2nd Grade Place slug Google Apps

100th Day Necklace Google Slides and PDF

By Qiang Ma

100th Day of School Necklace. Have your students complete this project themselves and wear it for the 100th Day parade. Prep free! Ready to use! Independent! Grad K-4.

After download, you will have:

1. Google Slides version: 1 set (student pages) in ink and 2 sets (complete sample) in color.

2. PowerPoint version: Google Slides can be downloaded as PowerPoints. I also include a PowerPoint version in all of my Google Slides products. So you can still use it if your school doesn't use Google Classroom.

3. PDF version: This product comes both in ink and color. Also for your convenience, there are 3 PDF files in this product: 1 complete product, 1 student work pages only in ink, and 1 student pages only in color.

4. StartHere.pdf: Directions on how to download the Google Slides file.

Topics included in this product:

1. Directions

2. Necklace in Ink

3. Necklace in Color - A

4. Necklace in Color - B

5. Necklace in Color - C

Note: Printer paper is ok. My students made the necklaces with normal printer paper, they turn out fine.

Save $$$s when you buy in bundles!


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Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this lesson.

• Check out my store https://www.TeachShare.com/store/Qiang-Ma for more lessons to help your students have fun while learning!

• Comments, suggestions, feedback and questions always welcomed!

• Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly!

• Be sure to click on the green ★ to follow me for updates and new product announcements!



Digital Slides workmat for addition & subtraction problems with regrouping

By TamiaDesigns

Need some digital manipulatives for place value, or addition and subtraction problems with regrouping? This Google Slides file is a template that you will customize by adding your own addition and subtraction problems. You might choose to add them ahead of time, or you could write them in on the fly as you work with students.

There are 3 basic templates within the file:

· Using tens and ones (largest number: 99)

· Using hundreds, tens, and ones (largest number: 999)

· Using thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones (largest number: 9, 999)

There are many ways to use this file! You could use it on an interactive whiteboard, project it for a large group lesson, or you could share the file with students whether they are working in class or remotely. They can each have their own copy, or the activity can be collaborative if they are given shared access to the file. Having the drag and drop numbers ready to go in the grid saves both teachers and students time.

The number blocks at the top of each column are draggable, so students can move them into the grid to better visualize the math problem. Each column has a stack of blocks ready to drag, with enough of them and space available to allow for regrouping. Each column has 9 rows to remind students to regroup.

Duplicate the slides as many times as you need to before sharing with students, or have the students use the 'undo' button to remove work they've done on one problem before moving on to another one.


Copyright information:

Purchasing this product grants permission for use by ONE teacher in their own classroom. If you have colleagues who would like to use this file, please respect the time I have put into making this for you and direct them to my store to buy their own copy!


First Grade Math Place Value 1.NBT Tests in Google Slides PDF PPT

By Qiang Ma

Grade 1 Common Core Aligned - Number and Operations in Base Ten! 6 tests, 1 for each standard! 1st Grade place value in Google Slides, PPT, and PDF files! Interactive! Independent! Prep Free! Ready to Use! Animal Kingdom/Reptile Themed! Target for Grade One.

After download, you will have:

1. Google Slides version: 6 student work slides and 6 answer slides. All in color.

2. PowerPoint version: Google Slides can be downloaded as PowerPoints. I also include a PowerPoint version in all of my Google Slides products. So you can still use it if your school doesn't use Google Classroom.

3. PDF version: 6 student work pages in both ink and color, 6 answer pages in color. Also for your convenience, there are 3 PDF files in this product: 1 complete product, 1 student work pages only in ink, and 1 student pages only in color. There are slight wording changes from Google Slides to accommodate paper and pencil working style.

4. StartHere.pdf: Directions on how to download the Google Slides file.

Topics included in this product:

1. Assessment (1.NBT.1)

2. Assessment (1.NBT.2)

3. Assessment (1.NBT.3)

4. Assessment (1.NBT.4)

5. Assessment (1.NBT.5)

6. Assessment (1.NBT.6)

Save $$$s when you buy in bundles!


If you like this lesson, you may also like my other products in these categories:

All Math Unit Products

All Math Fact Products

All Math Products

All Product Bundles

All Language Art Products

All Science Products

All History Products

All Arts/Crafts/Projects Products


Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this lesson.

• Check out my store https://www.TeachShare.com/store/Qiang-Ma for more lessons to help your students have fun while learning!

• Comments, suggestions, feedback and questions always welcomed!

• Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly!

• Be sure to click on the green ★ to follow me for updates and new product announcements!



Digital Slides workmat for addition and subtraction problems

By TamiaDesigns

Need some online manipulatives for place value, or addition and subtraction problems? This file is a template that you will add your own addition and subtraction problems to. You might choose to add them ahead of time, or you could write them in on the fly as you work with students. To use this file, you will need a Google account.

There are 3 basic templates:

· Using tens and ones (largest number: 99)

· Using hundreds, tens, and ones (largest number: 999)

· Using thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones (largest number: 9, 999)

The numbers at the top of each column are draggable, so students can move them into the grid to better visualize the math problem and understand place value. Each column has a stack of 9 numbers ready to drag.

Thee are many ways to use this file! You could project it, use it on an interactive whiteboard, or you could share the file with students the way you share any other Google Slides files.

Duplicate the slides as many times as you need to before sharing with students, or have the students use the 'undo' button to remove work they've done on one problem before moving on to another one.

This file is not intended for use with problems that require regrouping. I have another file for that as a "next step". Buy them together as a bundle and save!


Copyright information:

Purchasing this product grants permission for use by ONE teacher in his or her own classroom. If you have colleagues who would like to use this file, please respect the time I have put into making this for you and direct them to my store to buy their own copy!


Fun Place Value House Word Problems

By Inspired By MlG

Engage students in a fun and interactive way to master place value concepts. This Google Slides activity features engaging word problems that challenge students to identify and write the hundreds, tens, and ones place values.Perfect for individual or classroom use on a smart board, this activity reinforces place value understanding and improves problem-solving skills.Teachers will appreciate the easy-to-use format and student engagement, while students will enjoy the interactive nature of the activity.Download now and watch your students' place value skills soar!

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Welcome Back to School Place Value Math Games After From Winter Break Activities

By You Are Special

These digital Google Slides™ will help students practice typing 2 and 3 digit numbers in words and figures. Perfect for both in-person and distance learning, review or assessment.


  • 15 slides - 2 digit numbers - Can you write this number using digits?
  • 15 slides - 2 digit numbers - Can you write this number using words?
  • 15 slides - 3 digit numbers - Can you write this number using digits?
  • 15 slides - 3 digit numbers - Can you write this number using words?

You will receive a PDF file with a clickable link to Google Slides. Click the link to access the copy of the digital document.


  • Guess My Number Sense Games
  • 100th Day Of School Activities
  • Leap Day Year 2024 Activities
  • Winter February Bulletin Board Activities
  • February Kindness Activities Craft Bulletin Board

NOTE: Before making your purchase, we highly recommend checking out the product preview!

If you have any questions related to this product, feel free to email me at youarespecial377@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting my store! If you purchase this product, please remember to leave feedback, I value your feedback, Additionally, you'll earn free TeachShare credits that can be applied toward future purchases.

Thank you for your consideration.


2nd Grade Math Place Value 2.NBT Tests in Google Slides PDF PPT

By Qiang Ma

Second Grade Common Core Aligned - Number and Operations in Base Ten! Grade 2 Place Value, 2.NBT.1, 2.NBT.2, 2.NBT.3, 2.NBT.4, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.NBT.8, 2.NBT.9 in Google Slides, PPT, and PDF files! Add and subtract numbers in different forms, place value, skip count, compare numbers, addition and subtraction using different strategies, ungroup, decompose, make a ten, tens and ones... Interactive! Independent! Prep Free! Ready to Use! Target for Grade Two.

After download, you will have:

1. Google Slides version: 9 student work slides and 9 answer slides. All in color.

2. PowerPoint version: Google Slides can be downloaded as PowerPoints. I also include a PowerPoint version in all of my Google Slides products. So you can still use it if your school doesn't use Google Classroom.

3. PDF version: 9 student work pages in both ink and color, 9 answer pages in color. Also for your convenience, there are 3 PDF files in this product: 1 complete product, 1 student work pages only in ink, and 1 student pages only in color. There are slight wording changes from Google Slides to accommodate paper and pencil working style.

4. StartHere.pdf: Directions on how to download the Google Slides file.

Topics included in this product:

1. Assessment 2.NBT.1

2. Assessment 2.NBT.2

3. Assessment 2.NBT.3

4. Assessment 2.NBT.4

5. Assessment 2.NBT.5

6. Assessment 2.NBT.6

7. Assessment 2.NBT.7

8. Assessment 2.NBT.8

9. Assessment 2.NBT.9

The above 9 tests are extracted from the following products:

2nd Grade Math Place Value 2.NBT.1-4 in Google Slides PDF PPT

2nd Grade Math Place Value 2.NBT.5-9 in Google Slides PDF PPT

Therefore, if you bought the above 2 products or their bundle, you don't need to buy this test product.

Save $$$s when you buy in bundles!


If you like this lesson, you may also like my other products in these categories:

All Math Unit Products

All Math Fact Products

All Math Products

All Product Bundles

All Language Art Products

All Science Products

All History Products

All Arts/Crafts/Projects Products


Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this lesson.

• Check out my store https://www.TeachShare.com/store/Qiang-Ma for more lessons to help your students have fun while learning!

• Comments, suggestions, feedback and questions always welcomed!

• Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly!

• Be sure to click on the green ★ to follow me for updates and new product announcements!



3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #1

By SPO Resources

Triple digit Addition with Regrouping Activity #1

This paperless math center includes 30 interactive Slides and a  Self-Grading Google Form for students to practice adding 3 digit numbers up to 1,000 with regrouping

The activity includes 20 slides with movable Base 10 Blocks for students to practice regrouping using a place value strategy as well as 10 slides with standard algorithm practice problems. The resource includes a TIME SAVING Self-Grading Google Form to provide students with quick feedback and effortlessly track student progress on this skill.  

The interactive slides allow students to drag moveable base-10 blocks into the hundreds, tens, and ones place to model the addition problem. Students can practice regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten and 10 tens for 1 hundred using the base-10 blocks. This is a great visual hands-on activity to help students conceptually understand how to regroup numbers so they can be successful with the standard algorithm. Every slide gives students the opportunity to practice the problem using base-10 blocks and the standard algorithm.

This resource can be used in Google Classroom for math centers, independent practice, or distance learning. In addition, this can be used as a teaching resource for a whole class lesson.  Simply project the Google Slides presentation on the whiteboard and use the moveable pieces to model each problem.

Students will understand how to add three digit numbers with regrouping using Base-10 blocks with sums up to 1,000. This resource only requires students to regroup 1 place value.  

You will need to have a google account to access the google slides, but you do not need to have a Google classroom to assign this resource to students.  


  • PDF file with instructions for use
  • Link to make copy of Google Slides Resource
  • 20 Addition problems with Base 10 Blocks
  • 10 Addition problems with Standard Algorithm 
  • Link to make copy of Google Slides Answer Key
  • Video instructions (You-Tube video link)
  • Example Slide to clarify instructions
  • Printable Slides for Task Cards
  • Easel Ready Activity- (all answer boxes and place value pieces have been added to every problem)
  • Recording Sheet for students to record answers before submitting Google Form
  • Recording Sheet Answer Key
  • Self Grading Google Form- Answers are already inputted and ready to go!
  • Blank Google Slide Template- Create additional problems!

This is a perfect minimal prep resource for students to practice addition with regrouping using the strategy of base 10 blocks.

This aligns with Common Core Standard: 3.NBT.A.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.

This version of 3 Digit Addition with Base 10 Blocks only has problems that require students to regroup one of the place values. If you would like the more challenging activity where students regroup both place values you can find that here: 3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #2

Or bundle both activities to save! 3 Digit Addition Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Self-Grading Math Center Bundle

You may also like...

2 Digit Addition No Regrouping- Base 10 - Google Slides - Digital Math Centers

Double Digit Addition with Regrouping #1- Base 10 Blocks- Digital Math Center

2 digit Addition with Regrouping #2- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides Math Center

2nd Grade Double Digit Addition Google Classroom Math Practice Bundle 2.NBT.B.5

Addition & Subtraction Strategies- Anchor Charts & Posters


Guess Who Welcome First Day Back To School After From Winter Break Activities

By You Are Special

Do you need some engaging "Guess Who" math game activities Digital Resource for your students? This logical reasoning game, "Guess the Number," is perfect for strengthening your kids' number sense. You'll be able to test students' concepts such as even and odd numbers, greater than or less than, tens and ones, 2-digit numbers, addition, subtraction, ten more, ten less, one more, one less, and skip counting by 2, 3, 5, and 10.

Perfect for both in-person and distance learning, 80th day of school, 90th day of school, 100th day of school, Thanksgiving, back-to-school, end-of-the-year activities, math centers, early finishers, homework, independent centers, review or assessment for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Also, celebrate Dot Day with your students to encourage creativity and courage.


  • 28 mystery numbers cards
  • Recording sheets
  • Answer key
  • PDF file
  • PowerPoint File
  • You will receive a PDF file with a clickable link to Google Slides. Click the link to access the copy of the digital document.


  • Number Patterns Activities
  • Counting and Number Patterns

NOTE: Before making your purchase, we highly recommend checking out the product preview!

If you have any questions related to this product, feel free to email me at youarespecial377@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting my store! If you purchase this product, please remember to leave feedback, I value your feedback, Additionally, you'll earn free TeachShare credits that can be applied toward future purchases.

Thank you for your consideration.


3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #2

By SPO Resources

Triple digit Addition with Regrouping Activity #2

This paperless math center includes 30 interactive Slides and a  Self-Grading Google Form for students to practice adding 3 digit numbers up to 1,000 with regrouping both place values

The activity includes 20 slides with movable Base 10 Blocks for students to practice regrouping using a place value strategy as well as 10 slides with standard algorithm practice problems. The resource includes a TIME SAVING Self-Grading Google Form to provide students with quick feedback and effortlessly track student progress on this skill.  

The interactive slides allow students to drag moveable base-10 blocks into the hundreds, tens, and ones place to model the addition problem. Students can practice regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten and 10 tens for 1 hundred using the base-10 blocks. This is a great visual hands-on activity to help students conceptually understand how to regroup numbers so they can be successful with the standard algorithm. Every slide gives students the opportunity to practice the problem using base-10 blocks and the standard algorithm.

This resource can be used in Google Classroom for math centers, independent practice, or distance learning. In addition, this can be used as a teaching resource for a whole class lesson.  Simply project the Google Slides presentation on the whiteboard and use the moveable pieces to model each problem.

Students will understand how to add three digit numbers with regrouping using Base-10 blocks with sums up to 1,000. This resource requires students to regroup two times making it more challenging.  

You will need to have a google account to access the google slides, but you do not need to have a Google classroom to assign this resource to students.  


  • PDF file with instructions for use
  • Link to make copy of Google Slides Resource
  • 20 Addition problems with Base 10 Blocks
  • 10 Addition problems with Standard Algorithm 
  • Link to make copy of Google Slides Answer Key
  • Video instructions (You-Tube video link)
  • Example Slide to clarify instructions
  • Printable Slides for Task Cards
  • Easel Ready Activity- (all answer boxes and place value pieces have been added to every problem)
  • Recording Sheet for students to record answers before submitting Google Form
  • Recording Sheet Answer Key
  • Self Grading Google Form- Answers are already inputted and ready to go!
  • Blank Google Slide Template- Create additional problems!

This is a perfect minimal prep resource for students to practice addition with regrouping using the strategy of base 10 blocks.

This aligns with **Common Core Standard:**3**.NBT.A.2** Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.

This version of 3 Digit Addition with Base 10 Blocks has problems that require students to regroup both place values. If you would like the version where students only regroup one place value, you can find that here: 3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #1

Or bundle both activities to save! 3 Digit Addition Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Self-Grading Math Center Bundle

You may also like:

2 Digit Addition No Regrouping- Base 10 - Google Slides - Digital Math Centers

Double Digit Addition with Regrouping #1- Base 10 Blocks- Digital Math Center

2 digit Addition with Regrouping #2- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides Math Center

2nd Grade Double Digit Addition Google Classroom Math Practice Bundle 2.NBT.B.5

Addition & Subtraction Strategies- Anchor Charts & Posters


Winter Place Value within 1000 Task Cards - January Practice & Review Activity

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep Winter activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your January math plans? Would it be nice to celebrate winter with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, powerpoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards? Look no further. This versatile set of snowman and penguin themed place value task cards has your winter place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 Winter Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in Winter Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare Winter Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Winter Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cards on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place task cards at a table to be completed as a language arts station.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite game.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.
  • Display task cards one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers
  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Thanksgiving Place Value to Thousands Place Task Cards Practice Review Activity

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Boosting 3rd graders’ confidence in place value has never been easier! These Thanksgiving themed task card activities are a simple way to sneak in some important practice and review for place value to the thousands place while enhancing student engagement at the same time.

This convenient set of place value task cards has your Thanksgiving math review covered with 3rd grade aligned practice for using visual models for place form, numbers in expanded form, numbers in word form, comparing and ordering numbers between 10 and 1,000.

You'll love how these task card activities for 3rd grade place value help your students build independent work habits and free up time for you to work with small groups and students who need more help.

Free yourself from the Sunday Night Scaries this November with the versatility, flexibility, and simplicity of these Thanksgiving themed place value to the thousands place task cards. With options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards, you'll always be prepared!

The 36 Thanksgiving Place Value to 1,000 Task Cards come in 5 easy-to-use formats:

  • Traditional quarter-page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.

  • Black and white printer-friendly, quarter-page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.

  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole-class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.

  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.

  • Easel-ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

The Thanksgiving themed graphics on each task card will grab your students' attention and help keep them engaged while they practice and review their way to mastery of place value. Whether you have students working together on expanded form, word form, and comparing numbers or practicing independently, task card activities are a great tool for helping them maintain focus and attention to the task at hand.

Concepts Included in Thanksgiving Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form within 1000
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form within 1000
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers 

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this place value task card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season. 

To prepare these Thanksgiving 3rd Basic Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Thanksgiving Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Get ready to feel like the high-engagement teacher that you really are, because these task cards can be used and reused in so many ways! Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.

  • Hang on the walls for Solve the Room.

  • Place cards at a table to be completed as an independent math station activity.

  • Use as the content for your favorite math review game.

  • Use them with small groups as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.

  • Display one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers

  • Assign a few slides a day for practice in Google Classroom (Slides version).

  • Print the black and white version to assign as homework.

Grab these time-saving task cards so you can enjoy family time this weekend knowing your 3rd grade practice for place value to 1000 is ready to go!


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


2 digit Addition with Regrouping #2- Base 10 Blocks- Digital Math Center

By SPO Resources

Double digit Addition with Regrouping Activity #2

This resource includes 40 interactive Google slides, 6 printable worksheets, and an Easel Ready Activity for students to practice adding double digit numbers with regrouping. This math center uses the place value strategy of base 10 blocks to practice solving addition problems with 2 digit addends up to 199. 

The interactive slides allow students to drag moveable base-10 blocks into the tens and ones place to model the addition problem. Students can practice regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten and 10 tens for 1 hundred using this place value strategy. This is a great visual hands-on activity to help students conceptually understand how to regroup numbers so they can be successful with the standard algorithm. Every slide gives students the opportunity to practice the problem using base-10 blocks and the standard algorithm.

The resource also includes a blank worksheet template as well as a blank slides template to create additional problems for your students!

The slides and worksheets are divided into two differentiated levels. The first resource allows students to practice adding double digit numbers with regrouping 1x  and the second resource allows students to practice adding double digit numbers with regrouping 2x in both the ones and tens place. Each slideshow contains a video link that models how to add double digit numbers using base-10 blocks. 

This resource can be used in Google Classroom for math centers, independent practice, distance learning, or for small group mini-lesson. In addition, this can be used as a teaching resource for a whole class lesson.  Simply project the Google Slides presentation on the whiteboard, use the moveable pieces to model each problem, and give students the worksheet or place value mat to follow along with the lesson. 

Students will understand how to add two digit numbers with regrouping using Base-10 blocks with sums up to 199.

You will need to have a google account to access the google slides, but you do not need to have a Google classroom to assign this resource to students.  


  • Easel Ready Activity- (all answer boxes and place value pieces have been added to every problem)
  • PDF file with instructions for use
  • Link to make copy of Google Slides PowerPoint 1 (Regroup 1x)
  • Link to make copy of Google Slides PowerPoint 2 (Regroup 2x)
  • Video instructions (You-Tube video link)
  • Example Slide to clarify instructions
  • Worksheet version of both Powerpoints
  • Answer Key
  • Place Value Mat- put in a plastic sleeve for students to use with a dry erase marker 
  • Blank Google Slide Template- Create additional problems!
  • Blank worksheet template- Create additional practice activities!

This activity is just right for  2nd grade students learning double digit addition with regrouping and ready for a challenge. Also good for 3rd grade students who need additional practice with addition problems involving regrouping. 

Or bundle all the 2 digit addition activities to save! 2nd Grade Double Digit Addition Google Classroom Math Practice Bundle 2.NBT.B.5

If your students are ready for 3 digit addition, check out these activities: 

2 Digit Addition No Regrouping- Base 10 - Google Slides - Digital Math Centers

Double Digit Addition with Regrouping #1- Base 10 Blocks- Digital Math Center

Addition & Subtraction Strategies- Anchor Charts & Posters

3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #1

3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #2

3 Digit Addition Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Self-Grading Math Center Bundle


Easter Place Value within 1000 Task Cards Activities - Spring Practice Activity

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep Easter activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your Spring math plans? Would it be nice to celebrate the spring holidays with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards? Look no further. This versatile set of Easter themed place value task cards has your Spring place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 Spring/Easter Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in Spring/Easter Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare Spring/Easter Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Spring/Easter Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cards on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place task cards at a table to be completed as a language arts station.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite game.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.
  • Display task cards one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers
  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Summer Place Value thru 1000 Task Cards Practice Review Activity End of Year

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep end of year activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your math practice and review plans? Would it be nice to celebrate summer with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards?

Look no further. This versatile set of summer themed place value task cards has your end of year place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 Summer / End of Year Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in Summer / End of Year Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare Summer / End of Year Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Summer / End of Year Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cards on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place task cards at a table to be completed as a math station.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite review game.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.
  • Display task cards one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers or exit tickets
  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Christmas Math Place Value within 1000 Task Cards Activities for December

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep Christmas activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your December math olans? Would it be nice to celebrate the holidays with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, powerpoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards? Look no further. This versatile set of Christmas themed place value task cards has your December place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 Christmas Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in Christmas Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare Christmas Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Christmas Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place cards at a table to be completed as a language arts station.
  • Use as the content for your favorite game.
  • Use as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure such as Quiz Quiz Trade or Fan and Pick.
  • Display one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers
  • Assign a few slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white version to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Halloween Place Value to Thousands Task Cards October Practice & Review Activity

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep Halloween task cards activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your math practice and review plans? Would it be nice to celebrate October with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards?

Look no further. This versatile set of Halloween themed place value task cards has your October place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 Halloween Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in Halloween Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare Halloween Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Halloween Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cards on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place task cards at a table to be completed as a math station.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite review game.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.
  • Display task cards one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers or exit tickets
  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Fall Place Value to Thousands Task Cards - Autumn Practice & Review Activities

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep fall task cards activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your math practice and review plans? Would it be nice to celebrate fall with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards?

Look no further. This versatile set of fall themed place value task cards has your autumn place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 Fall / Autumn Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in Fall / Autumn Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare Fall / Autumn Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Fall / Autumn Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cards on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place task cards at a table to be completed as a math station.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite review game.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.
  • Display task cards one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers or exit tickets
  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


St. Patrick's Day Math Place Value within 1000 Task Cards Activities for March

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep St. Patrick's Day activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your March math plans? Would it be nice to celebrate winter with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, PowerPoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards? Look no further. This versatile set of St. Patrick's Day themed place value task cards has your March place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 St. Patrick's Day Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in St. Patrick's Day Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare St. Patrick's Day Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

St. Patrick's Day Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the task cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang task cards on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place task cards at a table to be completed as a language arts station.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite game.
  • Use task cards as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure.
  • Display task cards one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers
  • Assign a few task card slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white task cards to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Valentine's Day Place Value within 1000 Task Cards Activities for February

By Curious Classroom Adventures

Do you need a low-prep Valentine's Day activity for place value within 1,000 as part of your February math class? Would it be nice to celebrate Valentine's with options for traditional task cards, black and white printable task cards, powerpoint task cards, Google Slides task cards, and Easel task cards? Look no further. This versatile set of Valentine's Day themed place value task cards has your February place value practice covered. Includes visual models, expanded form, word form, comparing and ordering.

36 Valentine's Day Place Value Task Cards in 5 formats:

  • Traditional quarter page task cards in full color to laminate and use year after year.
  • Black and white printer friendly quarter page cards that you can use in the classroom or send home.
  • PowerPoint single card slides that you can display from whole class discussion and solving, use as a bell ringer activity, or class cooperative learning structures.
  • Google Slides single card slides with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned in Google Classroom.
  • Easel ready activity with one card per page with pre-made answer boxes that can easily be assigned through Easel by TeachShare.

Concepts Included in Valentine's Day Place Value Task Cards:

  • writing numbers in expanded form
  • identifying the value of visual models
  • writing numbers in word form
  • comparing numbers
  • ordering numbers

PLEASE NOTE: The math problems in this card set are identical to those in my other holiday-themed sets of the same skill. Only the clipart has been changed to match the holiday/season.

To prepare Valentine's Day Place Value Task Cards:

For traditional task cards: Print one copy of each card page. Laminate for durability to use year after year. Print enough copies of the recording sheets for each student in your class. B&W, PPT, and Google Slides versions are included for versatility.

Valentine's Day Place Value Task Cards in Action:

Task cards are so versatile. Here are just a few ideas.

  • Scavenger Hunt in the room-Hide the cards around the room and have students find and solve all the cards.
  • Hang on the walls for Solve the Room.
  • Place cards at a table to be completed as a language arts station.
  • Use as the content for your favorite game.
  • Use as the content for your favorite cooperative learning structure such as Quiz Quiz Trade or Fan and Pick.
  • Display one at a time (PPT version) and discuss as a class or use as bell ringers
  • Assign a few slides a day in Google Classroom (Slides version).
  • Print the black and white version to assign as homework.

More resources from Curious Classroom Adventures:

Place Value Anchor Charts & Posters - Place Value Reference Sheets: Grades 3 & 4

Place Value Problem Solving Task Cards Digital Math for Google Slides™️

Place Value Math Unit for 3rd Grade Bundle of Lessons, Games, and Activities


Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures

Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
