2nd Grade Classroom Management Resources

Classroom Leadership Jobs! {History Guru}

By History Guru






Options: Don't worry, there are options! There are editable files and options in the PDF files to mee the needs of your classes! Do you have 10 periods...? I have got you covered! Teach Elementary...? I have got you covered!

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Kagan Grouping Cards Template

By History Guru

Let's face it, forming good cooperative learning teams can be a chore. Not anymore! To create effective teams, we must juggle a lot of variables. Writing everything out by hand on TONS of index cards is a hassle. Simply type in the template, print on cardstock, or just store in a google doc. BOOM, amazingness. Cooperative Learning at it's best.


Leveling/ Grouping Cards {History Guru}

By History Guru

Kagan believes that groups of four students are optimal. Let's face it, forming good cooperative learning teams can be a chore. Not anymore! To create effective teams, we must juggle a lot of variables: We want teams of four, but must form some teams of three or five to handle "extra" students. We want two boys and two girls per team, but when we run out of balanced sex teams we want same sex teams so the solo boy or girl is not given too much or too little attention. We want a high, high-medium, low-medium, and low ability student on each team to optimize tutoring and achievement. Creating teams can be a brain-racking, time-consuming process. This can be a helpful solution without making everything from hand or buying thier useful, but expensive software.

Each group should have two boys and two girls. This isn't always possible so I do as many as I can and then make all boy or all girl teams. If there is an odd number of students in the class then there will be a group of five or sometimes two groups of three with the remaining groups having four students. I did vary this last year with a couple of students that were boys. They were non-stop off task students when with another boy so they were placed in groups of all girls. Those girls kept them in line and they definitely had better behavior to impress the ladies. (This was not a Kagan suggestion. Just something that worked for me.)

To create my groups I needed my class rosters, the list with student Civics EOC scores, a pile of these cards that I printed on cardstock and color pencils that match the colors of the groups.

On the top of the index card I placed the student's name and their Civics EOC and reading scores and if they were a second language learner. With my second language learners, I place another student who speaks the same language if possible.

Next, I placed all of the index cards in order according to math Civics EOC scores from highest to lowest. The I divided the index cards into 4 groups, HIGH, HIGH MEDIUM, LOW MEDIUM and LOW scores.

Each group has one of each level student. Take a card from each of the groups of index cards and you have your teams.

On each index card I use a colored pencil to mark the team the students are placed in. In my classroom I have different colored stars above each of the team's, yellow, green, red, purple, pink, orange, blue and salmon. By placing the colors on the index cards I can make sure that when I change groups the students aren't place with the same peers again.

When placing the students in the groups you have them seated like this:



The high student next to the low medium can help that student when they work as shoulder partners and the high medium can help the low student in their understanding. Also having students with similar levels across from each other helps them to feel comfortable with students who are closer to their levels when working as face partners. I always had these students sitting next to each other but staggered the arrangements in the groups so they couldn't figure out who was the low or high one in each team. Groups should be changed about every six weeks.

There are desks not tables in my room which works out very well. When they take assessments I have them move to rows. We practice this the first week of school. I also noticed when I lecture they didn't pay attention so now when I lecture I have them facing forward and not in groups. (I don't lecture too much but when I do this seems to work for my kids.) It will be interesting having students this year who know the Kagan structures and expectations.

Check out samples on my Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

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Turn & Talk - Visual Communication Guidelines Poster

By Ms Garcia Store

This "Turn & Talk Poster" is a vibrant and engaging resource designed to foster effective communication within the classroom. This poster serves as a visual guide, providing step-by-step instructions for students on how to initiate and participate in thoughtful conversations.

With clear and colorful illustrations, the poster emphasizes key communication etiquette:

  1. Direct Engagement: Encourages students to face their conversation partner directly, promoting a sense of connection and active participation.
  2. Eye Contact: Highlights the importance of maintaining eye contact during discussions, reinforcing the significance of attentive listening and mutual respect.
  3. Sequential Speaking: Reminds students to take turns speaking, ensuring that each voice is heard and fostering a balanced exchange of ideas.
  4. Active Listening: Encourages students to listen quietly and attentively while their peers are speaking, creating a conducive environment for understanding and empathy.
  5. Teacher Connection: Guides students to return their attention to the teacher, promoting a smooth transition between partner discussions and whole-class interactions.

The "Turn & Talk Poster" is not only an educational tool but also a fun and visually appealing addition to the classroom environment. By incorporating this resource, educators can instill valuable communication skills in their students while creating a positive and collaborative learning atmosphere.


Control de entrega de tareas de hasta 20 alumnos

By Ms Garcia Store

Este archivo le será de gran utilidad a la hora de hacer un seguimiento de entrega de las distintas tareas que usted propone a sus alumnos en distintas plataformas online, como Seesaw por poner un ejemplo. He puesto las asignaturas de Lectura y Sociales, la de matemáticas y la de Ciencias Naturales pues son las que me competen, pero si usted imparte distintas materias, sólo tiene que cambiarles el nombre.

En la primera pestaña, la de color amarillo, podrá ver una visión clara y rápida de cómo están trabajando cada uno de sus alumnos. En esta pestaña no tiene que meter más datos que el nombre de sus alumnos y el ID si se deseara.

Será en las otras tres pestañas, las referentes a las asignaturas mencionadas, donde se marcará con un simple clic quién realiza cada una de las tareas asignadas. A mis alumnos les mando una tarea diaria de cada asignatura. Se nos mostrará el número de tareas realizadas y la nota semanal de cada alumno, siendo el baremo el siguiente: un 1 si entregan 1 tarea, un 2 si entregan 2, un 3 si entregan 3, y un 4 si entregan 4 o 5 tareas. Cambie la fórmula de la columna "nota" si usted tiene un baremo distinto.

En la primera pestaña, la llamada "Inicio", aparecerá de forma automática el número de tareas que cada alumno realizó cada semana y en cada asignatura, pero la nota que aparece es la nota media de cada una de las semanas hasta la fecha. Da igual si su trimestre es de nueve semanas o menos, los datos que aparezcan siempre serán acordes al número de semanas introducidos. Si usted dejó de meter datos en la semana siete, las notas serán automáticamente una nota media en base a siete semanas y no a nueve.

Por último, la pestaña naranja, la llamada "Tareas semanales", me sirve para saber quién me entrega la tarea semanal, una única entrega por semana. En ella se marca quién entrega esta tarea y se nos muestra el número total de tareas presentadas y el porcentaje que representa en cada una de las semanas. Así pues, si un alumno presenta la tarea las tres primeras semanas, reflejará un 100% en cada una de ellas, pero si no vuelve a entregar ninguna el porcentaje irá disminuyendo paulatinamente hasta la última semana de evaluación.

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Homework Delivery Management of up to 20 students

By Ms Garcia Store

This file will be very useful when it comes to tracking the delivery of the different homework that you propose to your students on the different online platforms, for example, Seesaw or Google Class, for up to 9 weeks.

 I have put the subjects of Language Arts and Social Studies, Mathematics and Natural Sciences because they are the ones that concern me, but if you teach different subjects, you just must rename them. 

In the "Home" tab, the yellow one, you can see a clear and quick overview of how each of your students is working. In this tab, you don't have to enter more data than the name of the students and the ID if desired. It will be in the other three tabs, those referring to the mentioned subjects, where you will mark with a simple click who performs each of the assigned tasks. 

I use to send them a daily exercise for each subject. It will show us the number of daily homework performed and the grade of each student in each of the weeks. The range used is the following: a "1" if they deliver a weekly homework, a "2" if they deliver two, a "3" if they deliver three, and a "4" if they deliver four or five tasks throughout the week. Change the formula in the "Grade" column if you have a different string. 

In the first tab, called "Home", the number of assignments performed by each student in each subject will appear automatically below every week´s column. The grade that appears is the average grade for all the weeks to date. It does not matter if your quarter is nine weeks or less, the data that appears will always be according to the number of weeks entered. If there were no more than seven weeks, the marks will automatically be an average mark based on seven weeks and not nine. 

Finally, the orange tab helps me to know who gives me a series of WEEKLY exercises that in my class we call “Weekly homework”. It is marked who gives it and it shows us the total number of weekly tasks submitted and the percentage that it represents to date. So, if a student submits the Weekly Assignment for the first three weeks, it will reflect 100% in all of them, but if they stop delivering them, the percentage will gradually decrease until the last evaluation week. On the contrary, if the student does not present anything the first two weeks, but he does in the third, in the first two you could see 0% and in the third 33%, since that is what it represents to date.


Control de entrega de tareas de hasta 15 alumnos

By Ms Garcia Store

Este recurso será de gran utilidad para realizar un seguimiento de las tareas asignadas a sus alumnos en plataformas online como Seesaw, por ejemplo. He proporcionado asignaturas como Lectura y Sociales, Matemáticas y Ciencias Naturales, pero si imparte otras materias, simplemente cambie los nombres.

En la primera pestaña, de color amarillo, obtendrá una visión clara y rápida del progreso de cada alumno. Aquí solo necesita ingresar el nombre de los alumnos y, si lo desea, su ID.

En las tres pestañas restantes, correspondientes a las asignaturas mencionadas, puede marcar con un simple clic quién ha completado cada tarea asignada. Envío una tarea diaria para cada asignatura a mis alumnos. Se mostrará el número de tareas completadas y la calificación semanal de cada alumno, utilizando la siguiente escala: 1 si entregan 1 tarea, 2 si entregan 2, 3 si entregan 3, y 4 si entregan 4 o 5 tareas. Si su baremo es diferente, simplemente cambie la fórmula en la columna "calificación".

En la primera pestaña, llamada "Inicio", se mostrará automáticamente el número de tareas que cada alumno ha completado semanalmente en cada asignatura, y la calificación que aparece es el promedio de las calificaciones semanales hasta la fecha. No importa si su trimestre es de nueve semanas o menos, los datos siempre estarán basados en el número de semanas ingresadas. Si deja de ingresar datos en la semana siete, las calificaciones se calcularán automáticamente en función de siete semanas, no nueve.

Por último, en la pestaña naranja, llamada "Tareas semanales", podrá verificar quién ha entregado la tarea semanal, que se debe entregar una vez por semana. Aquí se registra quién entrega la tarea y se muestra el número total de tareas presentadas y el porcentaje que representan en cada semana. Si un alumno entrega la tarea durante las tres primeras semanas, reflejará un 100% en cada una de ellas. Sin embargo, si no entregan más tareas, el porcentaje disminuirá gradualmente hasta la última semana de evaluación.

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Homework Delivery Management of up to 15 students

By Ms Garcia Store

This file will be very useful when it comes to tracking the delivery of the different homework that you propose to your students on the different online platforms, for example, Seesaw or Google Class, for up to 9 weeks.

 I have put the subjects of Language Arts and Social Studies, Mathematics and Natural Sciences because they are the ones that concern me, but if you teach different subjects, you just must rename them. 

In the "Home" tab, the yellow one, you can see a clear and quick overview of how each of your students is working. In this tab, you don't have to enter more data than the name of the students and the ID if desired. It will be in the other three tabs, those referring to the mentioned subjects, where you will mark with a simple click who performs each of the assigned tasks. 

I use to send them a daily exercise for each subject. It will show us the number of daily homework performed and the grade of each student in each of the weeks. The range used is the following: a "1" if they deliver a weekly homework, a "2" if they deliver two, a "3" if they deliver three, and a "4" if they deliver four or five tasks throughout the week. Change the formula in the "Grade" column if you have a different string. 

In the first tab, called "Home", the number of assignments performed by each student in each subject will appear automatically below every week´s column. The grade that appears is the average grade for all the weeks to date. It does not matter if your quarter is nine weeks or less, the data that appears will always be according to the number of weeks entered. If there were no more than seven weeks, the marks will automatically be an average mark based on seven weeks and not nine. 

Finally, the orange tab helps me to know who gives me a series of WEEKLY exercises that in my class we call “Weekly homework”. It is marked who gives it and it shows us the total number of weekly tasks submitted and the percentage that it represents to date. So, if a student submits the Weekly Assignment for the first three weeks, it will reflect 100% in all of them, but if they stop delivering them, the percentage will gradually decrease until the last evaluation week. On the contrary, if the student does not present anything the first two weeks, but he does in the third, in the first two you could see 0% and in the third 33%, since that is what it represents to date.


Self Care Toolkit

By Lara Hocheiser

Are you a parent, caretaker, or classroom teacher who is trying to find ways to integrate self care into your students and your day? In this self care toolkit, you will receive

- 3 different breaths to practice: Star Tracing Breath, Gratitude Breath, and Power of the Sun Breath

- A Kid-Friendly Sun Salutation sequence with a poem

- 2 Daily Practice Journals (Healthy Habits Tracker and Morning Routine Tracker)

- A Mindful Hand Wash Meditation

- 5 Breath Space Maker Transition activity (Helpful for classroom teachers!)

These self care toolkit worksheets have directions, fill-in-the-blank areas, and coloring areas!


7 Feelings: Left-Out

By Lara Hocheiser

Use this tool to help kids with social-emotional learning. In this worksheet, you will find space for your students to draw how the specific feeling looks to them, space for writing about when they experienced that feeling, and a space for them to write and draw what that feeling is associated with.


7 Feelings: Love

By Lara Hocheiser

Use this tool to help kids with social-emotional learning. In this worksheet, you will find space for your students to draw how the specific feeling looks to them, space for writing about when they experienced that feeling, and a space for them to write and draw what that feeling is associated with.


7 Feelings: Happy

By Lara Hocheiser

Use this tool to help kids with social-emotional learning. In this worksheet, you will find space for your students to draw how the specific feeling looks to them, space for writing about when they experienced that feeling, and a space for them to write and draw what that feeling is associated with.


7 Feelings: Afraid

By Lara Hocheiser

Use this tool to help kids with social-emotional learning. In this worksheet, you will find space for your students to draw how the specific feeling looks to them, space for writing about when they experienced that feeling, and a space for them to write and draw what that feeling is associated with.


7 Feelings: Anger

By Lara Hocheiser

Use this tool to help kids with social-emotional learning. In this worksheet, you will find space for your students to draw how the specific feeling looks to them, space for writing about when they experienced that feeling, and a space for them to write and draw what that feeling is associated with.


My Relationship with others Activity Sheets

By Lara Hocheiser

Use these worksheets during your social-emotional learning instruction. These worksheets give children a space to reflect and journal about who they trust, who they would talk to in a time of need, and why. There is also space for children to draw.


7 Feelings: Sad

By Lara Hocheiser

Use this tool to help kids with social-emotional learning. In this worksheet, you will find space for your students to draw how the specific feeling looks to them, space for writing about when they experienced that feeling, and a space for them to write and draw what that feeling is associated with.


Belly Breathing Worksheet

By Lara Hocheiser

Use this resource as a brain break in your home or classroom! This one page resource explains how to belly breathe, and gives children a place to reflect on the experience and color.


Encouraging Compliments Coloring Bookmarks Cards Kindness Positive Affirmations

By Eden Digital Arts

Encouraging positive affirmations/compliments with cute animals, coloring bookmarks/cards for kids, these could be used as a fun positivity coloring activity at a party, in the classroom, or done as a homeschool craft activity, bulletin board decor, used as party favors and DIY gifts for Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, 100th day, anti-bullying, for early finisher activity, and more.

For best results print them on thick cardstock paper or could be printed on colored paper to be given out as is without coloring.

1 Pdf with 8 different bookmarks in two sizes.

Large bookmark measures about 8.25" by 2.5",

and smaller sets are 7" by 2".

US letter-size pages 8.5” by 11”.

Matching kindness coloring pages with same animals:

10 Kindness Encouraging Quotes Words Coloring Pages

Similar items you might like:

  • Cute Animals Encouraging Quotes Coloring Pages Acts of Kindness & Positivity
  • Cute Dinosaur Puns Coloring Bookmarks
  • Positive Words Cute Animals Flowers Coloring Bookmarks Kindness Craft Activity
  • Be Kind Coloring Bookmarks Cute Bees, Kindness Craft Activity Anti Bullying
  • Cute Animal Puns Coloring Bookmarks Acts of Kindness Positivity Cards Craft
  • Mermaids Positive Words Coloring Bookmarks Kindness Craft


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For personal use by one teacher only, please do not resell or share this file.


Cute Dinosaur Puns Coloring Bookmarks Kindness Positive Dino Cards Zen Craft

By Eden Digital Arts

Encouraging compliments cute dinosaur puns coloring bookmarks for kids, these could be used as a fun positivity coloring activity at a party, in the classroom, or done as a homeschool craft activity, bulletin board decor, used as party favors and DIY gifts for Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, 100th day, anti-bullying, for early finisher activity, back to school, after testing, and more.

For best results print them on thick cardstock paper or could be printed on colored paper to be given out as is without coloring.

1 Pdf with 8 different bookmarks in two sizes.

Large bookmark measures about 8.25" by 2.5",

and smaller sets are 7" by 2".

US letter-size pages 8.5” by 11”.

Similar items you might like:

  • Cute Animals Encouraging Quotes Coloring Pages Acts of Kindness & Positivity
  • Encouraging Compliments Coloring Bookmarks
  • Be Kind Coloring Bookmarks Cute Bees, Kindness Craft Activity Anti Bullying
  • Cute Animal Puns Coloring Bookmarks Acts of Kindness Positivity Cards Craft
  • Mermaids Positive Words Coloring Bookmarks Kindness Craft


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For personal use by one teacher only, please do not resell or share this file.


Be Kind Coloring Bookmarks Cute Bees, Kindness Craft Activity Anti Bullying

By Eden Digital Arts

Kindness encouraging words with cute bees and flowers printable coloring bookmarks for kids. These could be colored and given out as cards, to spread the anti-bullying message, or to celebrate any occasion, such as Valentine's Day, for Random Acts of Kindness Day, 100th day and more.


These would work great as page tags, for tracing, used as a family, classroom, homeschool activity, as a DIY gift, like cards, or gift tags, or as an activity at a party.

For best results print them on thick cardstock paper, color, and cut up.

Similar items you might like:

  • 12 Cute Animals Encouraging Quotes Coloring Pages Acts of Kindness & Positivity
  • 12 Cute Unicorns Positive Quotes Coloring Bookmarks
  • Cute Animal Puns Coloring Bookmarks Acts of Kindness Positivity Cards Craft
  • Positive Words Cute Animals Flowers Coloring Bookmarks Kindness Craft Activity
  • Encouraging Compliments Coloring Bookmarks Cards Kindness Positive Affirmations
  • Mermaids Positive Words Coloring Bookmarks Kindness Craft


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For personal use by one teacher only, please do not resell or share this file.
