Day Speech
Map for listing no. of veterans/naming veterans
10 Ways to Thank a Veteran
Make your own dog-tags
Many faces of soldiers
Many roles of soldiers
What Veteran's Day means to me...
Thank you to a Veteran
My Message to a Veteran
Decorate the tombstone of a fallen soldier
Veteran Acrostic Poem
A Veteran's Poem
My favorite branch of armed services
My Pledge for Peace
Veteran's Day Maze
Veteran's Day Word Search
Women's roles in the Armed Services
How many words can you make from "veteran"
What will you do on Veteran's Day?
From a soldier's point of view: What Veteran's Day means...
The War Wall--fill in to make and display your own war wall

30 activities to help students acknowledge, appreciate, celebrate, and honor veterans and what the special day means.

Packet 3: Get Fit Action Story: A Veteran’s Day Celebration

Product Description

Pages: 15

What is Veterans Day? When does it fall each year? What kinds of celebrations honor our veterans? Students get an introduction and definition of Veterans Day, plus why it is different than Memorial Day. Then, get ready to join the parade! Play ball, watch fireworks, and thank a veteran for serving!

Get Fit Action Stories combine reading, sight words, listening, speaking, directions, and physical education into one assignment. It's a fun, physical learning adventure!

Action Words included:
1. salute
2. clap
3. Miss America wave
4. struts
5. moves a scepter up and down
6. twirl
7. toss
8. catch
9. plays a violin
10. toots a horn
11. beats a drum
12. pedal
13. flip hamburgers
14. toss salads
15. swing bats
16. hit homeruns
17. yells, “Ewwwww” then “Awwwww”
18. “Thank you!”
19. salute
20. “Happy Veterans Day!”

This three packet activity bundle with over 50+ handouts will encourage discussions, increase understanding, and reinforce meaning of Veteran’s Day.


Long Vowel Review - 1st, 2nd, 3rd - ELA - Differentiated - Game

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Phonics skills-based differentiated "Guess Who Game" for Vowel Pairs

Get ready to supercharge your students' phonemic awareness with this incredible printable PDF game! Designed specifically for long vowel sounds review, this game is the perfect tool to help your students practice identifying and reading long vowel sounds in CVVC and CVCe words.

With its engaging and interactive format, this game will keep your students fully engaged and motivated as they work to master these important skills. Whether you're a teacher looking for a fun and effective way to reinforce long vowel sounds, or a parent looking to help your child improve their reading skills, this game is the perfect solution.

So why wait? Give your students the gift of phonemic awareness mastery with this amazing printable PDF game today!

Engage your elementary school ELA students by using this phonics game to practice reading words with vowel pairs. Ideas for differentiation and prompting are included to ensure the game is suitable for students of all academic levels. This game also includes three levels of word difficulty- from simple words to multi-syllabic words. The sets of cards are notated with different colored inner borders so you can easily tell them apart.

This activity is perfect for elementary school reading and ELA centers, elementary school reading and ELA lesson plans, small group instruction, extra help sessions, early finishers, group/partner work, classroom competitions, individual practice, and so much more. 

What's included

  • 72 "word pile" cards- 24 for each level
  • 72 red board inserts- 24 for each level
  • 72 blue board inserts- 24 for each level
  • 40 question prompts
  • Directions for five different ways to play (for individual players, two players, or small group)
  • Guess Who game board linked here (NOT INCLUDED IN DOWNLOAD)

You may also like the Guess Who Reading Games Bundle

If you like this product check out others at my store by clicking here.

Feel free to reach out to me rebekah@rebekahpoeteaching with any questions you may have or find me on Instagram @RebekahPoeTeaching


Fry First 100 Assessment (Set 2) Digital & Differentiated Editable PDFs

By Tech for Teaching

⭐Fry First Hundred Sight Words 26-50⭐




For words 26-50!


Use the included presentation in PowerPoint or Google Slides to show the words while checking a box for the words the student knows. Words are automatically counted!

Enter the date and number correct as displayed. Percentage correct is calculated for you!


Enter five words the student read incorrectly and five words the student was able to remember. Independent practice, fluency probes, and word cards will be generated automatically using the words entered!


Simply print the PDF document for weekly sight word work targeted at each students’ precise needs! Great for in-class or homework!


Clear the checkboxes and repeat to progress monitor! Generate a new set of worksheets each time!


⭐ A PDF developed with form fields and JavaScript with the following pages:

✓ An assessment/progress monitoring page that will automatically count known words and calculate the percent correct while monitoring student progress!

✓ Five worksheets for independent practice of each missed word (find the word, color the word, trace the word, spell the word with word boxes, write the word).

✓ One worksheet for independent practice of all five missed words (trace the word, spell the word with word boxes, write the word).

✓ Five fluency probes with each missed word repeated ten times among the known words for incremental rehearsal.

✓ One fluency probe with only missed words.

✓ Two pages of word cards-10 known words and 10 unknown words.

⭐ A PowerPoint to display the words and a link to the Google Slides version are also included!

If you find this resource helpful, please leave a review to earn credits toward future TeachShare purchases!

Download this FREE RESOURCE to determine if these autofill PDF's will work with your technology:

• FREEBIE! EDITABLE Color by Code! Auto Fill PDF for Differentiated Instruction!

Related Products

• SIGHT WORDS Primer Dolch-Assessment & Autofill PDFs-Targeted Intervention! • SIGHT WORDS First Grade Dolch-Assessment & Autofill PDFs-Targeted Intervention!

• SIGHT WORDS Second Grade Dolch-Assessment & Autofill PDFs-Targeted Intervention!

• Phonics for Reading - Level 1 Lessons 1-30 - PowerPoint with Animation

• Phonics for Reading - Level 2 Lessons 1-32 - PowerPoint with Animation

• Phonics for Reading - Level 3 Lessons 1-36 - PowerPoint with Animation

• Phonics for Reading - Three Level Bundle - PowerPoints with Animation

• Phonics for Reading Level 1 ROLL and READ -Printable and Digital PHONICS GAME!

• Phonics for Reading Level 2 ROLL and READ-Digital PHONICS GAME!

• Phonics for Reading Roll and Read Digital Game


Alphabet Tracing & coloring worksheet, uppercase and lowercase Flashcards Bundle

By Blue Iris K-2

Introducing the Alphabet Tracing & Coloring Worksheet Bundle, paired with Uppercase and Lowercase Flashcards. This comprehensive set is designed to enhance early literacy skills by fostering letter recognition in an engaging and interactive manner. With a combination of tracing and coloring activities, children can practice.


1. Alphabet Tracing Worksheets (Upper and lower case)

2. Find the Alphabet Worksheets

3. Alphabet Flash cards

This bundle offers a range of advantages like:

  • Letter Formation: Develop precise writing skills through guided tracing.
  • Fine Motor Skills: Enhance coordination and dexterity via coloring.
  • Visual Recognition: Master letters' shapes for future reading success.
  • Phonemic Awareness: Connect letters to sounds, a reading foundation.
  • Vocabulary Growth: Colorful pages reinforce letters and words.
  • Interactive Learning: Keep kids engaged while learning joyfully.
  • Structured Progression: Gradual skill-building at each child's pace.
  • Adaptable Learning: Customize activities to suit diverse needs.
  • Creative Expression: Personalize learning through imaginative coloring.
  • Versatile Usage: Ideal for classrooms, homeschooling, and more.


You can reproduce the pages for classroom use only. The fonts I used are free for personal use. Duplication of this resource for commercial purposes or for the entire school is strictly forbidden.


1. Prewriting Trace & color worksheets

2.Find the numbers

3. Number flashcards

freebie More or less Task cards


Teacher Pay Teacher Spring Reading Comprehension Passage with Answers #renew23

By The Students Palace

This is a reading comprehension passage with answers for a "Spring Bundle" that includes flowers, bees, and bunnies... The passage describes the different elements of spring that make it a special time of year. It talks about the blooming of flowers, the buzzing of bees, and the hopping of bunnies.... The passage explores the role that each of these plays in the ecosystem and how they contribute to the renewal of life during spring.

The questions and answers included in the passage will help readers test their comprehension of the details, characters, and events described in the text.


  • ( PDF + PNG )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.


Wall-E Movie Watch Along Bundle

By A Teachers Sidekick

This is a collection of 5 movie watch-alongs to go with Pixar's Wall-E! The 5 watch-alongs focus on Main Idea and Theme, Characters, Story Elements, Sequence of Events, and Point of View and Attitude.

These are to help with keeping students engaged during the movie, practice for each skill, and to help grow students' comprehension. I hope you enjoy it! Please rate and review.


Picture Pages Level 1 Group 9

By Vocabulary Magic

Introducing Picture Pages, a vocabulary learning system all students (including English language learners and struggling readers) can use to master the academic language they need to succeed. After a decade of research and extensive classroom testing, the Vocabulary Magic™ team is excited to share this engaging and highly effective strategy!

Vocabulary Words included: mural, ancient, alarm, sprinkle, curve, complete, attach, arrange, exhibit

Picture Pages was developed to address 8 key elements:

  1. Provide students with the opportunity to develop and work in small learning communities.
  2. Increased student-to-student opportunities for listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a sheltered environment.
  3. The availability of relevant, interesting pictures and concise definitions that support student understanding and retention of new vocabulary.
  4. Structured opportunities that help students to relate to new words and allow for discussion about prior knowledge/life experiences.
  5. The availability of sentence stems and note-taking techniques that support speaking, writing, and summarizing in complete sentences.
  6. A support system to encourage students to take academic risks and listen to different points of view.
  7. The availability of timely feedback followed by an opportunity for self-correction.
  8. Continued opportunities for students to engage with newly learned vocabulary in stories and game-like extension activities.

Picture Pages taps into the power of imagery, conversation, collaboration, and play to ensure all students (including English Language Learners) build-essential language skills. Intentionally teaching carefully selected high-utility words that appear frequently in the text across multiple content areas will boost student confidence, reading comprehension, and fluency. Each Picture Page introduces nine new words and is used with our researched “5-Step Process”. The new words are then presented in an intriguing, illustrated story, and accompanying activity pages (both printable and electronically on Google Slides). See the delight on your student’s faces as they master challenging vocabulary and watch their confidence soar!


ABC Letter Basics Bundle

By Early Childhood Essentials

Younger kiddos learning their letters? Consider these engaging activities!


  • ABC Letter Mats (Practice Sounds with Pictures)
  • Beginning Letter Sounds Tool *answer key
  • Letter Sounds Activity- COLOR the Correct Sound Images! *answer key

Want more? This bundle has these resources + more for added ELA content.

You might also like my Ballpoint People Bundle which breaks down each letter into their own activity and includes some parts of speech elements for a challenge (or for older siblings / learners).

See previews of each individual resource for more details!

If you want only certain resources bundled, email me and I'll list it at a good deal! This is true of ANY resource in my store.

If you like this product or others, or you want to stay notified about new ones, consider giving me a follow if you haven't!

NEW: I have a Podcast! < ECE on TeachShare: Teach, Homeschool, Do Life >

Instagram / TeachShare / Pinterest / TikTok

Click here for the freebie explaining the details!

Email me if you have questions about how I use this resource, you find a typo, or you want to request a resource I don't have. You can also sign up for emails here!

Did you know you can earn spending money for your TeachShare wishlist by leaving reviews? Details here!

Copyright © Early Childhood Essentials

Purchase of this product is for use in *one* home or classroom, virtual or in-person. Additional licenses can be purchased at checkout. Thank you in advance!


Test Materials for WonderWorks: Grade 2

By Peter D

This is a 96-page set of test materials to go along with the WonderWorks Interactive Worktext (McGraw-Hill) for grade two.

Note that these worksheets go along with the 1st edition published in 2013 with ISBN 0021297940. Please verify that you have the same edition before purchasing this product.

Part of the goal in creating these test materials is to help students prepare for standardized tests. When students take standardized tests, they often struggle with text-dependent questions because they have not had much practice with these types of questions. The text-dependent questions included in this set of test materials are quite challenging and require careful consideration within the context of each story.

For each week in the Interactive Worktext, there are two weekly tests:

* page 1: comprehension questions (multiple choice), vocabulary, paragraph writing

* page 2: text-dependent questions (multiple choice)

After each unit, there are six pages of unit test materials:

* page 1: comprehension questions (multiple choice)

* page 2: vocabulary, paragraph writing, true-false

* page 3 - page 5: text dependent questions (multiple choice)

* page 6: paragraph writing

There is also an answer key included at the end of the file.

Worksheets for WonderWorks Interactive Worktexts:

* WonderWorks Grade Two

* WonderWorks Grade Three

* WonderWorks Grade Four

* WonderWorks Grade Five

* WonderWorks Grade Six

Test Materials for WonderWorks Interactive Worktexts:

* Test Materials: WonderWorks Grade Two

* Test Materials: WonderWorks Grade Three

* Test Materials: WonderWorks Grade Four

* Test Materials: WonderWorks Grade Five

* Test Materials: WonderWorks Grade Six
