2nd Grade Science Vocabulary Development
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need to have vocabulary development in the area of science? This resource includes 65 vocabulary words that are essential for the NGSS. Each word contains a graphic to help your students. The cards are perfect for a science word wall. Words are color coded for each unit.
red - motion and stability NGSS
green - life science NGSS
blue - earth science NGSS
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Multilingual ESL Periodic Elements labels English-Spanish-Arabic-Russian-Chinese
By Zaazoua Mostapha
Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these multilingual Periodic Elements Flashcards.
Each label takes up 1/4 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 118 Elements for a total of 30 pages. Check out the thumbnail and the preview of some pages in the pictures. They each feature the English verb in big, bold black letters while the other languages are in a smaller font and in different colors. Languages included are Chinese (simplified/Red), Arabic (Violet), Russian (Green), and Spanish (Brown). To help aid meaning, I've included illustrations.
The 118 vehicles included are: Hydrogen-Helium-Lithium-Beryllium-Boron-Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen-Fluorine-Neon-Sodium-Magnesium-Aluminum-Silicon -Phosphorus-Sulfur-Chlorine-Argon-Potassium-Calcium-Scandium-Titanium-Vanadium-Chromium-Manganese-Iron-Cobalt-Nickel-Copper-Zinc-Gallium-Germanium-Arsenic-Selenium-Bromine-Krypton-Rubidium-Strontium-Yttrium -Zirconium-Niobium-Molybdenum-Technetium-Ruthenium-Rhodium-Palladium -Silver-Cadmium-Indium-Tin-Antimony-Tellurium-Iodine-Xenon-Cesium-Barium -Lanthanum-Cerium-Praseodymium-Neodymium-Promethium-Samarium -Europium-Gadolinium-Terbium-Dysprosium-Holmium-Erbium-Thulium-Ytterbium-Lutetium-Hafnium-Tantalum-Tungsten-Rhenium-Osmium-Iridium-Platinum-Gold-Mercury-Thallium-Lead-Bismuth-Polonium-Astatine-Radon-Francium-Radium-Actinium-Thorium-Protactinium-Uranium-Neptunium-Plutonium-Americium-Curium-Berkelium-Californium-Einsteinium-Fermium-Mendelevium-Nobelium-Lawrencium-Rutherfordium-Dubnium-Seaborgium -Bohrium-Hassium-Meitnerium-Darmstadtium-Roentgenium-Copernicium -Nihonium-Flerovium-Moscovium-Livermorium-Tennessine-Oganesson.
Use these 118 fun and colorful cards to explore different types of chemical elements in 5 languages - use them as flashcards, a bulletin board or wall display, a memory matching game, or the foundation for more difficult practice of your choice like recognizing elements and many more.
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Also, I'm open to suggestions about other words to add to this set.
Note: This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.
If you have any requests we can help.
Science Vocabulary Bundle for Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade (NGSS)
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need to develop science vocabulary in your school? If so, this bundle is for you! There is a vocabulary card for each essential vocabulary word in the NGSS. Each word has a definition and most of the cards have illustrations. They are color-coded by topic.
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